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The Tribes of Sinnoh - The War


What if I'm asleep?
It’s the 8th century and a massive war is raging across the Sinnoh region. The region has split into many parts each controlled by one of the seventeen tribes. The tribes have been in war for a century and the land is being ravaged. A few of the Tribesmen and women have grown tired of the war and left for a more peaceful life travelling across the region, others are trying to unite the tribes for the good of the world. Each of the tribes have a spiritual connection to Pokémon of their tribe and are thus able to understand them. Each Tribe has taken control of their home:
The Insect Tribe has control of Floaroma and can send messages easily thanks to the bug Pokémon in their forest and are currently at truce with the Grass Tribe.
The Dragon tribe is on Spear Pillar and is the smallest of the tribes and have lived on their mountain since the tribes were first founded.
The Grass tribe inhabits Eterna and are able to live alone in a forest for months because they can seek the advice of the grass Pokémon living in them.
The Aquos Tribe has the swamp and are the only tribe with a mastery of water based fighting, the other tribes have boats but the Aquos Tribe is born with natural agility on the water.
The Fire Tribe has control of a large island to the west of Sinnoh, they are the second smallest but are almost impossible to reach on their island.
The Dark Tribe rarely stays in one place but returns to the southern part of the region at the end of every month, They have rarely ever been caught during their travelling as they always move at night.
The Ghost Tribe has Spirit Spring and is a timid tribe that rarely goes on the attack, they seem to move about their mazed cavern like ghosts but truly are able to navigate the misty caves with ease due to the spirits living there.
The Rock Tribe lives in Orebrough and are a hardy tribe that defend their tribe with bravery, they have a natural rock climbing ability but find climbing trees hard for unknown reasons.
The Earth Tribe has Solaceon Village and an adept understanding of farming and minerals.
The Steel Tribe lives on Iron Island, they are the best weapon smiths in the world and can harden steel to near diamond strength, they travel to trade with the mainland whenever their supplies run low.
The Mind Tribe has Celestic city, they are not the best fighters but are rarely attacked because of their skills with traps.
The Thunder Tribe has Fuego Valley and are fast and agile from birth, they have an ancient connection with their valley and can sense when a storm is coming.
The Wind tribe controls Sunnyshore and are the only tribe that has even a minor understanding of aerial technology and have created gliders to travel around the rocky valleys of their home.
The Toxic Tribe is in Hearthrome village and have a vast knowledge of poisons and potions, they rarely attack their opponents directly but instead prefer to sneak around.
The Arctic Tribe lives in the northern part of Sinnoh and uses their allies to create snowstorms during raids.
The Warrior Tribe has control of Veilstone Mountain. They are the greatest fighters in Sinnoh and show it in battle, most of their tribe fights independently so can be overcome by tactical manoeuvres.
The Avon Tribe is settled in a remote area of the south west called little root village, it sits peacefully and is the largest of the seventeen, this tribe has more than triple the population of the Dragon tribe but still struggle to defend from the Warrior Tribe.
Other than the seventeen tribes there are small towns around Sinnoh that are not involved in the war, the tribes trade with these towns as they need the provisions that the war drains.

1. No character modding/god modding.
2. Rated 13+, minor cursing is allowed, as is most romance, but limit the details. Relationships are fine, but a detailed description of your sex life is not needed.
3. You may be either someone for the war, against the war or indifferent to the war
4. All Pokémon are allowed except Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Regigigas, Ho-oh, Lugia, Legendary birds, Deoxys, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Mew, Mewtwo, Resharim, Zekrom and Arceus. As for the other legendaries there can be more than one.
4a. Legendaries in these days are like regular Pokémon today, they were hunted to near extinction in the future.
4b. Accepted Legendaries these days are not overly powered.
5. Second characters are allowed but only one Tribal Chief per person.
6. No you do not have to talk in an accent unless you want to.
7. Enjoy Yourself

1. People of a tribe can speak to and understand pokemon of their tribes type. (eg. fire tribe can understand all fire types)
2. The Dragon Tribe is the smallest so preferably not everyone go for that one.

Form Skeleton
Tribe: (Which of the Seventeen Tribes are they from? Or are they from one of the smaller towns about the region?)
Personality: (Can be PO)
Description: (What do they look like?(Pictures Allowed))
Partner Pokémon Details: (Species, Name, Description, Biography, etc. (Not Necessary))
Biography: (Character’s History)
Relationships: (PG 13, Family, Boyfriend/girlfriend, family, friends, etc.)
Other: (Anything else?)

Species: (What pokemon are they? (See Rule 4))
Item: (Can be changed or custom. If custom explain the effects)
Home: (Where does this character live)
Personality: (Can Be PO)
Description: (What do they look like (Pictures allowed))
Biography: (Tell us a little history)
Relationships: (PG 13, Family, Boyfriend/girlfriend, family, friends, etc.)
Other: (Anything else)

Name: Blake Entan
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Tribe: Dark Tribe
Personality: Warm hearted, he will help any in need but rarely trusts those he doesn’t know.
Description: Black Ragged hair, grey-purple eyes, black clothing and a silver pendant in the shape of a sword hangs around his neck. A Broad Sword hangs on his back.
Partner Pokémon Details: Darkrai. Shade. Average for a Darkrai except that he has a silver band on each arm. He was found inside an ancient cave near the tribes home, when he and Blake met they instantly bonded. He is loyal to Blake and protects him with his life.
Biography: Blake is the son of the war council chief, when he turned sixteen his father sent him into battle with an attacking force. He watched people die before his eyes and then decided he would leave, he couldn’t stand killing people. He has spent the last year of his life travelling around the region with his friend Darkrai.
Relationships: He never met his mother as she was killed during a raid soon after he was born, he doesn’t know what’s happened to his father, but he believes he will be exiled if he ever returns.
Other: Not really.
Name: Blaze
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Growlithe
Item: Flame Plate (moulded into necklace)
Home: A small cave near the Fire Tribe’s Island near the beach.
Personality: A little hot headed at times but can think out complicated situations when necessary. Rest is PO.
Description: Slightly smaller than the average Growlithe, he has a scar on his left eye where he was attacked by a Qwilfish many years before.
Biography: None as of yet.
Other: Yes he lives near the beach, so what?



Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:
Xero [M]
Blake Entan [M]

Tribe Leader:
Ellie Perima [F]

Tribal Chief:

Hilao Bizun [M]

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:
Reserved: Brock (Agalo [M])

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:
Reserved: Exo-Raikou

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:
Nasange Genghisid [M]

Tribal Chief:

Sulrah [M]

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:

Tribal Chief:

Wild Pokémon:
Blaze [M] - Growlithe
Lily [F] - Espeon
Akain [M] - Umbreon
Rikilo [M] - Machamp
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Name: Ellie Perima
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Tribe: Mind Tribal Chief
Personality: PO
Description: For those of you who are in my RP, you already know who Ellie is and what she looks like.
Partner Pokémon Details: I'm just going to put the species and name:
[F] Moriah
Biography: Ellie grew up in the Mind Tribe, knowing it's ways since she was old enough to comprehend them. As she grew, the Mind Tribe leader dies of an illness that also affected most of the Tribe. Ellie was chosen to be the tribe leader at the very young age of nine, due to having excellent leadership skills and already matured mentally.
Relationships: Maybe, if alright with Explosion, Ellie and Xero could have a forbidden relationship?
Other: Kinda like the Espeon/Umbreon Psychic/Dark thing goin' on.

Name: Lily
Age: 13 in Espeon years
Gender: Female~
Species: Espeon
Item: Star Shard - raises all stats when HP is under half.
Home: Same place as Blake.
Personality: PO
Description: Lily has darker paws, green eyes, and wears her Star Shard on a collar-like necklace, giving her the domestic appearance - she is quite docile, though, so the look fits.
Biography: Lily, like my other sona Tanya, just is not complete without a soulmate, preferrably a Jolteon as I have always drawn her in love with a Jolteon who has no idea of her feelings, if anyone wants to sign up as a Jolteon...
Other: Nuuuupe~
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Name: Xero (pronunced Zey-Roh)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Tribe: Dark Tribe Chief
Personality: Xero give little to no mercy to his enemies. He is easily infuriated, and won't hesitate to attack anyone who royally pisses him off. He is somewhat overconfident, so he doesn't carry around extra weapons.
Description: Xero has black hair, in a casual style. He has green eyes. he wears a black cloak which is a good idea considering how cold Sinnoh is. He goes barefoot, enduring the terrain. (Yes, he does have clothes under the cloak, but do I seem like a person who would want to look up what people wore in the 8th century?
Partner Pokémon Details: Zoroark (Zero)

Biography: Xero's dad was the Tribe leader, but after he died, Xero became the leader, becoming the youngest chief in Dark Tribe history. After A lot of experience with being a tribe leader and trianing his partner Pokemon to take down any foe, he has become a great leader.
Relationships: None.
Other: Nope, except that becuase he is overconfiedent, he doesn't have any weapons except for Zero, but he is great at martial arts when he needs to go into a fight.

Accepted? Please?
Name: Hilao Bizun
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Tribe: Insect Tribe
Personality: He's calm, collected and silent. He rarely if ever talks, mostly though that's because he lives with his Beedrill and noone else
Description: He is tall, about 5'11 but weighs almost nothing. His hair is blond, but it turns white after prolonged exposure to the sun. He has deep blue eyes. His skin is very pale as a result of living on the forest's cool, damp and dark floor. He wears a black suit akin to ninjas but without the ninja mask.
Partner Pokémon Details: Beedrill Male "Spear"
Biography: Hilao lived in the forest all his life. His partner Beedrill has been with him for years, after Hilao saved the young Kakuna from drowning in a river after it was attacked by a Jolteon. He occasionally ventures between the forest and Floroma, but mostly lives in the forest.
Relationships: Nopamundo
Other: Nopamundo


Name: Utah
Age: 14 (Jolteon years)
Gender: Male
Item: He has sock-like things made from rags. They make his kicking attacks do less damage, but they stop his feet getting sore.
Home: A cave in Mount Coronet, near Celestic Town
Personality: He loves rushing into things without thinking it through. He has a deep hate for humans since one stole his meal right out of the river were he'd dropped it. He also hates Beedrills
Description: Like this one
Biography: Lily the Espeon (?)
Other: Nopamundo
Maybe, if alright with Explosion, Ellie and Xero could have a forbidden relationship?
Like the relationship between Blumiere and Tipini in Super Paper Mario? Forbidden meaning banned from doing it? (Even if we both are Tribe leaders, I would think that's it's a law to prohibit that)
Pichu Chris: Accepted
Mewtwo: Thanks for pointing that out, I just realised the two mistakes; Lack of species and relationships sections on the pokemon form.
Sorry, missed that: Due to the war I think that the tribes would probably not be happy if two enemy tribes men or women got into a relationship. So yeah it would be forbidden, but has that ever stopped anyone anywhere before?
Yeah, up to the two involved. You two are in charge of how much drama goes on, stopping at controling other peoples characters.
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