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Unova Trainers Embark!~Sign Up


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
You are about to go on a journey in the unova region. Juniper has gotten a new shipment of pkmn. The moment you pick that starter,you begin you quest! You befriend pokemon, meet new trainers (the other participants),and just mmight be champ!!

To sign up,fill out this bio


mine is;
pretty much goes solo, but when she has a friend in danger,she'll do anything to save them!
looks like the girl in pokemon b/w

there are 2 of each starter(one male, one female)Eevee doesn't count as a starter.Pikachu does. You pick one starter. You can get either male OR female.


DarkAura (starter (F)charmander)
Mewmew:) (starter (F) Snivy)

Contest coordinators:Mewmew:),

Musical coordinators:

Pokemon masters:Darkaura,


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Just gonna put it back up so I can keep it up to date.

Name: Julia Starz
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: A very shy person, she will hang back in a group. She has strength but is to shy to use it to it's fullest. She likes battles but really dreams to be a coordinator. Loves electric types, except pikachu because she doesn't think he is cute.
Appearance: looks like Elesa but has orangish red hair and wears skull candy head phones instead. Also all the black on Elesa outfit is purple on hers.
(sorry to double post)
Are you gonna make groups like in the show. 3 people, 1 is trainer, 1 is coordinator, and the final can be either or just the friend.
(think Brock, Ash, Dawn)
(sorry to double post)
Are you gonna make groups like in the show. 3 people, 1 is trainer, 1 is coordinator, and the final can be either or just the friend.
(think Brock, Ash, Dawn)

Yeah,probably,although the coordinater might be either a pokemon musical coordinator or just pokemon contest.

The groups will be determined by RNG.

If we don't have an even amount,some people will go solo.ok,i'll make it in groups.i assume you want the pokecoordinator group.
kind of guessed that,lol. Ok,now....we need....like 10 more members.=\
Hey no worries give it time, also you could start it when you get 6 then more people may see it and join.
As of now, I'm putting this RP in reserve. I have a much better idea.But people can still join and just wait.
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