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[Open] Concordia's Elements


In the land of Okarthel, the balance between civilization and nature is a delicate thing. Stretches of vast wilderness stand between the pinpoints of light of the cities, deadly beasts and bandits wandering these wild forests, sweeping plains, and sucking swamps. But still civilization holds fast, slowly strengthening and spreading into the wilds. The two forces exist in fragile harmony, and have for as long as any can remember. This is thanks to six great God-Beasts, almost as old as the world itself, birthed from the primordial goddess Concordia as she died after creating the world, so say the old legends. Each of the God-Beasts represents an element of the world, set to protect that aspect.


The God of the Dogwood is the element of Wood, and the guardian of forests and plants. He is the patron of farmers and those who live a simple country life, and his festivals occur in fall, asking for a bountiful harvest. He is responsible for keeping the sky-touchingly tall trees of the ancient forests alive. He is known as a gentle, giving God-Beast, helping crops grow.

The Aspect of the Tide is the element of Water, and the guardian of the deepest seas and smallest ponds. She is prayed to and given offerings by sailors and fishermen, but also those wishing for rains. She is a temperamental God-Beast at times, and under her serene surface lies some of the most crushingly powerful forces on earth, but also capable of much kindness.

The Vixen of Embers is the element of Fire, and the trickster God-Beast. She is a flickering, laughing, mercurial God-Beast, incredibly playful, but also powerful when wronged. She represents the force of fire itself, but also the warmth of the sun. Her festivals occur in summer.

The Drumbeat of the Prairie is the element of Earth, and the most level of the God-Beasts. She hides nothing, always open and honest. She is mostly calm, but occasional upsets are said to cause earthquakes. She is the fertile earth, and also highly revered among farmers and mothers.

The Will of Iron is the element of Metal, and a great font of physical strength as well as intense loyalty to a cause. She is patron of those of battle for a cause, and those with a vow to not give up. She is also prayed to by those wishing to temper their bodies. Her image can be found in armouries and dojos all over.

The Spirit of Unity is the element of Spirit, most versatile of all elements and the very source of magic. She is a shy God-Beast, almost never appearing, be it in her physical form or in visions, only speaking when necessary. She is the patron of sorcerers and wizards, as well as scholars and writers.​

But now, things are...changing. Crops won't grow, droughts are rampant, small earthquakes and forest fires springing up. There is word of a far-away forest growing dark and twisted, ancient trees warping and dying. Whispers speak a rumour that whatever is causing the corruption is located there, in the ancient Forest of Ardwin, which is not labelled on any map. The common people don't know what to do, and fear for their lives and cities.

But one voice speaks out with a way - calm and cure the God-Beasts, who must be corrupted or hurt if their powers are not working anymore. The woman who speaks this message seeks assistance, aiming to seek out the God-Beasts. She needs protectors and fighters, after all.

Dare you travel the dangerous wilds in search of a cure for the plagues of the land? It will be a most dangerous task, and not all will return alive...



-This is an RP 101 group. Look at it.
-You can apply as any humanoid non-immortal race, but I can veto it for any reason, so don't do anything dumb.
-I don't expect essays but a moderate length would be appreciated. As well as good spelling and so on.
-Keep the form as is. don't change, unbold, or modify it. Just add your info.


[B]Age:[/B] No kids. Whatever is a kid for your species. In fact, no young teens. If you're under whatever the equivalent of a human's 18 years is for you, then no.
[B]Species:[/B] See the rules.
[B]Job/"Class":[/B] Like if you were in D&D/a fantasy game. Fighter? Ranger? Wizard? etc. Also include other 'mundane' jobs you may have, like farmer or baker.

Magic-using characters will have ONE specialty normally. Usually this stems from one of the six God-Beasts, though disciples of Spirit are prone to more randomness in their magic. Older characters may have mastered more than one kind, as it takes a while to learn.

[B]Appearance:[/B] If a picture is not specifically of your character, then no. And link it, not post directly. If examples of your species's general appearance are needed, use "Other".


[B]Personality:[/B] May be PO, but please provide at least a few basic words about them.



-High Moon [Reva Miirik]
-Zora [reserve]
-Black Yoshi [Waylon Brom]
-Coroxn [Aollux Paldebaran]
-Windragon [Iosephus Raptis/reserve]
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So this is somewhat a MLP FiM? X3


Name: Vesta Hearth
Gender: Female
Age: 60 (20 in human years)
Species: Elf
Job/"Class": Wizard, but sometimes takes care of a medium flame that was a Shrine to the spirit of fire.

Magic-Blazing inanimate objects and herself. She can make small or medium flames appear on inanimate objects, but she can also cover herself in flames (being affilated with fire, she is immune to her own flames, but strong amounts from somewhere else can harm her), which can cloak her if she wants to be hidden.

Appearance: As an elf, she is tall for her age, but only is 4"3. She has long pointy ears and long yellow hair, not blond, but yellow. Her eyes are as blue as an ocean floor!

History: As a young elfling,she would go outside, bubbling in laughter, and frolic all day. One day, she got lost in a dark forest. She was stuck there, with no way to escape!

Everything looked gloom to Vesta then. She would be stuck there, with nothing to do, with her life shortening every day. She looked to her left. There was a bright flame at the end.

She followed the flame that brought her back home. She dedicated the flame and her life to the Vixen of Embers. She held the flame that never burnt her once an brought it right behind a shrine dedicated to the Vixen of Embers. She Now takes care of it everyday, making sure the fire's life never burned out like her's almost did.

Personality: She likes to frolic about, but she doesnt talk to people, even though she is always laughing. She rarely frowns.

Other: Vesta is an Elf. Her village of Elves live right inside the Ember Forest, where Vesta found the flame. the village of elves possess certain qualities, like baker or magician, but never in the existance of the village has anyone had a hobby of tending an open fire!

Of course, no one was as fireproof as Vesta in the village. Everyone would stare down at an elf for tending a flame, but the Flame is sacred.

Elves are usually very judgemental, and even the ones usually not have anger issues. But Vesta isnt like the other elves! =P
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I see the 6 elements.

One embodies laughter
One embodies loyalty
One embodies generosity
One embodies magic

I see something awfully simillar to the 6 elements of harmony. =)
Never heard of that. It made me think of MLP cause theres like 6 elements and i know the fire one resembles pinkie pie alot. (but yeah, it's probably a coincidence)
Name: Reva Miirik
Gender: Female
Age: 3500
Species: Dea
Job/"Class": Summoner

In-tune with the spirits abound, her specialty is with the "Spirit" Element naturally to her class. As time time moved on however, she felt the shift in the balance of the world from where she meditated. Returning to the old Temple atop of a breezy hill, she went into a state of deep meditation to search for answers on what must be done by trying to confer with the voice of the immortal Spirit.

Through her meditation, she had tapped into a lament power and loosened the tight locks enough to spur her onto her quest.

Appearance: [Image] She has short bright red hair and bright orange eyes with a sideways pupil. A pair of horns curving from above her brow and pointed ears, wearing a orange accented white furisode adorned with stitch work of a flower and dragonflies on her sleeves, waist band and the bottom on the clothing. She wears a black choker with a orange stone, white socks and a pair of thong sandals. Her skin a light tan and she sports a pair of small black wings usually covered by her furisode.

History: Seeking refuge as a young child, she found herself a home in a simple temple atop a hill. Keeping herself hidden from the people that travel to the temple for a prayer atop of the ceiling beams, she found that the temple was a modest dedication to the Spirit of Unity. From her hiding spot she learned the common language of the people and studied their mannerisms when they prayed to the Element. When the temple was empty, she would slip out of hiding and repeat a prayer she heard that day in hopes of figuring out how it all worked. Throughout her stay in the temple, she made a daily habit of hiding in the ceiling beams to watch the people, repeat a prayer she heard and take a straw broom to clean the floors to pass the time.

One day she found herself sitting before the alter, enjoying the silence of the temple and the soft wind blowing through the high windows. Closing her eyes, she folds her hand on her lap and let her mind drift and clear as she slipped into a light meditation. As she fell into a state of complete calm, she could hear a soft little sound in the back of her mind fluttering. Searching for the source, she would only catch a faint light in her mind's eye darting into a unfocused area of her mind as if trying to keep out of sight and making soft squeaking sounds when darting away.

After that day, Reva added meditation to her daily routine and mentally played hide and seek with the strange little light in her mind with quiet joy. The more she focused her mind into finding the light, the easier it became for her to develop her mind enough to take control over her lament magic within. After a steady twenty years of the same routine, she became versed in the skill of speaking with the departed and guiding them to the temple during the night, allowing them access to the other side by using a simple pan flute as a guiding sound to the ones falling behind. On quiet nights she would travel to a pond below the hill and walk along the stones that act as a path across, playing a fluttering song to amuse the earthly spirits as they would dance across the pond in the forms of fireflies.

Time passed as she remained in her temple home, watching the people she once saw as young child grow into adults and later into elders. She was often curious as to why the people would age at such a rate while she herself did not. Bothered by this thought, she sat before the alter and slipped into a state of meditation to voice her question to the Spirit of Unity. As usual she heard the soft shuffling in her mind and a flicker of light of one side but was surprised when words formed in her mind in glowing letters. The words explained that the people were human and that she herself was not. The life span of herself was much longer than that of a human and she shouldn't be sad to watch the humans grow old. With a light heart she thanked the Element and awakened from her meditation with a new sense of knowledge.

More time passed, the people of old passing away and were guiding by Reva to the spirit plain while the people of new slowly stopped coming to the temple for their prayer. At first she questioned herself why they would stop coming, but soon let go of the idea as she watched the small village below grow into a fairly large city around her. Buildings rose as if trying to claim the sky, devices to ease the troubles of mankind were born over the years. Stories of war, death, famine and other countries drifted in the wind as the progress of mankind and other races came together to form a unity. Though through this progress, the people seemed incapable of being rid of the aging temple upon the hill no matter the state of abandonment he fell into.

Alone in the temple, Reva would watch the world outside the window and hope that one day more people would come. She had grown lonely and missed the days of watching people from above as they prayed to the reigning Element. It wasn't until a small group of children looking for a ghost that she came to understand her true talent as a Summoner. She watched as they slipped into the temple and begun to poke around the simple domain, voicing the eeriness that the temple floors looked to been recently swept. Curious as to why they have come, she walked around the ceiling beams to keep them insight. Silently she watched the children until one boy slipped off his backpack and removed a can of paint. Wrinkling her nose to the smell, she watched as the boy started to spray the walls with the foul smell and ruining the delicate carvings in the wall. Angered by this, she muttered under her breath that she wondered why their ancestors would say if they could see their descendents defacing a temple to one of the Elements. It was then that she felt the presence of a small group behind her, causing her to turn and look upon a gathering of spirits of the people from the olden times. She watched as they drifted down to the floor below and spoke to the children on how disappointed they have made their ancestors, which in turn was answered with the dropping of the paint can and the fearful screams on the children as they ran out of the door. Once the children were gone, Reva dropped to the floor and asked the spirits why they have come. The spirits explained that Reva had summoned them when she was angered by the children, using her element-aligned magic to call them from the spirit world where they reside. Amazed by this, she begun her training as a Summoner with the guidance and patience of the spirits she once lead to the spirit world as her teachers.

Eras passed after her true training started, the world around the temple growing larger and more advanced as the natural energy of the world started to slowly weaken. Hearing the soft cries of the earth's spirit, she entered a deep state of meditation in search of answers to how to quell this turn of events. Unknown to her, she had stayed in this state for over a thousand years before she was released from her state with her purpose and the sense of something being partially unlocked within herself.

Personality: Curious and cheerful as well as a bit silly at times. Mainly PO'd.

Other: Dea- a race of people born of a Denizen of Hell and a denizen from the mortal plain. These beings are seen as ill omens and are usually hunted down and killed as young children in fear. The usual thought of these beings is that they will one day travel to the pits of Hell and reunited with their parent to gain their full powers as a true Dea. Some however prove otherwise by being fairly peaceful and curious of the people in the mortal plain, though they are known to have dangerous tempers when angered. Dea will always have something about them that separate them from the other mortals, ranging from the obvious like have paws and claws to the more subtle like oddly shaped pupils. Dea have a very long life span when left alone, none too sure where it ends. Contrary to popular belief, Dea are not repelled by temples and other devices seen to be religious as they too are a part of the mortal plain. They can not be burned by holy water or destroyed by a prayer, nor can they be fended off by a ring of salt.
As long as they remain a part of the mortal plain however, they are able to be wounded like any other race and are able to die like any other being when hit with a killing strike that could cause beheading, rupture of the heart, or the like where a vital organ in destroyed. When hit by a mere mortal blow however, some have shown to have impressive regeneration abilities while others seem to have a thicker skin to weather blows. Each Dea has a unique talent to keep themselves alive, be it being physically strong to being very sneaky, but one thing that is common among them all is their control over magic aligned with one of the Elements.

There is however of a different kind of Dea that exists in the world. Rather than being a offspring of a denizen from hell and a denizen from the mortal plain, somewhere in their ancestry a member from their family made a deal with a powerful force in Hell that transformed them or in some cases their unborn baby into a Dea in exchange for power, wealth or safety. When this kind of Dea is created it is unsure of how one would turn out based on another of their kind. When paired off with another, the chances of a child not born as another Dea are slim and are more so when born from a human parent. These Dea are more mild in nature but are equally feared like their Denizen brothers and are also often killed at a young age. None are too sure of the strengths of these Dea, nor the terms that they must uphold from their ancestor's deal, but many believe that they are not much different from the other Dea.
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Alright, screw it. I'll join.

Name: Waylon Brom
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Job/"Class": Survivalist (?) and/or would-be hermit

Appearance: Waylon has almost shoulder-length dark, fairly curly hair, and well-tanned skin. He has piercing dark eyes, and is rather thin and somewhat short. He tends to wear an expression of irritation. His clothes are a bit ratty, and more than a little worn. A simple grey and green pair of pants, and an unadorned tattered grey longcoat. His feet are usually bare, but he doesn't mind much, as they've gotten to be like leather over the years. (Go figure, I'll draw a picture soon)

History: Waylon's past wasn't traumatic, nor was it some idealistic fantasy. It was rather typical, with ups and downs. This was exactly why he had to leave. At 14, he got sick of it. Logic runs through his brain like emotions do for most. He was too cold and calculating to care about anyone, thus friends weren't really around spice things up. He left, and though he had shoes, they eventually became too worn to be worth wearing. He lived in the wild, never losing his sense of logic.

He occasionally had to go rob somebody so he had something to read, but only if the risk outweighed the benefit by a comfortable margin. He sharpened his wits in the wild, learning to trust logic even more than before. Emotions became more and more obsolete to him, and soon, he never even felt a thrill in succeeding to trap a feast. But it didn't matter. Survival mattered. Fun was for the ignorant and the stupid. He only recently began mingling with society again, when nature started going all screwy, and that only for the sake of getting more to live off of. For only logical reasons.

Personality: He is slow to even think of trusting someone. He keeps to himself for the most part, only speaking when the stupidity of others is too unbearable. His cold, calculating manner is both his greatest strength and weakness, as it keeps him alive, but also keeps him alone. He knows the risk, but has yet to find a person who he thinks could actually help him through some sort of partnership.

Other: So about what time period is this set in, compared to the real world?
What is the definition of "immortal" in your RP?

Would "able to live literally forever unless killed" be counted as an immortal?
I think you ought to be a bit more specific with just what "any humanoid race" actually means. Do you literally mean ANY, including completely made-up ones?
Would "able to live literally forever unless killed" be counted as an immortal?

Yes. Moony's is close, but they do die eventually, but live a long time.

So about what time period is this set in, compared to the real world?

Think Magipunk, so about the level you find in D&D, LoTR, and other High Fantasy-genre games and lit, just with magic for all kinds of things, and maybe a dash of Steampunk in some places. So...I guess you would call it medieval? Ish?

Do you literally mean ANY, including completely made-up ones?

Considering Moony's is one of her own creation...
I am interested in this.
Just one question.
Is this based on a TV Show/Movie/Book/Game or anything I need to have prior knowledge of to join?

Or is it an original creation of yours?
Might as well just post this skeleton here. I probably won't have it done before the weekend, since I've got way more homework than I expected and that I really should be doing right now aaaaa

Name: Iosephus Raptis (Ioseph)
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Steelfeather Harpy
Job/"Class": Spearman (Poleaxeman?) Could also be considered a mercenary or sellsword.


History: His father was a knight in the service of a human lord, so he became a page as soon as he was allowed. He followed a pretty linear path, becoming a squire when he was thirteen, growing his wings around this time, and helping his father with armour, carrying their lord's banner, things like that.

A week before his eighteenth birthday and his knighting, his father disappeared and Ioseph left his lord's service (read: ran away) to look for him. After a few years of futile searching, he realized it wasn't exactly the best idea to run away from knighthood, as there was no way he would be taken back now. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, Ioseph became a mercenary to support himself, and took up a poleaxe in place of a sword. He's hoping to find information about his father, but knows that's probably not going to happen.


Other: Steelfeather harpies can turn the feathers of their wings into steel for short amounts of time, giving them their name. This time period increases with age or magical ability. They typically use their wings as a replacement for shields in battle, or as a makeshift weapon. The outermost feather of their wings, attached to the outside of the middle finger, is typically honed to a point and sharpened to an edge to act as makeshift blades. If a more powerful weapon were to cut a steelfeather's wings while they're metal, the damage would be the same to their feathers when they're normal.
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Name: Aollux Paldebaran
Gender: Male
Age: 119 (late teens, early twenties in human years).
Species: Dioskouroi
Job/"Class": Warrior/Mage

The Dioskouroi are a race that are lined with constellations very closely. Depending on which starts a Dioskouron is born under, they can have a number of different traits. All star signs are organized into houses, the house of the Warrior and the house of Magic. Depending on which they fall under, they will either have the power to channel the Godbeasts' energy physically, or magically, becoming either a great Warrior or Mage. Also, the individual sign they fall under will dictate their job-Those who fall under the sign of Hespher will be trained to be smiths, those who fall under Heticallon will be trained to be woodcutters, so on. Aollux's job was in the infantry, he was a soldier. He spent his time training with both magic and weaponry, becoming talented in neither.

Appearance: Messy black hair that almost reaches his eyes, one of which is yellow, the other purple. He wears black robes with both of his star signs, a Cross, for Purgio, patron of Suffering, and a Crescent Moon for Aesthachello, patron of Grace. His skin is a light grey color, and he has two small horns that start from the shoulders, entwine around their respective arm and come to a point at the wrist. They are usually hidden by the sleeves of his robe. He wears no shoes, as his soles are hard as stone, and his face has some patches of darker grey around the eyes. This is as common in the Dioskouroi as freckles are in humans.

History:The Dioskouroi, as previously mentioned, are closely linked to the stars, and also the Godbeasts. It it thought they once descended from space on gigantic thrones of rock, and became a part of the six figures of myth, gaining their incredibly long lives in the process. They share a mystical connection. Each Dioskouon, depending on the day of its birth, will have a star sign that falls into one of two houses, the House of the Warrior or the House of Magic. Their individual signs also influence these in subtler ways. They also influence the Dioskouron's occupation. Aollux, however, along with two other children in that generation, Vortas and Loxlus, were born under two star signs-Purgio and Aesthachello, patrons of Suffering and Beauty, respectively. They were given the choice of becoming soldiers or fashion designers. As impressionable youth, they enrolled in the army, their dual houses giving them access to both Magical and Physical abilities. Not at once, however, the energies that fuel these abilities are usually stable, but not for these three-they swing wildly and unpredictably from Mages to Warriors. When channeling Magical energies, they gained power over Blood magic and Form magic, when channeling physical energies, they gained extra endurance to pain and balance.

Life was good. They were well-trained, well-fed and well-clothes, taken care of. The three became close friends amongst their tribe of several thousand Dioskourons. Despite the well-maintained army, the Dioskouri were a peaceful people, and their homes in the plains of Diosk rarely skirmished, if at all. Life was good. Aollux had a good life, parents, family, friends, everything you could ask for. Until, of course, the trouble began. Crops failed, droughts rained, the Dioskouroi tribes fell at loggerheads, tensions rising severely. It seemed a war would break out, and fear gripped Aollux tightly. Then, of course, the Godbeasts became corrupted. The Dioskouri, with their intense connection with these creatures, became corrupted also. They became crazy and violent. War broke out. But not just any war-every Dioskouron became bloodthirsty-children feasted on children whilst parents snapped their necks, friend turned on friend as anger and rage were the only emotions. The link with the Godbeasts that had once increased life now caused it to be cut short.

All except Aollux, Vortas and Loxlus. Because of their alternation between mystical and physical energies, they weren't exposed to either long enough to be tainted by the Godbeast's corruption. The three were in their home (for the starsign also determins housing; a new building had had to be built just for them)and watched the carnage. Vortas had fled for his life. Loxlus had headed in to try and save his family. Aollux had tried to do the same, but was tragically cut short when he arrived at his home to find them all dead at each others hands. He vowed to find the reason for this madness, to cure the beasts and save his people from ripping themselves apart.

He fled, west from Diosk to the land of humans, searching for myths or legends, anything to find the Godbeasts.

Personality: Determined and stubborn. Intelligent, and alternates between a cool demeanor and a viscous temper, depending on whether he is channeling mystical or physical energy.

Other: Dioskouroi-beings thought to have descended from the sky. They are an integral part of the Godbeasts, whom, according to legend, they are connected with. This is thought to be he source of their powers and longevity. They decide everything from occupation to housing based on the starsign, of which there are many. These actually have repercussions on their real lives, as starsigns are closely related to the physical or mystical powers they are born with. Each sign belongs to a house, the Physical House of Warriors and the House of Magic, which determans their abilities. They live and work with those of a similar star sign.

They live in Tribes, several thousand strong, and despite their vast armies they have rarely faced war. They trade with each other regularly, but stay in the Plains of Diosk, rarely venturing out into the lands of other species, as their Plains are vast enough to house them. They all have horns on different parts of their bodies, which grow a few months after birth, the shape of which depending on the starsign they are born under. They all have black hair and grey skin, and wear black robes, which are traditional. Their strong connection with Godbeasts is what enabled their longevity, but now that the Beasts have been corrupted, they are too, becoming viscous, dark and bloodthirsty. Most have a stable connection with their house abilities, but those born under two different houses-Vortas, Luxlos and Aollux, to be precise-have wildly alternating House Abilities, so prolonged exposure is not something that happens to them. As such, their corruption is happening very, very slowly.
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