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I can finally play Chaos Theory! [Nerdiness within, Proceed with Caution!]


New member
So I bought Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory a couple of weeks ago for my computer, and I finally got it to play. My brother sold my Xbox without telling me, so my Xbox version is rather useless to me, so I bought it again for the PC. But I couldn't play it. I won't bore you with the technical details, but I have a 64-bit version of Windows, and those guys at Ubisoft were too lazy/cheap/whatever to make it work properly on 64-bit Windows, even though there was no legitimate reason at all as to why the game couldn't work. That, and the only workaround (As little-known as it is) was really convoluted and tedious. I just figured I couldn't play my new games... Oh well. What can you do?

So today I was cleaning my room and found the big metal box my Splinter Cell games came in (It was one of those collector's edition thingys, with like 4 games, a bag, a shirt and a touque. Oh, and a belt xD) and I thought that maybe I could try to make it work again. And after searching around for a few hours and installing a couple obscure patches for a European version of the game (Which shouldn't even work on my game, being a North American version), I was able to make the game work. So now I'm off off to sneak around and shoot people before the cousins get here, drag me out of my room, and make me sit in the living room to be social and polite. Which they weren't last time, but whatever.

Did I mention that I'm happy?
I am both very happy for you and extremely envious of your ability to make region-locked games work :D
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