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Pokemon Channel! ^_^


The fastest girl in town
I got it used from Gamestop today. It's a really cute game. Pikachu's antics are cute.....and the Pichu Bros. thing.

I now am more into Pikachu and Pichu. They are so cute.

Okay, I've been saying cute way too much. -_-
Instead, it hasd Pikachu murdering the in-game TV.

It's adorable isn't it? ^^
Us Europeans never got Hey You, Pikachu ;;

But Pokemon Channel is one of those things that's so awful it goes off the terrible end of the scale and comes back on the awesome end (kinda like HSM). You can complete it in, like, two hours if you skip the clock forward, but it's the most stupidly fun thing ever.
I have that game too, it's fun. ;3 Maybe I should pull out all my old Nintendo 64/Gamecube games again....it's been too long.
I have Pokémon Channel and I loved it. (Pssst at the end you get a bonus Pokémon for Ruby or Sapphire and maybe Emerald, not too sure!) I love painting in the shots from the different programs.
Yeah, Pokémon Channel is kinda cute. Only got it for Jirachi, though. And no, you can't get it to Emerald, which is a complete bummer, let me tell ya! :P

...I cheated and changed the clock to beat the game too early ._.
But Pokemon Channel is one of those things that's so awful it goes off the terrible end of the scale and comes back on the awesome end (kinda like HSM).
I would agree, except for the fact that you have to actually go and pay money for it. Money that you can use on some awesome game. I mean, if it cost like five dollars, that would be a different story, but it cost about the same amount as most good games were.

Fortunately I borrowed it from a friend, so I never had to pay. It's a pretty cute game, but not one that you spend more than five hours on.
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