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New Computer!


sorry, i'm never going to stop being mad about it.
Staff member
So my awesome boyfriend built me an awesome computer. =D I can now surf the net in my own bedroom without wondering if family is looking over my shoulder! =D

I just have to pay him the 350$ I owe him and I'm good!
Oh, that's awesome. Especially having your own, private computer; I can't stand having people watch what I'm doing, it's so distracting DX

And $350 isn't too much in Aussiemoney, is it?

Congratulations! :D
Danni said:
Oh, that's awesome. Especially having your own, private computer; I can't stand having people watch what I'm doing, it's so distracting DX

And $350 isn't too much in Aussiemoney, is it?

Congratulations! :D

Yeah. And it's really irritating when my mum comes along and asks me what I'm doing. She's not very internet-savvy, so I have to explain everything to her. >.>
350$ is about a month's worth of pay. So it's good! ^^

cheesecake said:
Awesome! Your boyfriend is epic. Seriously.

Yes. Yes, he is. :3
Congratulation! I have my own comp, but it's slightly messed up, so I'm using one of our laptops instead.

Yeah. And it's really irritating when my mum comes along and asks me what I'm doing. She's not very internet-savvy, so I have to explain everything to her. >.>
350$ is about a month's worth of pay. So it's good! ^^
My mum does that too D:< It's so irritating, and she knows almost nothing about computers, so when I go from a website to another one, she asks what the site is about and stuff.

Sometimes, I wish I had the key to my room D:
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