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(OOC and Sign-ups)Demons and Deities - Guardians of the Planet


Mage of Blood
This is the revamp of "Guardians of the Demons and Deities".

One day, about seven years ago, one archaeologist discovered the most powerful artifact in the universe - it had no name, it was just called The Necklace, and it was classified as just a myth. When he put it on, he inherited almost every power imaginable; the only powers it didn't hold were those of immortality. Well, after that, he went power hungry, and started doing things like robbing banks and stealing precious jewels.

Then, as he was escaping a robbery, he was pulled aside by a strange woman and what looked like her henchmen. He couldn't see any of their faces.
"Give me the necklace. Now." she urged him.
"No." he insisted. "I found it, and it's mine.
"Fine then. I'll take it away forcably!"

The battle raged for a few hours, and by then, there was a huge crowd. The man was pinned to the ground.

"I told you I'd take it forcably."

The man had one last resort. As the woman was about to strike the blow that would kill the man, he held up the necklace so that she hit the necklace instead of him.

"Noooo!" she shreiked. "You'll pay for that." And with that, she killed the man.

This fight was all over the news. None of the pictures, however, showed any faces. No one figured out who the people were, but they addressed them as "The Great One" for the man, and "The Evil One" for the woman. Little did "The Evil One" know that when The Great One split the necklace, it was incrypted into necklaces of Grass, Water, Fire, and Electricity; the first four powers to appear. They started their own Power School, for those that were blessed with a power inside them. It was up to them to find those people. And the woman applied as a teacher...

Six people have what are called "Demons" and "Deities" inside them. They are part of a great legend not found in the heiroglyphics of the legend that will cause the Evil One's demise.

There you have the story that I revamped. Here are the rules:

  • Bunnying is not allowed, either.
  • Timemodding is only allowed by me.
  • Your character does NOT know the plot, even if you do.
  • This is almost like a mystery RP, as you have to figure out which teachers are evil (which I will NOT give out these names; I will release one clue at a time)
  • There an be up to two (2) people for a power at a time.
  • Once we have ten (10) people or all deities/demons and Grass, Fire, Water, and Electricity, we will start.
  • Don't godmod or locationmod (with the exception of if you go by yourself)
  • This is rated PG-13, as there will be blood and minor cussing.
  • Don't cuss at other members - their characters, yes, but no cussing OOC to the member.
  • Grammar and punctuation, plox.
  • High-school age, please. This is a high school, and the event happened at your middle-school age.

I've added a couple new Demons and Deities, too. Asterisks (*) next to the demon/deity means it's taken.

  • Split-tailed Cat (MUST be Psychic)*
  • Golden Eagle (MUST be Light)*
  • Crystal Liger (MUST be Ice)*
  • Nine-tailed Fox (MUST be Fire) *
  • Three-headed dog (MUST be Dark)*
  • Dark Gryphon (MUST be Demon)*

Here are the powers. Fire, Grass, Electricity, and Water are needed to start. Asterisks (*) next to the power means it's taken.

Grass *
Fire *
Water (If you sign up for water, you MUST have Rain as your first name. Last name is yours to make up.)
Electricity (If you sign up for electricity, you MUST have Sparky as your first name. Last name is yours to make up.)
Talking to Animals
Super Strength
Stretching Your Limbs to Otherwise Impossible Lengths (like for instance a foot long finger, but they do have limits)
Super Defense
Supersonic Screams (hehe that's fun to say)
Sensing and using Aura
Summoning your Animal Spirit to Fight With You
Turning Into a Ghost
Extra Limbs (you know the old saying, "I need an extra pair of hands"?)
Copy Cat (basically you can copy someone else's power and have it until you copy a new one. Yay Kirby references!)
Clones (basically you can produce clones to fight alongside you)
Aviator (can summon birds to help you, not like summoning animal spirits, just birds)
Summoning Bugs (same as Aviator, except with bugs)
Body Transfer (If you touch the person, you can transfer your souls)
Hallucinations (can make people have hallucinations)*
Laser Eyes (what? I was in a Creator's Block)
Technology (is good with technology and can manipulate it)
Reassurection (only if the person has been dead for five minutes or less)
Time (can see the future (only in dreams) and can manipulate time)*

There are nine periods; arrange

Homeroom(can be any teacher, and MUST be first)

And you can arrange

Language Arts (English)
Choir/Band/Study Hall (can do homework, talk quietly, etc)
Social Studies (History)


Mr. Sutton - Principal
Mrs. Sandy - Vice Principal
Ms. Herb - P.E.
Mrs. West - Reading
Mr. Goodwell - Language Arts (English)
Ms. Ballads - Science
Mr. Glory - Social studies (History)
Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Mr. Demat - Computers
Ms. Cinnabun - Cooking
Ms. Lynnca - Music
Mr. Panmet - Art
Mr. Kalugyr - Band
Ms. Kapituit - Study Hall
Mr. Plorm - Choir

P.E. periods:
None in homeroom
Second: Psychic, Aura, Fire, Water, Weather, Ice, Electricity
Third: Supersonic Screams, Speed, Communicating with Animals, Agility,
Fourth: Limb Stretching, Extra Limbs, Cloning, Copy Cat, Turn into Ghost, Body Transfer
Fifth: Healing, Darkness, Light, Air/Wind, Hypnotise, Grow and Shrink, Poison, Invisibility, Hallucinations
Sixth: Summoning Animal, Aviator, Summon Bugs
Seventh: Super Defence, Rock, Super Strength
Eighth: Transforming, Grass, Technology
Ninth: Holy, Demon, Laser Eyes

Sign-up forms:

Name: First and last.
Age: High-school age, please.
Gender: Male or Female?
Personality: How does your character act?
Side: Good or evil? Evil basically means you're on "The Evil One"'s side, and good can mean you're oblivious to the evil side.
Birthday: So we can celebrate it if it's in the RP! BTW this begins at the end of April, near Mysti's birthday.
Power: Put one listed above. If you are a Possessor, put which beast you possess. BTW possessors, I will PM you with the awesome powers you get if you are a Possessor.
Bio/Backstory: Must be included. Just tell us your backstory.
Schedule: Teachers and info listed above
Dormmates: Up to three others. May be either gender.
Other: Really, anything else.


Good -

Mystari Endris [F] Psychic *split-tailed cat possessor* - Mewtwo
Gallea Narin [F] Transformation - Dragon
Gray Connelly [M] Ice *crystal liger possessor* - Mercedes
Elizabeth Carlswood [OMG HE FORGOT THE GENDER SLOT ONOEZ] Hallucinations - RandomTyphoon
Eddany 'Ed' Jennifer Dohm [F] Time - NightDaemon
Mark Cochrane [M] Light *golden eagle possessor* - Blastoise428

Bad -

Flame "Taylor" Attwater [F] Fire *nine-tailed fox possessor* - Zora of Termina
Erandor [M] Healing - _Ditto_
Rage Wright [F] Dark *three-headed dog posessor* - Flareth
Zane Destino [M] Demon *dark gryphon possessor* - brandman1996

Reserved - Grass King - Grass (DURDEEDUR)
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Re: (OOC and Sign-ups)Demons and Deities - Guardians of the Planet (still working on first post - C/Ping from original RP)


Name: Mystari (Mysti) Endris
Age: 17, almost 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Somewhat hyper; Pessimist. Shy. Suspicious to newcomers. Hint of competitiveness and proudness. A bit territorial and overprotective of things and people she is fond of.
Side: Good
Birthday: May 4th, 1991
Power: Psychic. Split-tailed Cat Possessor

It all started when my dumb parents just had to put me in the stupid power school. I started in a group of others roughly the same age as me, twelve, to find my hidden power. I collected my necklace, oblivious to my true power; the deity inside me.

I should have known something was up when I obliterated any who opposed me. Most of my opponents were sent to the ER; a few were killed. I was the head student, and everyone worshipped me. It was like... like I was queen of the school.

Then one day, a particuarly cocky (The definition meaning sure of himself) boy was my opponent. He was almost good enough to beat me. "Hah! When I'm done with you, I'll be king of the school!" he sneered. That got me so boiling mad that... I sprouted a tail. And apparently ears, according to everyone else. My challenger freaked, then split. After that, I was ignored by everyone, including the teachers after some while. It was like... like I didn't exist anymore.
Homeroom (Mr. Goodwell)
Ms. Herb - P.E.
Ms. Kapituit - Study Hall
Mr. Glory - Social studies (History)
Ms. Ballads - Science
Mrs. West - Reading
Mr. Goodwell - Language Arts (English)
Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Mr. Demat - Computers

Zora of Termina's
Name: Flame "Taylor" Attwater

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's arrogant and pushy, through and through. Will stop at nothing to get her way, and doesn't care if it ruins her reputation. Enjoys being alone more than anything. Call her Taylor or you will die a horrible death with fire, because she hates her first name with a burning passion.

Side: Evil, apparently, although I would've preferred good. >>

Birthday: June 9th, 1999

Power: Fire, posessor of the Nine-Tailed Fox

Bio/Backstory: She didn't know her parents; they were dead before she could remember. The only life she has ever known was a life of thievery and hiding. And that was because the first family to try to take her in were horrified by her sprouting a fox-like tail and ears one day when she had gotten mad at them.

She was found soon by the vice-principal and forcibly enrolled, mostly because of complaints of things disappearing or getting destroyed. She disgruntledly collected her necklace and went on her way.

Once put amongst other students her true colors showed. Anyone who didn't like her was promptly incinerated, whether she was aware of it or not. She would sometimes see them burst into flames after saying something mean about her, but she payed it no mind. She had no idea what was causing it but if it taught them a lesson for screwing with her, then all the better.

Homeroom - Art room
Second Period: PE
Third: Computers
Fourth: Math
Fifth: Art again
Sixth: History
Seventh: Study Hall
Eighth: English
Ninth: Science (which she usually ditches)

Dormmates: Gray Connelly, Rage Wright, Elizabeth Carlswood
Other: Nothing

Name: Erandor

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Erandor does not use his last name, because he doesn't want to invite people to tell him more than he wants to know about them

Side: Evil

Birthday: Erandor doesn't know his birthday

Power: Healing

Bio/Backstory: Erandor was raised in the woods by an old crone. She assured him from an early age that she wasn't related to him at all. She exploited his healing powers, to keep herself alive. One day, Erandor had enough. He ran into parts of the woods where he knew the crone couldn't follow. There he found the school. The headmaster quickly let him in, he could tell Erandor's powers could be useful.

Erandor has always wanted to know who his parents are and will do whatever it takes to know more about them. He uses his healing powers to keep the people who he is interrogating alive, so that they have the longest possible time to tell him all they know.

He quickly became one of the most respected students, because he could cause horrible pain, and not leave a mark. Not that any of the teacher cared, but practice was always welcome.

Homeroom-Mr. Glory - Social studies (History)
Second-Ms. Ballads - Science
Third-Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Fourth-Mr. Goodwell - Language Arts (Engligh)
Fifth-Ms. Herb - P.E.
Sixth-Ms. Kapituit - Study Hall
Seventh-Mr. Kalugyr - Band
Eighth-Mrs. West - Reading
Ninth-Mr. Demat - Computers

((By the way, I'm a fourteen year old going into highschool))

Name: Elizabeth Carlswood



Personality:Nessarose is a bit stray-minded, that kind of person that's a bit..stranger than she appears, when really, she's just thoughtful. Her solutions can be very risky, but they get the job done. She really doesn't enjoy the company of people all that much, and comes off as cold at first.

Side: Good

Birthday:October 6th 1993


Bio/Backstory:Nessa was very interested in the medical field, just too squeamish to become a doctor. She watched a show in particular in which every week a stranger than normal case presented. Once, a patient had extreme halluciations after getting shot. This got her permanently hooked on the show, and after getting the strange necklace, her creative mind was put to use.

Homeroom-Mr Glory, Social Studies
Language Arts (English)
Choir/Band/Study Hall

Dormmates: Gray and Flame, if zit okay with them.


And pssst Mewtwo if your character is 18 her birthday can't be in 1997.

*rubs hands together* Alright, let's make a Warriors OC a human..

Name: Gallea Narin
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Rather childish, loves to joke around. She would rather run around in the forest all day than do her duties, but does have a sense of responsibility. She loves to make others laugh, or laugh with them, and is pretty laidback, but when she gets seriously mad, run for it! Gallea is somewhat forgetful, but she makes up for it by being a rather good leader, and a good example for the few that are younger than her. She'd rather not have anyone depend on her, or have responsibility, but will accept it without complaint if offered. She's friendly, almost too much so, and mischievous. When you look down to see your feet, make sure they're yours.


Birthday: July 24, 1994

Power: Transformation

Bio/Backstory: Gallea was always rather.. out there, kind of rebellious and with her own ideas. She seemed to be able to sneak out of school or her room without being noticed, but the window was always open where she had disappeared. Of course, she couldn't have jumped out of the window, her room being on the third floor, and her class on the second. Always when her teachers or parents were trying to figure this out, Gallea was on the roof in one form or another, laughing at them.

When she graduated from her elementary school, of course, Gallea was offered a scholarship at some school for gifted people, which was the school. It seems Gallea had been watched. So not knowing what she was getting into, Gallea accepted the offer and joined the school, on her first day being told that the students were all like her. That was a surprise, obviously, and Gallea found the school to be interesting. She's now in her second year, and likes to screw with the new people's minds.

Homeroom: Mr. Goodwell
Second: Math
Third: Science
Fourth: Language Arts
Fifth: Gym
Seventh: Computers
Eighth: History
Ninth: Cooking
Dormmates: Anyone around Gallea's age, let's be somewhat realistic :<

Other: Beans.

Why the hell am I signing up again? Just 'cause there's a transformation power.

Name: Gray Connelly
Age: 17, almost 18
Gender: Male

Personality: Gray isn't a very shy person, he is quite social and likes to meet new people. He's a generally happy and laid back person. He likes having fun, but he also knows when to be responsible and he takes school pretty seriously. He does his best to cheer people up, even though he thinks that's not really one of his strong abilities. When he becomes good friends with girls, he becomes super protective of them, due to his past. On the other hand, inwardly, he’s a bit afraid of himself because he killed two people with his power.Gray also is pretty open about his feelings, and likes being honest, even if he seems brutally honest. Even though he's open, he has trouble telling people he likes them romantically. And, despite being quite social and everything, he does get shy in front of girls he likes.

Side: Good
Birthday: May 7, 1991
Power: Ice, Crystal Liger Possessor.

Bio/Backstory: Gray and his sister were young when their parents died. Their godfather took them in after a fire destroyed their house, including taking their parents lives. They lived in the country mostly, until their godfather got a pretty good job in a bigger area. Because Gray only had his sister and godfather to hang out with for the longest time, he eagerly would go out by himself to make friends. He got into a lot of trouble when he was younger for sneaking out.

One time, after trying to convince his sister for hours, he snuck her out to meet his friends. As they were walking, a thief confronted them and tried to rob them. The thief grabbed his sister, put a knife to her throat, and told Gray that if he didn’t give him all his belongings that were on him, he’d kill his sister. To ears and a long tail sprouted, and Gray couldn’t control himself; he unleashed ice. Not only did he effectively freeze and kill the thief, but he killed his sister too. His godfather, who saw them sneak out and was going to stop them, witnessed the whole thing. He was horrified, and sent Gray away to school.

Homeroom - Mr. Goodwell
Second: P.E. - Ms. Herb
Third: Social studies (History) - Mr. Glory
Fourth: Math - Mrs. Lellaby
Fifth: Language Arts (English) - Mr. Goodwell
Sixth: Study Hall - Ms. Kapituit
Seventh: Science - Ms. Ballads
Eighth: Reading - Mrs. West
Ninth: Cooking - Ms. Cinnabun

Dormmates: Flame, Rage Wright
Other: Gray has a huge crush on Gallea. (That's also okay, Dragon?)

Name: Rage Wright
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She doesn't care much about others or her reputation. She likes to use other people to her advantage. She also lashes out without warning at many things.
Side: Evil
Birthday: 6/15
Power: Possessor of Three Headed Dog
Bio/Backstory: Her parents were both felons, gangsters at that. One day, when she was 9, her parents were finally found and shot down by the police. She dind'y know what came over her as she grew taller and started to change shape. She killed the police with ease. This report was dismissed as lies and fiction. But a few years later, the school decided to let Rage in.
Homeroom(can be any teacher, and MUST be first)-Mrs. West
Seventh-Study Hall
Ninth-Language Arts
Dormmates: Can Flame and Gray be mine?

Woot! Got a Demon!

Name: Zane Destino (means destiny in Italian and Spanish, and apparently destination in Portuguese...not really what I was aiming for)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Very cold and solitary, revenge full, troubled, easily angered
Side: Evil
Birthday: 10/13
Power: Demon, Possesor of the Dark Gryphon
Bio/Backstory: 3 months after Zane was born, his parents died and Zane was sent to a cruel orphanage. On his tenth birthday they told Zane the truth, which, was right about when his powers kicked in, where Zane obliterated the orphanage, following in more sorrow for his friend. Various crimes which Zane never got caught later, he stumbled upon a school, which he joined because he was low on food and weak. Zane quickly became most elite of all the evil students. Smart, strong, cunning, and wise Zane always ways and proved that daily. Over time he sprouted wings and lost hair on his head, which were replaced by feathers. He vows that one day he will be the head and have complete control of every power. And one day, have the deities on their knees begging for mercy and one day, reap is parents souls.
other: He wears robes, celestial bronze knuckles, and sandals. He has deep, unforgiving, red eyes. His weakness is his wrath. If you anger him enough he will go all out offensive leaving no defense, but only a few, great good ones know of it. He has an odd obsession to Sweddish Fish and Oreo's.
Dorm: Eh, I don't care who I bunk with.

Reading(Mrs. West)
Study Hall

Name: Eddany 'Ed' Jennifer Dohm
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Blunt and sarcastic, she sticks to her opinions and is very stubborn. She has a fear of water and drowning, making her a horrible swimmer.
Side: Good
Birthday: February 9th
Power: Time
Bio/Backstory: Born to Carl Dohm and Tracy Hayes, Eddany was the only girl living among eight brothers. Her family was rich and stable until her brother Brian took up the family fortune and spent it all on cars, women, and the slots. At eleven he saw the demise of the fortune in a dream, thouh didn't know exactly how to stop it. After her brother had spent all the money, he was 'kicked out' of the family and Eddany's parents sent her and her other brothers to a boarding school so that they could spend all their time trying to get back the money.
After being moved to an all-girl's boarding school, Eddany had another dream - almost drowning in a swimming class. It came true while they were swimming the next day, causing her to have a fear of water.
Being moved to a regular highschool at sixteen, Eddany met Ramard Hasegawa. After the two dated for two months, Eddany became the usual pregnant teenager in highschool. Being six weeks pregnant, Eddany had another dream of having triplets - a boy and two girls - though she would have to drop out of school, her family would turn her back on her, and Ramard would leave her. Her family had earned back half of the money they had before, but Eddany spent most of her part of the money on an abortion. When her parents found out, they sent her to a different highschool to stay away from Ramard, though he still calls her every now-and-then. The highschool they sent her to was the one for the other 'gifted' children.
Homeroom - Mr. Panmet - Art
Second - Mr. Goodwell - English/LA
Third - Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Fourth - Ms. Ballads - Science
Fifth - Ms. Herb (I was thinking a PE period, but I saw that it was only for Healing, Hallucinations, etc., could it also be for Time?)
Sixth - Mr. Glory - History/Social Studies
Seventh - Mrs. West - Reading
Eighth - Mr. Denmat - Computers
Ninth - Ms. Cinnabun - Cooking
Dormmates: Mystari Endris
Other: Spikey black hair with red tips, gold earrings, and a golden necklace. Her eyes are russet-colored(reddish brown). She has very tanned skin, though she is Caucasian. Wears mostly black, like a black shirt and black shorts, but her shirt says in sparkly pink writing 'USS MIDWAY'(an old aircraft carrier in San Diego). She also has a fingercuff on her ring finger that is black with a white cursive E. She is sometimes stereotyped as 'emo', which she hates.

Grass King

If Dragon will allow...

Name: Mark Cochrane

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet and a little bit timid around new people or authority figures, Mark otherwise shows a lighthearted, joking, if a bit sarcastic view of the world. Always the one to argue, Mark often does so in his head, so no one can hear it but him. As stated before, he's often sarcastic, but generally in a joking way. Mark is quick to anger, and generally will stomp off if things get too hectic.

Side: Good

Birthday: June the 5th

Power: Light

Bio/Backstory: From an early age, Mark's powers shot out at odd times, both attracting unwanted attention from and alienating his peers. His eyes, normally blue, flashed flourescent gold at odd times, his he could see in the dark better, etc. He was occasionally watched people from the Good school, and he was eventually sent an invitation to join the student body.


Language Arts
Study Hall

Dormmates: Anyone want a glowing roomate?
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Name: Erandor

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Erandor does not use his last name, because he doesn't want to invite people to tell him more than he wants to know about them

Side: Evil

Birthday: Erandor doesn't know his birthday

Power: Healing

Bio/Backstory: Erandor was raised in the woods by an old crone. She assured him from an early age that she wasn't related to him at all. She exploited his healing powers, to keep herself alive. One day, Erandor had enough. He ran into parts of the woods where he knew the crone couldn't follow. There he found the school. The headmaster quickly let him in, he could tell Erandor's powers could be useful.

Erandor has always wanted to know who his parents are and will do whatever it takes to know more about them. He uses his healing powers to keep the people who he is interrogating alive, so that they have the longest possible time to tell him all they know.

He quickly became one of the most respected students, because he could cause horrible pain, and not leave a mark. Not that any of the teacher cared, but practice was always welcome.

Homeroom-Mr. Glory - Social studies (History)
Second-Ms. Ballads - Science
Third-Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Fourth-Mr. Goodwell - Language Arts (Engligh)
Fifth-Ms. Herb - P.E.
Sixth-Ms. Kapituit - Study Hall
Seventh-Mr. Kalugyr - Band
Eighth-Mrs. West - Reading
Ninth-Mr. Demat - Computers

Roomates: Mewtwo

((By the way, I'm a fourteen year old going into highschool))
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I wanna keep/reserve Hallucinations bbbzzzt :3

Name:Elizabeth Carlswood



Personality:Elizabeth is a bit stray-minded, that kind of person that's a bit..stranger than she appears, when really, she's just thoughtful. Her solutions can be very risky, but they get the job done. She really doesn't enjoy the company of people all that much, and comes off as cold at first.

Side: Good

Birthday:October 6th 1993


Bio/Backstory:Liz was very interested in the medical field, just too squeamish to become a doctor. She watched a show in particular in which every week a stranger than normal case presented. Once, a patient had extreme halluciations after getting shot. This got her permanently hooked on the show, and after getting the strange necklace, her creative mind was put to use.

Homeroom-Mr Glory, Social Studies
Language Arts (English)
Choir/Band/Study Hall

Dormmates: Gray and Flame, if zit okay with them.
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And pssst Mewtwo if your character is 18 her birthday can't be in 1997.

*rubs hands together* Alright, let's make a Warriors OC a human..

Name: Gallea Narin
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Rather childish, loves to joke around. She would rather run around in the forest all day than do her duties, but does have a sense of responsibility. She loves to make others laugh, or laugh with them, and is pretty laidback, but when she gets seriously mad, run for it! Gallea is somewhat forgetful, but she makes up for it by being a rather good leader, and a good example for the few that are younger than her. She'd rather not have anyone depend on her, or have responsibility, but will accept it without complaint if offered. She's friendly, almost too much so, and mischievous. When you look down to see your feet, make sure they're yours.


Birthday: July 24, 1994

Power: Transformation

Bio/Backstory: Gallea was always rather.. out there, kind of rebellious and with her own ideas. She seemed to be able to sneak out of school or her room without being noticed, but the window was always open where she had disappeared. Of course, she couldn't have jumped out of the window, her room being on the third floor, and her class on the second. Always when her teachers or parents were trying to figure this out, Gallea was on the roof in one form or another, laughing at them.

When she graduated from her elementary school, of course, Gallea was offered a scholarship at some school for gifted people, which was the school. It seems Gallea had been watched. So not knowing what she was getting into, Gallea accepted the offer and joined the school, on her first day being told that the students were all like her. That was a surprise, obviously, and Gallea found the school to be interesting. She's now in her second year, and likes to screw with the new people's minds.

Homeroom: Mr. Goodwell
Second: Math
Third: Science
Fourth: Language Arts
Fifth: Gym
Seventh: Computers
Eighth: History
Ninth: Cooking
Dormmates: Blade (Grass King), someone and someone else. Around Gallea's age please, let's be realistic :<

Other: Beans.

Why the hell am I signing up again? Just 'cause there's a transformation power.
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Name: Flame "Taylor" Attwater

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's arrogant and pushy, through and through. Will stop at nothing to get her way, and doesn't care if it ruins her reputation. Enjoys being alone more than anything. Call her Taylor or you will die a horrible death with fire, because she hates her first name with a burning passion.

Side: Evil, apparently, although I would've preferred good. >>

Birthday: June 9th, 1999

Power: Fire, posessor of the Nine-Tailed Fox

Bio/Backstory: She didn't know her parents; they were dead before she could remember. The only life she has ever known was a life of thievery and hiding. And that was because the first family to try to take her in were horrified by her sprouting a fox-like tail and ears one day when she had gotten mad at them.

She was found soon by the vice-principal and forcibly enrolled, mostly because of complaints of things disappearing or getting destroyed. She disgruntledly collected her necklace and went on her way.

Once put amongst other students her true colors showed. Anyone who didn't like her was promptly incinerated, whether she was aware of it or not. She would sometimes see them burst into flames after saying something mean about her, but she payed it no mind. She had no idea what was causing it but if it taught them a lesson for screwing with her, then all the better.

Homeroom - Art room
Second Period: PE
Third: Computers
Fourth: Math
Fifth: Art again
Sixth: History
Seventh: Study Hall
Eighth: English
Ninth: Science (which she usually ditches)

Dormmates: Gray Connelly, Rage Wright, RT's character I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME ><
Other: Nothing
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Name: Gray Connelly
Age: 17, almost 18
Gender: Male

Personality: Gray isn't a very shy person, he is quite social and likes to meet new people. He's a generally happy and laid back person. He likes having fun, but he also knows when to be responsible and he takes school pretty seriously. He does his best to cheer people up, even though he thinks that's not really one of his strong abilities. When he becomes good friends with girls, he becomes super protective of them, due to his past. On the other hand, inwardly, he’s a bit afraid of himself because he killed two people with his power.Gray also is pretty open about his feelings, and likes being honest, even if he seems brutally honest. Even though he's open, he has trouble telling people he likes them romantically. And, despite being quite social and everything, he does get shy in front of girls he likes.

Side: Good
Birthday: May 7, 1991
Power: Ice, Crystal Liger Possessor.

Bio/Backstory: Gray and his sister were young when their parents died. Their godfather took them in after a fire destroyed their house, including taking their parents lives. They lived in the country mostly, until their godfather got a pretty good job in a bigger area. Because Gray only had his sister and godfather to hang out with for the longest time, he eagerly would go out by himself to make friends. He got into a lot of trouble when he was younger for sneaking out.

One time, after trying to convince his sister for hours, he snuck her out to meet his friends. As they were walking, a thief confronted them and tried to rob them. The thief grabbed his sister, put a knife to her throat, and told Gray that if he didn’t give him all his belongings that were on him, he’d kill his sister. To ears and a long tail sprouted, and Gray couldn’t control himself; he unleashed ice. Not only did he effectively freeze and kill the thief, but he killed his sister too. His godfather, who saw them sneak out and was going to stop them, witnessed the whole thing. He was horrified, and sent Gray away to school.

Homeroom - Mr. Goodwell
Second: P.E. - Ms. Herb
Third: Social studies (History) - Mr. Glory
Fourth: Math - Mrs. Lellaby
Fifth: Language Arts (English) - Mr. Goodwell
Sixth: Study Hall - Ms. Kapituit
Seventh: Science - Ms. Ballads
Eighth: Reading - Mrs. West
Ninth: Cooking - Ms. Cinnabun

Dormmates: Flame "Taylor", Rage, and Elizabeth.
Other: Gray has a huge crush on Gallea.
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It's fine, but she'll be completely oblivious to this. :[ I can't do romance.

And I'm done. Yay crappy forms!
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Woot! Got a Demon!

Name: Zane Destino (means destiny in Italian and Spanish, and apparently destination in Portuguese...not really what I was aiming for)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Very cold and solitary, revenge full, troubled, easily angered
Side: Evil
Birthday: 10/13
Power: Demon, Possesor of the Dark Gryphon
Bio/Backstory: 3 months after Zane was born, his parents died and Zane was sent to a cruel orphanage. On his tenth birthday they told Zane the truth, which, was right about when his powers kicked in, where Zane obliterated the orphanage, following in more sorrow for his friend. Various crimes which Zane never got caught later, he stumbled upon a school, which he joined because he was low on food and weak. Zane quickly became most elite of all the evil students. Smart, strong, cunning, and wise Zane always ways and proved that daily. Over time he sprouted wings and lost hair on his head, which were replaced by feathers. He vows that one day he will be the head and have complete control of every power. And one day, have the deities on their knees begging for mercy and one day, reap is parents souls.
other: He wears robes, celestial bronze knuckles, and sandals. He has deep, unforgiving, red eyes. His weakness is his wrath. If you anger him enough he will go all out offensive leaving no defense, but only a few, great good ones know of it. He has an odd obsession to Sweddish Fish and Oreo's.
Dorm: Eh, I don't care who I bunk with.

Reading(Mrs. West)
Study Hall
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Oya I copy/pasted from previous one.

Where I was 11.


Also 18-year old needs dorm-mates.

And all accepted. But brandman, you couldn't have had your powers from birth; the incident would have happened when you were about 10. Plus, no one knows who the evil teacher is, because no one has ever seen her face knowing she was evil. Fix that, and you're accepted.
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Name: Rage Wright
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She doesn't care much about others or her reputation. She likes to use other people to her advantage. She also lashes out without warning at many things.
Side: Evil
Birthday: 6/15
Power: Possessor of Three Headed Dog
Bio/Backstory: Her parents were both felons, gangsters at that. One day, when she was 9, her parents were finally found and shot down by the police. She dind'y know what came over her as she grew taller and started to change shape. She killed the police with ease. This report was dismissed as lies and fiction. But a few years later, the school decided to let Rage in.
Homeroom(can be any teacher, and MUST be first)-Mrs. West
Seventh-Study Hall
Ninth-Language Arts
Dormmates: Can Flame and Gray be mine?
And all accepted. But brandman, you couldn't have had your powers from birth; the incident would have happened when you were about 10. Plus, no one knows who the evil teacher is, because no one has ever seen her face knowing she was evil. Fix that, and you're accepted.

Both accepted.

EDIT: Waitwaitwait, brandman, how is the principal your reading teacher? Fix that, please.
Name: Eddany 'Ed' Jennifer Dohm
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Blunt and sarcastic, she sticks to her opinions and is very stubborn. She has a fear of water and drowning, making her a horrible swimmer.
Side: Good
Birthday: February 9th
Power: Time
Bio/Backstory: Born to Carl Dohm and Tracy Hayes, Eddany was the only girl living among eight brothers. Her family was rich and stable until her brother Brian took up the family fortune and spent it all on cars, women, and the slots. At eleven he saw the demise of the fortune in a dream, thouh didn't know exactly how to stop it. After her brother had spent all the money, he was 'kicked out' of the family and Eddany's parents sent her and her other brothers to a boarding school so that they could spend all their time trying to get back the money.
After being moved to an all-girl's boarding school, Eddany had another dream - almost drowning in a swimming class. It came true while they were swimming the next day, causing her to have a fear of water.
Being moved to a regular highschool at sixteen, Eddany met Ramard Hasegawa. After the two dated for two months, Eddany became the usual pregnant teenager in highschool. Being six weeks pregnant, Eddany had another dream of having triplets - a boy and two girls - though she would have to drop out of school, her family would turn her back on her, and Ramard would leave her. Her family had earned back half of the money they had before, but Eddany spent most of her part of the money on an abortion. When her parents found out, they sent her to a different highschool to stay away from Ramard, though he still calls her every now-and-then. The highschool they sent her to was the one for the other 'gifted' children.
Homeroom - Mr. Panmet - Art
Second - Mr. Goodwell - English/LA
Third - Mrs. Lellaby - Math
Fourth - Ms. Ballads - Science
Fifth - Ms. Herb (I was thinking a PE period, but I saw that it was only for Healing, Hallucinations, etc., could it also be for Time?)
Sixth - Mr. Glory - History/Social Studies
Seventh - Mrs. West - Reading
Eighth - Mr. Denmat - Computers
Ninth - Ms. Cinnabun - Cooking
Dormmates: Mystari Endris
Other: Spikey black hair with red tips, gold earrings, and a golden necklace. Her eyes are russet-colored(reddish brown). She has very tanned skin, though she is Caucasian. Wears mostly black, like a black shirt and black shorts, but her shirt says in sparkly pink writing 'USS MIDWAY'(an old aircraft carrier in San Diego). She also has a fingercuff on her ring finger that is black with a white cursive E. She is sometimes stereotyped as 'emo', which she hates.
Name: Blade Cullen
Age: 16 (Nearly 17)
Gender: Male
Personality: He is somewhat layed back, and takes a gentle approach with the students. He maintains a calm appearance, and enjoys reading.
Side: Good
Birthday: 1 June 1992
Power: Grass
Homeroom - Mr. Demat
Science - Ms. Ballads
Math - Mrs. Lellaby
Reading - Mrs. West
Language Arts - Mr. Goodwell
Study Hall - Ms. Kapituit
Computers - Mr. Demat
Gym - Ms. Herb
Social Studies - Mr. Glory
Dormmates: Gallea (if Dragon agrees)

I'll add Bio in the morning...
Dragon said:

Haha. You, miss, win. xD

Oh and I don't mind if Rage and Elizabeth room with Gray, but the final decision rests with Zora. x3
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