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Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

Blizzard found somewhere where she could sleep and folded her wings, asleep until the morning.

Myuutsuu landed quietly. He knocked his head with his hand for being so stupid. Teleport!

He knew something was up. Kali hadn't sounded convinced. He walked into the midst of nearby trees, and then suddenly teleported right inside the castle, next to the door.
Draigo watched as the newcomer and Emuritto curled up to go to sleep. Satisfied, he took off and returned to his mountain perch.

(If Blizzard just changed sides who is/was in charge of Team Legend before?)
Kali landed soon after at the castle. She placed Mia down, and walked inside, heading toward their leader. She didn't know that Myuutsuu had already made it there, though she suspected after she lost sight of him that he had found a way to jump ahead of her.
Myuutsuu was careful to stay hidden. He was shrouded with shadows in a dark corner, his grey-and-purple skin blending in with the dark shade. His eyes glinted but did not reveal his presence as Kali walked past....
Shadowflare finally made it back to the castle. She ran in after Kali. She saw eyes glimmer, but they weren't Kali's so she ignored them. Her redness on her, though, must've given her away to the glinting eyes. She continued to follow Kali.
Hearing footsteps behind her, Kali turned her head a little, expecting to see Mia, but instead saw Shadowflare. "Huh, are you looking for me, Shadowflare?"
"Yes. I saw you flying away, so I followed you!" she said. "Sorry for being so nosy, I just like to know things that are going on! Like about Myuutsuu..."
Kali gave a serious expression. "I'd prefer not to spread rumors at this time. Come and listen for yourself." She walked down the hall, toward Thorn's chambers, and spoke to whichever guards were on duty outside. "I wish to speak with Mistress Thorn as soon as possible. Is she in?"
Mia padded after the Flygon after being put safely on the ground. She jerked her head backwards at Shadowflare.

"Hey, fox! How you doing?" She didn't wait for an answer and ran off behind Kali, becoming silent and trying to look serious as she caught up with her and the guards.
Kali gave a half smirk as she glanced back toward the two foxlike Pokemon.
I must be getting famous or something... she thought. Feh, whatever... let's just get this over with.

She returned her gaze to the guards, waiting for a response.
Emuritto shuddered in her sleep. Something told her things wouldn't go well. But at least, maybe, if the leader of Team Shadow could convert her, she wouldn't cause trouble... but she was loyal to Team Legend, and always would be.

Or was she?

If she was meeting someone from the other side, that was disloyalty. For a moment, she couldn't believe herself. But then, she remembered that if she was like that, she was probably loyal to neither side. It was true that emotion was stronger than physical strength, but maybe, loyalty was even more powerful...
Myuutsuu waited. He would teleport to follow Kali, and keep himself hidden, once she started going towards Thorn. He waited for his chance.
Kali opened the doors and stepped inside. She bowed her head, and approached the Shadow Lugia. "Mistress Thorn? I wish to give a report from the border."
Emuritto went to the other side of her tree to think. When would they next meet? Would they even next meet? What would happen to Myuutsuu-kun? Would he be killed? Banished?
Or would she be the one to be punished?

Really, the burden of her secret was too much, but she could not let go. The consequences might be too much for her to handle. Would she rather live in a life of secrecy or loneliness? Or would she rather join Shadow's side?
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