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Don't Mistake Coincidence for Fate
I like coffee. It tastes great, whether it be for waking up in the morning, or just a tasty little drink. Coffee as been around for centuries, bringing it historical value with it as well.


Coffee is also a striving business. In the United States, coffee products are mostly dominated by Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.

What kind of coffee do you like to drink? I like ice coffee myself, flavored with French Vanilla. Do you like coffee? What is your favorite kind to drink?
Coffee is terrible and you should feel terrible for drinking it.

Peppermint tea, please.
I only drink coffee when I need to stay awake and there's no Red Bull available; I don't particularly like it, and my stomach doesn't either.
Cofffeeeeeee :D

I like cappuccinos. My school cafeteria makes some awesome vanilla-flavored ones :) Probably the best thing they make XD
I usually drink cappuccinos flavored with white chocolate. When I'm not really in a coffee mood I'll drink frappuccinos instead, since they're more like milkshakes.
Coffee is terrible and you should feel terrible for drinking it.

Peppermint tea, please.

Hahaha, that is never going to happen with me. I fucken love a good coffee and will drink quite a few cups a day.

Yes, I'm screwed as far as caffeine goes.

I like my coffee so fucking black that it melts the spoon, man.

1) Why do you need a spoon if you're drinking coffee without anything? Unless you want to put in sugar, but in that case I don't consider it black.

2) Spoons melting have (very little) to do with the coffee being black. The coffee is basically water with extract and boils at 100 degrees Celsius or so. Spoons are usually made of some metal (such as aluminium or stainless steel) which melts at ridiculously high temperatures. Boiling water won't make the spoon melt.

I think the word you're looking for is dissolve, but I doubt a spoon really dissolves in water with coffee extract, haha...Most metals per se don't really dissolve very well. They dissolve much better as ions.
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Get out. All of you, just go, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I'll be talking with your mothers, and you'll be put on a diet of nothing but tea for the next three months.
...I've only had coffee, like, once. For hot drinks I prefer Hot Chocolate, and for caffeine I prefer Coke or Mountain Dew.
Get out. All of you, just go, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I'll be talking with your mothers, and you'll be put on a diet of nothing but tea for the next three months.

Nice to see you made it back. :D

I prefer tea by several orders of magnitude (any tea: I will take a good white tea over just about anything else, but my usual is several cups of earl grey a day). If I absolutely have to drink coffee, it is black. Putting milk in things is disgraceful.
Get out. All of you, just go, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I'll be talking with your mothers, and you'll be put on a diet of nothing but tea for the next three months.

I have no issue, I enjoy tea too. I just prefer coffee.
Get out. All of you, just go, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I'll be talking with your mothers, and you'll be put on a diet of nothing but tea for the next three months.

Tea is good too! We've got mostly sweet tea down here and it's great, but green is also pretty awesome. I feel like I should try more kinds of the stuff, though.
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