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NaNoWriMo 2010


...Also, I blame the person I'm RPing with who started off this epicp lot of epicness with me and it's been distracting me since Friday and I'm way behind. D: Help me, guys. I actually did write 1000 words yesterday but the gap is growing ever wider...

I'm at nineteen thousand now! I haven't written much yet today, still, but yayayay.

Also, I meant to mention that I was so tired the other day that for the first time after eight months of writing in my notebook, I completely forgot to do the hundred words. Pretended it was still the right date after waking up, took a nap, and caught up. But still, agh. NaNoWriMo is so draining.

I really need to write earlier in the day and get some sleep. I have a record for words in a day that I want to beat sometime this month, and I keep being tired all during the day and deciding to do it later. 8[

You guys can do it! Keep going! :D

I'm slowly creeping back up on target! On around 13,000 or so now, wrote a good amount yesterday so I think I'll be alright.

I've decided that I really don't want to end up doing what I did last time - write 20,000 within the last two days of November. So, I really want to get back on target~! I can do it! \o/

...well, maybe. My story is only just beginning to actual get going, yay.

There's still time! Just keep writing, if you can do twenty-thousand in two days, you can do anything! Actually, that's pretty impressive. Isn't it amazing what deadlines do for people? I wonder if you could manage to do that earlier on in the month one year. Maybe!


...Also, I blame the person I'm RPing with who started off this epicp lot of epicness with me and it's been distracting me since Friday and I'm way behind. D: Help me, guys. I actually did write 1000 words yesterday but the gap is growing ever wider...


Do the social gathering people know you're writing something? Do you have to go? Can you bring a notebook, or squeeze some more writing time into that day from something?

You can do it, Stormecho! Just sit down and write. You really like your roleplay, but maybe you should tell the other person that you need a break so that you can do some extra work on your novel.

One thousand words is pretty good, but you need to catch up! Check how many words you are behind and redo the math, or alternatively, tell yourself you'll do a writing spree soon to get back ahead and then go back to normal days. If you do a really good few days, you could even get ahead and shorten your daily word count.

Remember, people with jobs and other responsibilities manage to do NaNoWriMo. Lots of people can also do ~1667 in under an hour, and there are people who can write more than ten thousand words in a single day. You might not feel that you can do any of these things just now, but I think it really helps put it into perspective. If it's possible for some dedicated people to hit ten thousand in a day, it's totally possible for you to reach your daily goals!

Even if you're behind, you're still doing a great job! You've hit ten thousand! You can do it!
...It was a birthday party for one of my really close friends. D: So I needed to go. I already had decided not to go to Toronto to check out a Scott Pilgrim thing so that I could write. x3

I'll try today~
Written in purple gel pen on white paper, in a practiced, flowing cursive, the note read:

My dearest Devin,
I saw you from across the lunchroom and knew immediately that my heart yearned for you as a caterpie yearns to fly under the full moon. Your voice is more beautiful than the song of an altaria, and your face could not be matched by the finest smeargle in all the world. Oh, Devin, I can't stop these feelings I have for you. My love burns brighter than the grandest dance of volbeat and illumise could hope to compare. Please, my love, accept my heart, so that we could be together forever, no matter how long.
Yours from now until the end of time,
Anita Roberts

The boy looked up at the girl in front of him. Despite the skirt, she had scabs on her arms, scars on her ankle, and appeared to be attempting to kill him with her mind while at the same time abruptly turning her gaze towards the ceiling when he looked up. He then glanced back to the table from which she came, where three girls seemed to find something quite hilarious about their lunch while conspicuously not looking his way, except when they were, snatched peeks over shoulders.

He had a feeling he knew what was going on, but just to make sure: "Hey... Anita, is it?"

Anita glared at the boy. "Yeah?"

"What does 'yearn' mean?"

She narrowed her eyes at Devin further until they were nearly squeezed tight, wondering how he thought he could get off giving her weird irrelevant quizzes. "It's string y'can make with mareep wool; what about it?"

That love letter was fun to write.

Blaaaaah I'm only at 12k there are people with like twice that already I should be writing rn blaaaah.


Pretty much everyone's NaNoWriMo's are going to be largely terrible with a few paragraphs that are presentable. It just depends on whether you actually mind about burning people's eyes out, I guess? I mean, barely anyone even goes to this section of the forum, anyway. Also you can get constructive criticism for help on editing it later.

(Also don't never get anything done. 8[ Probably everyone is curious about the deal with your legendary-turned-trainer.)

It's not that I don't know how to edit it at all or that I don't want the criticism or anything--it's just that it has so far to go before it's presentable at all. Sure what some people are posting now is going to be a little unpolished, but while I haven't got the time to sit down and actually read all of it what I have seen is entirely readable and probably quite enjoyable as-is. With my own I'm not talking misplaced commas here and there, because if that were all then I'd go ahead and post, sure; I'm talking my-seven-year-old-cousin-could-do-better. Almost every time I write something I look back at it and think "...what why the hell did I let myself write something that shitty" and "oh god man and you were going to be an English major" and then I am so ashamed that I never touch it again because even though I'm told I'm a pretty good editor by other people my own stuff always looks like irredeemable crap to me :( I'm capable of writing well, or at least understand how to do so in principle, it just apparently never ever actually happens and you'd never know it from all the sludge on my hard drive!

BUT REALLY I SHOULD STOP BITCHING because even if it is awful and runs a high chance of being irredeemable I am still enjoying getting the idea down if nothing, and at least doing it quickly apparently means that it gets done at all. I usually never even start projects if they're not for NaNo or for school or something. (And actually I'm happy for the people who feel comfortable enough to post their drafts now or not-so-rough-drafts whatever really you're missing the point. Just... that confidence, and that ability to write quickly and still make it halfway presentable... share, plz? :( )

Don't mind me, I'm just a big downer, that's all!

In light of the following incriminating evidence, recovered from your own post:

I recently finished it on Notebook paper, and decided to try to type it for NaNoWriMo.

Under the rules clearly set down in the NaNoWriMo FAQ:

Previously written prose, though, is punishable by death.

You are hereby found guilty of willful deception with intent to inflate your word count. >:( Punishment is mitigated to being kicked out of the word war.
I just need to write 1585 words by 12 PM and then I'm finally caught up. WHICH I MEAN

will be awesome

I'm going to write more later, of course, but I think it's fair to stop at 15k for a little while.
uh, opal. We all knew that and no one objected to it; we suggested not attempting to claim winner's prizes for it, but other than that he's just trying to challenge himself to get some typing and revising done this month. I mean, Midnight said that she wasn't doing a "proper NaNo" either (unless this has changed?) and no one's been bothering her! (I assume, by the way, that the lack of objections means I can go ahead and add her to the team she wanted and just shuffle the inactives around, then?)

I am totally not objecting because that reduces my team's wordcount. Nope. Not at all. (Though I could also move Superbird to another team and take Midnight...) AND ANYWAY I'm the one who's been managing the whole thing so who are you to come in here and edit my widgets >| I will fix later when I don't have a midterm I should be preparing for.
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uh, opal. We all knew that and no one objected to it

Well, people on IRC didn't realise he was literally just typing up a written draft, and asked me to remove him. Sorry about that.

Though I still think there's nothing wrong with him doing it, it's just a bit unfair on everyone who's actually writing from scratch.
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I mean, Midnight said that she wasn't doing a "proper NaNo" either (unless this has changed?) and no one's been bothering her! (I assume, by the way, that the lack of objections means I can go ahead and add her to the team she wanted and just shuffle the inactives around, then?)

I think it has changed! I mean. I just finished my first chapter and somehow I don't think first chapters of proper nanos are 12.6k words, but other than that I shall be aiming for 50k indeed!

... I suppose in this light 50k will be easier than the original goal of finishing it. :B

Also yes of course it means that go team modforce. >D
School + Homework + Debating + Student Council + Girlfriend on crutches + Youth County Council + Musical + Social Life + Psychologist + Acupuncture + Tiredness from the above = My epic fail wordcount
Well, people on IRC didn't realise he was literally just typing up a written draft, and asked me to remove him. Sorry about that.

Though I still think there's nothing wrong with him doing it, it's just a bit unfair on everyone who's actually writing from scratch.

If those people on IRC are people who are actually participating in the war themselves and they do have a problem with it, then he can stay off; otherwise, I'm not entirely sure it's any of their concern. I thought he'd made it pretty clear that that was he was doing, though, and no one objected to anything before.

So let me ask properly now since apparently no one was paying attention before (understandable! but): Does it actually bother anyone that Superbird isn't writing his novel from scratch? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I'm not bothered by the fact that he's not writing it from scratch, but I do think it's a little bit much to take part in the word war. I mean, he already has the words: typing something from another source is tons easier than writing it from scratch, and everyone else is actually writing it as they're going along.
I don't really mind, and I JUST now remembered that I'm in this word war xD...So yeah, I haven't updated my wordcount in a long LONG while >.<, Imma go do that naow and type for a while(:
Terribly behind right now. Well, not TERRIBLY, but 4000 words is a pretty big amount to me. Ideally, I should be at 16,670 words today. But I've got six days off and I'm going to be bedridden after surgery on Friday, so something tells me I'll probably get ahead of the wordcount eventually.

As for Superbird, I don't care what he does for NaNo, but it depends for the word war. Is he literally just typing something that he wrote? Because if he is, that kind of is unfair to the rest of us.
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If those people on IRC are people who are actually participating in the war themselves and they do have a problem with it, then he can stay off; otherwise, I'm not entirely sure it's any of their concern. I thought he'd made it pretty clear that that was he was doing, though, and no one objected to anything before.

So let me ask properly now since apparently no one was paying attention before (understandable! but): Does it actually bother anyone that Superbird isn't writing his novel from scratch? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I didn't want to say anything about it earlier but yeah. That bothers me! :(

here is an excerpt, sans italics
Even after having it explained to her, Ana didn't think it made any more sense than it had before all of this crap had started happening. She'd been told countless times that getting your period was special and something wonderful and magical but she didn't think anyone had actually meant that last one literally. At least, not until she noticed the stain on her underwear while sitting on the toilet pondering life (as one does while sitting on the toilet; it was a shame men could only do it half of the time they were in there) and suddenly she became indestructible, or something.

Somehow, she was pretty sure things like that weren't meant to happen, otherwise that weird group that came to her school that one time in first year talking about traffic accidents and shit wouldn't have told them all that story about that girl whose shoelace got trapped in the bus doors and she got dragged along the ground until all the skin on her back came off. Menstruating girls and women were apparently just as mortal as everyone else. Which was maybe more than a little surprising – how many other people could you think of who could bleed for a whole week without going a wee bit dry?

(Anyway, that traffic accident thing hadn't been a very informative or helpful talk, to say the least. She'd actually preferred the one about condoms in the girls' changing room right before P.E. You know, the one where bananas were brandished and everyone was mildly mentally scarred. At least that had been somewhat useful... to the girls in her class who were convinced that becoming sexually active as soon as possible was their long-term goal for succeeding in life. One of them had already dropped out of school after getting chlamydia, or pregnant, or something along those lines. Ana couldn't pretend that she'd really been paying attention to all the rumour that had been going around.)

Well, otherwise, Ana hadn't thought too much about having what were essentially routine bloodletting sessions for the next forty-plus years; at least, not past the general reaction of 'oh my god what do I do MUM SERIOUSLY I AM YELLING!! Pay attention to my predicament, woman!' most girls were confronted with when this event occurred. At first, everything had seemed generally normal, other than she seemed to be seriously injuring herself on a significantly smaller basis. She didn't... really think that was all that normal, especially considering she was constantly having her phone fall on her face or her camera falling on her feet because she put it too far out on the edge of the desk for recordings or getting papercuts from trying to put up posters on her walls too dangerously and other things along those lines.

And then her hymen reappeared. And that was just creepy.

Ana knew it wasn't meant to be there, for one; it had pretty clearly broken after a couple of horse-riding lessons she'd been given for her birthday (it hadn't suited her lack of patience, so she stopped going after she no longer had to) when she was nine, and it wasn't like she had never bothered to 'check', as it were.

But there it was, an almost mockingly regrown blockade. Ana really wasn't sure whether to be terrified or just plain confused or even really freakin' angry, because... just... what the everloving fuck? She poked at it again, just to make sure. Ugh, that felt so weird and disgusting and wrong. But uh, going to the GP or something to ask about it seemed a little extreme. It wasn't like she was going to die of a horrible disease or something, right?

She went and Googled 'regrown hymen' just to make sure. It wasn't very informative, other than to tell her that they certainly didn't just magically regrow like cress on a wet facecloth. Unless she'd had surgery she'd somehow forgotten about.

Great. One utterly nonsensical possible explanation and no other leads. So Ana got back up, pulled her panties back up and searched around the room for ten minutes wondering how on earth she managed to lose her jeans when she'd only been wearing them five minutes previously until she decided she was bored and wanted to touch herself instead of doing her English homework, and headed downstairs to consult the almighty bank of knowledge that was her maternal figure.

“Mum! Guess what?” she called, rather creepily cheerful considering the situation, jumping the last step on the staircase and seeing if she could leap the distance between the end of the staircase and the kitchen door now (she still couldn't; dammit, she wished her legs would grow, too).

Oh. She wasn't in the kitchen. Well, that was an unexpected turn of events, Ana thought, frowning and glancing around the room as though her mother were about pop up from behind the fan-assisted oven at any moment. Apparently not. That just ruined every 'women should stay in the kitchen' joke she'd thought up on the way down the stairs then. What a waste of valuable time and energy that was! Psht, she'd have to save them up to abuse her own gender another time, she decided, bouncing back out of the kitchen and back through the hall, passing the wide fan-shaped mirror as the centrepiece on the wall.

She stopped at it, and looked at her reflection. Her face looked perfectly normal and nothing out of the ordinary (other than she'd managed to smudge her eyeliner again; maybe she should try out liquid eyeliner and see if that fared any better), at least not how she'd seen it before anything annoying like puberty happened; same straight nose, same lips only slightly too wide for her face to be in perfect proportion, same mud-brown eyes and hair... yeah, she was just about the same as she'd always been. Except maybe for that haircut she'd gotten last week, since her hair now had layers cut into it and the ends curled neatly over her slowly-growing chest. Her mum had called it 'budding', for some bizarre reason (she always had a ton of gardening-related puns on the go, it seemed), but if that was true then she was probably going to be stuck with stupid buds forever. It wasn't like anyone in her family who didn't have the unfortunate addition of a penis had anything bigger than a B-cup. She didn't exactly have high hopes for her growing body, seeing as she was still just stretching to five feet tall and had all the curves of one of those shatterproof rulers they had at school. Rulers were useful, but not really so much as a body shape.

It was like she was stuck in a child's drawing of herself.
Didn't want to say anything? Our surskitty? I am surprised!

But all right! Fine with me (though it wouldn't hurt if people actually gave input about stuff the first time I asked/things came up!). Sorry, Superbird, but the tribe has spoken. I'll go put Midnight in his place, and then I think Mercy also wanted in so she can go to Team C (Team B can get the next one maybe, if there are any others, because you jerks apparently don't need any help >|). Will go fix now.
No, it's fine. Seriously. No big loss, except for if my replacement doesn't hold the team back. Seroiusly.

Eh, you're actually right. I did have a complete rough draft, chapter for chapter, on paper. That is, apparently, cheating, and I accept the consequences. However, I will continue to write and post my story—if only to get reader comments. I'm sorry...But it's fine! With me, anyway.
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