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  • You don't know me, but I'm dropping a message to say cool icon.

    I still play the (Japanese) version of a3 & have since launch.

    i picked up EN last august? and have been in hell ever since
    me, trying to get brain to update its concept of kh3 (which is currently "doesn't exist" and "aqua got NORTED") with it being real: i will get back to you on this one

    also!!! welcome to the club!!! ... even if i am only in the club sometimes!!!!!
    omg you beat kh3 and my brain still isn't wrapped around the fact that it EXISTS lmao i haven't heard a lot about it but i do not want spoilers yet...!!! i really have been living under a rock in that area

    also mood!! i have realized my own sense of my gender is still Pretty Fucky and sometimes it's like "yes this one" and the next morning i will be "WAIT. IS IT". but i saw you're using they/them now right!!!
    friend flora!!! hello!! i am doing well (and also appreciating vms they're so convenient? displaying a conversation thread all at once! how nice) and currently bemoaning my decision to go on a five mile walk today for no good reason. how are you?!!
    of course!! & thank you so much!! i hope you’re having a good day & things are good for you!! ♡

    (YES it’s definitely a problem, oh my god, i’ve spiraled into a deep bandori nightmare but do i want to climb out? not entirely)
    hello!! i used to be really active yeeeears ago & i just wanted to say hello! i hope you’re doing well and thank you for being so nice & friendly way back when! ♡
    Just FYI, I've started up your Battle Royal battle again. Please get me your commands within a week!
    You are about to be disqualified from your battle against Nira. Please send some commands in the next 48 hours.
    You are about to be disqualified from your battle against Nira. Please send some commands in the next 24 hours.
    You're about to be disqualified from your tournament match. Please send some commands in the next 24 hours.
    You're about to be disqualified from your tournament match. Please send some commands in the next 24 hours.
    The first round of you vs Nira is up, and you're about to be disqualified from your tournament match. Please send some commands in the next 24 hours.
    You're about to be disqualified from your tournament match. Please send some commands in the next 24 hours.
    You were busy with Brightness, weren't you?
    I understand.
    I really like it so far, by the way.
    'Course, I'm only a few paragraphs in, but it's really good. You're talented.
    I'm not the best author, at least not if my run-ons and iffy punctuation have anything to say about it (damn semicolons), but you've got that stuff down, and use it perfectly!
    Hey! I got your ref quiz, I haven't actually... looked at it yet... but I just figured I should let you know I haven't forgotten or anything, hahah.
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