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Recent content by Nanabshuckle8

  1. Nanabshuckle8

    *Awkward Silence*

    So yeah, I was gone for a couple of months, cuz y'know, school and stuff. But now I'm back to bring joy and apple juice. Yaay! Two months don't really deserve it's own thread, but I should be allowed to be mildly arrogant sometimes. Please? c: *Offers celebratory apple juice*
  2. Nanabshuckle8

    The silence game

    (Nanab) *Returns to consciousness once more* *Tilts head so much my neck bends into a spiral* *Is astounded to know that LL does not know what a rain dance team is* *Runs off to find some Aron*
  3. Nanabshuckle8

    Acronym Game

    Mega Super Holographic Antlions Question Newcomers FLENPWB
  4. Nanabshuckle8

    King of the Hill

  5. Nanabshuckle8

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a dvd collection of all HIMYM episodes In goes a hollow mask.
  6. Nanabshuckle8

    Yet Another Association Game

    VG cats.
  7. Nanabshuckle8

    Rate the song above you

    Hmm, quite nice, dunno why I don't listen to these guys, then again...I see no reason to do the opposite. 8/10 anyway I have no idea how I came to know this song...but...aah fuck, I have no idea what to say. Your life won't be complete without it, that's for sure. The Avalanches - Frontier...
  8. Nanabshuckle8

    what languages do you speak?

    So apparently I speak english with a british accent, at least according to my teacher. I thought it was just some wierd mix of...stuff o.O
  9. Nanabshuckle8


    Greetings, I am Nanabshuckle, resident finn, welcoming you to this lovely community with this slug. It likes cereal. I thought I felt a disturbance in the force earlier...couldn't tell what it was...
  10. Nanabshuckle8

    Yet Another Association Game

    Fucks (given or not)
  11. Nanabshuckle8

    what languages do you speak?

    Well, my mothertounge is swedish, Finlandswedish/finnoswedish/whatever to be more precise, which has some differences to the standard version, one of them being that we can use short vowels after eachother(the name Timo being an example), which as far as I know does not occur in standard...
  12. Nanabshuckle8

    Yet Another Association Game

  13. Nanabshuckle8

    The avatar game

    Oh, my age must be taking it's share, I could swear I were just talking to some nice and exploitable youngsters, but it seems that it was merely a mindtrick, or some kind of illusion. *Looks sternly at the Kirlia* I say, who is this doctor?
  14. Nanabshuckle8

    The silence game

    Re: The silence game 7.0 (Nanab) *Says that LL is indeed lucky to even have wi-fi, unlike some others* *pouts* *Wants chocolate* *The flying ship arrives in slateport city* (Gaeru) *Asks where he can put his earthly statues*
  15. Nanabshuckle8

    The avatar game

    Well, I think that's a wonderful idea Aristicus. Would anyone of you youngsters be interested in helping me with my research?
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