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Search results

  1. DarkNut255

    Nintendo Systems = Pokemon Generations?

    I just noticed something. The line of the Nintendo Systems match the Pokemon Generations VERY CLOSELY. Gen I and III take place at the same time. Both the NES and N64 have two buttons on the controller, and were the most revolutionary of all Nintendo systems (excluding the Wii). (NES: D-Pad...
  2. DarkNut255

    Playing the original GB games just don't feel right...

    I find it best to play handheld games on either a Super Gameboy (SNES Peripheral) or a Game Boy Player (GCN Peripheral).
  3. DarkNut255

    Misreadings and stuff

    This is less of a misread and more of a stupid case of forgetfulness, but I was looking at Wikipedia's Kinect article, and saw a mention of Windows. "WHAT! Microsoft doing something with Windows! Don't they only do ga— Wait... I'm an idiot..." :P
  4. DarkNut255

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    Now that I think about it, Flygon would be awesome, as it can fly, and doesn't set anything on fire/shock things/spray water everywhere/slash things up with attacks/roast them/or anything too harmful. Oh, and most bug pokemon in general. There ARE pet tarantulas in existance.
  5. DarkNut255

    Which layout do you use?

    I use Dialga on the main site, Joltik on the forums.
  6. DarkNut255

    Are natures that important in-game?

    I don't know how the AI would cheat, but natures ARE mostly about EVs and/or IVs (I don't really pay too much attention to those...)
  7. DarkNut255

    Requests Open Kawaii~Desu Art Shop ^o^

    These are really good... And by good, I mean AMAZING. May I please have a Kagamine Magnezone?
  8. DarkNut255

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Original_series So yeah, the Original Series DOES contain Kanto and Johto. It does seem to be an easy mistake, as Kanto WAS only one season, (well, seasons is an American term... but it is separated into five parts (three of them being Johto.) and only 81...
  9. DarkNut255

    (Now doing requests!) The Place Where I Dump My Sprites

    Nice sprites! Really like the splices and the Shadow Pokémon! Can you do a request? Type: Splice Pokémon: Butterfree, Beedrill, and Venomoth
  10. DarkNut255

    Welcome Everybody!

  11. DarkNut255


  12. DarkNut255

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    I haven't seen anything since Advanced Gen., but I can certainly say that he should have at least used SOME of his older Pokémon in the later series, I mean, Bulbasaur's still in Oak's lab, along with many others. Oh, and he congratulated Pikachu for causing Porygon's flashing missile strobe...
  13. DarkNut255

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    Either Joltik, any one of the Eeveelutions, Pikachu, or any one of the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn starters. Especially Charizard. Bikes and Cars? Nah, just FLY. :sunglasses:
  14. DarkNut255

    Most heartbreaking moment?

    In Pokémon Black, I was not too far, about the second badge, but my brother wanted to play, so I decided to give him the file. And he played for a little while, then stopped...
  15. DarkNut255

    Welcome Everybody!

    I hope to not be mean, follow the rules, use good grammar, (except by occasional mistake, and my overuses of ellipses...) and share my love of Pokémon (and Nintendo/Video Gaming in general) with everyone! :grin: I also am not a huge fan of first person shooters and I live in the United States...
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