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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    ((This thing needs a bump. Now.)) The two Porygon2's floated beside Rin. "Join us if you want. A good hacker is always a nice addition to any ship," one of them bleeped, its voice electronic. With a nod, the two Porygon2's followed after Cuzaji. They hovered around the Kreel and waited for...
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    One of the virtual Pokemon seemed to shrug at the Kreel’s question. Considering that Porygon2’s don’t have shoulders, it was rather strange. “There are always records. Dig a bit and they show up,” the Porygon2 bleeped, ignoring the fact that Rin had told it to hold that fact. The other Porygon2...
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    ((Really, Philly, at least attempt to type out Captain Lehrer’s name even if you can’t manage a five-sentence post.)) Another silvery bubble, similar to the one carrying the Kreel before, slowly floated through the white-hot fluid and connected with the chamber wall. With what could be best...
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    A clear, thick liquid oozed out of the drains on the roof. It sat there, quivering a bit like jelly, as if waiting for someone. Two Kreels ran up the stairs and onto the roof, and a large glowing dragon head seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The thick liquid stayed still while the two Kreels...
  5. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    Nobody noticed the beer can, until it suddenly turned into a large Kreel, the exact same size, shape, and color as the one that just disappeared. The Kreel, with its armor glinting purple in the neon lights, slowly walked towards the police… Then bolted out the emergency exit. “After him!”...
  6. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    The Drall – or more accurately, the beer can – didn’t move. It sat there patiently as the light blue Drall talked to someone on his communicator. The voice was the one of a Flygon, probably Cuzakji’s beloved Vell. The Flygon was the one who stayed on their spaceship to monitor the surroundings...
  7. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    Another song started in the night pub, a quick and upbeat tune that sounded vaguely Melimarii with its trills and clicks. People – a few humans, Kreels, Quintok, and even a Oomari in special water tank – chatted amongst themselves. None of them had paid any attention to the little exchange...
  8. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    Applying for Kali’s ship~ Character Sheet Name: ! (Sounds something like “Ding!”, but others usually call it by its species name (Drall) because no one can pronounce its name properly.) Species: Drall Gender: None Affiliation: Whoever pays it the most Occupation: Whatever the creature paying...
  9. Crazy Linoone

    Open Beyond The Stars

    ((Hmmmm... Reserving please. I'll make a form tomorrow. Too sleepy right now.....zzzzz))
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