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Search results

  1. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    No one died. You can still hear a frightening sound drifting through the alleyways of the city... No one died. 48 hours for night actions.
  2. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Hmm, I was hoping she'd join back, but because of me, she won't... She was the Oracle. She could ask any yes or no question so long as it did not directly reveal someone's role or alignment. Oh yeah, more time for lynchings, I guess...
  3. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] Ok, <Insert Flavor Text Here> They find out Phantom is dead. (No, not modkill) She was presumed innocent after they checked her belongings. Phantom is dead. Innocent. 48 hours for lynchings
  4. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] Don't forget your glass of milk before you sleep! And I'm serious; I have no night actions. I know its only been five hours, but at the LEAST, half of you were online...:\
  5. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] *sigh* Fine. I'll stop cussing that much...And please don't post at the night phase. Please... And I have zero night actions. :P
  6. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] God, take a fucking joke. And no one posts during the night phase. That's just...how you play, :P
  7. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] *sigh* You do know randy lynching on the first day is terrible, right? Let's see if you're lucky... Espeon was sent to the Gulliotine. She died. What fell from her pocket was a magnifying glass and a Fedora. Welp! D: Espeon is dead. She was innocent. 48...
  8. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] She said she was on a vacation of some sort.... Remember the hint. >:) Oh, and lynch, yeah.
  9. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] People post! I am extending the day by 48 hours.
  10. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] It's a type of writing. Study up on geography people, ;) Err, I was expecting more discussion....
  11. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [D1] There's a picture....=\ You gotta figure out the note. If I told you, then It be like telling the innocents who the mafia are. Oh, added a link to Post 7 if you can't see the picture.
  12. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] At first, I thought I lost the roles. But I realized I have memorized the roles! 10 minutes of my life wasted though... The citizens go outside to see if anyone died. Amazingly, everyone was still alive! Maybe the mafia had a change of heart? One person found a...
  13. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] fine, I'll change the button
  14. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] the button says "change phase to day" so i know for a fact i changed it to night. Why the hell must my internet be crappy with this? DX
  15. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    Re: Mew Disguiser Mafia [N1] People, I have only recieved ONE night action. >=U (and who sent that one is pretty ironic) Now give me your night actions now! >=(
  16. DarkAura

    Mew Disguiser Mafia [D2]

    The sun sets over Mewsdale. as the last of the citizens go to sleep, a soft creaking can be heard in the abysses of the alleys, the mafia waiting to strike. 24 hours for night actions.
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