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Search results

  1. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

  2. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    *sigh* I'd seriously, really, really rather not, but since there's nothing to nitpick on except your spelling, I will very reluctantly say accepted. Can you take your time posting maybe? You seem to know how to spell stuff and spell well, though if you're rushing you'll make a lot of spelling...
  3. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    More than five meters, if I wrote that before, then oops :o Have you ever seen a really powerful white water rapid, either on TV or in real life? Like, a huuuuuge river with spray reaching meters into the air, and sharp rocks at the bed of the river. The actual water is rather shallow, though...
  4. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Fair enough, but what's this? And why is he underground? A lot of Pokemon can learn Dig, Charizard included, but does he use Dig really often or..? Don't bother answering that. Fix that and whatever you feel needs fixing, start from scratch, uh...
  5. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Get rid of the colour changing unless you have some really, really good explanation for it.
  6. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups o hai wanna fix these
  7. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups ..That was a rhetorical question >_> And it's not so much a Mary Sue as not allowed, and not possible. Unless you want to explain that more, write two more lines in personality, and explain who the hell Lars is since he doesn't exist.
  8. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Tell me what I'm going to say.
  9. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Um. No. FIRST OF ALL Pokemon doesn't work that way: Rose and Storm are related and neither has poison fangs because their father was a Serviper. How does Leonard's name suggest he is more intelligent? Uh. I'm pretty sure you can't be half...
  10. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Alright then. :x
  11. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups I.. don't believe you ever signed up, Cryptica..? EDIT: Unless that's you, Darksong, and you just fail-posted again. :3
  12. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups 'Bit moar personality plz. About two more sentences should do it, and I'm dropping the part where you have to explain what a *insert Pokemon here* looks like, since no one seems to understand that. >:/
  13. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups While I'd prefer the appearance to be longer, I guess there's nothing much left to do but accept you. So there you go~
  14. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups *sigh* Accepted, Twiggy, I guess. Sunset, a bit more in appearance and you'll be fine. Describe what a Gastly looks like. Also, a seraphim is a kind of angel in the Bible, ironic that now 's a Gastly haha ha Do you guys not read the signup forms? >:/
  15. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups :< Ah well, that's another person I've scared off with my requirements of walls of text. Pfft.
  16. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups *cracks knuckles* Alright, I'm cracking down on signups, I guess. There're a few things wrong here. First, where did your character get a bandana, we are in the middle of a huge forest with no humans around. Descriiiibe a Charizard, please. It makes...
  17. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Aaaaand in case anyone still hasn't seen, here's the thread.
  18. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Yeeeeaaargh damn straight I have a lot of the plot planned out >:/ Accepted~
  19. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups Alright, wait for the thread, it'll be up in.. a while.
  20. Dragon

    Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

    Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups ..You didn't fix anything >_< Fix your form and we'll start, get rid of the messed up appearance and uh. Even better, don't use the character
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