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Search results

  1. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    James Granbull She had just finished shredding the curtains to strips as a makeshift Escape Rope. zeKieranator Smeargle He was painting on the walls, duh. He's wearing a stylish Choice Scarf, only slightly marred by the pink-sequined stitches proclaiming his name to be "Muffin"...
  2. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    I'm doing really well, actually! I have lyme disease and bartonella and babesiosis and PANDAS and possibly some other undefined autoimmune disorder and have had them all forever. The hospital thing was for a treatment, intravenous immunoglobulin G, that I've been trying to get for like a year...
  3. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Lots of people came ridiculously close to getting shinies this time, like, every other shiny!check roll was, like, 497 or 498. In other news, I was prepared to write descriptions until I saw just how mondo long this list was. Your regularly scheduled snark will be right back AFTER THESE...
  4. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Woah! Sorry I disappeared off the face of the earth for a while there, life happened at me. I'm out of the hospital and the last two IV/IG sessions went fine, though, so I can finally internet in peace. Just... gimme a moment to roll up all these numbers, k? I've fallen way behind. Thank...
  5. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Ruffledfeathers Busted! Maud puts a lavender collar around your neck. The little jingling tag reads "Waffles". L'il Dwagie Absol He was on the kitchen counter, knocking everything over. When he spills the cookie jar, a Lava Cookie tumbles out.
  6. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Green Typhlosion He's holding the stereo hostage! He is determined to listen to Gogol Bordello even if everyone else hates it. Anyone that comes near the music is getting snarled at something vicious. shadow_lugia She was lounging on a shelf of the bookcase in the guest bedroom. Not reading...
  7. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    RandomTyphoon MOVING ON THEN (missing some dialogue options, but oh well. There's always next time the dice rolls turn out crazy). Grumpig He was at the top of the stairs. It looks like he was contemplating sliding down the banister. Green Metapod Wait what. Okay, Maud Babbingorst is pretty...
  8. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    BlueMoony Sableye He was hiding under the bed, obviously. Sableyes are totally monster-under-the-bed type critters. I bet he eats toes. Flareth Cleffa She was sitting behind the door in the guest bedroom - you kind of smacked her in the face when you opened it up for a peek, whoops. She's...
  9. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Eonrider Jigglypuff You put the collar (a sensible dark blue, nothing outrageous and/or frilly) on Absol and continue. There's a Jigglypuff sleeping in the basket by the fireplace. She's obviously totally badass - in order to sleep in such a coveted, warm, comfortable spot she must have FOUGHT...
  10. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    RandomTyphoon In your pokemon-rescuing quest, you stumble across an unfortunate trainer who encountered Maud Babbingorst in one of her least lucid moments. He has a ridiculously froofy bow tied to his neck and a tag reading "Mr. Tibbles". He greets you with an embarrassed awkward-turtle-tastic...
  11. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    BlueMoony Sandshrew She was trying to tunnel her way to freedom through the carpet in the living room. Abort/Retry/Quit i mean Capture/Continue?
  12. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    blazheirio889 Nidorino He was in the cupboard under the stairs. No, Ms. Babbingorst doesn't live at Number Four, Privet Drive - why do you ask?
  13. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Green Pachirisu Look, this may be third-person omniscient writing style, but I'm not actually, you know, omniscient. I have no clue how he ended up in the dishwasher, okay?
  14. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Green BUSTED! As you're sneaking through the kitchen, Ms. Babbingorst totters in to make herself a cup of tea. She blinks myopically at you, assumes that you're a guest she's forgotten, and offers the tea to you. You feel too awkward and vaguely guilty to steal a pokemon this round, better luck...
  15. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Green Slowpoke Ever the oblivious one, she hasn't noticed that her Pink Bow is identical the one "Hugsy" was wearing earlier. Seriously, RNG, what's up with that? Anyhoo, catch or continue? RuffledFeathers She was in the bathroom sink. I'm not sure why she was in the bathroom sink, but...
  16. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    No descriptions today because I'm just heading out the door to a doctor's appointment, sorry. MidnightSaboteur Luxio Full Metal Cookies Umbreon ETA: Both male btw
  17. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Ah, okay. Sorry to be a pest, then. </miscommunication> Zora of Termina Buneary He's trapped under a chair - guess he crawled in to escape the crowd and misjudged the available space. He's giving you a (slightly squashed) pleading look - rescue him?
  18. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Uhm, what? This zone setup doesn't utilize continues that way, you have to pay again for a second catch. (You can totally buy a bunch of collars at once, though.)
  19. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Zora of Termina Stunky Well, he is four legged and furry... still, you'd have to have to be blind to mistake him for a cat. And anosmiac, certainly. The name on his collar is "Cinnamon". Will you take him or continue on?
  20. Dybael

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Verne Larvitar She was in the backyard, trying to dig her way to freedom. Eat her way to freedom. Whatever. Whatchoo wanna do?
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