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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton


    So my school does this thing called "advisory competitions" - We come up with a name for our advisory group, then do various competitions like a holiday decorating competition and field day. We collect points and the advisory with the most points at the end of the year wins. The first...
  2. Ivy Newton


    So. Today. Background: There's this guy, let's call him S, in my art class. For some reason, he likes drawing babies. Sitting in the art room and class is about to start. This girl, E, comes in and says she has a present for S. S comes in and E's like "close your eyes and I'll give you your...
  3. Ivy Newton


    Okay, this is only sort of at school, but it still counts. The class is "Humanities". A bunch of genius science nerds are busily discussing Frankenstein and what it means to be a monster. And he KEPT BRINGING IT UP. Like every day. And it was funny because it was like this serious discussion...
  4. Ivy Newton


    So I refuse to go to prom, and all the prom committee kids keep trying to get me to go. So today one of them decided she'd show up at my house the day of prom with a dress and kidnap me, and then decided that I should go with one of our classmates (a guy) and we should both wear the same dress...
  5. Ivy Newton


    This was a while ago, but nonetheless: Sometime during math class, we notice something written in the upper corner of the board: "Our plan: pink tartans, elk horns, blood (fake)" (I guess this was their plan for the skit competition). This conversation ensues (slightly paraphrased): Student...
  6. Ivy Newton


    My physics teacher has several xkcd strips posted on the cabinet in her classroom.
  7. Ivy Newton


    My English Teacher on Catholics (slightly paraphrased cause I'm not good at remembering stuff like this): "So on Sunday Catholics go to church and confess their sins. Then they spend the rest of the day partying. My wife's mom is Catholic and she used to go to mass really early, like 5:30 in...
  8. Ivy Newton


    The bio teacher at my school has been on maternity leave for the 1st quarter and apparently the first sub they got just kinda disappeared one day... No one's quite sure what happened to him. Apparently they told the students he had some health issues or something, but the chem teacher has...
  9. Ivy Newton


    Eh. I rather dislike the main sub at my school. Mostly cause she sucks at math and science and yet mostly only subs those classes. Funny Story Time! Apparently my history teacher was a sub at some other school before he started teaching at my school. First day on the job he was asked to sub a...
  10. Ivy Newton


    Hmmm... The other day, my friend and his other friend were doing this thing during lunch where they kept spinning around, high-fiving each other on each revolution. Eventually they just kinda ran into each other. It was pretty epic. EDIT: Oh yeah. And... One day in Chinese we all heard what...
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