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Search results

  1. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie sighed. "Yeah... I'm dying here." She laughed weakly at her dumb joke. "Connor, you and Celest can help each other, get food ready and stuff. I'll get Logan." She had heard Kiara as well, and planned on getting her up. If this thing was fighting type, then it was a bet that one of the...
  2. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie sighed. At Connor's request, she approached Celest first. "Alright, I've never done any healing before, so... If you don't mind." She didn't exactly leave Celest time to answer. It was almost like the Hypnosis. But rather than going into Celest's brain, she just went into the damaged...
  3. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    The brief pause the Trick Room gave her let her form a plan. Yes, Annie had a very naughty little plan. The walls vanished as quickly as they had risen, and she found Logan doubled over and breathing heavy, Connor still looking pathetic, Celest surprisingly looked a little better, and the...
  4. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie huddled behind the cover of the stall. That thing was going to kill them at the rate this was going, and then it'd come for her. It was like something straight out of a nightmare. She wanted to be back on the merry-go-round, back where it was safe, back where she felt all warm and fuzzy...
  5. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie's eyes almost shot out of her head. "What the hell happened to you two?!" She asked. Her question was quickly answered by the hulking cloaked mass charging toward them. She shrieked as he ran by. She was afraid. Far more so than Celest, probably. Annie felt powerless, useless even. She...
  6. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    "I didn't say it had to be a Harley Jacket. Hell, Bomber Jacket would look pretty snazzy, but, hey, if you want to go Harley, that's your choice. And whatever you dress like, your face screams 'I'm a giant teddy bear.' So there." Annie pretended to examine her nails. Logan asked what her hair...
  7. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie laughed a little, rubbing ankle with her free hand. "Oh, come on stupid." She punched him on the shoulder. "It was you. Don't act like such an idiot." She smiled to let him know for sure she was joking. She thought she saw something pop into the air in the distance, but she figured nothing...
  8. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    (Don't worry, Ulqi~ I'm getting excited for some bloodshed anyhow) Logan began kissing her back, and she felt her face turn a deeper red. Eventually, he stopped, and she mumbled, "Okay, that's enough." He had knocked her glasses a little off-blanance, and she adjusted them. Logan asked her if...
  9. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie rolled her eyes. Logan wasn't any of what he told himself he was. But he seemed so positive. In truth, the only reason she was being difficult was very shallow and wrong of her. She had known that from the start of course, but now she was considering otherwise. How to tell him of her...
  10. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie supressed a laugh at Logan's waddling run, and let him help her up on top of the ride. She sat quietly by herself while she patted her legs in a little rythym, and made sure all the hair was out of her face. The ride hummed to life, and Logan made a powerful leap to the top. He mentioned...
  11. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie was beginning to get the feeling Logan was the type who believed the whole 'happy wife is a happy life' thing. The type of guy who would do just about anything she said if she said it'd make her happier. This was both very good, and very bad. Good because he wouldn't let her down if she...
  12. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie gave a little sarcastic snap to Logan. "I don't know, Splash Mountain." She stared at him with unamused eyes before realizing he might be seriously asking a question for a reason, not just some stupid and pointless thing. "... Well, I, uh..." She wrapped her fingers around each other...
  13. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie snickered to herself. "Big and burly, yes, but never did you come off as tough. No matter how strong you are, Logan, I'll always see you as a big teddy bear." She continued to laugh while he Stumbled over his words. As hurtful as the words mean and cruel would have normally been to her...
  14. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie stared at Logan after he asked her if they should simply up and leave now. And she stared. And stared. And stared. She finally lost all the hostility in her glare, and shrugged with a simple, "Sure, why not." She spun on her heel, an impressive trick in heels she had learned as part of a...
  15. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie had figured as much. Logan was a bit of a softy for a bike, but it had been worth asking. "I see more mid-life crisis guys with white beards than tough guys on bikes." She shrugged. She tried her best to ignore his rather ridiculous look when he leaned on the cage. He brought up that...
  16. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    "I ask," Annie said simply, twirling a strand of hair. "Because I need to know how long to avoid falling in the mud and dirt. I wouldn't be caught dead dirty on a date, and just because I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, mutated, and the date sounds boring, I'm not going to lower any of my...
  17. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie flattened her dress a bit, then followed Logan. When she went into the tent, it didn't seem as though their two little friends had moved much. She silently took one of the hats of water, and moved to another tent nearby. She set it down next to the open tent flaps, and stared down into...
  18. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie stared at the ground behind Logan while he blubbered his apology, or whatever he was doing. She examined her fingernails, using her thumb to pluck a bit of the mud out. "God, why do always apologize or try to correct whatever you just said?" She asked. "You need to just relax. I can tell...
  19. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie could only continue to stare at Logan while he explained himself. She what? "Logan..." She started with a slight growl. She actually pressed her forehead and nose against his with a scowl on her face, speaking through her clenched teeth. "You are such a bastard. I would so pound your face...
  20. Lil Kuchiki

    Closed Masque Carnivalia

    Annie nodded and hummed an "okay" when Logan said she didn't do anything stupid. And then her head shot up when he said, "Not that I think, anyway." Still slumped over his shoulder, she grabbing hold of his opposite shoulder with one hand. "That means I did something that could potentially be...
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