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Search results

  1. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    ...): This never happens to me. My EMA is still buggered up and I don't think any of it's come through for like a month. But in other news, today was a good day. And tomorrow my girlfriend is staying round at my house. C: And it shall be awesome.
  2. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I feel rather good. :D (Even though it's half 3 AM) I had a great sleepover with my friend yesterday, and even though I felt pretty rough today, my friends helped cheer me up. I've been pushing myself a lot lately, but I realised I've been doing it in the wrong way and how to fix that. So now...
  3. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Visiting my dad here in Germany until Tuesday. :D It's great to be back here again, haven't since last summer.
  4. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I decided to stop procrastinating and spent two and a half hours after school finishing my English coursework. :D Got to where I needed to hand it in on perfect timing and now I know that it's finally done. All the year's coursework for that subject... done. ~_~ Today was the absolute deadline...
  5. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    It was my birthday today, and it was pretty great! I got SoulSilver. :D And I had the most awesome cake ever:
  6. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    The Geography school trip today was pretty cool. :D Testing the infiltration rate, wind speed etc. of a sand duney beach place, hell yeah. Also, tomorrow is FRIDAY. I have loads of homework to do but I don't care because tomorrow is FRIDAY~~
  7. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got good AS results. :3
  8. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Yeah, remember when I said it was snowing yesterday? Screw that. Proper snow, that was not. THIS. IS REAL SNOW. It's everywhere and I couldn't see my feet on the way home because the snow was too thick around my shoes and I almost fell over and it was awesome :D
  9. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

  10. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I finally realised I have a crush on someone. :D Never been able to admit it to myself until now. Whoo~ She's unattainable, but whoo~ for self-acceptance!
  11. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    You got 100 posts... in one DAY? o____O
  12. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got internet access after a week! :D Also known as, coming back from holiday in Scotland at my granny's house. It was awesome~!
  13. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I wasn't going to go to the prom, because it's so expensive and a dress would be like... over eighty quid. Add that to the thirty entrance fee and it's a recipe for living on the streets. BUT my cousin's letting me borrow hers! :D I went round to take it today, and it fits perfectly! It's a...
  14. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Today I feel really happy! :D I've been feeling on top of the world recently for not much reason at all (after all, I've had a lot of stress at school) but I do love it so. XD Maybe it's to do with it being the 1st of March? My favourite time of year, spring is close, and my birthday's this...
  15. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    MY ENGLISH PRESENTATION IS DONE AND I AM GLAD! It seems like a different world... the world with the presentation coming up and overwhelming nerves, and the world without the presentation in it any more. XD All I have is coursework! And exam revision! Which somehow seem like nothing compared to...
  16. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I feel really happy today! :D This deserves a post because I'm not usually so happy! Especially considering how much homework/coursework I have to do in the next few days. I guess it has a lot to do with me being able to kick myself down town without feeling too under-confident (yes... this is...
  17. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    YES I LOVE YOU SKY *A* Also that's really lame. DX We came into school today for the sole reason that our headteacher didn't want our school's reputation ruined hello you silly man, the town's grammar schools have been shut all day!
  18. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    WE GET TOMORROW OFF HELL YES. This is apparently the worst (lol, or best for me) snow we've had in 18 years. 18 YEARS! *dies*
  19. Minish

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I would make a thread about my own snow day, but I'd probably get yelled at since there's about five of them. XDD But yeah, snow! I don't remember ever seeing this much snow in my entire lifetime! And we actually got told we could all go home today from school - that's definitely never happened...
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