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Search results

  1. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven gave Dave a mildly skeptical look, but hovered back to his usual height. He winced, though, at Koa's biting tone. "I don't want to stoop to his level," he cautioned, "but if he well and truly won't leave this alone until we face him, then I'll go." He wore a resigned look as he took in...
  2. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven held his stance facing where Zapdos had been, even after it took it's leave. Only once he heard Koa's voice asking after Dave did he let out a shaky, warbly breath. His limbs still tingled with the buzz of Radiance; like adrenaline but more potent. As the sensation faded, so too did his...
  3. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "Dave!" Steven watched in shock as Dave slammed into a tree and crumpled into a heap of dark fur. And then suddenly, unbidden, the molten heat in his veins flared to life. He moved, putting himself between Zapdos and the others, arms poised and claws bared. Psychic energy gathering in his...
  4. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    As Zapdos spoke, Steven's expression shifted from surprised concern, to one of puzzlement. What the legendary was saying didn't make sense. "All creatures act with reason, civilization or not," he said. "Hunger, shelter, survival, those are reasons all living beings share." "We're talking with...
  5. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "Koa, wait--" Steven was too slow to grab and pull Koa back to shelter. His body moved on instinct, trying to follow, but suddenly the dust devil was gone and in its stead was-- A Galarian Zapdos? "What?" Steven gaped with wide eyes. They weren't even confirmed to be more than a rumor. A...
  6. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Suddenly, Steven was battered by leaves and twigs and dirt as the wind rushed past him from seemingly nowhere. He hardly had time to register the dust devil bearing down on them before he heard Xoco's shout. "Take cover?!" Steven echoed, partially in disbelief. They were in an orchard-- there...
  7. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven tailed along behind Koa as he moved north, tidying up branches in their wake. Best stick together as a team, right? He lifted another broken branch and paused. There were some kind of tracks beneath it. Squinting down at them, he was suddenly aware of how quiet things were. What was...
  8. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven paused in his clean-up efforts. "A cyclone? With odd winds?" Why did the word 'cyclone' tickle something in his memory? He looked around the orchard again, tapping a claw against his chin in thought. The area of destruction did seem awfully localized for a weather event of such unusual...
  9. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven had frequented the orchards enough that when he'd heard about the damage, he'd wanted to tag along to see how he could help in the aftermath of the storm. "That is fortunate," commented Steven as he glanced around the orchard, taking in the extent of the damage. The trees had taken a...
  10. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven glanced from the Orans he knew, to at least three different trees sporting purplish, vaguely egg-shaped berries with names he definitely didn't remember, and began to laugh. The sound was a mixture of his own voice, and the chiming tones of his beldum body. It took him a moment to...
  11. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "Ah, that'd be great, actually," said Steven, rising and tidying up the ingredients he'd found thus far. "It's a rather relaxing activity, at least when you know what you're looking for. And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't enjoy the company." He offered Archie a genuine smile. For this one...
  12. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "It's no problem," Steven said, setting down his half of the berry and lavender concoction before gesturing to the orchard at large. "There's plenty more where that came from. And I've got a lot more ingredients to collect, still." When Archie offered a quizzical expression, Steven gave a small...
  13. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    So everyone here carried some kind of baggage with them, that much was clear. Clear enough from the roulette of emotions that flickered across Archie's face. The Oshawott settled on a smile, perhaps more than a little forced, but a smile nonetheless. Steven held the silence, floating a little...
  14. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven's eye went wide. "Your world died?" No wonder Archie could handle all of this. He'd witnessed the end of everything and lived to tell the tale. And yet as the words left him, a horrible sinking feeling struck Steven in the chest. Like he was falling down a dark, endless hole. Like he...
  15. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven nodded. "You're right. I don't want to hide anything, and we should absolutely tell the entire group about this. But you can understand how I'd rather test the theory by isolating and being wrong, than remaining here and being right..." Slowly, he rose slightly higher and then settled...
  16. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "Radiance," Steven said. "That's what it's called, this opposing power. Nolan said it's a power used by the Saints here, and it can be granted to normal pokemon to wield as well. If Felin has a lead on finding someone who has the power of Radiance, then we need to follow her there." He hated...
  17. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    Steven let out a shaky warble, trying to absorb everything Archie had laid out. "I think I understand. I'm not sure which is more troubling, the tear we've created in the fabric of reality, or the fact that the Wolf is trying to stop the shadows, not create them." "Nolan told us that he...
  18. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "Wh-what?" Steven's eye widened and widened as Archie spoke. A few of the items he'd regathered slipped from his grasp again. "You met the Wolf? You spoke with the Wolf? And he knows the shadow voice, too? This is..." his eye searched the grass for some kind of explanation and came up empty...
  19. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    "No, no, ah, it's okay," Steven stumbled through a less-than-graceful recovery. "It's just some berries and herbs, it's no big deal." "Thank you," he said, accepting the items Archie helped to pick up. But when he did, he followed Archie's paw to the bandages across his midsection. The night at...
  20. Panoramic_Vacuum

    Frontier Town Greenbough Empirical Orchards

    A sound gave Steven pause in his scrutiny of the treetops. Had he heard his name, or was it just a trick of the wind? There was another rustle of the foliage, closer this time, and he spun in time to see someone or something emerge from the greenery. "Ahh--!" His startled chirp was punctuated...
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