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  1. Saith


    I'm pretty sure the feminising thing means buttsex. You could have sex with your wife because you owned her. Having sex with a man implies that you own him. This is insulting to him stuff. 'Course, nowadays sex isn't just for reproduction/to show your domination, so the Leviticus quote (hell...
  2. Saith


    Butbutbut I spooooooooon.
  3. Saith


    As I said, ritual cleansing =/= sin.
  4. Saith


    In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the villains were the priest and the Semite*, because they chose to follow the Torah, rather than help a dying man. A priest is not allowed to touch blood (I think, might be a dead man) or he'd have to be ritually cleansed. The hero was the Samaritan, who...
  5. Saith


    You can prove those can't exist. You can neither prove nor disprove god. If you're taught to believe in god, taught things that point towards the existence of god, taught things that favour the Christian beliefs, then you believe in god. You can't disprove god, but you can disprove arguments...
  6. Saith


    Wow, I think I either sounded much more intelligent than I am, or much less intelligent than I am. I didn't mean anything to do with genetics, or hell, anything I can be bothered to get into at 4am. I just made a small, bitchy statement with nothing to back it up with, because I was trying to...
  7. Saith


    I guess I worded it wrong, but I meant that, if you actually do believe something, you can't choose not to believe it. ... That's even worse. What I mean is that, if someone told me they were giving away free stuff at the something store, I would believe them or wouldn't believe them. If...
  8. Saith


    To be fair, you can't choose to believe in something. You can choose to act on a belief, but you can't decide whether to actually believe or not. I guess religion is kinda like sexuality, in that sense~
  9. Saith


    Just gonna say that one interpretation of the Leviticus quote thingy is that, due to Judaism being sexist, being gay is considered an insult. Basically, a man owns his wife, so if he shags a guy, he's insulting him. Because he's dominating his fellow Jew. So it's more of a 'being gay is bad...
  10. Saith


    I find it funny how people who quote Soddom against gays conveniently forget how, verses later, Lott shags his daughters. And that's presented as a good thing. 'Now that we all live in a cave, with whom shall we serve our only duty as women?' 'Daddy.' *Rohypnol*
  11. Saith


    Dogs'll go around humping everything. That's natural. You wouldn't want me walking over to you out of no where and attempting to shag your leg, though. I don't understand why the whole natural thing matters, just like I don't understand why whethere it's a choice or not matters. It means that...
  12. Saith


    Just poppin' in to say that I don't find anything wrong with gays, blah blah and that we watched that DVD of John Corvino in RE, and it converted a class of homophobes into homo...friends? Nah that's probably offensive, but~
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