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  1. T


    There's a difference in detail between junior- and senior-level books in secondary school, of course university-level biology is going to be more in-depth. I'd be surprised if many senior-level books even pointed out the glans, let alone the frenulum but I'm sure uni-level textbooks have a look...
  2. T


    Then why did you do "fix" the post, when we're talking about university textbooks?
  3. T


    Unfortunate implications Because of your phrasing, Be careful with you words Or else you'll get a tazing~
  4. T


    DADT has been stricken out.
  5. T


    Yeah, and, as J.T. said, discrimination in the workplace is illegal in Mass. Am I missing something here?
  6. T


    I've come out to a lot of my friends but no one in my family. I don't see the need to cause conflict in my family unless I want to have a relationship with a guy and I've been going out with a girl for eleven months (and don't intend on changing that). The first three people I told all took it...
  7. T


    Are you freaking braindead? Discrimination in employment is illegal. It's against the law to fire people just for being gay, in the same way that you can't fire people just for being black, Jewish or Republican. It was completely illegal for them to include that clause in their contract in the...
  8. T


    Having a reasonable argument on serebii is like trying to get blood out of a turnip. Also, as it happens, opaltiger linked to my source for that information;
  9. T


    Actually, if you'd bothered to read what was immediately under the chart, I point out that the gap between each point on the x-axis isn't the same. And as others have pointed, feminizing is treating a man as if he was a woman, not turning a man into a woman. And finally, of course, Levitical...
  10. T


    Yeah, so feminizing a man is a sin according to your book. So what's your issue with gay marriage? There's not any inherent feminization in a gay relationship. The passage you quoted says that the feminization of men is a sin, so it logically follows that your homophobia doesn't spring forth...
  11. T


    To quote myself; Also, that states that feminizing a man is a sin, not that gay sexual activities are a sin, otherwise it wouldn't say "as you would with a woman", it would say something like "thou shalt not insert thy manly rod into another man's puckered rectum" or "he who takes another...
  12. T


    Marriage is a civil ceremony first and a religious ceremony second. This is why atheists and non-Christians can get married. You obviously haven't been married because if you had been, you would have remembered at some point, signing a legal document notifying the government that you and your...
  13. T


    Good point, VPLJ, you're right. Unfortunately, DADT is a military policy not a law, so the US can still say it's free of anti-gay laws.
  14. T


    Aw shucks guys. Also, Danni, yeah, I get where you're coming from. Technically it's not "anti-"gay, more, I dunno, neutral? Though it's encouraging repression, so I dunno. I'm against it obviously, but I'm not sure if it's explicitly anti-gay. EDIT: My favourite part of that LGBT timeline...
  15. T


    Just posting this here, in case I lose it again. And a graph relevant to the aforementioned history; Hmmm, that's strange, Christianity spreads to the Western world and societal acceptance of homosexuality drops rapidly. I never saw that coming. For clarity, Ancient Crete lies between...
  16. T


    One of my friends is a really nice guy, spends hours making himself look good, spent an hour having a deep conversation with me last night about the place of love in our lives, went to a costume party as a priest and once exited a shop with the comment, "Wow, that place had fabulous dresses."...
  17. T


    But people who agree that nature and nurture are equally applicable aren't going to be involved in a debate over which is right.
  18. T


    Since the topic of gay genes came up, I'd just like to say that I really hate the nature vs nurture debate, because it deals in absolutes, and I don't like absolutes. Very few things are absolutely nature and even fewer things are absolutely nurture. I think it's just as possible to be born gay...
  19. T


    Fianna Fáil is a political party.
  20. T


    During the last general election, Fianna Fáil promised Ireland would have civil unions by 2009. Well, that was just a load of hot air blowing out of Bertie Ahern's arse, so now we've got a petition going for gay marriage. And we're going to shove it up Brian Cowen's ass and watch him enjoy it.
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