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Search results

  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    vanilla sex isn't kinky though? it's completely normal whereas if you want to cut the limbs off your partner or kill them you should seek mental help. do we want a repeat of the boston strangler.
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Yeah I mean it was a good book but that doesn't make it not weird ): er errr errrrr d-do you honestly not see that this is a terrible comparision ):
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    what's with all these people who like their partners to die during sex it's fucking disgusting
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    This. I'm still reeling and I read 120 Days of Sodom months ago ugggh Alternately, watch the film! When I have enough time/courage I'll read Justine and Juliette as well. De Sade was the creepiest motherfucker in the history of ever.
  5. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Pretty sure no one here's exceptionally intelligent on any level, scuzi. And Alexi, I'm sorry I can't reccomend much, but Freud or Kinsey are good for anything sex-related. It's a shame Kinsey never got around to writing his planned book on fetishes but you can find plenty about the stuff...
  6. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    I personally find completely bald men and men with long hair a huge turn-off. I don't know. I don't mind if it's long as in puffy out (afros go a bit far but they're worth it for awesomeness value) but if it's long as in 'goes down your back' long I don't like it. I like to be able to see the...
  7. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Auto-erotic or just plain erotic asphixiation is hunky-dory but lots of people die from going too far so, er, be safe, somehow? Well if a certain type of clothing is considered a fetish I think a particular hairstyle can be considered one too.
  8. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    I think I might have some deep-rooted attraction to discipline and power. Explains most of my fetishes, anyway.
  9. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Rape fantasies are actually quite common so finding someone into that shouldn't be very hard. I personally don't like it because the idea of sex is a lot less appealing to me if my partner is crying their eyes out and desperatly trying to push me away. Oh yeah, I'm also into voyeurism, forgot...
  10. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Priests, vicars, all kinds of clergymen for me. Unless they're like over their fifties, that's a bit too much. Anything from 25-50 I totally go for, though :v
  11. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Emmanuelle has awesome music. Posted in this thread ages ago with my fetishes, here's a little (shameful) update: These both still count but to add to it, I've found that I also love men in army uniforms. And, er, politislash makes me hot irl i'm creepy ):
  12. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

  13. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    re:goldenquagsire: but why would you stick your penis in something that smells like a thousand deaths and would fuck up whatever you're lying on idgi
  14. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    menstruation is horrible. i mean if rank stench, bitchiness and horrible messes are arousing to you good for you but uh
  15. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Oh yeah I forgot something; not only do I have a thing for male nurses/doctors, I also likeseeing guys do it while wearing clergy uniforms. Like, vicars or priests or I'll stop now :T
  16. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    haha what meaning you will soon enough fuck.
  17. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    I have pretty vanilla fetishes, really. Suits, formal attire in general. I love seeing men wearing nice suits. Light bondage, just having wrists tied to a bedpost or something. I have a thing for doctors and male nurses. Seeing guys getting it on with each other. I'm pretty fussy though, I only...
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