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  1. ultraviolet


    But there's not anything wrong with a pokemon being feminine; it's when that is the only representation of women that it's harmful. Many pokemon don't have gender differences at all, and hey, mandibuzz is kind of badass - it's a vulture that eats other pokemon and wears their bones. Kangaskhan...
  2. ultraviolet


    presumably because Pathos only just came across it?? why else would it have not been posted
  3. ultraviolet


    It's not so much what you said - it's fine to say that it's already been discussed - but you're being condescending. That doesn't seem to be what you meant to do, but it's how it came across. what else can Karkat do at this point aside from apologise? I'm not saying that apologies fix...
  4. ultraviolet


    look, I get you're annoyed. but really, this is unnecessary.
  5. ultraviolet


    I'm not asking you to; I am asking you to not act like an asshole. There is a difference between 'giving cookies' and not acting rude and condescending when someone asks a reasonable question. You need to understand that stuff like this isn't basic knowledge for everyone. This thread is so...
  6. ultraviolet


    Hey, he's just asking a question; there's no need to be snooty about it. It's a good thing that he wants to try and understand this stuff, rather than sweeping it under the rug like so many other people do.
  7. ultraviolet


    (no you're completely fine! I really should have said something about it but instead I was Early Morning UV and regurgitated a post without thinking about it. herp derp) edit: How is it a contradiction? Lots of people simply don't like fat people and wouldn't want them at their gym. It's great...
  8. ultraviolet


    Hi! I'm Jess and I'm genetically predisposed to: heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and well, yeah, obesity. Most of these are linked to (and worsened by) obesity, yeah? Crohn's disease...
  9. ultraviolet


    Well I hardly think people writing long posts is a bad thing; I want there to be discussion and if people are going to write long posts, that's a good thing. Several of the larger/more important ones are linked in the OP, but I'm not going to link every single gender/sexuality thread; that's...
  10. ultraviolet


    a debate is a discussion, so um. just because debates at TCoD tend to devolve into 'I'M TALKING LOUDER THAN YOU SO I WIN' doesn't mean that they have to! Things are going quite well so far!
  11. ultraviolet


    honestly I'm not sure how much more simple anyone can make it if showing you the terms and telling you what they mean isn't simple enough. :o I'm trying very hard to make things easy for people entering the discussion! well, for someone cisgendered it is kind of hard to differentiate sex and...
  12. ultraviolet


    yay we're having discussion ^_____^ The stuff at the top is so we a) don't go around in circles defining our terms, b) so people can enter the discussion without offending anyone (like when that one person tried to describe themselves as cisgender without knowing cisgender was a word) and c) so...
  13. ultraviolet


    Wait, are you guys saying that you'd use 'they' by default, or that you wouldn't use other pronouns if someone asked you to? I can understand not referring to someone you don't know as ey when you can just use they, but it seems kind of horrible to refuse to use a pronoun if someone asks for it!
  14. ultraviolet


    so I felt like it was time for a catch-all discussion about gender since we've had several small ones regarding feminism, transgenderism and other related topics! Before we start please remember that: Sex is not gender! Sex refers to genetics, chromosones and the reproductive system. Gender...
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