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ASB Gift Exchange 2008

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busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
The Annual TCoD Gift Exchange

Every year, a mysterious building shows up at the heart of ASB central. Beneath its festively decorated eaves a tantalizing pile or wrapped presents slowly accumulates, just waiting for eager ASBers to come in and find out what other members have given them. They say that to give is better than to receive, but here you can try your hand at both!

This is the place where, through December 24th, you can give other ASB members a gift(s) of your choice. To do so, simply PM me (do NOT post it in this thread!!) the gift that you would like to give and who it's going to. I will then add it beneath that person's name on the list, along with whether it was a monetary or pokémon gift. This is in the interest of keeping all gifts a surprise until the Big Day and so that distribution is more coordinated.

If you want to send a gift to me, PM it to Kratos Aurion instead.

You may also include a short message to the recipient of the gift, which will be displayed along with the gift on the list (like a tag, basically).

Gifts will again be collected up until the 24th, and on the 25th will be "unwrapped" and distributed. Members then have until the 1st of January to claim their gifts by posting in this thread. At that point you can also post to thank people, talk about the gifts, and so on. This year gift distribution may be slightly delayed because I might not have internet access on the 25th, but I'll try to get the list up as close to that date as possible.

After January 1st, the exchange will mysteriously disappear, hopefully to find its way back the next year...

Just a few quick rules to prevent abuse:

1. If you want to give someone a pokémon, it must be a registered member of your team. You cannot "make up" a pokémon and then try to give it away. However, the pokémon given can come from either your PC or active squad.

2. You do not need to take money out of your bank account right away if you want to give money to somebody, but you will need to deduct it eventually when they come to pick it up. If at that point you've spent enough money that you don't have enough in your account to make out the gift, then you'll have to pay an additional fine (once you make some dough).

3. Do not give away more than 50% of your bank account to a single person in the form of a monetary gift.

4. If a person fails to claim their gift by the 1st of January, then the giver gets whatever it is back.

PM me with any questions; please keep this thread uncluttered until the gifts are distributed.
The List

- One pokémon from Negrek

- One pokémon from Kusarigamaitachi
- Money from Kratos Aurion
- One pokémon from Negrek [My gift will eat Kusari's gift because it was totally what I was going to get you.]

Full Metal Cookies
- Two pokémon from Kusarigamaitachi
- One pokémon from moon-panther
- One pokémon from Negrek

Grass King
- Money from Chiropter
- One item and one pokémon from Negrek

- One item and one pokémon from Negrek

Kindling Queen
- One pokémon from moon-panther
- One pokémon from Negrek

Kratos Aurion
- One pokémon from Kusarigamaitachi
- One pokémon from Chiropter
- One pokémon from Grass King
- One item and one pokémon from Negrek [Because (s)he's my brother's favorite ToS character.]

- One pokémon from Full Metal Cookies
- One pokémon from moon-panther
- One pokémon from Kratos Aurion
- One pokémon from Chiropter
- One item and one pokémon from Negrek

- One pokémon from Full Metal Cookies
- One pokémon from Kusarigamaitachi
- One pokémon from Negrek [With a nickname like that, how could I resist?]

- Money from Chiropter
- One pokémon from Negrek

- One pokémon from Walker

- One pokémon from Kusarigamaitachi
- One item from Negrek​
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Obviously, I wasn't able to get the list up for Christmas; therefore, I'm going to accept gifts up until January 1st, and I'll release the list by January 5th.

Nooo totally not because I need to get my own gifts sorted out, nope.
So, at far-too-long last, here are the gifts. You have until Friday, January 10th to pick up whatever you've gotten. You can also post here to give thanks/talk about gift-related stuff if you'd like.

The Gifts

- [Shardik] teddiursa (M) <Quick Feet> from Negrek

- Spinarak (F) <Insomnia> from Kusarigamaitachi
- $15 from Kratos Aurion
- Carnivine (F) from Negrek

Full Metal Cookies
- Glameow (F) <Own Tempo> and Torkoal (M) from Kusarigamaitachi
- [Jasmine] buizel (F) from moon-panther
- [Arru] burmy (M) from Negrek

Grass King
- $20 from Chiropter
- Blackglasses and Poochyena (M) from Negrek

- Dragon fang and Swablu (M) from Negrek

Kindling Queen
- [Fafneer] houndour (M) <Flash Fire> from moon-panther
- Numel (F) <Simple> from Negrek

Kratos Aurion
- Cleffa (F) <Magic Guard> from Kusarigamaitachi
- Ralts (M) <Trace> from Chiropter
- Zigzagoon (M) <Gluttony> from Grass King
- Moon stone and [Regal Bryant] nidoran (M) <Poison Point> from Negrek

- [Envy] ditto (X) from Full Metal Cookies
- Meowth (M) <Technician> from moon-panther
- Spiritomb (M) from Kratos Aurion
- Unown (X) from Chiropter
- Metronome and [Ozzy] lotad (M) <Swift Swim> from Negrek

- [Kammu] abra (M) <Synchronize> from Full Metal Cookies
- Ralts (M) <Trace> from Kusarigamaitachi
- Wise glasses and [Zeno] natu (M) <Synchronize> from Negrek

- $20 from Chiropter
- Gastly (M) from Negrek

- [Void] duskull (M) from Walker

- Growlithe (M) <Flash Fire> from Kusarigamaitachi
- Water stone from Negrek​
And wait wait wait before anyone else says anything Negrek's gifts:

-Mareep (F) [Mjolnir] and $10 from me
-Slugma (M) from Kusarigamaitachi
-Magby (M) from Chiropter
-Dread Plate from Grass King

But yes, thanks for the gifts, you guys. :3 Happy vague December January day.

So claiming or whatever I guess.

Kratos Aurion
- Cleffa (F) <Magic Guard> from Kusarigamaitachi
- Ralts (M) <Trace> from Chiropter
- Zigzagoon (M) <Gluttony> from Grass King
- Moon stone and [Regal Bryant] nidoran (M) <Poison Point> from Negrek
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- [Kammu] abra (M) <Synchronize> from Full Metal Cookies
- Ralts (M) <Trace> from Kusarigamaitachi
- Wise glasses and [Zeno] natu (M) <Synchronize> from Negrek

Claim! I am so happy~

Thank you guys~

- [Envy] ditto (X) from Full Metal Cookies
- Meowth (M) <Technician> from moon-panther
- Spiritomb (M) from Kratos Aurion
- Unown (X) from Chiropter
- Metronome and [Ozzy] lotad (M) <Swift Swim> from Negrek

Picking up all of these guys. Thanks, everyone!
My apologies again for getting these up on National Buffet and Cream Puff Day rather than on National Pumpkin Pie Day as originally planned. And thank you very much to everyone who got me something; I love all the gifts! (Looks as though I'm getting my old team back.)

And wait wait wait before anyone else says anything Negrek's gifts:

-Mareep (F) [Mjolnir] and $10 from me
-Slugma (M) from Kusarigamaitachi
-Magby (M) from Chiropter
-Dread Plate from Grass King

But yes, thanks for the gifts, you guys. :3 Happy vague December January day.

So claiming or whatever I guess.
Dunno about everyone else, but that was what I'd intended. :p Your old profile said that not having a Mareep was a mistake that needed immediate rectification, so...

Also wait a minute ToS is in your house and you haven't played it yet? D<
Also wait a minute ToS is in your house and you haven't played it yet? D<
I borrowed it from my roommate and my brother and I co-opped through it during the first week of break.

No way to make this post remotely topical nope.
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