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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Link to bank

Let's see...

[Kappa] Mudkip (Male)
Ability: Torrent

[Zero] Bronzor (Genderless)
Ability: Levitate

[Envy] Misdreavus (Female)
Ability: Levitate

10 + 25 + 5 = 40.. so I owe 40 bucks, right?
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Link to bank

Let's see...

[Kappa] Mudkip (Male)
Ability: Torrent

[Zero] Bronzor (Genderless)
Ability: Levitate

[Envy] Misdreavus (Female)
Ability: Levitate

10 + 25 + 5 = 40.. so I owe 40 bucks, right?

Link to the transaction, not the getting bank account post please.

(also haha your Misdrevus has the same name as my Mismagius that I need to teleport x3 Except mine is male)
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

No, she doesn't care to know about what love is, and believes her only purpose is to fight for her Trainer, though she may not want to. ..I should put that in.

[Ruya] Sableye (F)
Ability: Keen Eye
Sig Attribute/Body Mod: Dangerously Skeptical

Well, Ruya has always been rather skeptical and cynical of things, as well as being.. slightly insane. Or seeming to be slightly insane. Ruya believes she is only one character in some story, possibly her own story, maybe her Trainer's story, or for all she knows just an opponent in a battle against the main character. She sees people controlled by the puppet masters, and listen to people who say that it's 'not what it looks like'. Ruya knows to avoid the creepy old guy with free lolipops and to stay the hell inside when there's an ax murderer on the loose, or to investigate creepy noises when- well, you get the point.

Anyways, Ruya is a suspicious and cynical little Sableye, and so, doesn't trust easily and is always somewhat cynical of her orders. She will sometimes just not listen to her Trainer, though during this time she will do something somewhat productive. She does not know of this thing you call love and pretty much believes that her only point in life is fighting in little pointless battles for the amusement of her Trainer, and so doesn't feel love is important, or care to learn about love. Though she believes fighting for her Trainer is her purpose, she may not think her orders are the best, inexperienced as her Trainer is. In the hole where her heart would be, Ruya's learned a few more underhand tricks.

Effects: Ruya has a 10% chance of not listening to her Trainer, and instead using Nasty Plot. She can't become attracted, and so has learned a few more dirty tricks.
-Attract, Captivate, Return
+Beat Up, Fake Tears, Night Slash

Better? No? :<

I dunno, when I look at it it still seems a bit disjointed... I guess it's approvable, though. I generally prefer to see damaging moves traded for damaging moves and non-damaging for non-damaging, but Negrek hasn't objected to it so whatever.

The Union claims victory once more, and fighter Phanel has earned enough experience to allow him to ascend to his final developmental stage and unleash his true potential.

5 exp + 3 experience = 8 exp-- does the Union need to provide links to the rest of the five experience points he has earned, or is it possible to simply visit the Union's profile and see for yourself? We don't believe in wasting time.

Alakazam Phanel (M) [Synchronize]

And along with his final evolution, he has obtained a signature move.

As Negrek told you when you tried to evolve Ganteiana, experience is not awarded until the end of the battle and your battle with MurrMurr can't be used to evolve anything until it's completely over.

[Simba] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Experience: 1
Signature Attribute: Ancient Species

Simba is actually a reanimated Pokemon, recreated from a fossil found in the Sinnoh Underground. However, the fossil was from an ancestor of Shinx, a Shinxilodon, a close family relative, with a key difference. Shinxilodon have a pair of large saber-like teeth. The longest recorded length of a Shinxilodon's canine teeth is 3.5 inches. However, the Shinxilodon's natural instincts are also present.

Effects: Simba is a Shinxilodon. An ancestor of Shinx with two large canine teeth. All attacks that involve Simba using his fangs/teeth, have their damage increased by 1%. However, when Simba's health and/or energy falls below 5%, he has a 75% chance of ignoring orders and using a random biting attack.

A bit more elaboration on "natural instincts" and how they relate to his disobedience (I'm assuming that that's what that refers to) would be nice. At what point should the 1% be added--to the base power, at the end of all other calculations, when? I think you should probably increase the disobedience "limit" to 10% or so, too.

gettan a cute lil SKULLKITTAN

[Whiskers] Skelitten (M)
Ability: Pressure

And a Dusk Stone, if you please~

This link is invisible.


AHBE move gots.

[Yukianesa] Snorunt (F)
Ability: Inner Focus
AHBE Move: Haze

...I think I did this right.


Link to bank

Let's see...

[Kappa] Mudkip (Male)
Ability: Torrent

[Zero] Bronzor (Genderless)
Ability: Levitate

[Envy] Misdreavus (Female)
Ability: Levitate

10 + 25 + 5 = 40.. so I owe 40 bucks, right?

Much as I dislike having to nitpick about this stuff, the bank post needs to link to your purchase post in this thread and you need to repost everything you were trying to get approved, not just the new information.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

As Negrek told you when you tried to evolve Ganteiana, experience is not awarded until the end of the battle and your battle with MurrMurr can't be used to evolve anything until it's completely over.

But this isn't from the battle with MurrMurr, It's from a non-tournament battle against Dragon. link
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

But this isn't from the battle with MurrMurr, It's from a non-tournament battle against Dragon. link

Yes, but I checked your profile and I only saw two completed battles aside from the battle with Dragon--the 3v3v3 and the battle with Icalasari. Phanel got 2 exp from each of those, so that's 4 + 3 = 7. Unless there's another battle you haven't linked to, Phanel doesn't have enough to evolve.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Simba] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Experience: 1
Signature Attribute: Ancient Species

Simba is actually a reanimated Pokemon, recreated from a fossil found in the Sinnoh Underground. However, the fossil was from an ancestor of Shinx, a Shinxilodon, a close family relative, with a key difference. Shinxilodon have a pair of large saber-like teeth. The longest recorded length of a Shinxilodon's canine teeth is 3.5 inches. However, the Shinxilodon's natural instincts are also present. If he is severly weakened, then his hunting instincts take control, causing him to randomly attack the opponent with his fangs.

Effects: Simba is a Shinxilodon. An ancestor of Shinx with two large canine teeth. All attacks that involve Simba using his fangs/teeth, have their final damage increased by 1%. However, when Simba's health and/or energy falls below 10%, he has a 75% chance of ignoring orders and using a random biting attack.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Simba] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Experience: 1
Signature Attribute: Ancient Species

Simba is actually a reanimated Pokemon, recreated from a fossil found in the Sinnoh Underground. However, the fossil was from an ancestor of Shinx, a Shinxilodon, a close family relative, with a key difference. Shinxilodon have a pair of large saber-like teeth. The longest recorded length of a Shinxilodon's canine teeth is 3.5 inches. However, the Shinxilodon's natural instincts are also present. If he is severly weakened, then his hunting instincts take control, causing him to randomly attack the opponent with his fangs.

Effects: Simba is a Shinxilodon. An ancestor of Shinx with two large canine teeth. All attacks that involve Simba using his fangs/teeth, have their final damage increased by 1%. However, when Simba's health and/or energy falls below 10%, he has a 75% chance of ignoring orders and using a random biting attack.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Oh thought I was missing something.

Buizel (Male) Swift swim
Pidgey (Male) Keen eye
Ponyta (Female) flash fire
Ekans (Female) Intimidate
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Been a while since I've done one of these.

[Liberalis] espeon (F)
Ability: Synchronize
Signature Move: Equilibriate

As a psychic-type well in tune with the flow of energy through her own body and the world around her, Liberalis is a staunch believer in the importance of balance and returning to a stable state of neutrality. Naturally, she spent considerable time perfecting her ability to tune her energy to just the right level, correcting imbalances and driving towards her most harmonious state of mind-body. With long practice, Liberalis became expert enough at the mental exercises necessary to perform such feats that she could even call upon them in the chaos of battle.

Liberalis settles down for a few seconds of quiet meditation, getting in tune with her physical state and beginning to redistribute her life energy, carefully smoothing out discrepancies and driving herself towards a state of balance. The unnatural heightened energy flow caused by enhancing her natural abilities is reduced, leaving excess power to redistribute throughout her body, while repairing damage caused over the course of the battle requires an expenditure of energy. After meditating, Liberalis will be much more calm and relaxed than before, having gotten her thoughts in order and worked to stabilize her internal state.

Type: Psychic / Damage: n/a / Target: Self / Accuracy: 100% / Energy: 2%
Effects: Liberalis may lower the level of any number of her heightened stats by any number of level in order to regain 5% energy per level, or may expend 5% energy per level to raise any number of her lowered stats by any number of levels. For example, if she has +2 special attack, +2 special defense, and -3 speed, she could lower her special attack and special defense by one level each (+10% energy) and raise her speed by one level (-5% energy) for a net gain of 5% energy and a final stat spread of +1 special attack, +1 special defense, and -2 speed. Stats can only be raised or lowered until they reach their neutral defaults (or "+0"). Also, a stat can only be moved towards neutral (thus, negative stats can only be improved upon and positive ones only lowered), while neutral stats cannot be altered at all. Additionally, performing this signature move calms Liberalis down considerably, returning her to a more or less content emotional state.
Usage Gap: Nine actions
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