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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Christmas presents :D

[Sho Minamimoto] Murkrow (M) <Super Luck>
[Palom] Plusle (M) <Plus>
[Porom] Minun (F) <Minus>
Doduo (M) <Early Bird>
[Dalton] NidoranM <Poison Point>
Koffing (M) <Levitate>

And a Dawn Stone and a Rare Candy.

Yay for gifts~

- [Joey] Ralts (M) <Trace> from Full Metal Cookies
- Zangoose (M) from Grass King
- [Tiny] Rhyhorn (M) from Kusarigamaitachi
- [Amylase] Lickitung (M) <Own Tempo> from Kratos Aurion
- Growlithe (F) <Intimidate> from Chiropter
- [Diego] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire> and Fire Stone from Negrek
- 50% off a purchase at moon-panther's shop

Buying an Eevee!


Abillity: Adaptabillity​

I hate Eevee, but there's one Eeveelution I do like...

Oh hey look Corsola

[Fragile] Corsola (F) <Hustle> from Negrek
And then the Zap Plate and Magnet and the half off from moony

All approved. For future reference, items, discounts and any gifts that aren't actual Pokémon don't need to be approved here. Just take them.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

burookple, that post will not be accepted in the bank because you didn't include your initial and final balances in the post (the equation by nature will have to include those in a convenient summary, which is why you should use that).

Mike the Foxhog, you need to link to something as proof.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office


Like I said before, please repost everything when your transaction has been denied. While the edit button may look tempting, it makes it harder for us to notice stuff.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Mrph, double post, but I don't want it to be overlooked. So! If you hated Phalanx when he was a Lileep, be prepared to hate him even more.

[Phalanx] Lileep (M)
Ability: Suction Cups


[Phalanx] Cradily (M)
Ability: Suction Cups

2 EXP here; another 2 here; and the last one is from here.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

In hindsight, I really should've included this in my previous post, but no editing blah blah blah so yeah.

[Fantasma] Nincada (F)
Ability: Compoundeyes


And just so it doesn't get overlooked:

Mrph, double post, but I don't want it to be overlooked. So! If you hated Phalanx when he was a Lileep, be prepared to hate him even more.

[Phalanx] Lileep (M)
Ability: Suction Cups


[Phalanx] Cradily (M)
Ability: Suction Cups

2 EXP here; another 2 here; and the last one is from here.
Last edited:
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to link to the post where it was approved by the new species approver, but bah whatever I've seen it so I shall go ahead and say approved.

Really? I thought since it's in the list of available Pokémon that'd be already proven :/ Ah well.

Anyway, if it's okay I'd like to get her a sig attribute now.

[Faris] Cappun (F)
Ability: Pickup
Sig attribute: Gender Cloak
Piracy is a notoriously male-oriented business. Historically, human pirates were loath to allow women in their crews, a practice that has not been ignored by Pokémon. This discrimination was a big blow to Faris, who since her childhood had dreamed of sailing with a crew of famous Cappun pirates, seeing far-off lands, finding treasure and having amazing adventures. Her disappointment ate away at her until one day, she decided to disguise herself as a male Cappun, run away from home, and join a Cappun crew in hopes she wouldn't be uncovered. As luck would have it, she disguised herself well enough to blend in and was accepted into a crew of the most notorious Cappun on the high seas. For years, she lived her dream, sailing to every corner of the world and seeing places she'd only envisioned in her fantasies. After a while, she left the crew, now a famous pirate with a lifetime's worth of tales and memories of her journies, and was eventually captured by Mike for use in the ASB. Though she no longer practices piracy, she still conceals her gender, fiercely protecting her reputation and secretly fearing that one day her deception would be revealed.

Effects: everyone on the field besides Faris and myself will believe her to be male. Attract, Captivate, and any other moves, attributes etc. requiring a Pokémon to be a certain gender will fail as male opponents will believe Faris to be the wrong gender for them to work, and if a female opponent used one it'd fail regardless. The effects of Rivalry will also be reversed; female opponents with Rivalry will receive an attack boost and males will have their attack reduced. However, this obviously means Faris is unable to use such moves as described above either, as doing so would give the game away. Also, if in any way Faris' true gender should be revealed (for instance, being attracted by something not requiring a Pokémon to know she is female, such as Cute Charm or an arena condition), she will become ashamed and reluctant to attack, meaning there will be a 30% chance she will be too embarrassed to act for three actions from the event that reveals it, and Gender Cloak will cease to function for the rest of the battle.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

In hindsight, I really should've included this in my previous post, but no editing blah blah blah so yeah.

[Fantasma] Nincada (F)
Ability: Compoundeyes


And just so it doesn't get overlooked:

Mrph, double post, but I don't want it to be overlooked. So! If you hated Phalanx when he was a Lileep, be prepared to hate him even more.

[Phalanx] Lileep (M)
Ability: Suction Cups


[Phalanx] Cradily (M)
Ability: Suction Cups

2 EXP here; another 2 here; and the last one is from here.

Lucky you, editing that in just in time for my multiquote to catch it. Approved.

Really? I thought since it's in the list of available Pokémon that'd be already proven :/ Ah well.

Anyway, if it's okay I'd like to get her a sig attribute now.

[Faris] Cappun (F)
Ability: Pickup
Sig attribute: Gender Cloak
Piracy is a notoriously male-oriented business. Historically, human pirates were loath to allow women in their crews, a practice that has not been ignored by Pokémon. This discrimination was a big blow to Faris, who since her childhood had dreamed of sailing with a crew of famous Cappun pirates, seeing far-off lands, finding treasure and having amazing adventures. Her disappointment ate away at her until one day, she decided to disguise herself as a male Cappun, run away from home, and join a Cappun crew in hopes she wouldn't be uncovered. As luck would have it, she disguised herself well enough to blend in and was accepted into a crew of the most notorious Cappun on the high seas. For years, she lived her dream, sailing to every corner of the world and seeing places she'd only envisioned in her fantasies. After a while, she left the crew, now a famous pirate with a lifetime's worth of tales and memories of her journies, and was eventually captured by Mike for use in the ASB. Though she no longer practices piracy, she still conceals her gender, fiercely protecting her reputation and secretly fearing that one day her deception would be revealed.

Effects: everyone on the field besides Faris and myself will believe her to be male. Attract, Captivate, and any other moves, attributes etc. requiring a Pokémon to be a certain gender will fail as male opponents will believe Faris to be the wrong gender for them to work, and if a female opponent used one it'd fail regardless. The effects of Rivalry will also be reversed; female opponents with Rivalry will receive an attack boost and males will have their attack reduced. However, this obviously means Faris is unable to use such moves as described above either, as doing so would give the game away. Also, if in any way Faris' true gender should be revealed (for instance, being attracted by something not requiring a Pokémon to know she is female, such as Cute Charm or an arena condition), she will become ashamed and reluctant to attack, meaning there will be a 30% chance she will be too embarrassed to act for three actions from the event that reveals it, and Gender Cloak will cease to function for the rest of the battle.

It's for your free claim. I'm fairly sure you wouldn't have to do that if you were to get any more fakemon approved and had to pay for them (though you may want to regardless, just to be safe).

Approved. when will someone come up with an attribute that does something other than mess with attraction dammit
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

- [Mephistopheles] Stunky (M) <Aftermath> from Kratos Aurion
- Fire Stone from Kusarigamaitachi
- Aron (M) <Rock Head> from Negrek
- 50% off a purchase at moon-panther's shop

Christmas Presents

{Mephisto}Stunky, M

[Richard]Aron, M
Rock Head

I'd also wish to evolve my Growlithe into an Arcanine with the Fire stone mentioned above.

[Beka] Growlithe [F]


[Beka] Arcanine [F]
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