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Steam Canyon


A brief dive deeper into the lake takes you to a pretty pink coral bed, where a female Corsola smile sup at you. Take her, or go on? (Captures: 2) (Continues: 2)

Grass King:

Continuing on, you come across a male Gible snoozing next to a rock. Take him, or go on? (Continues: 3)

Dr Frank:

As you move past the Vulpix, you come across...another Vulpix. This one's female. Take her, or go on? (Continues: 3)


As you and your Goldeen paddle about in the water, you come to a cheery female Horsea. And..oh, what's this? She has a Dragon Scale! Take her, or go on? (Continues: 4)

You glide back into the water with your Goldeen, and soon bump headfirst into a male Ludicolo, who drags you to to dance with him. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 4)

Dr Frank:

As you leave the vulpix alone, you find a male Murkrow pecking at the ground. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 2)


You cling to your Slowbro's back and scan the lake area, and your eyes fall on a Damp Rock a few feet away. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)

As you move around the lake a bit more, you come upon a female Poliwag! Catch her, or go on? (Captures: 2) (Continues: 1)


You barey manage to escape the dancing duckpineapple, and in your haste, you smack face first into a female Omanyte! Ow, your nose hurts now... Take her or go on? (Continues: 3)


You start out on your walk happily, the hot sun overhead not really much of a bother, and soon come across a Lava Cookie on the ground. That'd odd... Take it or go on? (Continues: 4)


You cruse around on the water for a while, the spray getting in your eyes sometimes but overall not bad, and soon find a Mystic Water tanged around a floating branch. Take it or go on? (Continues: 4)

You continue on, and soon come across a male Remoraid with what seems to be a Dragon Scale stuck in his mouth, like he was trying to eat it. Take them, or go on? (Continues: 3)

You enter the lake yet again, and paddle around with your Goldeen for a while, and not much happens...until you come across that Mystic Water on a branch ultraviolet saw earlier! Take it or go on? (Continues: 4)
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