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Twiggy for Victory vs Chaon (Ref: Negrek)

Alright, that was great, Gorda!

You rock, you rule!

Use Crush Claw on every action. If she Protects or prepares a counter, Chill, and if she tries to status you or lower your attack stat, Protect yourself, but dont Protect twice in a row.

Crush Claw/Chill/Protectx3
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That sounded pretty complicated! ((Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge!)) Go for another Focus punch to the face, then prepare a counter in case he tries anything, and finally smash his rocky face in one last time!

Focus Punch ~ Counter ~ Rock Smash
Round Seven

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 44%
Energy: 47%
- Stung but feeling vindicated. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 35%
Energy: 32%
- Scared and in pain. Badly poisoned (6% next round). -1 Defense

Theod grimaces but tries not to let herself get distracted by her opponent's antics. Letting her taxing protect shield fall, the teddiursa is about to begin her attack when a strange buzzing reaches her ears. Gorda stops his dancing, panting but exhilarated, then turns his snout towards the sky as the noise grows louder, approaching from somewhere above. A faint speck becomes visible in the distance, growing rapidly larger until it resolves into the shape of a bagon, shooting along with a jetpack strapped to its back. For no apparent reason, the pokémon's flight dips, bringing it in low over the cookie and the battle. As it shoots by overhead, the bagon breathes out a sparkling wave of dragonbreath that washes over both battling pokémon, leaving them shielding their faces and shivering as the bagon passes on into the distance.

As soon as she's sure the bagon is gone, Theod lowers her paws and begins focusing on her first attack. She lets thoughts of fear and pain ebb away as she pours all her consciousness into building power in her paw. A golden aura springs up around her claws, growing slowly brighter as the attack gains strength.

The concentration necessary to prepare the devastating focus punch leaves Theod terribly open to attack, however. Exhilarated by the new strength surging through his veins and not too bothered by the random bagon, Gorda charges at his opponent and impales him on his claws once again. Theod cries out, the light around her paw fizzling out immediately as she loses her focus. Gorda's crush claw tears the wound on her chest wider, making her even more vulnerable to damage.

Gorda backs away, leaving Theod kneeling painfully, one paw over the awful wound stretching across her torso. Slowly she raises herself into a defensive stance, giving Gorda a defiant look--one that he doesn't even deign to return. Seeming more bored than anything, the rhyhorn lies down on the surface of the cookie and lets his eyes fall half-shut.

The ryhorn's infuriating attitude is simply too much for Theod. She intends to snap him out of his chill with a powerful blow and teach him a lesson about underestimating her. For the moment oblivious to her pain, Theod runs at Gorda and delivers a rock smash to his ruined face. The rhohorn bellows and struggles back to his feet, pouncing on Theod before she can retreat again. Once more his blunt claws tear into Theod's flesh, leaving her chest well and truly mangled. The teddiursa collapses with a whimper as Gorda withdraws, scuffing his bloody paw on the cookie as he goes. Theod breathes fast and shallow, barely able to keep her eyes open as her vision swims. She has maybe one more good attack in her, but that's only if she can get to Gorda before he can get to her--one more attack is sure to do her in.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 34%
Energy: 45%
- Read to strike the finishing blow. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 5%
Energy: 25%
- Within an inch of fainting. Scared and in pain. Badly poisoned (7% next round). -2 Defense

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders beside the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Chaon attacks first next round.
((I'm sorry Negrek, but this is ridiculous. He's breaking out amazingly long and complicated command strings and somehow Gorda, who, may I add does not seem like the sharpest tool in the shed, is able to understand it all. This was hist last command string fully written.

Crush Claw/Chill/Protect ~ Crush Claw/Chill/Protect ~ Crush Claw/Chill/Protect

That is way too long and complicated. I understand you're busy being a Mod, but you need to pay attention to these kinds of details.))
((Acctualy, 4 Commands are too complicated.

It's written in the Rules.

So, i might say, You aren't the sharpest of tools either.

Additionally, if your orders are too complex, your pokémon won't know what to do. If you give more than three conditional commands in an action, you run the risk of confusing your pokémon and losing an action as it either sits, thinking over its commands (or waiting for you to finish them, if there are a whole lot) or acting erratically as it chooses an attack at random.
My conditions aren't very Complex.))
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((No, I'm not, I apologize... >.> Back to commands...))

Okay, no matter what happens, we've pretty much lost. Just chill 3 times.

Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill
Round Eight

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 34%
Energy: 45%
- Read to strike the finishing blow. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (OOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 5%
Energy: 25%
- Within an inch of fainting. Scared and in pain. Badly poisoned (7% next round). -2 Defense

Theod has no choice but to simply curl up and wait for the inevitable, the growing pain of toxic working its way through her system warring with the not-inconsiderable discomfort associated with her injuries to disrupt her chill.

But while she sinks into something like a pain-filled stupor, Gorda is feeling restless. He's supposed to wait when he has the opportunity to finish his opponent off now? The rhyhorn does lie down and relax a bit, but a certain twitchiness about his paws and the occasional fitful motion of his head make it clear that he isn't comfortable lying idle.

Once he's deemed enough time has passed to satisfy his trainer, Gorda scrambles back to his feet and starts off running, stubby horn lowered.

He meets no resistance as he rams the natural weapon into Theod's side, doing more than enough damage to consign the teddiursa to unconsciousness.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 34%
Energy: 62%
- Quite pleased with himself. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (XOO)
Theod (F)
Health: 0%
Energy: 55%
Knocked Out!

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders beside the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Chaon sends out
- Lars the Turtwig attacks
- Chaon attacks
Okay, well, Chill three times in a row, and don't bother about any status expect Attraction, in which case Protect.
Also: if she somehow taunts you, protect too.

Okay Valence, let's get that ugly rock! Start with an Agility combined with a takedown, then spit out a toxic at him!

Agility + Takedown ~ Toxic
Round Nine

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 34%
Energy: 62%
- Quite pleased with himself. Face armor badly damaged. +4 Attack, -2 Special Defense, -1 Defense

Chaon (XOO)
Valence (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Rather wary of his opponent.

Theod dissolves into a stream of light and is withdrawn to her pokéball, and for a moment Gorda is left contemplating an empty field, apprehensive at the thought of what Chaon might decide to send out next to oppose him. He's feeling energetic enough, but his health isn't the best; he can only hope that what's coming next isn't a grass or water type. As it turns out, though, the pokéball that plummets from Chaon's floating jelly platform releases no such beast. Instead Valence the ponyta takes shape, stamping and tossing his head as he takes shape on the cookie. The fire type looks as surprised to be facing Gorda as the rhyhorn is to see himself pitted against a fire type, but there's no arguing with his trainer; he must have some plan in mind.

Much to Gorda's irritation, his only commands are to lie low and try to chill again, leaving him completely at Valence's mercy. The rhyhorn remains where he is, eyes closed but jittery, as he tries to find his usual chilling groove so that the time he spends defenseless at least isn't wasted. Valence, meanwhile, is backing up, giving himself some space for the run-up to his next attack. Once satisfied that he's got enough room, the ponyta tenses, prepping himself for an incredible burst of speed. He leaps forward and almost immediately accelerates into an indistinct blur of motion, hurtling straight at Gorda. The rhyhorn, who has no idea that the attack has even begun, lets out a surprised snort as Valence rams into him at top speed, managing to rock his opponent sideways a bit and daze him for a moment.

While the rhyhorn blinks in confusion, trying to figure out what just hit him, Valence hobbles away on scraped legs, not entirely undamaged by his collision with the rock-solid Gorda. By the time he's worked the gingerness out of his step, Gorda has settled back into his uneasy chill. Valence ducks his head and lets out an awful wet cough, noxious fluid traveling up his throat and gathering at the back of his throat. Trotting up to Gorda, he spits the nasty fluid all over the rhyhorn's cracked face. Gorda's eyes fly open and he frantically begins rubbing his face against the surface of the cookie, trying to wipe the toxic off before it can cause him harm. It's no good, though--the noxious substance sinks down through the cracks in his armor and seeps into his bloodstream. Gorda has no choice but to give up his attempts to wipe away the toxic and settle into a fitful chill, never mind the wave of nausea creeping over him as he does so.

Lars the Turtwig (OOO)
Gorda (M)
Health: 25%
Energy: 86%
- Desperate to see some action soon. Face armor badly damaged and smeared with toxic goo. Badly poisoned (4% next round). +4 Attack, -1 Defense

Chaon (XOO)
Valence (M)
Health: 97%
Energy: 86%
- Aching knees, but otherwise okay. +1 Speed

Terrain Notes
There is a small pile of chocolate boulders beside the two battlers. Off to their left, pizza is scattered across the ground.

Final Notes
- Valence's take down did a bit more damage than normal because it was accelerated by agility, but he also took a higher percentage recoil than normal because he was essentially flinging himself against a spiky boulder.
- Gorda's chills restored less energy than normal because he was restless.
- Chaon attacks first next round.
Right, then. Lars the Turtwig gets $16, I get $10. Gorda gets 3 EXP, Valence and Theod one each.
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