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(P)Symon Versus Metallica Fanboy

Lars The Turtwig

Will probably not come back.
Arena description:
Battle Format: 1 vs 1 single
Battle Style: Set
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: None
Banned and Restricted Moves: Everything Except Metronome

Arena: A built up City

The battle shall take place in a large, built up city, which wishes to remain anonymous for unknown reasons. There is a rather large square in which the battle shall mainly happen. There are, as you might expect, multiple large buildings, much bigger than a few wailord from head to flippers. These building are shhoddily built however, and will slowly fall down if some of the wall crumbles.

Additional Rules: All pokemon have infinite energy.

Metallica Fangirl's active Metronomers:
Ability: Vital Spirit

[Machop]Super Macho Man(M)
Abillity: No Guard

Symon Geek's Metronomers:

Ability: quick feet

I think that's it.

So, a coin flip chose the following:
-Psymon sends out.
-Metallica fangirl sends out and issues commands.
-Psymon issues commands(place your bets on what you might get)
-I reff.
I'll send Kong out.

So, use that uber powerful strategy Kam told me about.

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Arena Description:
Battle Format: 1 vs 1 single
Battle Style: Set
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: None
Banned and Restricted Moves: Everything Except Metronome

Arena: A built up City

The battle shall take place in a large, built up city, which wishes to remain anonymous for unknown reasons. There is a rather large square in which the battle shall mainly happen. There are, as you might expect, multiple large buildings, much bigger than a few wailord from head to flippers. These building are shoddily built however, and will slowly fall down if some of the wall crumble.

Additional Rules: All pokemon have infinite energy.

In a large city, full of high building that just await to be crushed without any mercy, yet another ASB battle was about to start.

Two balls of light came from the sky, landing in a town square in the middle of the city. Both balls opened, revealing two pokemon trainers in them. What the two of them waited for now was a referee.

All of a sudden, and in a puff of smoke, the referee(now a totodile) appeared, lifted his hands as a sign the battlers may choose their pokemon.

Psymon sent out grizzle, his Teddiursa, which looked around worriedly- it was such a big place, with some many creepy people...
Metallica fangir- Pardon, BOY, sent out Kong the Mankey, who was already starting to look angry.

The referee grabbed a gigantic portion of popcorn, and the lifted his flag, shouting "Battle*munch* Begin!*munch*"

Round 1 Start
Metallica Fanguy's crazy monkey

<Vital Spirit>
Health: 100%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Jumping from leg to leg
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Symon's Geek

<Quick Feet>
Health: 100%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Licking his paw to calm down
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Kong, still a little bit irritated, started to move one of his fingers from side to side, hoping it will be something that will crush the teddiursa on the spot, which would mean he would win. Slowly but steadily, a white glow covered his fingers. Then, it turned pure black, and slowly grew. All of a sudden, Kong lost control of what he did, and a sphere of black energy appeared between his hands. Completely surprised by this, and still wondering how the hell it could have happened that a fighting type is holding a dark sphere, he released it towards Grizzle, rings of black energy towards Grizzle, followed by a beam that went trough all of them...
...and hit Grizzle head on, cutting a small part of his ear, of course followed by bleeding.

Grizzle lost his balance and fell on his back, crying as hard as he could. However, he still had to battle, so he wipped the tears from his face and stood up. He hoped that something useful would come out of this wierd finger-moving technique- something which would allow him to get REVENGE. However, if he won't do anything, he won't get to find out, Grizzle thought, and decided to act and not think. He did as Kong did, moving his fingers from side to side, slowly generating the same ominous glow Kong's fingers, however this time in dark blue. Grizzle let his hands down, and felt a sudden rush of energy inside his body. Letting out a little squeak at first, Grizzle inhaled as much air as he could, and let out a devastating roar that made the ground shake. Kong let out a yowl the moment he was sent flying by the shockwave. However, it wasn't over yet- time around Grizzle slowed down, and seemed to get sucked towards Grizzle. Then, all of a sudden, in a massive burst, Grizzle released another roar which made time go normal once again.

Kong, amazed by that attack, was sent flying backwards, crashing into one of the building, opening several wounds in his back and making said building fall backwards, crash, and smash several people on the same oppurnity. Kong stood up and shook his body, dirt quickly falling off his body. If his abillity would have been Anger Point, it wouldn't have been long until that stupid little teddy would have found himself in a puddle of blood, missing more or less every single one of his limbs. Kong lifted his hands, sticking out his middle fingers, and started moving his hands from side to side, the wierd glow covering them once again after he moved them for a while- and it would probably happen a LOT if he won't come up with something nasty soon enough. All of a sudden, the white glow became light brown, and Kong felt a sudden burst of energy in his muscles. Now much more motivated, Kong charged towards Grizzle, leaped at him...
...And delivered him what could be called "The 120 Fists Of Doom". Kong punched and kicked Grizzle in amizingly quick succession, aiming for the face most of the time. After punching him for what seemed like forever, Kong stopped, huffed a little, and then delivered a final punch, making Grizzle tumble backwards and fall on his back, his body covered in blue spots and small scratches.

Grizzle slowly stood up and let out a groan. This massive barrage hit him on the head several times, and not less in other weak spots. He wiped his nose, which was now bleeding, and started moving his paws from side to side, one of them being covered in some blood. After doing the same wierd movement for a while, looking like a lunatic and attracting the attention of a few girls that lived in the ominous city, a white glow covered his fingers, this time taking on a very dark brown colour. It slowly took on form, until Grizzle's hands were covered in the glow. Grizzle grabbed a couple of rocks and threw it towards Kong, one by one. Kong did his best to dodge them, but only after getting hit by 3 of them did he get the chance to break the goddamned chain of flying rocks.

Kong laughed, trying to sound as creepy as he could, and raised both his fingers and hands, moving them from side to side, his armpits releasing a deadly gas the stupid glow of the metronome attack slowly growing on them. However, this time Kong had a somewhat worse tact, meaning that the glow needed some more time to fully cover his fingers ,badly lowering his luck roll. Once the glow filled his fingers, it became a disgusting 'puke' coloured green, and Kong's tail started moving like a metronome, faster and faster, until it couldn't be seen anymore. As a side effect, an ear-splitting buzz came out of it, making the people around scream in panic and run away. Grizzle was affected by the sound just as much as the other people, and let out a little yelp in hopes that it will make the buzzing stop.
After a long while Kong's tail started slowing down, along with the buzzing, until both stopped.

Grizzle let out a sigh as the buzzing stopped, and stood up. Thinking trough what his trainer commanded him, he started moving his fingers yet again(ugh finally it's the last one for this round), whispering "Earth Power, Earth Power, Earth Power...". After moving his hands for a while, the well known, white glow covered his fingers, and slowly became red, much to Grizzle's dismay...
..But soon afterwards, it changed to a dark brown, although not as dark as the one that was on Grizzle's fingers last time. Grizzle concentrated energy into his paw, the thought Success! going trough his head as he imagined how Kong would react when the ground would open under his legs. However, what came next was a great disappointment- Grizzle grabbed a piece of debris from the ground and threw it at Kong, hitting his knees and making the mankey shout several sharp insluts.

The referee came out of nowhere, now seemingly out popcorn, and said "All right, people, round's over, get your pokemon ready, bla bla bla" in a clear voice, making sure both pokemon and trainers heard him. Then, he grabbed a big chunk of noodles, put it in a gigantic bowl, and trotted away, eating the Noodles greedily.

End Of Round 1
Metallica Fanguy's crazy monkey

<Vital Spirit>
Health: 75%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Meh....(-1 Defense, -1 Sp. Defense)
Used: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Symon's Geek


<Quick Feet>
Health: 47%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Grr....
Used: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Arena description:
Kong is standing right next to Grizzle, so close that he could just FALCON PAWNCH him in the face without any effort. Just behind Kong, a building has collapsed, and the ground there is strawn with corpses, which can be thrown for 5% energy and deal 9% damage. Unfortunately, you can't use them, suckers! The ground next to grizzle has some holes in it, and the people are standing around the battle scene in a circle, although the more intilligent ones are already gone.

Referee's notes:
-The attacks Grizzle used are: Roar Of Time~Rock Blast~Mud Slap. Isn't that funny?
-The Attacks Kong used are: Dark Pulse~Close Combat~Bug Buzz.
-Both Dark Pulse and Close Combat were critical hits.
-Symon attacks first next round. Does it really matter?
-Place your bets, people, santa's coming to town next week!(inner joke)
-Kenny is the referee, for these who didn't understand.
-Mud Slap didn't lower Kong's accuracy because of the surrounding, but it dealt 1% damage more.
-Rock Blast hit 3 times.
-Too many notes.
Last edited:
Grrr.... Come on Grizzle, you can do better!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

(BTW Lars, remember to take Grizzle's metal arm into account.)
Arena Description:
Battle Format: 1 vs 1 single
Battle Style: Set
DQ Time: 1 week
Damage Cap: None
Banned and Restricted Moves: Everything Except Metronome

Arena: A built up City

The battle shall take place in a large, built up city, which wishes to remain anonymous for unknown reasons. There is a rather large square in which the battle shall mainly happen. There are, as you might expect, multiple large buildings, much bigger than a few wailord from head to flippers. These building are shoddily built however, and will slowly fall down if some of the wall crumble.

Additional Rules: All pokemon have infinite energy.

The referee reappeared after a while, two fake bunny ears on his head, and a gigantic chocolate egg between his head. The totodile clumsily walked towards the two pokemon, sat down on a random bench next to a still healthy tree, and started munching down the egg.

After both Kong and Grizzle stared at him for a while, the referee looked at the two, and then facepalmed himself, stood up and grabbed a yellow flag. While lifting it, he shouted "Round Start! Now Kill Each Other Already..."

Kong and Grizzle shrugged and threw angry looks on each other, each side determined to crush the other one.

Round 2 Start
Metallica Fanguy's crazy monkey

<Vital Spirit>
Health: 75%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Meh....(-1 Defense, -1 Sp. Defense)
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Symon's Geek


<Quick Feet>
Health: 47%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Grr....
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Kong started moving his hands from side to side, his 'tinky' raised on each one, and moved his legs with the same rythm, slowly sinking into it and moving almost as presicely as a metronome, or, for the matter, as presicely as a crazy, bloodthirsty monkey could. After a short while, both tinkies glowed white, and the glow took on a blue look. Kong looked around in irritation, feeling an intensive urge to drink something. Within a matter of seconds, Kong reached a nearby fountain, and gulped down all of the water, not bothering that it was almost green from all the dirt in it. Once he gulped down the whole fountain, the angry little monkey charged towards Grizzle, and stopped a few feet from him, huffing a little. The people around wondered what he might be up to, but he didn't move. Then, Kong started letting out disgustingly wet cough and burps, until he released a devastating beam of green, dirty water at Grizzle's face, sending the poor teddy flying backwards until he crashed next to the biggest building in the city. A very big, red 'R' was on it, probably the symbol of the poor incorparation that was about to be bankrupted by Kong, because said Mankey was not done with his attack yet. The water that came out of his mouth crushed the windows of the building, and the screaming workers jumped out of the windows, shouting "Looks Like team Rocket's blasting off again!". That was more than true, because the super pressure jet caught some people, who were sent flying in a matter of seconds. Yet again, one of the city's building crashed, this time virtually sinking into the ground.

Grizzle shook his head, now officially grossed out. How-The-Hell did that stupid monkey even get his hands-Pardon, Mouth on such filthy water? What Grizzle wanted to do at that moment more than anything else was to puke out all of his stomach's contests on the ground, or even better, into Kong's mouth. However, his trainer sure wouldn't like that- even worse, he could get punished. Shiverring at the thought and because he was wet, Grizzle slowly trotted back to the town square- it seemed like that disgusting water attack threw him quite a distance away. Once he reached the square, Grizzle shouted to gain Kong's attention, and then started spilling the dirtiest insults he knew out of his mouth, which were even filthier than the water that Kong launched at him. After he cleared his mind, Grizzle started moving his hands from side to side, spreading his fingers out. It wasn't nessecery to re-think about his commands- it was obvious he should use that funny move again. After moving his hands from side to side around 20 times, he shouted "Sexy Jutsu!" and became a super attractive, female Teddiursa he started letting out loud screams that sounded more like they were a lizard's than a teddy's. After a short while, the ground started shaking, and several people ran for their life. However, some stayed out of curiosity, despite the fact that they didn't know that 'the curiosity killed the cat'(although, in this case, it will kill the human). Seconds later, a shower of gigantic, fire covered rocks came out of the sky, crashing into the ground, creating craters and killing NPC's without any mercy. Several meteors hit the terrified Kong, forcing him to literally kiss the ground on which he was standing. One of the smaller meteors crashed into the referee's easter egg, making him jump in surprise and start swearing Grizzle without any mercy, bringing both pokemon's nerves to the ultimate test(he does know how to swear, after all). Once the meteor shower ,the world's most brutal sort of shower, stopped its reign of terror, Kong stood up, his head aching, and bleeding all over his body. Oddly enough, Grizzle felt much, much weaker, as if he sacrificed some of his power...

Kong let out an angry groan, and shook his head another time, rubble falling on the ground. While he did see some people kiss the ground, it was hard to believe it had such a disgusting flavor. After spitting on the ground multiple times, Kong spat towards Grizzle, missing him by a few inches. Now that he regained his self-control, Kong decided it would be apporite to put his focus back on the battle. He raised one finger in each hand and started moving his hands from side to side, this time so fast that it took only a few moments until his fingers glowed a white. A few seconds after the glow became white, it became a brilliant yellow, and sparks came out of Kong's fingers. Kong started rubbing his hands with lightning speed, sparks slowly gathering between them, and then started rubbing the rest of his body, making all of his hairs stand up in a more than funny way. Grizzle started to chuckle, and then started to roll on the ground while laughing wildly. However, his laughter didn't stay for long, because moments later Kong's hairs were covered in electricity and sparks, almost yellow from the masses of electricity charged in them. Kong let out a cry before charging towards Grizzle, a yellow aura of electric energy covering his body and leaving a trail of destruction behind him, and crashing into said Teddiursa, creating a gigantic explosion of electricity once they touched each other, hurting both Kong and Grizzle, and sending the latter flying backwards and trough 4 small building, cutting each one of them straight trough the middle, and throwing around 4 upper building halves. Finally, Grizzle crashed into a fifth building, not crushing it, but badly damaging.

Grizzle felt how his body got smeared on the building, along with disgustingly high amounts of blood. He had a gigantic gash in his back, and his body was filled with shards, which made everything hurt even more. Grizzle let out a groan, and started taking out the shards out of his body, hoping they won't make him bleed much worse. After nursing his wounds for a while, Grizzle stood up and walked a little closer towards Kong, moving his hands and fingers while doing so in order to spare time, and by the time he reached the mankey, his fingers already glowed white. The glow slowly changed colour, until it became a mysterious purple. All of a sudden, Grizzle felt a sudden urge to eat some ice cream. He looked around, and suddenly noticed a big bunch of white and brown ice cream. Sticking out his tongue, Grizzle charged towards Kong, drool coming out of his mouth, and gave Kong an extremly wet lick, making his whole face wet and angering Kong even more, almost enough to force him to use an attack like outrage.

Kong spat on the ground another time, and looked, no, stared at Grizzle, and shouted "What the F--K do you think you're doing?",
still cleaning his face from the drool. After Kong was done cleaning his face, he murmured a few swear words, and then started moving his hands from side to side, the rythm generating power for Kong's next attack. After moving his hands from side to side for a while, the white glow both pokemon saw so many times reappered on his fingers, becoming a light brown, much to Grizzle's dismay. Moments later, Kong's fist glowed a brilliant yellow and he leaped towards Grizzle. A moment before the attack connected, time seemed to slow down as Kong's fist smashed straight into Grizzle's face, sending him flying backwards and into a building. While the attack was strong, the blow wasn't enough to smash more than a single building. After that moment, Grizzle didn't stand up anymore- he was officialy knocked out, heavily bleeding from his face and stuck inside some marketing incorporation's HeadQuarters.

Both trainers recalled their pokemon, shook hands, and got the prize money from the referee. Then, all three disappeared, leaving the city to pay the repairs for the whole city.

End Of Round
Metallica Fanguy's crazy monkey

<Vital Spirit>
Health: 56%
Energy: Infinite
Status: HAHAHA!(-1 Defense, -1 Sp. Defense)
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Symon's Geek


<Quick Feet>
Health: 0%
Energy: Infinite
Status: Knocked Out!
Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome

Arena Description:
The ground is scattered with craters, and 6 different building have been destroyed. There is a fire going trough the city, and corpses are strawn on the ground, and people are screaming everywhere. The body is also covered in blood.

Referee's notes:
-Kong's moves: Kong: Hydro Cannon~Volt Tackle~DynamicPunch
-Grizzle's moves: Draco Meteor~Lick
-All of Kong's moves hit.
-Grizzle was knocked out on the third action.
-That's the shortest battle I ever had.
-The metronome generator is a very brutal guy, indeed.
-Mettalica Fanboy gets 8$, I get 5$ for reffing, and Psymon gets 3$.
Kong gets 2 XP, and Grizzle gets 1 XP.
-'Good game, you two', well, it was a metronome battle, so...
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