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The Secluded Ruins


^ pretty amazing
The Secluded Ruins

You, a young and adventerous trainer, stumble across a rather unknown ruins site. Of course, your not the only one. A research group is there too with a somewhat idiotic tour guide who is your only help through the perilous dungeons inside the dungeons. And so obvious, he doesn't come cheap. The ruins are often times nicknamed "The Ruins of the Lost". Not much is known, except perhaps a great civilization had it's capital here, or just a bunch of possessed tribal wacko's decided to build a booby-trapped city. The research group is offering a major grant that is based on your finds.

Tour Guide
"Ello? Aye man, yah gonna go in? Da first entry fee fo' me tah go wit ya is 5$ Ya either pay or go away. So whadd'ya gonna do? I ain't got all day tah stand here."

So, are your spirit's up? Do you think you have what it takes to get to the end with two feet?


-none so far :unsure:-

So far known pokemon dwelling in here:








Room's known so far:

Main Chamber

Articuno Shrine

Moltres Shrine

Unknown Unown room

Trainer's Exploring:





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10 dollars, like the tour guide said. Are you sure? Though I think I'll change the price to 5$. Meh, I'll change it. So do you wanna go?
"Aye', the tour guide says, Youz gonna go? Ok, but watch out"

You and you guide enter the dungeon, or what seemed like a dungeon. After a while is seemed like a chamber with many twist's and turn, so many branches. You feel very claustrophobic, and it doesn't help hearing un-earthly bloodcurdling screams. And in the climax of it all, a zubat swoops down and whack's you on the head.

"Ohohoho! A zubat! Aye, whadd'ya gonna do?"

Zubat Zubat (F)


"Run eh? Ah, can't blame yah, just a deranged bat anyways."

You walk along, and you then come across four doors. Each one with a legendary on it. Moltres on the first one, Zapdos on the second one, Articuno on the third, and Mew on the fourth.

"So boi, whadd'ya gonna do this time? You haves one of five choices. One, goin through one of the doors, or two exit.


"Oh we are sorry our tour guide just went out with a- oh!"

"I'ms back."

Everyone stares oddly at the tour guide in tattered clothes.


"It's just, you were out with coolking49, and you look all beat up and... Oh God! Did something eat him?!?!?"

"Nah, nah. I'm just a dopelganger. They's still in theere."

"Oh, ok" Everyone is still confused but decide that they won't have to pay for a refund then.

You decided to go on ahead. You walk a few steps and notice something glittering. You pick it up and it's 5 bucks!

"Aye! Gimme halves of it's. I am yourz tour guides."

Feeling sympathy and knowing he's gonna need new clothes, you fork over 2$.

"Aye, youz can still exit's whiles you canz right? So whadd'ya gonna do?"

You walk along, and your tour guide trips over a fair sized rock!

"Owweee'z! Oh oh OW!"

You turn around and realize it wasn't just any rock, it was a Geodude! And he is very, very, VERY angry!



"So whadd'ya gonna do?"
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You ran like the wind and flailed your arms.

"What the Hellz was that? Youza realize dat he done tripped meez?"

The tour guide soon takes out a hammer and chucks it at the geodude and he faints.

"Dat's how youz doos it nows."

You walk along and four doors appear. One with Articuno on the front, One Zapdos, One Moltres, and One Mew.

"Oh! I've seenz dis before! Yah go through a door and you go in another door. Youz have one of five choices. So whadd'ya gonna do?"


"Hello there! We're sorry. Our tour guide has left for a tour with a young trainer and of course-"

"I'ms back"

You ask, "Does he do that alot?"

"Yeah, pretty much"

"So kid, you think you can dooz dis? Good luck"

You nod your head and you then enter, the tour guide leading

You walk at your own pace and the tour guide tries as hard as he can to keep up. After a while, you realize he's not there. You start to freak out, but then your tour guide huffs and puffs and finally makes it up to you.

"*huff**huff**puff* Whew, what was that?!?!? Youz were jogging! I don't take kindlys to that. Imma goin to ask for an extra fee of 3$ Ya either pay or leave"

You say that you want to go through the Ice Bird's door.

"Whuzzat? Oh! Artecuno? Okay."

The tour guide kicks the door and it crumbles to the ground because of erosion. Well, so much for preservation you think. At least there were pictures of Articuno surrounding the door so future archeologists could identify the door. Once you step inside you look in awe at the beautiful splendor of Ice carvings and sculptures, oh so twinkling in the brightly lit room. Pokemon all around seemed to be creating ice sculptures in Articuno's form.


It seemed to be some sort of shrine dedicated to Articuno.

Hehe, the tour guide thinks to himself, I could get some money out of this kid. And I be bettin' that many few will pay just ta look fo' high dolla. Hehehehe- "Whaaa?!?!?"

All of the sudden, a Sealeo come's up and bumps right into your tour guide and he blast's off into the air in a corny, Team Rocket fashion. He falls back down seeming dead, but jumps back up and say's "KILL THAT THING!!!"



"So whadd'ya gonna do?"


"Hehe. I got money's."

Pissed off, you fight hard to not kick him in the balls.

Then, a zubat flies over your head and drops 6$! He flies over the tour guide and poops.


The tour guide freaks out and goes into a fit and sprawls across the ground and appears to have a seizure.

About an hour later he get's the bright idea to go to the small stream and wash his face off.

"I'ms back"

You giggle because he had poop in his teeth. You are happy for zubat's.

Soon an Onix roars and charges at you!



"So whadd'ya gonna do?"

You decide to catch the rock snake, and you tell the tour guide.

"Aye, but this is your only free ball. Two fo' one buck. It's a great deal."

He hands you a regular pokeball, and you snatch it out of his hand in pure excitement.

Oh yeah, Onix is mine!

You chuck the ball at the Onix and the ball consumes Onix. It rumbles and tumbles.

You're bloods pumping and your adrenaline is creating a tornado of excitement.

It rumbles and rumbles and soon, it stops. Sparks fly in diferent directions and a simple, "beep" tells you that you've accomplished this great task.

You yell and scream and jump up in the air for joy! Your fist's are pumping, your yelling and screaming! In the middle of it, you victory dance turns into a air guitar solo. Your tour guide is standing in bewilderment at your dance.

"Aye, you gonna getz that?"

Embarrased, you stop and pick up the pokeball and clip it to your belt. You swell up with pride as you caught an Onix.

"Wowzers, impressive. You caught it without damaging it. Just don't try it again, yah could lose da guy"

"Well now, whadd'ya gonna do?"
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