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The Secluded Ruins

"What we have's here is a failure to communicates"

And in this post I also made a commercial referance (This one is super hard to figure out)

Easy. Full Metal Jacket. Next Question. (I believe it was after two soldiers fought and tried to kill each other.) Or do you mean the original quote? That's from Cool Hand Luke.

And I believe the Weeble Wobble thing was used to describe a toy that always satys upright. Original quote is 'It weebles, wobbles, but doesn't fall down!'

Also, I'll have a go.

Holy Crap! We have a winner! What I meant was Cool Hand Luke, but a cookie goes to you! Well, after I get you started.


You throw your only free pokeball at the glorious shiny Zubat. One, two, three wobbles and sparks fly! Congratulations! You got yourself a shiny Zubat!

You take your shiny out of it's ball and boast of it to your tour guide, in the mean time your Zubat is shaking off some dust it had on it. It turns out it wasn't shiny!

"Eh, take anota look at yo pride an joy."

What! You caught just a regular zubat?!? Phooey, that was close (you really didn't think I was just gonna let you run off with a shiny Zubat did you?).

While your in shock,

"He's not shiny bat, you should call him ShitHead"*

Oh well.

Shit Head

You walk along, and find, a glittery gold nugget!

"Meh, oh well"

"So, whadd'ya gonna do?"


The lady at the front desk checks your submission for the contest.

"Mmmhmmm, mmmmhhmmm, you got it right!

You win a free, Yoshi's Cookie!


"And you mentioned that you wanted to go in?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Guess what? you got a half off discount on admission!"

"Really! That's great! That means I only have to pay $2.50 to get in!"

"Ah, no. See we raised the price up to ten dollars so you have to pay five."

"Aw, oh well"

"Lookie heer boi, I'm yo special tour guide fo da tour."

You look at him, all dirty and stinky, and decide he's really not that special.

You follow him anyways into the ruins though and look around. Nothing too special is the first thought that come's to mind, well for a little bit.

Soon a paras crawls up your leg.

"Woah!" you yell as you knock it off. Then you get a glare in your face that could only mean one thing, POKEMON BATTLE! :D




You throw another ball at the Sealeo.

One wobble goes and he's back out. Now he looks, really, really angry.

"Imma not kidin you, yah gots ta use teh betta ball."


"Youz welcomes"

You squirt the berry a few times and all of the sudden, The berry grows into a tree and blooms! Then, 5 leppa berries appear on the tree!

That must of been some funky fertilizer, or steroids in the bottle.

"Take 5 leppa berries?"


You fork over 3 dollars just for the sake of adventure.

"Yeeeees.... Oo! MINE!"

Near the back you see a golden Moltres idol, and the tour guide rushes for it. He steps on the platform and...



It must be a puzzle of a sort, we have to figure out how to get the idol, without getting incinerated by lava... hmmm.....

In the meantime, while thinking, you found a Firestone!

"So, whadd'ya gonna do?"


*Ooo! Lookie! Another movie reference. I wonder if anyone can figure this one out? Better research on Steve Martin.

**To get the cookie in your PC, just press quote on this post, highlight the image code, and copy and paste into profile. Presto! You get your Yoshi Cookie!

Oh, and for anyone who really cares, I finally got my Eevee to breed four eggs, each for every possible Eeveelution. So far two eggs hatched so I've been able to get the primary eeveelutions. Thanks for everyones help!

, brandman1996
If this is like an Indiana Jones type thing, where I'll get hurt if I remove the idol, than I find a rock that seems to be of similar weight, then switch the idol for the rock imediatly, hopefully not setting off the lava. If its just a question of getting past the lava, as in if there is lava between me and the idol, then I'll bring out Muddy, my mudkip (http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=375308&postcount=81) to hydro pump (it does learn it, you can check serebii.net) out enough water to make a stone walkway accross the lava if its a pool, or through it if its a waterfall.
First off, no money is needed unless you enter a new room, start, or a random failure within the chances. But hey, I'll take your money gladly! :grin: But no, no need to pay.


You walk along and see random symbols, with eye's. They seem to look like letter's from the alphabet.






Under the odd symbols is a place that looks like a hand was engraved into it. Then, the ceiling pops out spikes. The ceiling then starts to come down.

"Oh boi, whadd'we gonna do?"


You swipe the idol with a lava rock.

"Wahoo! I- I mean we got's a gold tingy!"

Then, all of the lava in the pools and waterfalls, go down holes that weren't previously there.

The fire pokemon look around confused.

Then, the roof is ripped off with major force.

A vacuum force is somewhat applied and pokemon all around are being sucked up.

Where there was lava is now fire, the pedestal you and the tour guide are standing on is surrounded by flames that seem to flicker like snakes.

Then Moltres appears, flapping his wings, making the flames dance even wilder to the beat of the wing flaps.


You are somewhat scared, but don't show it, while your tour guide looks as if he's about to pee in his pants.

You hold the statue up high with confidence.

Moltres then nods it's head, and leaves. All the fire disperses as soon as moltres flees, which reveals four more doors.

One with the word, FIRE LIZARD on it, another with the words, FIRE MOUSE, another with the words, FIRE CHICK, and the last with, FIRE APE.

Then, the tour guide snatches the idol from you!

"Mine, MINE!"

"C'mon, give it back."

"Sure, fo' 500 big ones."

"I don't have that kind of money!"

"Neitha do I. HA!"

No you have five options, one: leave. Two: bargain. Three: Find 500 thousand. Four: Knock him out out (would result in you leaving). Or five: Beg, hard.

"Wit which pokamon?"


You press your hand against the engraved hand, and it flashes, as well as the symbols. The ceiling then recedes.



A door then appears and slides open!

Then, all of the symbols rush into the door!

"Oh! Does be Unown. I could get me a few of dem. Lotta moneys in dat market. Heard does archaeologists are makin a fortune on dem."


"So, do yah wanna go through teh door or keep on goin da previous way?"


"Um, can I bargain?"

"How much youz gots?"

You fan out all of your money.

"Ah, no"

Well, at least that's one option down.*

one: leave. Two: bargain, nope won't work. Three: Find 500 thousand. Four: Knock him out out (would result in you leaving). Or five: Beg, hard.

*Reason for prolonging it is because I haven't finished the moltres idol sprite. Sorry for the delay. ;)

You then realize that every other attempt is futile, so you get on your knees and beg, hard.

"Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!"

"Ah, no"

Then out of nowhere Moltres rears up and snarls, as best as a bird can do.

"Oh, oh, okay, hehehe, um, here ya goez."

You catch the idol.


WooHooo! You got the Idol!

It looks like the base was crudely made though...

The three doors seem to glow, asking you which one you'll go through...



You walk inside, and find a bunch of unown flying around... and a magikarp... 0.o

Then, the magikarp flips around like it's challenging you for a battle!




You take out shelgon, and you use draco meteor on a semi-rare pokemon!



You both get blown back, and the paras falls over as if it's dead.

The paras is sizzling.

"Aye, I tell da pokemonz protection ageny if yah don't pay up five bucks."
If you tell the PPA YOU get a Draco Meteor next. And besides, it's legal. It was a wild Pokémon battle and I used a valid move and KO'ed Paras.

"Nah man. You didnst justa ko him, youz FRIED 'im. Hebe dead... Oh, and please dont draco meteor..."

*runs for door*
((Why must we pay additional fees to use this area? If I knew I would make Five Million additional payments I would not have payed admission?))

"I'm not paying. I'm Filing a complaint. ^^^^"
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