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Blastoise vs Crazy Linoone

What is this TCoD ate my post. And Botch's.

EDIT: Nevermind. Botch's post magically appeared.

O RLY. Well, yeah, but still. Her borscht did have a lobster inside though... I wonder if there's lobster borscht...

Anyway, great job there, Heinkel~ Let's start with a Twister to scoop the fish out of the jello soup; try to toss it as far away from the melted jello as possible. If you can't hit the fish due to Protect, Detect, Dive down, or whatever other reason not including Substitute, loaf around and do nothing to save energy. Also loaf around if the thing Mirror Coats. Make sure you stand far away from the pool of jello so Dives and stuff can't hit you.

After you've used Twister, Secret Power. Meanwhile, I'll set up a shrine to the RNG gods...

Twister/Nothing ~ Twister/Nothing/Secret Power ~ Twister/Nothing/Secret Power
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hey Crazy Linoone, i can use type advantages too nyeh-nyeh

Begin with Hail, but try to avoid the Twister if it comes your way. Use Hail until it works, and then fill the rest of your actions with Blizzard.

Hail/Dodge Twister~Hail/Dodge Twister/Blizzard~Hail/Dodge Twister/Blizzard
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Hesitating a moment to observe the rather ill-looking ref with mild concern, Blastoise pulls a final Pokeball from his belt, contained in it his last hope of victory, and hurls it into the air. A flash of light bursts out of it, and a circle of jello about a foot or two in diameter melts instantly into a smallish brown pool, which the flash streaks into, taking the form of a rather drab, grey little fish. The Feebas pokes her head out of the pool to observe the vicious-looking Gible glaring at her from some distance across from the poolside, and the smug-looking Linoone in a rather dapper beret standing beyond near the edge of the cube, spinning her remaining Pokeball on her paw absent-mindedly. Phoebe gulps and withdraws back below the surface, realising the tide of the battle rests entirely on her shoulders (even though fish have no shoulders), and begins to prepare for her first round.

Round Nineteen
Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: somewhat wired from being in this water.
Hail/Dodge Twister~Hail/Dodge Twister/Blizzard~Hail/Dodge Twister/Blizzard

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 1/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 70%
Status: almost too mournful and hyper to be happy about beating Koutos. +1 Attack, -1 Defense.
Twister/Nothing ~ Twister/Nothing/Secret Power ~ Twister/Nothing/Secret Power

Phoebe circles her pond warily, deciding to begin the round defensively by dodging Heinkel’s assaults. The Gible grins viciously at the pool, before closing her eyes, raising her claws, and unleashing a loud, draconic roar to the heavens. The wind in the arena seems to respond to her call, shining with a teal luminescence and beginning to blow towards the jello pool. Phoebe again ventures above the surface to see a swirling funnel of wind forming around her home, imbued with an unknown turquoise energy. She hurriedly swims to the shore, but the vortex is more than wide enough to enclose her puddle, and the moment she leaps out of the water to attempt to flounder to safety across dry land the powerful wind scoops her up and sends her spinning through the air at breakneck speed. As she gyrates the twister propels her upwards, eventually tossing her out of the top and sending her plummeting towards the ground from dozens of metres in the air. After a few seconds, she lands hard on the jello with a wet smack, and begins to thrash frantically, searching for a source of water to hop into.

Her thrashing attracts the attention of Heinkel, who observes her antics mirthfully. The Gible’s opponent continues to just squirm pathetically on the surface of the dessert, sending ripples every which way as her rapidly-desiccating body slaps against the wobbly ground. All of a sudden, her body takes on a light blue glow, and a bitter chill hits the air. Heinkel shifts uncomfortably, rubbing her body with her claws in an attempt to warm up; the cold doesn’t really agree with her too much, being a reptile. Dark clouds converge in the air, blotting out the sun and changing the sunny, mild weather into one of those incredibly muggy, wintry days where you just want to stay in bed forever. Heinkel feels something very hard hit her head at great velocity; squealing in pain, she rubs her skull and looks up, only to receive a large fragment of frozen jello in the eye. A savage hailstorm had begun, pelting everything on the field with huge chunks of coffee-flavoured ice which sink several feet into the ground on contact with the jello. Even Phoebe, who beckoned the surge of frosty sky-jello, doesn’t escape its fury, the lumps slamming hard against her flat, exposed side and leaving sizable welts and bruises. As soon as the storm subsides, Heinkel rubs her bruises and chuckles again at her opponent’s folly; is this stupid fish for real? If all her attacks are just going to hurt her exactly as bad too, she’s not going to get very far in this match. The Gible decides to assert her authority over the asinine aquan, awakening a mysterious, ancient power unknown to all but a select few able to wield it. (Until some bozo made it into a readily-available TM, anyway. Consumerism wrecks everything.) Absorbing a secret energy exuded by the jello, Heinkel opens her mouth to reveal a glowing, pale blue orb in the back of her throat. The orb grows and grows, and with a roar the Gible lunges forward to force the orb into a glowing blast of energy that streaks across the arena and collides with Phoebe, knocking her into the air and pushing her back with a grunt of pain.

Landing again on the jello with a wet slap, the Feebas writhes in pain and growing asphyxiation. A voice in her head screams at her ever louder to find some goddamn water, but even louder is the one commanding her to obey her trainer. Wheezing desperately, she opens her mouth, inhaling a huge lungful of freezing cold air and lingering chunks of jello-ice, before exhaling again, an enormous gale of glacial wind blasting from her lungs. The impossibly intense burst of breath turns into a howling gale, picking up ice from the ground and the air as it makes its way rapidly towards Heinkel, and indeed everything in its path. The Gible has no time to escape; the sub-zero hurricane blasts into her in a matter of split seconds, knocking her off her feet and sending her spinning through the air, the savage, bitterly cold winds beating her furiously. As they subside, the snow clears from the air to reveal a soaking wet Linoone grumpily holding a numb, dazed Gible in her arms. She puts the traumatised dragon down, wrings her beret out thoroughly, and gives Heinkel a swift kick back towards the battle zone. Still somewhat bewildered, the Gible staggers through the slush back toward her opponent, beginning to regret underestimating her. Finding her senses again, Heinkel absorbs another helping of arcane force from the environment, forming it into another globe of light blue power in the back of her mouth. Charging it for a while until she’s satisfied it’ll show that damn fish what for, she unleashes it with a vicious snarl, blasting her target once more with the mysterious beam and knocking her back about a foot. The floundering Feebas flops more pathetically, still gasping for water, as the whole arena begins to glow; this is of course routine to Heinkel by now, but even Phoebe fails to register the transformation of the arena due to her desperation for oxygen, as its glow subsides to reveal an interesting concoction of colours; pinkish-red on the inside, darkish-green on the outside, and pockmarked throughout with little black ovals. All who aren’t suffocating inspect the jello with interest, enjoying this rather flashy new design, until another wave of hailstones comes raining down. In hindsight, the trainers think as they gingerly pick themselves up from the ground, it may have been handy to battle somewhere where there’s shelter.

Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 83%
Energy: 85%
Dodge Twister ~ Hail ~ Blizzard

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 1/3 chills
Health: 40%
Energy: 56%
Status: “c-c-co-cooold... s-s-sooo coooold...”. +1 Attack, -1 Defense.
Twister ~ Secret Power ~ Secret Power

Terrain Notes
The jello is now watermelon flavour, granting a 1.5x boost to all projectile attacks. I would not wanna be Heinkel right now. Also, it’s hailing (3 more actions).

Final Notes
- I figured the Twister would be too wide for Phoebe to avoid, so she was flung clear of the pond.
- the Secret Power was light blue (shallow water), since jello’s kind fluid-y.
- Blastoise commands first next round.
Sorry, guys, forgot that I didn't post here yet...

Ice Beam
spam gogogo. If you can't find see, hit, or find her for whatever reason, try and find your way back to the water. If there's a new weather condition that you don't like, Rain Dance it into oblivion.

Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance~Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance~Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance
Blastoise, if I get hypothermia, you're paying for the medical fees.

And hello there, Command Loophole! I'm glad that you can come visit.

Heinkel, sorry, but you're going to have to take the first Ice Beam, because we need you to get a Substitute up for Command Loophole to come into play. So, get a Substitute (as big as possible) up as soon as possible, then laugh as Command Loophole takes over and the feebas starts flopping around.

Since the Substitute will protect you from any attacks, the feebas won't be able to hit you; it will only be able to hit your Substitute. And, if we look at Blastoise's commands
Blastoise said:
If you can't find see, hit, or find her for whatever reason, try and find your way back to the water.
We can see that, if you have a Substitute up, that feebas will start flopping towards the pond and stop attacking. Which means that you can start spamming attacks.

Let's take advantage of the watermelon flavor and spam some DragonBreaths after you get your Substitute up. If the feebas starts getting too close to the water, Twister and fling it away.

Substitute (as big as possible) ~ DragonBreath/Twister ~ DragonBreath/Twister
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Twenty
Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 83%
Energy: 85%
Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance~Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance~Ice Beam/find water/Rain Dance

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 1/3 chills
Health: 40%
Energy: 56%
Status: “c-c-co-cooold... s-s-sooo coooold...”. +1 Attack, -1 Defense.
Substitute (as big as possible) ~ DragonBreath/Twister ~ DragonBreath/Twister

Frantic ripples flow through the jello, getting faster and wider, shaking water from Linooney’s still-soaking coat. Phoebe's pathetic flopping continues to get more desperate as she searches for water, or melted jello, or really any medium in which she can breathe. This battle is really hampering her pursuit of oxygen... she decides she'd better wrap things up here so she can get back inside her Pokéball, in which she can apparently survive pretty darn well. Her gaping lips begin to exude a cold, icy blue aura which expands into a vast, glowing orb, that finally outgrows her mouth and bursts outwards toward Heinkel. The Gible is struck full force with the frigid energy, and knocked onto the jello with a surprised wail. The beam cuts off, and Heinkel climbs to her feet, shaking off the coat of ice that the attack spread onto her. She begins to breathe heavily, most of her energy having been drained by the last couple of attacks. For a useless little fish stranded on dry land- er, jello- that thing packs a hell of a punch. Heinkel decides to construct a shield, peeling up a large blob of the floor to shape into a protective jello-fort. She gets somewhat carried away in her building, ending up shaping the chunk into a life-size, watermelon-flavoured, wobblier version of herself. Satisfied with her work, she breathes a sizable amount of her life energy into the clone, and it twitches before coming to life, blinking wobblily and looking round to its creator. Heinkel smiles at it momentarily, until the bodyguard suddenly springs forward and knocks the Gible to the ground with a terrified squeal. For a moment, Heinkel is furious, until a shower of hailstones comes crashing down from the heavens. While Phoebe is pummelled senseless, the impact on Heinkel is absorbed by the substitute lying atop her.

Phoebe recovers from the bruising stream of hail and returns to her suffocating. Hurriedly she charges another ray of ice, and turns towards Heinkel. She looks a little... greener than usual, but Phoebe is hardly in a state to worry about such things. Ignoring the small nagging doubt in her head, the fish lets loose another lance of frigid energy, striking the substitute that stands guard in place of her true target. The continuous blast of ice overwhelms the edifice, freezing it absolutely solid before the pressure of the ice begins to pummel cracks into its surface. In a matter of seconds it shatters, the broken chunks sliding uselessly onto the ground and melting to rejoin the jello from whence they came. Heinkel growls in weak disdain at the loss of her bodyguard- that was a waste of precious HP, not to mention the only thing stopping her keeling over from the very next attack. In a tight spot, she decides to go all out in her final hour. Dragon-fire begins to spew from the gaps in her teeth, and her mouth opens to reveal an inferno of greenish flames. Leaping forward with a snarl, she unleashes the flames on her opponent, scorching the fish’s scales with chemical energy and causing Phoebe to flop even more madly in pain as the flames sting her sides. Without warning, another volley of frozen jello chunks hammers down from the sky; this time each one is perfectly spherical, looking like a watermelon made from ice. They smash down on everything lying beneath, inflicting damage on Pokemon and trainers alike.

The pounding of giant ice cubes was about the last straw for the ailing Heinkel, and Phoebe can tell she’s almost done for. Unable to wait a second longer for air, the Feebas quickly shoots off one last Ice Beam at the pathetic dragon, who is knocked several feet backwards by the blast. Her weak body is flung through the air like a ragdoll, eventually landing in her trainer’s arms, numb and unmoving, and also splashing a reasonable quantity of freezing cold meltwater all over her. Blastoise’s victorious grin falls as Linooney scowls at him, pulling out a mobile phone from her beret to contact her doctor and legal representative as she recalls her knocked-out Gible. A final shower of ice cubes later, and the icy clouds part and vanish, ending the hailstorm. Phoebe flops alone in the centre of a now-deep blue arena, Blastoise’s final remaining hope of winning the money to pay his opponent’s doctor with.

Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 69%
Energy: 69%
Status: “Yay I win. Can I go back in the water now D:”.
Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~Ice Beam

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 1/3 chills
Health: 0%
Energy: 46%
Status: Knocked out!
Substitute (10%) ~ DragonBreath

Terrain Notes
The jello is now blue raspberry flavour; +1 defense for eating it.

Final Notes
-Phoebe’s health and energy make me happy x3
-all attacks this round benefitted from the x1.5 power boost.
-the attacks and abilities guide describes a substitute as a “construct in [the creator’s] exact likeness”, so Phoebe wasn’t able to tell she couldn’t hit Heinkel.
-the hailstorm ended on the last action.
-Crazy Linoone sends out and attacks first next round.
Good job, Heinkel~ That was pretty nice, even if I screwed up command loophole. although the best part is Phoebe's current HP and energy

And Blastoise, my lawyer seems to want to talk to you.

Ahem. ANYWAYS. I think I'll send out Riley the Riolu even though I can totally send out Spazz and wipe the floors with the type advantage.

Let's just spam attacks for now and see what happens. Spam Thunderpunch, but Vacuum Wave if there's clones or if you can't move due to being frozen to the Jello. Try to knock the feebas as far away from the pool as possible. If you can't hit or attack the feebas due to Dive, Protect, status inflictions like attraction, or whatever, not including Substitute, Bulk Up.

Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up ~ Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up ~ Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up
Probably not; the pool would be nearer your side of the jello, whereas Riley would by default be sent out just in front of Linooney.
Well, that makes sense. :( Curse you, Logic.

Go ahead and Confuse Ray him to death. Once that's done, use Surf or, if you can't for some reason, Attract. Then use Rain Dance. If you get near the pool at some point, jump in, which I assume would not take a full action.

Confuse Ray~Surf/Attract~Rain Dance
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Stowing Heinkel's Pokéball away, Linooney draws her final Pokéball, contained within which is her final Pokémon. It hits the jello, bounces slightly and opens to reveal a Riolu, who lands on the soft, bouncy, wibbly arena and is instantly fascinated, jumping and bouncing repeatedly until the novelty wears off. His trainer, meanwhile, scurries across and hands her mobile phone to Blastoise, who nervously takes it and is screamed at by the irate attorney on the other end.

The referee, meanwhile, waits impatiently for this foolery to cease so the round can begin; however, the person yelling at Blastoise seems reluctant to let up, his lecture loud enough to be audible to everyone else on the arena. Almost as loud is what can faintly be made out as the theme tune to a popular kid's TV show, which the lawyer regularly breaks away from his shoutings to tell someone called "Maya" to turn down; in fact the very reason for his raised voice seems to be to compete with the sound of the television. Finally, the referee decides he's had enough, snatches the phone away, and stomps back to his corner. Glad the heat's off for now, Blastoise joins his opponent in issuing orders for the last leg of the match.

Round Twenty-one
Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 69%
Energy: 69%
Status: “what there's more D: *wheeze*”.
Confuse Ray~Surf/Attract~Rain Dance

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: inspecting the arena in fascination.
Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up ~ Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up ~ Thunderpunch/Vacuum Wave/Bulk Up

When Riley finally somehow gets tired of hopping on the ridiculously springy jello floor, he turns to his opponent, ready to begin battling. Phoebe flops just as pathetically as usual on the ground, sending interesting ripples everywhere as she flops to and fro. Riley snickers at the sight of the drab, floundering fish; surely this thing can't put up much of a fight? As he stares, laughing, Phoebe's mouth opens to reveal a bizarre cocktail of bright, glowing lights flashing and dancing in the air. Riley's laughter tapers off as his gaze becomes fixed on the lights, which dance hypnotically, fixing themselves into the Riolu's retina. He stands for minutes just watching the lights flickering beautifully in front of his eyes, only to suddenly realise Phoebe's mouth is closed and she'd stopped emitting the beams some time ago. The after-images still flicker in his eyes, and panicked, he elects to try attacking anyway. He begins to build electric charge in his arm, forming a sphere of crackling electric energy around his fist, but all the while his mind keeps drifting to the spectres of the psychotropic flashes, distracting him from the rapidly-growing orb of energy wrapped around his hand, which grows too big, sparks violently, and explodes. Riley squeals, knocked to the floor by the blast, cursing quietly to himself and climbing to his feet, blushing furiously. Even Phoebe seems to be quietly laughing inside at his failure.

For the first time since leaving her pool, a smile forms on Phoebe's face. She may be suffocating but she's giving Riley a good hiding... confidently she slaps her tail on the jello, and a large hemisphere of jello extending about a metre away from her in all directions melts instantly, forming a deep blue pool directly under her which she plops into happily. She takes a deep breath of water through her gills, rehydrates her scales, and swims around for a while, feeling as though she hasn't seen liquid in years. She stays under for a few minutes, enjoying this brief return to her element, before Blastoise strides over and shouts sternly into the pool. Sighing, Phoebe swims to the water's edge, splashing her trainer with jello water accidentally on purpose. Turning to Riley, she slaps the water with her body, forming a ripple which races ahead of her at unnatural speed, climbing into a tremendous wave in the space of just a few feet. Phoebe is scooped onto the very crest of the huge blue tsunami, which having reached its optimum height, begins to collapse, dropping about a tonne of water on everything beneath it, which happens to include Riley. The Riolu's screams are muffled by the sound of the roaring water plummeting down and the intense smack sound produced by the impacted jello. When the deluge has passed, Riley is sitting dazed on the jello's soaking wet surface, Phoebe having landed directly on his head, and a furious Linooney is glaring across at Blastoise, even more wet with fur now turned almost completely blue. She snaps at Riley, who wakes up out of his daze- well, nearly. The shock of the attack combines with the mind-altering after-effects of the Confuse Ray to produce a groggy, bewildered Riolu. Mortified by her soaked and stained fur, Linooney barks at him to attack before his mind clears, and he throws a haphazard slap in Phoebe's general direction. The fish leaps off his head before the blow connects, and the Riolu smacks himself squarely in the forehead. He gives a yelp of pain and frustration; that's two times in a row he's attacked himself! Still, it helped clear his head a little...

Sniggering again at the foolish Riolu, Phoebe begins to flop on the surface of the jello; not in the same random, struggling-for-air, flailing sort of way as before, but rather more rhythmically. As she flop-dances, dark clouds gather in the sky above the arena, casting a shadow over the entire area, before releasing a sweet and delicious downpour of blue jello rain. Riley looks up in joy and astonishment, attempting to taste the raspberry-flavoured raindrops, while Crazy Linoone screams filthy abuse and vicious threats at Blastoise for getting her coat even more ruined. She savagely barks another order at her Riolu, who immediately stops enjoying himself and begins charging another Thunderpunch. He manages to focus this time, charging a brilliant sphere of electrical energy on his fist and swinging it down into Phoebe with not the slightest interference from wacky lighting. The punch discharges into the Feebas with a mighty ZAP, and Phoebe convulses madly for a time until Riley lifts his fist, allowing her to return to her usual level of insane flopping. At that point, the jello begins to radiate once again; Riley has the honour of being the last Pokémon to be surprised by this, as the dark blue mass and the stream of raindrops glow momentarily before becoming a very bright neon green. Right afterwards, Linooney's Pokégear goes off; wiping the melted jello away, she takes the call, and begins another flustered conversation with one of her legal representatives. This one sounds to be apologising for not phoning earlier, but his mobile was lost somewhere in his assistant's... panties? No, that can't be right.

Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 59%
Energy: 58%
Status: happy to have gotten a taste of the water again.
Confuse Ray~Surf~Rain Dance

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 0/3 chills
Health: 81%
Energy: 84%
Status: "duuude i'm in happyland, are you in happyland too~". Confused (mild).
confused ~ confused ~ Thunderpunch

Terrain Notes
Jello flavour: lime (+1 Sp. Def when eaten). It's raining green stuff (5 more actions).

Final Notes
- yes yes Phoenix and Apollo were never lawyers at the same moment in time shut up.
- Riley was confused both of the first two actions, but hitting himself helped snap him out of it.
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
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Keep using Surf. Eat some Jello if he's protecting. Get into the water again if you can.

Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water~Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water~Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water
You know, I think Franziska would make a better prosecutor than spiky-hair. At least she wouldn't lose her phone in someones' panties. >:(

This doesn't look good... Spam Force Palm and hope for paralysis; try to knock it away from the pool if you can. Meanwhile...

*sets up another RNG god shrine*

If the fishie gets paralyzed, Sunny Day. If you still have an action left after that, eat some delicious Jello.

Force Palm ~ Force Palm/Sunny Day ~ Force Palm/Sunny Day/JELLY TIME
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Twenty-two
Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 59%
Energy: 58%
Status: happy to have gotten a taste of the water again.
Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water~Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water~Surf/Eat Jello/Get into water

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 0/3 chills
Health: 81%
Energy: 84%
Status: "duuude i'm in happyland, are you in happyland too~". Confused (mild).
Force Palm ~ Force Palm/Sunny Day ~ Force Palm/Sunny Day/JELLY TIME

Phoebe flounders happily as the interesting neon green rain patters down onto her, hydrating her body and giving her a sudden burst of activity from the impromptu flow of oxygen through her gills. She leaps up into the air and dives back down to the floor, which dissolves into a pool again as her body hits it; rainwater fills the pool until it overflows, soaking the entire arena. Flapping her fins, she zooms forward and splashes up water along with her, forming another large, bright green wave behind her. The momentum of the crest of water behind her eventually builds and builds until it overtakes her, pushing her on top of it and sending her crashing through the arena toward Riley, picking up the flooded water and growing ever larger and more forceful as it goes. The wave smashes into the Riolu again, the vast torrent of water knocking him back across the arena. The wave spills over the arena, leaving a soaked and bewildered Riolu sitting on the jello. Slowly, he stands up, groaning in pain and disorientation and shaking water off his body. Turning to the fish, he raises his paw angrily and rushes towards her, bringing his palm down in a vicious slap. He strikes a particularly soft part of the fish's head, and Phoebe squeals and flails in pain as the sheer force of the strike wracks her body. The strike leaves her feeling dazed, and she begins to experience even worse trouble moving around- even more so than a fish out of water usually would.

Her muscles are under considerable strain, having partially locked up from Riley's headshot, but somehow she still manages to be faster than him. She sinks again into a sudden pool of fluid jello that appears from nowhere beneath her, and with a flick of her tail leaps forward in another massive torrent of water. Fed by the rainfall, the wave grows bigger and bigger as it rushes toward Riley before collapsing and rushing across the surface. Again the current knocks the Riolu off his feet in an instant, throwing him across the arena and pummelling him viciously with the force. When the rush of water finally dies down enough for him to stand, Riley staggers to his feet again; that was an especially nasty Surf, and he doesn't think he can stand to take any more hits as fierce as that. At least it cleared his head- the weird distracting lights are now gone completely. He feels the rain splashing onto his head, and looks up to the sky- something needs to break up those rain clouds, or he's not going to stick around much longer. Closing his eyes, he holds his palms together, a strange red glow appearing between them, and opens then to unleash a glowing red orb of flame. The sphere floats for a moment before soaring skyward, hitting the canopy of clouds and erupting in a red flash right across the sky. The clouds part, leaving a huge gap through which blindingly bright, scorching sunlight pierces and illuminates the entire area.

Without the refreshing shower of rain enabling her even the slightest chance of breathing, Phoebe again finds herself devoid of energy, able to do little more than flop uselessly. The intense sun drying her body out and the tingly feeling in her muscles combine to make her lethargic and exhausted; nonetheless, she tries to attack anyway, but is stopped in her tracks as her entire body suddenly locks up. Grunting in discomfort, she writhes stiffly and tries to move, but is forced into a series of uncoordinated spasms and quiet squeals of pain. Watching his opponent squirming in pain makes Riley hungry; he kneels down and scoops out a handful of jello, which he eats ravenously before helping himself to a few more helpings of the delicious green dessert. As soon as he finishes eating, the jello, along with the stains all over his fur, begin to glow before turning pale pink. He licks his forearm; mmm, strawberry.

Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 45%
Energy: 45%
Status: hates the land. Paralysed (moderate)
Surf ~Surf ~ [paralysed]

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 1/3 chills
Health: 42%
Energy: 93%
Status: stained slightly pink. +1 Sp. Def
Force Palm ~ Sunny Day ~ JELLY TIME

Terrain Notes
The jello is now strawberry flavour (+1 Sp Atk) and has three large craters in it. The sun is shining brightly (4 more actions).

Final Notes
- Force Palm and the second Surf were both critical.
- Phoebe was fully paralysed on the last action.
- Linooney attacks first next round.
Yeah, paralysis! *sets up yet another RNG god shrine*

Durr. Your health is not looking so good right now, but you have awesome energy, so attack spam gogogo~ Drain Punch until the fishie dies. If you can't hit the feebas somehow due to Protect, Dive, or status conditions, use Swords Dance. If you're asleep, Sleep Talk.

Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk
Use Attract, please. Make him lurve you. If he's Attracted, ask him to use Rain Dance and then Tickle him. If he's not, spam Ice Beam.

Attract~ask for Rain Dance/Ice Beam~Tickle/Ice Beam
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Twenty-three
Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 45%
Energy: 45%
Status: hates the land. Paralysed (moderate)
Attract~ask for Rain Dance/Ice Beam~Tickle/Ice Beam

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 1/3 chills
Health: 42%
Energy: 93%
Status: stained slightly pink. +1 Sp. Def
Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Drain Punch/Swords Dance/Sleep Talk

Ignoring how fabulous he thinks his new colouration looks, Riley turns his attentions to his twitching, breathless opponent. He clenches his paw, forming a brown aura around it, and rushes up with it held in the air savagely. Phoebe tries her best to get away, though the full fury of her struggle consists of a stiff, ineffectual flop before Riley's fist slams down on her side. Phoebe squeals in pain, and the aura swells, seeming to draw power from Phoebe's body. The light grows for a few moments before flickering out, and Riley feels refreshed as Phoebe's stolen life energy is absorbed into his own system. Despite the intense pain wracking the Feebas's stiff body, Phoebe can still just about bear to pretend to be nice to Riley. She flops round to face him and starts brainstorming sweet nothings to whisper through gritted teeth, but just as she opens her mouth to fire one off quickly before she hates herself forever, her jaw muscles lock up. She tries desperately to move them, but they refuse to cooperate, sealing her mouth firmly shut.

Watching in amusement as his opponent flails helplessly, Riley powers up another fistful of life-sapping energy, running forward and dealing another blow to the fish's flat, exposed side. Phoebe growls in desperation as her precious health is eaten away; health she really can't afford to be losing. She tries desperately to do something to strike back at him, but every muscle in her body remains completely static, rendering her barely able to even flap her fins.

The jello wobbles like crazy with her weak but frantic attempts to do anything useful, while Riley prepares his third consecutive Drain Punch. The familiar aura around his fist condenses as he swings it down to smack the fish again, leeching another small portion of her health. As the third punch in a row connects with a vicious smack, Phoebe can barely even cry out; her entire body is still completely numb, her muscles all striking against the impulses she desperately sends through them. Linooney looks up at Blastoise and laughs cruelly; ha, the tables have turned, fur-ruiner! Meanwhile, the jello glows and turns a muddy brown colour; though Linooney is pleased to look pretty much the same as before, Riley is mortified at the new, drab colour of his stained fur.

Blastoise (XXO)
Phoebe (F) <Swift Swim> 0/3 chills
Health: 22%
Energy: 45%
Status: exhausted in spite of not having moved in ages. Paralysed (mild)
[paralysed] ~ [paralysed] ~ [paralysed]

Linooney (XXO)
Riley (M) <Steadfast> 1/3 chills
Health: 52%
Energy: 76%
Status: misses his fabulous pink fur. +1 Sp. Def
Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch

Terrain Notes
The jello is now coffee flavour- eating doesn't count towards Chill counter but causes confusion.

Final Notes
- apparently, Blastoise, the RNG Gods hate you and torture your fish for sport.
- Blastoise attacks first next round.

we're screwed

Spam Surf if he's at a distance, Facade if he's up close. If you manage to get in the water, use Light Screen until it works.

Surf/Facade/Light Screen~Surf/Facade/Light Screen~Surf/Facade/Light Screen
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