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Referee Headquarters

Mock reffing ahoy.

2 vs 2 Single
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.

Scourge of Amaranth

Nix (Female) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Commands: Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect


Arcee (Male) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Commands: Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower

Shadow Ball calculations: BP 80, 8% Damage. +2% STAB, 10% damage. +1% Evolution bonus, 11% damage. +6% SPA boost, !!17% damage!!
PP 15, 3% Energy. -1% for STAB. 2% Energy, then.
Substitute calculations: 20% health used to make the sub, 10% energy lost.
Shadow Ball calculations: Same as above, 17% damage, 2% energy.
Will-O-Wisp calculations: PP 15, 3% energy sounds good, because Arcee is getting tired by this point.
Swagger Calculations: PP 15, 3% energy. Sounds about right.
Protect calculations: 4% energy, as usual.

Nix: Shadow Ball (Arcee at 30% health, Nix has 41% energy left)
Arcee: Substitute (Arcee was confused and could not make his substitute)
Nix: Shadow Ball (Arcee is now at 13% health, Nix has 39% energy left)
Arcee: Will-o-Wisp (Attack succeeded, but was blocked by substitute - Nix!Sub has 3% health left, Arcee has 41% energy left)
Nix: Protect (Nix got her Protect up in time, using 4% energy - she is now at 35% energy)
Arcee: Swagger (Attack succeded, but was blocked by protect - 3% energy used anyway, Arcee has 38% energy left)
Arcee: BADLY POISONED (Arcee takes 8% health as poison damage, and is now at 5% health)


Nix glances up from where she's examining the ends of her fingers - a habit she'd picked up from dwelling in the shadows of humans - and briefly ponders why Arcee isn't following his trainer's orders. Instead, the dog Pokemon is sitting on the ground, eyes rolled back like he's trying to look at his own forehead. In actual fact, he's trying to see those pretty little lights drifting around his head. They're so wonderful... The Gengar seizes this oppotunity with both hands and quickly charges and fires a Shadow Ball, smacking Arcee squarely in the chest. The dark splotch across the Arcanine's chest shows that at least she hit (although how she couldn't at this range is besides the point, she thinks). (Arcee was confused and could not make his Substitute, but Nix was successful with her Shadow Ball. Arcee now has 30% health, while Nix has 41% energy left.)

The injured Arcanine tries to stand up, and in a classic moment of either cruelty or comedy (depending on which trainer you support), another Shadow Ball knocks him off his feet again, to the tune of Nix snickering. Arcee, for a few moments, considers just not standing up, before dragging himself to his feet. This time, there's no Shadow Ball to the face to disrupt things, and he parts his jaws for a Will-o-Wisp. Nix looks faintly amused at the wavering ball of blue flame, and her Substitute seems to reflect this, almost lazily walking into it's path. There's a tiny burnmark on the surface of the Substitute, but it is otherwise unharmed. (While Arcee was not confused this action, his low health results in a Will-o-Wisp that was easily blocked by Nix's Substitute, which is now at 3% health. Arcee has 41% energy left.)

The dog Pokemon then recalls his next command, thankful that the flashing lights have subsided somewhat. Tiredly, he tries to think of something that will enrage Nix (out of the corner of his eye, he can se her doing something with her hands, but he pays it no mind). He settles for a fabricated story about that time he beat three Gengar with his eyes closed and one paw behind his back, and how Nix is even weaker than they were. Sure, it may not be believeable, but it's worth a shot. As he turns round and starts his tirade, though, he realises Nix couldn't hear him if she wanted to - the purple Pokemon is sitting beneath a soundproof, emerald dome, and she's sticking her tongue out at him and waving. (Arcee was not confused for this round either, but Nix was faster and managed to get her Protect up in time. Thus, she is at 35% energy, while Arcee is at 38%.)

That was the insult on top of the injury, but here comes another injury - Arcee feels a wave of sickliness pour over him, and the urge to faint grows even greater - now feels like a damn good time to sit down, to be honest. (Arcee took 8% damage from the poison, if I'm reading the notes right, so he is now at 5% health remaining.)


Scourge of Amaranth

Nix (Female) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 35%
Status: Amused at the Arcanine's sole attempt to hurt her, but she's beginning to feel the strain of her attacks. It's not bothering her, though - she can easily squash him now, or poison will do it for her. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 3% health.
Commands: Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect


Arcee (Male) <Flash Fire>
Health: 5%
Energy: 38%
Status: Upset that very little has gone his way, but more than that he's in a lot of pain. There is a large, dark mark on his chest and one spread across his forehead. Confused (10% this round; 5% next round) and Badly Poisoned (-8% health this round; -10% health next round). Substitute remaining at 3% health.
Commands: Confused ~ Will-o-Wisp ~ Swagger (Failed due to Protect)

o Disable (Crunch) wore off this round.
o Both Substitutes are on the verge of collapse.
o Keion attacks, Amaranth attacks, then I ref. Or that's what would happen if this was real, anyway.
o I sort of changed the layout given; I hope this doesn't count against me or something?
o My calculations are right at the top, and I also included a summary of what went down this round, if that's okay? I had to have something to work with after all x) I figured that since Arcee wasn't technically trying to do a damaging attack when he was confused, he wouldn't take damage.
o If this round isn't described well enough, I have an alternate version where Arcee is not confused at all.​
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Okay, paychecks should be fixed up. The new mock has also been added to the first post... although, actually, it was already there when I went to edit the post, even though I couldn't see it just viewing the thread. Apparently Blackthorne Steele couldn't, either, although Keion must have been able to see it. The server is clearly trolling us all.
Arena Desciption:
2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.

Pre-Round Stats

Scourge of Amaranth
Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower


The referee swept down the red flag from his place on a marble balcony about ten feet up; trainers yelling their orders instantly. Arcee, the Arcanine, gathered a fairly large portion of his energy into a ball, letting it float beside him. The ball steadily grew larger, changing it’s shape progressively, molding itself into the shape of an Arcanine, slowly turning shades of orange, black and cream, and after finishing, standing there was another Arcanine, being a dead-ringer of Arcee’s looks. Arcee looked pretty satisfied with himself; this baby was ready to roll.

Opposing the canine were two ghosts; Nix and her ever present Substitute, who seemed to be establishing a rivalry with Arcee’s Substitute already. Oh dear.

Nix the Gengar really wasn’t fazed—if that dog wanted to make a copy of his hideous self, so be it; she’d blow it up happily anyway. Charging up a dark, pulsing ball of dark energy, she though of how much she would like to blow that little bastard and his clone away—and now was the perfect time to do so. Setting her sights on the nearest Arcee, the Substitute, she held back the dark energy for just a couple more seconds to charge it fully, and then let it fly. It struck the clone of Arcee right in the chest, knocking him straight into the side of the fountain. Whew, luckily not into the water. That was a close call.

Damage and Energy calculations:


Health: Arcee lost 10% health in creating his Substitute. His Substitute absorbed the damage from Nix’s Shadow Ball completely.

Energy: In creating the substitute, I counted the energy loss at a solid 5%, I would think ¼ of the Substitute’s health would be about right.

(Arcee) Substitute: Nix’s Shadow Ball dealt a massive 16% damage, after the STAB and counting the large increase in Special Attack. The Substitute currently has a total of 4% health left.


Health: Nix lost no health this action as no attacks were directed at him.

Energy: Nix lost a meager 1% energy this round; Shadow Ball has a base energy loss of 3%, then the STAB bonus takes a 1% off of that, then as Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, it took yet another 1% off of the energy loss.

Damage dealt:
Arcee’s Substitute: Gengar dealt a whopping 16% damage with one Shadow Ball; Shadow Ball has a base power of 8%, then the STAB bonus adds an additional 1% to the total, and Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, adding another 1%. On top of that, Nix has +3 on her Special Attack, and I count an extra two damage for every stat increase.

Arcee: The Substitute blocked the Shadow Ball fully, shielding Arcee from any harm.

Arcee’s Substitute stood back up, wearing the same expression as Arcee; ready to fight back with a certain, horribly satisfying vengeance. The canine opened his mouth wide, bright blue flames already forming in his mouth. Feeling them get hotter and hotter, he threw his head back, roaring. He snapped his head forward quickly, shooting a cluster of fire towards the opposing ghost, but his aim proved to be off. But, not noticing this yet, Nix number two jumped in front of the real Nix, just in case, and he calmly watched the flames roll by, making a comment about how the dog should work on his aim.
Perhaps style wasn’t quite as necessary as accuracy in the heat of battle, or even during practice. “Style? Style is for simpletons who do nothing but contests, sacrificing power to dress up their Pokémon,” as his trainer always told him. Nix just smirked: that Arcanine really did suck, didn’t he? Why a Magikarp could best him! Charging up another ball of evil matter, the ghostly figure stuck his big tongue out at Arcee’s Substitute; this would be very enjoyable, just blowing little fiery hounds up. Arcee’s clone moved closer, giving Nix the perfect opportunity; letting loose, Nix blew the second Arcee to bits, hearing a great roar as the beautiful canine faded, leaving his maker a bit surprised at Gengar’s power, and angry that he didn’t enjoy two of him as much as Arcee.

Damage and Energy Calculations:

Health: The Substitute took the whole of the Shadow Ball, but was destroyed in the process. The Substitute has faded, and Arcee lost no health this action.

Energy: Arcee lost only 2% energy this action, being last of a two-part evolution line, it cut 1% of the base 4%, then the STAB bonus took another 1% off of the total.


Health: Nix lost no health this action, and a burn was not inflicted; Arcee’s Will-O-Wisp missed, and Nix has a Substitute anyway.

Energy: Nix lost 1% energy this round; Shadow Ball has a base energy loss of 3%, then the STAB bonus takes a 1% off of that, then as Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, it took yet another 1% off of the energy loss.

Damage dealt: Not that it matters extremely, as Arcee wasn’t damaged, but Gengar’s Shadow Ball dealt the regular 16%, and here come the explanation again; Gengar dealt a whopping 16% damage with one Shadow Ball; Shadow Ball has a base power of 8%, then the STAB bonus adds an additional 1% to the total, and Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, adding another 1%. On top of that, Nix has +3 on her Special Attack, and I count an extra two damage for every stat increase.

Arcee was supposed to brag, right? Oh, what to brag about… There was that time he helped take Team Rocket out of town, but that was no big deal, a lot of Pokémon have had an experience or two with Team Rocket. Guess he’d just have to lie. What about talking about how he was the one who stopped Kyogre and Groudon from fighting?! He was sure a creepy, purple Ghost wouldn’t study up on the Hoenn times; he was probably busy freaking kids out or gobbling up dreams at the time. The fiery wolf straightened his back, held his chin up high and almost on cue, the air conditioning turned on in the hotel, blowing the dog’s mane, making it look even more valiant. He began strutting with energy and passion, ego flowing stronger and stronger. Nix and her clone didn’t even want to hear what he had to say; it was going to be a lie anyway. Summoning a shiny, protective green wall around herself, Nix chuckled at how bad Arcee was doing; at this rate, Scourge would have his victory in no time. Arcee looked a little disappointed that no one wanted to hear him brag, and he felt something stinging inside of him. Oh, right, the poison, he had forgotten about that in the midst of all that adrenaline he had gained from the battle. Whimpering as he felt the poison draining his energy, he gave a miserable look to his trainer, who gave him a reassuring glance.

Damage and Energy Calculations:


Health: Arcee took, yet again, no damage this action, putting him t a total of 16% health lost this round, counting the poison.

Energy: Just the 4% for the Swagger was lost. The Swagger was protected against, however.


Health: Nix has lost no health this action, or the entire round, in fact.

Energy: Nix lost 4% energy this round; 3% base for Protect, + 1% for protecting against Swagger.)


Scourge of Amaranth
Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 37%
Status: Feeling very warm and cozy inside about Arcee’s failed attempts at attacking. Attack and Special Attack +3. Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Commands Used:
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 31%
Energy: 33%
Status: “You killed my clone AND don’t want to listen to me brag!” ;_; 15% chance of hurting self in confusion this round, 10% next. Crunch is no longer disabled. Took 6% damage from being badly poisoned this round; 8% next.
Commands Used:
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower

Terrain Notes

-None, just a small singe on a plant from the Will-O-Wisp missing.

Final Notes

- I spaced Nix having a Substitute until I was finished writing the second action, and as you can see, I did a bad job putting it in.
- Nix’s ability wasn’t specified, and as far as I know, the ionly ability Gengar has is Levitate, so I put that in.
- I’m not expecting to pass.
- Thanks to Negrek for fixing the little bug with me not being able to see the mock.
- Scourge of Amaranth attacks first next round.
- Please point out any errors I made, so I can get better and maybe be a ref someday.
- Poor Arcee.
- I hope I got all the 'he's' and changed them to 'she's'.
- Wwll, thankls for pointing out the little mistake there Summergale.
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Okay, trying and failing to become a referee.

Arena Description:

2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.

Pre-Round Stats

Scourge of Amaranth

Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower


The referee, although shuddering with nerves, managed to wave the flag to start the battle. The two Pokemon leapt into action, Nix was the faster of the two. Cackling, she summoned the shadows from all over the room into an orb in front of her, giving the room a strange, two-dimensional feel. Nix launched the orb at Arcee, laughing as the orb exploded, returning the shadows to their original positions, and pushing the Arcanine back a bit. Arcee growled, he wanted to tear Nix to ethereal shreds, but he had to obey his trainer's orders. Arcee started to retch, and soon, a colourless blob of grey substance lay in front of him. He began to shape it, pushing here and there with his paws, and soon it was looking just like Arcee himself, if a bit pale. Then Arcee breathed on the Substitute, and it came to life, moving to stand guard in front of the real Arcee.

Nix: Health: 66%, Energy: 37%, Atk and SpAtk +3, Substitute: 4% Health remaining
Arcee: Health: 10%, Energy: 37%, Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), Crunch Disabled, Badly Poisoned (-6% this round; -8% next round), Substitute: 20% Health remaining
Nix's Shadow Ball: Damage Dealt: 17%, Energy Cost: 6%
Arcee's Substitute: -20 HP from Arcee, Energy Cost: 7%

Nix viewed the two Arcanines with interest. After some close observation, she decided that the real one was the one at the back, and again drew the shadows from their respective corners of the room. When she fired, however, the false Arcee suddenly appeared before the Shadow Ball and took the brunt of the hit full-on. The substitute was a bit worse for the wear now, half its face was gone, reduced to grey jelly lying on the floor, and it could barely stand. Arcee growled. How dare Nix do that to his Substitute! He spat out a small blue flame and gave it a push with his snout. The ball of fire drifted lazily across the room, sending guests scurrying out of its way. When the Will-O-Wisp reached Nix, however, her almost-forgotten Substitute walked, or rather clumsily stumbled because it was missing most of its body, in front of the attack and harmlessly absorbed hit.

Nix: Health: 66%, Energy: 31%, Atk and SpAtk +3, Substitute: 4% Health remaining
Arcee: Health: 10%, Energy: 32%, Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), Crunch Disabled, Badly Poisoned (-6% this round; -8% next round), Substitute: 3% Health remaining
Nix's Shadow Ball: Damage Dealt: 17% Energy Cost: 6%
Arcee's Will-O-Wisp: Failed, Energy Cost: 5%

Nix, seeing Arcee preparing for an attack, Nix decided to Protect herself from it. She erected a blue-green shield around herself, which shimmered for a second then became invisible. Arcee, not noticing this, began to strut his stuff. Wouldn't you look at my glossy fur, and my majestic mane, that's something you can't brag. Nix, from the safety of her Protect, only saw the Arcanine prancing around and moving his jaws. Seeing that his Swagger was having no effect, Arcee sighed and lay down. Perhaps it was the calm, but suddenly something came to him, something he'd forgotten. He now remembered his fangs digging into ethereal flesh, imbued by dark energy. This feeling was short-lived though, as Arcee shuddered as the poison ran through his veins.

Nix: Health: 66%, Energy: 23%, Atk and SpAtk +3, Substitute: 4% Health remaining
Arcee: Health: 4%, Energy: 26%, Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), Badly Poisoned (-6% this round; -8% next round), Substitute: 3% Health remaining
Nix's Protect: Energy Cost: 8%
Arcee's Swagger: Failed, Energy Cost: 6%


Scourge of Amaranth

Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 23%
Status: Smug, and feeling that she's going to win. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect


Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 4%
Energy: 26%
Status: Dead on his feet. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round). Substitute remaining at 3% health.
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower

Terrain Notes:

Nothing. Come on, guys, start breaking stuff!

Ref Notes:
-Arcee's Will-O-Wisp failed because Nix's Substitute was still standing.
-Arcee's Swagger was blocked by Protect
-Scourge of Aramanth attacks first nest round
-Nothing else I can think of
-*Crosses fingers*
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Hoo boy... I think I'll give novice a shot. My calculations are in quotes after each action. I showed my work, too. Feels just like math class.

2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.


Scourge of Amaranth


Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect



Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower


The few people who had remained in the hotel lobby were watching the battle unfold intently. Arcee glowered at the battered and crude effigy that was his opponent's substitute. From behind the substitute, Nix snickered as her fingers pulled at the air. The people in the lobby looked down at the ground in shock as they watched their shadows being tugged away from under their feet, materializing into a sphere in the Gengar's hands. Cackling, Nix leapt up from behind her substitute and fired the ball at the Arcanine. The dog yelped as the ball exploded on contact, and the humans in the lobby were relieved to see their shadows fade back into existence.

Arcee did his best to shake off the attack so he could follow through with his trainer's command. With much concentration he breathed a small flame onto the floor, which subsequently exploded into the flaming figure of an Arcanine. The flames extinguished, revealing a marble-esque form of Arcee, standing tall and proud even as Arcees posture wilted. Nix blinked; there were now four bodies total in the battlespace.

Health: 66%
Energy: 39% (expended 4% for Shadow Ball: 3% base + 2% attack calculation - 1% final evolution stage bonus)
Status: Attack, Special Attack +3. 4% substitute in play

Health: 10% (lost 17% from Shadow Ball: 8% base + 2% STAB + 1% final evolution stage bonus + 6% special attack boost; lost 20% from creating 20% substitute)
Energy: 34% (expended 10% for Substitute: 20% health used x 1/2)
Status: Somewhat Confused 15% (10% next round) Badly Poisoned 6% (8% next round) Crunch Disabled (2 more actions) 20% substitute in play

Nix could still easily tell which Arcanine was the real creature, and, repeating her shadowplay, fired a second orb of darkness at Arcee. To her surprise, the seemingly stationary Arcanine substitute slid across the floor and into the path of the Shadow Ball's trajectory. The ball managed to crumble the majority of the substitute, leaving a pile of rubble. The Gengar was a bit disappointed her Shadow Ball hadn't hit its mark, and she crossed her arms.

Satisfied that the substitute had done its work, Arcee stepped out from behind the substitute puffed out a small blue flame. It floated slowly, lazily through the air, towards its target. Nix grinned, taking a few steps back, phasing through her substitute to the opposite side. The will-o-wisp, not knowing to go around the substitute, was absorbed harmlessly by the effigy.

Health: 66%
Energy: 35% (expended 4% for Shadow Ball: 3% base + 2% attack calculation - 1% final evolution stage bonus)
Status: Attack, Special Attack +3. 4% substitute in play

Health: 10%
Energy: 32% (expended 2% for Will-o-wisp: 3% base - 1% STAB)
Status: Somewhat Confused 15% (10% next round) Badly Poisoned 6% (8% next round) Crunch Disabled (1 more action) 3% substitute in play (after taking 17% damage from Shadow Ball using previous calculations)

Preparing her trainer's final command, Nix waved her arms in an arc above her head, materializing a sparkling, crystalline barrier around herself. It was only temporary and would only withstand one attack, so the Gengar braced herself.

Arcee swiveled his ears. Swagger? What was Swagger? Suddenly, the Arcanine had no idea what he was supposed to do! He desperately tried to remember, pacing a small circle. Arcee looked over to his opponent, standing behind a substitute, surrounded by a sparkling shield... Whatever "Swagger" meant, surely it wouldn't leave a scratch. Confused and frustrated with his circumstances, the Arcanine knocked his head against the floor.

Nix's protective shield faded, and she grinned wickedly at her poor, disoriented opponent. As the dog collapsed, beaten and battered with poison in his veins, she knew he was done.

Health: 66%
Energy: 31% (expended 4% for Protect)
Status: Attack, Special Attack +3. 4% substitute in play

Health: 0% (lost 4% from hurting himself in confusion; lost 6% due to poison)
Energy: 30% (expended 2% for hurting himself in confusion)
Status: Knocked out!

Scourge of Amaranth


Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 31%
Status: Proud of herself with the results of this round, but is growing more tired. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect



Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 0%
Energy: 30%
Status: Knocked out!
Substitute (20%) ~ Will-o-Wisp ~ Hurt self in confusion

Ref Notes
- Will-o-wisp failed because it was absorbed by Nix's substitute.
- Arcee's confusion kicked in during the last action, damaging himself.
- Keion sends out a new Pokemon for the next round.
- Scourge of Amaranth attacks first next round after Keion sends out a new Pokemon.
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Okay, I'm going to attempt to regain my old ref status, but I'm going to try the advanced mock battle this time. If I need to post a link to my profile or anything, I didn't see any notification, but here it is anyway. Also, just for future reference... if I am reffing a battle from the beginning, am I required to post the battler's active rosters in the first post? I've seen some people do it but others not.

Style: 3 vs 3 (one at a time)
DQ: Standard Week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Sunny Day
Terrain: The Enchanted Courtyard

The enchanted courtyard exists in a state of perpetual midnight, cloaked in darkness and illuminated only by the light of the stars and the full moon. At the center of the courtyard is a wide, shallow pond (max about six and half feet deep, ten or so feet across). The courtyard itself fans out from around the pond, with rows of hedges marching off into the darkness and numerous flowerbeds overflowing with fragrant, night-blooming plants. A few statues are scattered about the area, primarily grim renditions of stern-looking pokémon. The winding paths that lead around the area are paved in a smooth, highly polished stone that gleams mirror-bright in the moonlight, reflecting the night sky perfectly. The reflective nature of these tiles where they surround the central pond makes it difficult to tell where water ends and land begins.

Due to the nature of the enchantment over the courtyard, it will always be nighttime and sunny day may therefore not be used. Naturally, moves requiring the use of sunlight to perform (i.e. solarbeam, morning sun) are much more difficult to perform under these conditions.

Datum (Porygon)
Health: 58%
Energy: 48%
Zap Cannon ~ Swift ~ Protect / Relax
Status: Vision returned. Sub- 3% health left.

Vaka (F Houndour)
Health: 28%
Energy: 34%
~Smog ~Faint Attack ~Reversal
Status: Paralyzed. (Attacks requiring movement have 25% chance of succeeding) Poisoned (8% damage). Sight regained. Knows Flash.

Rain: 3 rounds.

Round X Begin~

The Porygon immediately begins to charge a ball of electricity in front of its body, not wanting to waste any time while it still has its opponent in sight. Using the Lock On he had previously pulled off, Datum forcibly hurls the gathered electricity towards Vaka, who is too slow to even think of evading. She howls in pain as the electricity surges through her wet body, feeling her already stiff muscles tighten further. She growls at Datum across the courtyard as the electricity fades.

The Houndour, looking really sick and tired now, seems determined not to go down without a fight. With a weak howl, she opens her mouth and spews out a foul-looking gas, which quickly spreads throughout most of the courtyard, again obstructing the sight of the two Pokémon. On the other end of the courtyard, however, the virtual Pokémon slides backwards slightly as its weakened copy of itself moves into place, shielding its master from the toxic cloud.

<Datum: -10% Energy. Sub -1%, 2% remaining; Vaka: -10% Health, -4% Energy>

Datum is feeling quite confident now, and in its mind it is only a matter of time before victory is claimed. Not wanting to wait until the Smog clears completely, Datum rapidly forms and fires a flurry of tiny stars into the dissipating cloud. The stars hone in on Vaka and she is pushed back a few meters as the stars bombard her.

Furious that her trick failed, Vaka decides to hide herself with a different method. She allows her dark-typed energy to completely cloak her, aided by the fair darkness of the courtyard, which prevents Datum from seeing the rain landing on Vaka's nearly invisible form. Ignoring the stiffness in her muscles trying to slow her down, spots her opponent through the fading poisonous cloud and charges at it. She leaps into the air with a paw raised as she approaches, grinning as she brings it down towards her opponent. However, just as she is about to strike, another Porygon, sensing the invisible danger to its oblivious master, hurls itself in between the flying Houndour and her target, taking the blow instead. Datum jumps back in surprise, startled by seeing its Substitute jump in front of him and randomly exploding. Only a couple of seconds later however, Datum realizes what had happened as Vaka reappears, her dark energy fading before retreating a safe distance across the smoke-free courtyard.

<Datum: -5% Energy. Sub -7% Health, 0% remaining; Vaka: -6% Health, -4% Energy>

Datum carefully examined the Houndour across the courtyard. She was breathing very hard and looked barely able to stand,and so Datum decided it would be safe to simply relax for a while as the poison did its job. The virtual Pokémon settled down as comfortably as possible in the pouring rain, relaxing its mind.

Meanwhile, Vaka growled viciously at the Porygon. How dare it mock her, acting as if she had already fainted! She’ll show it. She crouches low to the ground, having one more trick up her hypothetical sleeve, as she allows her pain to fuel her fury. The Houndour then tries to stand again so she can ram her opponent, however her she simply can’t move her stiffened muscles enough to left herself off the ground. She looks weakly up at the Porygon as she shivers; poison sapping at her health at the worst possible moment.

<Datum: +5% Energy; Vaka: -8% Health due to poison>

End of Round X:

Datum (Porygon)
Health: 58%
Energy: 38%
Zap Cannon ~ Swift ~ Relax
Status: Confident. Sub- 0% health left.

Vaka (F Houndour)
Health: 4%
Energy: 26%
~Smog ~Faint Attack ~Reversal (Failed due to paralysis)
Status: Paralyzed. (Attacks requiring movement have 25% chance of succeeding) Poisoned (8% damage). About to pass out. Knows Flash

Round X Notes:
-According to the trainer’s commands, Datum had previously just used Lock On, and as such, Zap Cannon was a guaranteed hit with or without the Smog in place. Obviously, if this were a real battle, I’d make sure Lock On had actually been the last move used, and that it succeeded, however for the purpose of this reffing I simply took Negrek’s confident tone in her orders to mean that it did.
-I assumed Vaka’s Paralysis was very strong, considering that normal paralysis only has a 25% chance to stop a Pokémon for an action whereas here it specifically said the opposite. Taking that into consideration, Vaka’s paralysis did get a little worse from the Zap Cannon, though I honestly don’t see how it would make much of a difference.
-The rain dissipated the Smog after action 2.
-Despite that unusually strengthened paralysis, the RNG Gods allowed Vaka to strike with Faint Attack on action 2, which destroyed Datum’s Substitute.
-I don’t know if “Relax” is supposed to mean “Chill” or “do nothing”, but I reffed it as “Chill” for the purpose of the reffing, since relaxing is usually meant to rest and restore energy. I probably would have asked for a better clarification if it were an actual battle, though.
-Also, since Datum was faster than Vaka, it probably wouldn’t have known if Vaka were going to be able to attack or not, but taking into account the situation and the fact that Vaka was ordered to use an attack requiring it to move, it appeared safe enough. Regardless, the RNG decided Vaka was fully paralyzed on the last action.
-It is raining (2 more rounds)
-Negrek would order commands first next round.
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Well, heres ma Mock Reffing:

The referee glanced around the lobby, doing his best to ignore the funny looks he was getting and the fainted fat wives that were scattered all over the room. Taking at quick look at the trainers, neither seemed to be bothered by people staring at the strange spectacle of a giant red dog and a ghost battling it out with supernatural powers, nor the high chance of the trio being towed away by security. Shrugging, he waved his red and green flags to signal the beginning of the round.

2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.

Scourge of Amaranth
[Nix]Gengar (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but statisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand.
Attack & Sp. Attack +3
Substitute at 4% Health.
Commands: Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

[Arcee]Arcanine (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle.
Moderately Confused (15% this round, 10% next round)
Crunch Disabled (3 more actions)
Badly Poisoned (-6% HP this round, -8% next round)
Commands: 20% HP Substitute/Bite ~ Will-O-wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower

Round ? BEGIN

The two battlers faced off once again, and Nix, being the faster of the two, leapt on the offensive. Summoning a sphere of black ghostly energy between her two palms, she took aim and fired it directly at her opponent; the Arcanine in front of her. The ball, powered by her own ghostly powers, seemed to linger on Arcee's flesh, even after impact, and wear it down, weakening him in the process. Ignoring the sensation on his side, the Arcanine, seeing as his opponent hadn't taunted him, breathed a small ball of his own life force in front of him, and began to meticulously shape it into a replica of himself. After molding the red ball of pure energy, he tiredly nodded and prepared himself for whatever Nix was about to do.​

(Health: Nix lost no health this action.)
(Energy: Nix lost 3% energy this action from Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball has a 3% base energy and 2% extra for being 80 Base Power, but STAB and being fully evolved shaved two points of energy off it. 3% + 2% - 1% - 1% = 3%.)
(Other: Nix's Substitute remains standing with 4% Health left.)

(Health: Arcee lost a total of 37% health this action. 17% from Shadow Ball (8 base → 10 for STAB → 11 for being the final evolution → 17 for having +3 Sp. Attack), and 20% from creating a substitute.)
(Energy: Arcee lost 5% this action from creating a Substitute. (I reckon ¼ of the HP used is about right) )
(Other: Arcee's Substitute remains standing with 20% Health left.)

His answer came soon enough. Nix once again charged up a ball of dark ghostly energies and proceeded to launch it directly at the weakened and tired Arcanine. Her aim was true, but just before the sphere hit, Arcee's substitute flashed in the way and took the blow, severely damaging it and leaving naught more than a few scraps of being remaining of the once perfect duplicate. Although a little shocked at what the Gengar was able to do to his carefully made doppelganger, Arcee shook it off and ran over his trainers commands one more time. Will-O-Wisp huh? He could do that. Summoning his inner flames, he breathed out a small, slow moving ball of wispy blue flame that seemingly danced and twirled in the air. However, like Arcee's did, Nix's doppelganger jumped in front of it's master to take the hit. The flames connected with the duplicate, and simply fizzled out, much to Arcee's dismay.​

(Health: Nix lost no health this action.)
(Energy: Nix lost 3% energy this action from Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball has a 3% base energy and 2% extra for being 80 Base Power, but STAB and being fully evolved shaved two points of energy off it. 3% + 2% - 1% - 1% = 3%.)
(Other: Nix's Substitute remains standing with 4% Health left.)

(Health: Arcee lost no health this action)
(Energy: Arcee lost 1% energy this action from Will-O-Wisp, which has 15 PP, but Arcee has STAB and is fully evolved. 3% - 1% -1% = 1%.)
(Other: Arcee's Substitute remains standing with 1% Health left. (Nix's Shadow Ball did 19% damage; the aforementioned 17% + 2% because Arcee crafted this Substitute with a -1 in Sp.Defense.))

The dead tired Arcanine got on four legs and tried to look as impressive as possible, which was a bit hard considering he had dark burns on his side and could barely stand. Once standing in his proudest position, he began to boast all about his incredible awesomeness as an Arcanine and how people once thought he was legendary and how much cooler he look compared to that ghost...blob...thing. Nix however, remained unimpressed as she sat with her substitute behind a translucent green barrier. The canine's boasts looked so foolish from behind the force field and when realisation finally dawned on Arcee that his words were falling on effectively deaf ears, he ended his long list of reasons why Arcanines kick ass, just as Nix let her shield drop. The Gengar grinned her certainty this match was hers, and that feeling was only strengthened by her opponent grimacing as the poison attacked his body, this time more painful than the last. Arcee however, admist struggling against the poison, suddenly had a memory return to him. Hmmm, so that's how you bite for massive damage? Got it.

(Health: Nix lost no health this action.)
(Energy: Energy: Nix lost 5% energy this action. 4% for simply using protect, and 1 extra percent for blocking out a non-damaging move (Swagger). 4% + 1% = 5%
(Other: Nix's Substitute remains standing with 4% Health left.)

(Health: Arcee lost no health this action.)
(Energy: Arcee lost 3% energy this action for using Swagger, which has 15 PP.)
(Other: Arcee's Substitute remains standing with 1% Health left.)

Post-Round Stats
The Scourge of Amaranth
[Nix]Gengar (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 32%
Status: Confident she can win this.
Attack & Sp.Attack +3
Substitute at 4% Health
Moves Used: Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

[Arcee]Arcanine (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 10%
Energy: 35%
Status: Wondering how much longer he can last. Enjoys knowing Crunch again.
Sp.Defense -1
Slightly Confused (10% this round, 5% next round)
Badly Poisoned (-8% this round, -10% next round)
Substitute at 1% Health
Moves Used: 20% Substitute ~ Will-O-Wisp ~ Swagger

Terrain Notes
Some fainted wives around the perimeter of the arena. (Not that this matters)

Referee Notes
The first Shadow Ball lowered Arcee's Sp.Defense.
Will-O-Wisp failed due to Substitute.
Swagger was blocked by Protect.
The disable on Crunch ended at the end of the third action.

Next Round
Scourge of Amaranth commands first.
Keion commands second.
I ref.​

Note: I think I might have spelt a few words incorrectly, but thats probably because I use the Australian spelling of things.
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Ways to make me secretly hate you: post a new mock reffing when I'm almost done grading the ones that are already up. D:<

In all seriousness, please get rid of the gratuitous quote tags. They make your post very unpleasant to try reading.
Hey, I had no idea you were in the middle of grading them =(

But yeah, Ill remove the quote tags.
I appologize, Negrek. D: I wanted to apply before you were finished and changed them, so I posted it as soon as my bank account and stuff were approved. It's not my fault it took 3 days for someone to approve me. :<

Also, I removed the quotes on mine, as well. Sorry about that too.
Hwah? First of all, I was joking about the timing thing, and second, your quote was fine where you had it... DarthWaffles had three huge ones in the middle of his battle body, which is a bit different. If I'd had a problem with your formatting, I'd have asked you to change it.
Oh.... sorry, I'm a bit out of it tonight, I suppose. I thought you meant the both of us. I didn't see his Dark~'s post before it was edited so I thought you just meant you didn't like quotes in general. I shall let you be now.
Arena Description:
2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.
Current Pokémon Status:
Scourge of Amaranth
Nix [Gengar] (F)
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Next Round's Commands:
Originally Posted by Keion
Use Substitue at 20%, now that you're un-Taunted. Bite if he Taunts you. Cast Will-o-Wisp if you're still un-Taunted, but Flamethrower if not. Swagger if you're still un-Taunted, Flamer if not.

Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower
Originally Posted by Scourge of Amaranth
Well, that was quite a bit of headway. Get a Shadow Ball hit in before he sets up the Substitute; then Shadow Ball again to weaken him up. You don't want to be confused, so Protect against that Swagger.

Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball(sp.def) ~ Protect
Begin Round ???!
Arcee looks around for material to make a sculpture of himself. While he is digging at the carpet, Nix is charging a black sphere in her hands. As the Arcanine begins to find dirt that somehow was under the floor, the custodian comes over to try to get rid of the dirt. Arcee playfully snaps at him, which sends him running away, hopefully not for security. After this little shenanigan took place, the Gengar used this to her advantage, and shot the ball of darkness right at the Arcanine. The impact shot him a couple of feet back, and he struggled to get back up. After using the dirt to finish the Arcanine in front of him, he breathed all but the rest of his life into the resulting statue.
Arcee[-19 Health, -20 Health, -10 energy]
Nix[- 4 Energy]
Nix again charged her ball of darkness, while the Arcanine created his own attack: A blue ball of flame was forming in front of him. Arcee released the attack. A blue ball swerved in different directions, gradually heading towards Nix. Right before it was about to hit, the Gengar Statue from before leaped in front, taking the blow. It did not seem phased at all. As Nix’s self-created doppelgänger hid into the shadows, she shot her inky black ball out again. The Shadow Ball flew straight at Arcee, whose statue sprung to life at jumped at the ball. The weak substitute in front of him barely survived the ordeal, and was about to fall apart.
Arcee [-3 Energy](sub)[-19 Health]
Nix [- 4 Energy]
Nix created a green barrier around herself, waiting for Arcee to make his move. “Sure, you have the advantage,” he said to her, “but I bet I’ve won more than you. It’s too bad I’m just that awesome. You want to listen to my awesomeness any more?” She stared blankly in her soundproof barrier. “Well, I don’t want to brag, but my master could probably beat yours in a duel, and a better master means a better Pokémon, isn’t that right?” He knew she wasn’t listening, so he then just stopped. As he was about to lie down from weakness, he was drained from health even more by the caustic burn on his flank. From a distance, the trainers saw the security coming. This was not good.
Arcee [-3 Energy] [-6 Health]
Nix [-4 Energy]
Nix [Gengar] (F)
Health: 66%
Energy: 31%
Status: Knows she is about to win, but keeps a keen eye on the other. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute still remaining at 4% health.

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 2%
Energy: 28%
Status: On his last feet. Hoping some miracle will help him come back. In the same condition as the substitute in front of him (1% health substitute). Confused (10% this round; 5% next round) and Badly Poisoned (-8% health this round; -10% health next round).
-Scourage declares attacks first, followed by Keion.
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Blastoise: 1 = $7
blazheirio889: 1 2 = $26
Chiropter: 1 2 = $26
Heavy Lobster: 1 2 3 4 5 6 = $42
Kratos Aurion: 1 2 = $26
Metallica Fanboy: 1 2 = $20
Mike the Foxhog: 1 2 3 4 = $52
Negrek: 1 2 3 4 5 = $65
Psymon: 1
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