3 vs. 3 single battle
Set battle
DQ: 6 days
Banned moves:OHKO moves
Battle Area: River
Not far from a bustling city is a quiet river, a perfect getaway for those who want to get away from the urban lifestyle for a few hours. The average speed of the river is about 7 km/hr. The river is split by an island in the middle. The island takes up about a quarter of the river width at its widest. The island is 50 meters long by 10 meters wide at its widest. Due to the size of the arena, Pokémon over 2 meters in height may not be used.
All is quiet on the outskirts of the city, save for the rushing of water, general Flying-type chatter, and a blaring car alarm in the background. Yep, all is quiet.
Further interrupting the non-existent silence is a subdued 'whoomph', and a flash of bright light; from it a sickly-green young man appears, clutching the robotic arm of a Ralts. He hates Teleporting.
He also was dressed in a black sweatsuit with a large red 'R' on it, along with a gaudy purplish wig. After several minutes of expectant waiting, the referee spots what it is that he's waiting for.
Coming up the river on a rather large round whale is a cross-legged boy in a plastic sunhat, blue shorts, and a white shirt. Both of the assembled ASBers' eyes light up when they spot one another, the boy in the Bug Catcher costume leaping off of his Wailmer and rushing over. They chat amiably for a bit about the wild costume party they had just been to.
In another flash of light and sound, the third participant appears, clutching a League-issued Abra to his chest. The boy appears to have fared better than the referee in the way of teleportation, and quickly recovers. The trainers take their places on either shore of the island, with the referee clambering into a convenient-but-gnarled tree. After a quick-but-awkwardly-executed coin flip and a short spat over its correctness, Sage Noctowl grudgingly pulls out a Pokéball and tosses it.
After a moment of blinding white light, the form of a Mudkip coalesces onto the sandy grass. He smiles in delight as he takes in his surroundings, but soon settles into a loose battle stance.
Kam adjusts his awesome hat and tosses out his choice; this time, the light forms into the outline of a Sentret. She glares at the Mudkip and grins in anticipation for the upcoming fight.
After a brief glance at his clipboard and a sigh (Blastoise knew that they both had Mudkipz and he lieked Mudkipz and he would have lieked a Battle Royale of Mudkipz even more), the referee signals for the battle to begin.
Keith [M]
Ability: Torrent
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Notes: Looking amiable and happy about the location.
Lexington [F]
Ability: Keen Eye
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Notes: Has ears perked up at the distant urban noise. Looks ready to battle.
Ooh, Mud Sport? That sounds fun to Keith. He trots rather quickly over to the nearby riverbank and plops himself down in the saturated sand, rolling around in the wet grit and coating himself in the stuff. He stands up again, grinning a bit and covered in goopy sand. This is a good battle so far, as far as Keith is concerned.
Lexington glares condescendingly at her opponent. What does he think this is, a playground? This was a
battle; they were supposed to
fight. Or at least do something productive. Lexington would just have to show that Mudkip how he was supposed to act. The Sentret bounces up onto her tail, waving her arms at the sun above. The sun apparently takes notice of this, growing brighter than normal and sending down a searing heat. This was apparently Lexington's aim, as she lowers herself back to the ground with a contented smirk.
Well, this is depressing from Keith's point of view. The sun is drying his skin out, and he could swear that the mud around him is beginning to dry as well... Good thing he cand fix it. Keith begins an arcane dance, minute amphibian muscles rippling with effort. The sun just seems to give up after this second demand upon it and decides to go on vacation. Its temporary replacement seems to be a group of angry purple-grey clouds. A downpour begins, increasing the river's speed a bit and making a certain Mudkip much happier. Keith grins for a moment in his cleverness, but then notices something; his beautiful mud-coat is being washed off by the drizzle!
Lexington squeals annoyedly, watching her Sunny Day go to waste. This just can't go unpunished. Taking advantage of the new meteorological conditions, the Sentret sends a coil of crackling blue energy into the sky. Almost immediately a much
larger bolt of blue Electric energy snaps downwards from the sky and hits its target; a little blue Water-type who happens to be named Keith. Although his coating of sandy mud has eroded quite a bit at this point, it still offers some resistance to the lightning trying to course its way through Keith's amphibious form. The Mudkip convulses for a moment but recovers and stands back up on all fours. All things considered, it could have been worse and he's glad to have been let off with a bit of pain and a mild-but-throbbing headache.
That's not to say that Keith doesn't want some form of payback, and according to his trainer's orders, he's going to get it. The Mudkip takes in a deep breath, aims his muzzle at the smug-looking Sentret, and lets loose a highly pressurized jet of water. As the Hydro Pump hits home, Lexington is knocked backwards several feet and crashes into the ground, still being pounded mercilessly by the Mudkip's Water-type assault. After a few moments of this, Keith stops firing and Lexington is able to stand shakily to her feet.
Well, Lexington was at least glad that this was a proper battle now. No more rolling around in mud, nosiree. Now it's her turn to respond in kind. Hopping up onto her tail with practiced ease, the Sentret opens her mouth wider than it seems possible and lets loose a wail that would make a banshee's sound like a faint whining noise. Grass is flattened, raindrops fly away from her in a wave, and every car alarm in the immediate area begins imitating the Sentret's scream.
The practical effect of this, of course, adds up to three very painful pairs of human ears and and even more agonized head-fin belonging to Keith. The Mudkip collapses and attempts to hover his fin to no avail. After about half a minute of sustained howling, Lexington finally stops and drops back down onto her legs, leaving Keith to whimper about his poor fin.
Keith [M]
Ability: Torrent
Health: 81%
Energy: 86%
Notes: Trying to get rid of the ringing in his non-ears, in order to hear his trainer's commands.
Lexington [F]
Ability: Keen Eye
Health: 81%
Energy: 86%
Notes: Looking rather sodden but pleased with herself.
Location Notes: The river has swelled slightly with rainwater, and the grass is flattened in a wave spreading away from the Sentret.
- Mud Sport wore off because of the rain, but was partially in effect during the Thunder Bolt, reducing its damage by a fourth.
- Hydro Pump did a grand total of 19% damage, due to the rain and STAB. Also, both of the battlers ended up with the same ending health and energy. 0_O
- Sage Noctowl attacks.
- Kam attacks and pays for my upcoming doctor's visit to fix my ears.
- I ref and hang onto my tree for dear life.