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Mike the Foxhog vs. sreservoir

*seizes Gummy to use as a good luck charm*

Keep it up, 'kay, Kay? :) Calm Mind until she uses Rest, then start throwing Blizzards again.

Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard

Haze – Ice 100%
Target: Multiple
Class: Stat modifier (all)
Contest Type: -Condition
Contest Score: +30, X

The Pokémon spews a thick, dark fog from its mouth that quickly fills the field with clammy, choking haze. Haze dissipates slowly if not blown away, and upon its creation its clammy, creeping tendrils will cast a strange numbing effect over all caught within it, negating status changes both positive and negative while also significantly lowering visibility until it disperses.

I don't think those CMs are going to have much effect.

so have fun giving me free turns. :D
*seizes Gummy to use as a good luck charm*

3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 6

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 51%
Status: Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Having a break from trying to aim through the haze.
Commands: Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 23%
Energy: 75%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Completely frozen. Light Screen up (12 more actions).
Condition: Well, she must be cold.
Commands: Rest/Activate Shed Skin ~ Rest/Activate Shed Skin ~ Rest/Activate Shed Skin

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (12 more actions); the snowing is over. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (6 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.


While further commands were issued -- Metallica Fanboy could not work out how come Nenya could hear them while confined to her icy predicament -- the detective was checking the bridge's condition, when suddenly, his phone rang. sreservoir saw a white-haired man with a strange manner of mask on come nearby, holding his own mobile by his ear.

"Good evening, detective."
"Godot, sir! Um... What do you want?"
"This fog is as dark as coffee... You could use some help dealing with this bridge."
"What do you mean, pal?"
"Ha! I'm at the other side of the river."
"... How did you get there, pal?"
"That doesn't matter right now. Do you have some wooden boards with you? Because the original ones are too badly damaged to be reused."
"The precint is gonna to send some over. What do we do until then, pal?"
"Let's see if we can straighten the rails again."

As the bridge fixing operation began, the battle went ownards. Kay tried to enter a state of deep focus, but the black haze was too ennervating to allow her to do it so easily, not to mention pulling an old bridge back from being on fire was quite a noisy procedure.

Meanwhile, across the chasm, the Dratini tried to use Rest, but she couldn't get her numbened body to cooperate with her mind. Instead, she began trying to shed the frozen skin. Not the hardest task ever, since Pokémon of her species naturally do it every now and then as a means of curbing absurd levels of life force and promoting growth. It would require some degree of effort to manipulate this mecanism, though, since it usually works automatically.

For a while, the sitaution was very much unchanged. The Sneasel still failed to use Calm Mind, while the dragon pup eventually suceeded in reverting her troublesome situation. When she finally managed to slip away from her old, deep blue skin, the leapt upwards, smashing through the thin sheet of frost that surrounded it.

Now seemingly thinner and more reddish, the serpetine creature laid down on the snowy ground, closing her eyes and obtaining a light blue aura as her blood began to flow faster, healing off the damage caused by the extreme exposure to cold that had been occouring.

That was Kay Faraday's cue to use a different move. Once more aiming through the thick fog, she blasted a strong gale of terribly low temperature, which raced from one cliff to another to hit the gleefully sleeping target. That did not even seem to mind it that much.

The referee turned around to notice how amusingly flustered the hailstorm made the detective while he worked on the bridge.

Round 6 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 37%
Status: Paralyzed (Light).
Condition: Still somewhat frustrated.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 87%
Energy: 28%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Asleep (Self-induced; 2 more actions). Light Screen up (9 more actions).
Condition: Sleeping gleefully.​

Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (9 more actions); the snowing is over. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (3 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.

Additional notes:
- I didn't consider resting in the ice as being possible -- after all, Nenya can't even feel most (if not all) of her body, let alone heal it. Not to mention Rest's A&A guide description bases it on stimulating the natural healing process, which I'm pretty sure is slowed down considerably or altogether halted in case of freezing.
- Shed Skin cured Nenya's freezing at the second action.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
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Sorry Gummy. *grabs him tighter anyway*

Right Kay, sorry for wasting almost an entire round there D: Let's get back on form, shall we? Our energy's slipping; let's fix that by starting with a Chill. Then carry on with the Blizzards if it's still hailing and switch to Ice Beams if not. If she uses Sleep Talk and it calls Protect, and you can tell somehow, use Chill; ditto if she Protects consensually on the third action.

Chill ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/chill ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/chill
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chill. then safeguard. we don't want a repeat of the incident two rounds ago.

if you manage to get frozen again, keep chilling.

chill ~ chill ~ safeguard / chill
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 7

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 37%
Status: Paralyzed (Light).
Condition: Still somewhat frustrated.
Commands: Chill ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Chill ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Chill

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 87%
Energy: 28%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Asleep (Self-induced; 2 more actions). Light Screen up (9 more actions).
Condition: Sleeping gleefully.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Safeguard/Chill

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (9 more actions); the snowing is over. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (3 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.


A large truck carrying with it a large load of wooden boards finally reaches the battlefield. The detective's pumping fists celebrated that arrival.

While the two busy reinforcers of the law slid and fixed boards back and forth, two Pokémon lazied around on the battlefield; one soundly asleep, other simply relaxing.

They say the early bird catches the worm, however. Kay Faraday was the first to snap out of the rest time, surprising her foe with a sudden blast of freezing winds and snowballs. The astonished victim, though, would still take yet about one further minute to finally open her eyes once more.

The hailstorm really annoyed Nenya, but nonetheless, she gathered forces to build one more protective wall of energy. This time, she surrounded herself with a thin veil of pale green light that stood around in addition to the previously placed Light Screen. This new barrier, however, did nothing to stop the incoming Blizzard; that Sneasel across the chasm simply refused to stop using that attack.

As the trainers prepared to give commands again, they noticed that the bridge's progress was going swimmingly. The boards were covering half the gap already.

Round 7 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 31%
Status: Paralyzed (Light).
Condition: Amused at the enemy's futile resistance.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 65%
Energy: 42%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Light Screen up (6 more actions). Safeguard up (4 more actions).
Condition: Quite unwilling to deal with this low temperature much longer.​

Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (6 more actions); the snowing is over. The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.

Additional notes:
- Nenya woke up at the second action.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
we need to stop being hit by blizzard, so. change the weather, then double team. then thunder wave kay again.

sunny day ~ double team ~ thunder wave
And we need to restore our energy from those Blizzards. Chill, then Swift to get rid of those clones (wait until Nenya makes them first), then set up your own Double Team for as many clones as possible so we can only get paralysed if the RNG gods REALLY hate us.

chill ~ wait for Nenya, then Swift ~ Double Team (max clones)
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 8

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 31%
Status: Paralyzed (Light).
Condition: Amused at the enemy's futile resistance.
Commands: Chill ~ Swift (Wait) ~ Double Team (Max clones)

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 65%
Energy: 42%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Light Screen up (6 more actions). Safeguard up (4 more actions).
Condition: Quite unwilling to deal with this low temperature much longer.
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Double Team ~ Thunder Wave

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (6 more actions); the snowing is over. The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.


The hailstorm really annoyed all five people and three Pokémon at the mountainous area. The chilly winds and pettling stones made everything harder -- be it attack, be it command, be it judge, be it serve as the referee's personal mount or be it fix the Dusky Bridge.

sreservoir planned to put an end to this, however. His Pokémon gathered what little heat could have been lurking around the snowy battlefield, forming some sort of ball in front of her snout. Once she gathered as much as she could, she jerked her head upwards. The large fireball hung above the trainers, offering some very appreciated rise in temperature, as well as the dissipation of all hailstorm clouds.

Despite being more comfortable, however, the copycat sun was a strategical disadvantage to Mike the Foxhog -- now it would no longer be so easy to blast Blizzards across the chasm. He did, though, recognize that doing so was very taxing, so, once more, he allowed his faithful soldier to lie down on the still snow-covered ground for a rest.

As she watched the other side of the Eagle River, she sighed. Did her opponent not get tired of blurring herself? Perhaps she just really wanted to show off how much faster than a paralyzed Pokémon she is? Nonetheless, her orders were to hold still for the time being -- not that that made much difference, since her condition would have her attacking late anyway. Just as soon as Nenya started breaking, Kay Faraday seized the chance to shoot a stream of star-shaped beams that, despite the distance, landed without failure.

After this, the Sneasel decided to give her enemy a taste of her own medicine. Her locked up muscles didn't help it, but nonetheless, she managed to start a sprint. That sprint was repressed, however, by the fact that, suddenly, she felt herself become even less mobile than before. She looked at her foe, and there she was, laughing as if that was a familiar scene.

The great truth burglar Pokémon did not let this newfound obstacle stop her, however. She remained running, and while she couldn't reach speeds like the ones the Dratini could, she ran enough for two unreal allies to be by her side.

Round 8 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 34%
Status: Two Double Team clones remain. Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Not pleased by the fact her paralysis has become as strong as it was when it began.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 59%
Energy: 24%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Light Screen up (3 more actions). Safeguard up (1 more actions).
Condition: Slightly overconfident.​

Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (12 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.

Additional notes:
- The "great ball of fire" is supposed to be a fake Sunny Day. It's hard to have sunlight in the middle of the night, after all. And that last statement rhymes.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
Well, I can practically smell a Fire Blast/Flamethrower coming, Kay, so if she's ordered to use either one, combine Quick Attack and Dig to get yourself underground and out of the way before she can do so, then chill while under there. What with our clones and the distance it has to travel a hit's still unlikely, but I'm still not happy with risking it. If you're too paralysed to do it on action 1, try again on actions 2 and 3, but only if another Fire Blast or Flaethrower is imminent.

If it's safe to stay aboveground however, spam Swords Dance in preparation for the next round; if she's commanded to Haze, just chill instead.

Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/chill ~ Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/chill ~ Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/chill
swift? fire moves? feh, SE natural gift to you. remove the clones, then chill and dragon dance.

natural gift ~ chill ~ dragon dance
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 9

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 34%
Status: Two Double Team clones remain. Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Not pleased by the fact her paralysis has become as strong as it was when it began.
Commands: Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/Chill ~ Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/Chill ~ Quick Attack + Dig/Swords Dance/Chill

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 59%
Energy: 24%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Light Screen up (3 more actions). Safeguard up (1 more actions).
Condition: Slightly overconfident.
Commands: Natural Gift ~ Chill ~ Dragon Dance

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (12 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.


Last round, Kay Faraday effortlessly swatted Nenya's hard-earned clones; only now would she know the feeling as a bright gray beam struck her chest, narrowly missing a weak spot, making the Sneasel a single Pokémon once more.

She had not a second to lose, however; her paralysis would surely make things harder if she idled by. So, she began to focus, envisioning a friend of her late father's. She proceeded to try to become as strong as that fellow is, by doing a ritual warrior's dance.

As the great thief burglar struggled against her paralysis, the Dratini across the chasm quietly watched, lazily lying by the snow-covered ground.

After a long rest, the dragon pup decided to do some dancing herself. As she did earlier in the fight, she began to twist and coil around in the air, now aided by the presence of stable ground.

As the round ended and Kay's strenght tenfolded -- while still being terribly subpar in comparison to the example she picked -- the detective wiped sweat off his forehead and the prosecutor on the other side happily downed a mug of coffee. At last, their work was done: the bridge was once more together and barely sturdy enough.

Round 9 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 42%
Energy: 22%
Status: 6+ Attack. Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Itching to punch the life out her enemy.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 59%
Energy: 26%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Attack 1+, Speed 1+.
Condition: Slightly hyperactive.​

Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (9 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.

Additional notes:
- That Natural Gift nearly scored a crit. Nearly. It was one number away.
- Kay's paralysis also failed to act up for the entire round. Maybe because that was the best Swords Dance ever.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
if kay is ever ordered to use a physical move, or to remove her status condition (somehow, I don't know), haze to prevent the massive damage. natural gift until this happens, then chill.

natural gift / haze ~ natural gift / haze / chill ~ natural gift / haze / chill
Well, that's another round I wasted. Left it far too long for a chillspam to get ready for the bridge again, too :/ No matter, start with an Ice Shard so we can at least use that huge attack buff (provided that damn paralysis starts liking us), then start chillaxin' along with Nenya. We can still steal the tru- er, lead!

Ice Shard ~ chill ~ chill
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 10

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 42%
Energy: 22%
Status: 6+ Attack. Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Itching to punch the life out her enemy.
Commands: Ice Shard ~ Chill ~ Chill

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 59%
Energy: 26%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Attack 1+, Speed 1+.
Condition: Slightly hyperactive.
Commands: Natural Gift/Haze ~ Natural Gift/Haze/Chill ~ Natural Gift/Haze/Chill

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (9 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Detective Gumshoe (at Mike's end) and Godot (at sreservoir's end) are working on fixing the bridge.


Now that the bridge was fixed, it had to be stepped upon. The officer in charge of the murder case raced across quickly, though eventually he was slowed down by the terrifying swings of the unsteady ropes.

As the masked prosecutor mysteriously chose to walk away from everybody's sight, the battle went ownards. And now that there was no longer an obligation to attack from a distance, both trainers were raring to take advantage as they issued their commands.

Both Pokémon seemed to have been itching to have a melee after a long time of ranged attacks and indirect movements. Nenya began racing across, but was quickly stopped on her tracks and even thrown backwards by a rugged ice ball, sharp and right between the eyes. Slowly regaining her composture, she decided to stick to her commands. With a deep breath, she unleashed a flurry of dark mist, which eventually spread throughout the battlefield, draining the fighting spirit and eagerness away from the battlers.

Once the two fighters were bereft of their agitation, they realized that they had lost plenty of stamina. It was quite agreeable to call a temporary truce and rest upon each cliffside. Ironically, just when the bridge was fixed, it began to fall into disuse.

Round 10 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 42%
Energy: 40%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Enjoying the break from fighting not only against Nenya but also through paralysis.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 38%
Energy: 43%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel.
Condition: Nursing the rash on her head while having vengeful thoughts over it.​

Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (6 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (6 more actions).

Additional notes:
- Sorry for the delay, folks.
- Ice Shard on the first action was a critical hit.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
aaaa that went quick

Avalanche if she tries to attack you, Facade if she doesn't, chill if you can't hit her, and swear loudly if you're fully paralysed.

Avalanche/Facade/chill ~ Avalanche/Facade/chill ~ Avalanche/Facade/chill
try to confuse kay with swagger (the haze will prevent attack boost), then poison her. chill the last round, unless the previous missed.

swagger ~ toxic ~ chill / swagger / toxic
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 11

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 42%
Energy: 40%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Enjoying the break from fighting not only against Nenya but also through paralysis.
Commands: Avalanche/Facade/Chill ~ Avalanche/Facade/Chill ~ Avalanche/Facade/Chill

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 38%
Energy: 43%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel.
Condition: Nursing the rash on her head while having vengeful thoughts over it.
Commands: Swagger ~ Toxic ~ Chill/Swagger/Toxic

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (6 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (6 more actions).


Eleven rounds. Eleven rounds had passed, and yet, knockouts had yet to occour. It seemed as though the battle was going to last for quite a while. Nonetheless, each trainer did what they could to wrestle each small victory and to reach the seemingly far away finish victorious.

When the referee lifted the flag, Kay Faraday slowly began to cross the bridge, struggling against her paralysis. Her opponent began to mock her, saying she was nothing without her speed and that she was totally unskilled and that her abilities were far, far inferior. The Sneasel did not appreciate the insults added to injury, and started to pummel her foe on the head with her claws -- although some of the anger was contained by the thick fog hovering across the chasm.

Somewhere in the middle of the storm of punches, Nenya managed to find time to collect some chemicals in her mouth to spit a purple goop on her enemy's belly. The substance reacted with the air to become an extremely dangerous toxic that made its ways into the dark-and-ice type's veins; she seemed to pay it absolutely no mind, however, as she kept on punching furiously.

Eventually, the long-time pummeling had to one a break. The Dratini managed to find a break to evade the black-furred arm, forcing her opponent to punch the bridge -- and punch it hard. As she staggered back in pain, the wiggling bridge ultimately threw her balance off, and she stumbled backwards until she fell down... and landed on her backside. Though she did nearly feed the mountain's mouth below, as the reader may have thought she did thanks to the vague statement.

sreservoir's Pokémon curled up, desperately trying to get rid of the awful pain on her head.

Round 11 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 38%
Energy: 32%
Status: Poisoned (Badly; 1% this round, 2% next). Paralyzed (Moderate). Confused (Severe).
Condition: Slowly standing up.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 10%
Energy: 47%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel.
Condition: Most of her head is slightly red now.​

Arena status: A great ball of fire is floating above the battlefield (3 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (3 more actions).

Additional notes:
- Kay Faraday hit herself on the third action.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
okay, this isn't working very well. so destroy stuff while you can. try to keep Kay on the bridge if possible.

natural gift ~ natural gift ~ natural gift.
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