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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino HALF PRICE FOR EVERYTHING!

Severus Snape

"Detention, Potter,"

The striking hot sun glares down at you above Pastoria City. Beads of sweat trickle down your face, forming damp clothes. "It's supposed to be a Water Type Gym so everything should be water type," you think. "Or not. Croagunk." Finally you see a well airconditioned guardhouse with the guard sleeping. There is a notice .

It says:
Dare to enter the Great Marsh. Only $1 to enter.

"The guard inside must be the Warden Of The Wild," you think. "And this is the Great Marsh!" Your excitement builds up...

The Warden Of The Wild guards a different area - the Wild Areas. There are twelve of them. Each costs $10 due to rare Pokemon kept inside.

You are provided with six PokeBalls to start off with.

"Hey there! Take a look! I'm the Warden Of The Wild! Take a look at the Great Marsh! Amazing! Astounding. Six balls? Sure! And there are the Wild Areas... I'll tell you if you come over. Shhh! Don't look twice! There are really RARE Pokemon inside!!!

Here's the game casino! Yank the lever down to create a random Pokemon that is thrown out at you in a Ball. Also, you can play a game called the Posting Pokemon where a Pelipper will ask for $10 and you will get a random Pokemon back, depending on your post total. YOU KNOW THIS IS GAMBLING SO shh!

Ultra Ball
Poke Ball
Great Ball

Great Marsh:
Psyduck, Starly, Budew, Magikarp, Hoothoot, Bidoof, Wooper, Azurill, Carvanha, Skorupi, Croagunk, Paras, Exeggcute
Quagsire, Bibarel, Tropius, Noctowl, Barboach, Yanma, Marill, Tangela, Roselia, Staravia, Carnivine, Kangaskhan
Gyarados, Whiscash, Golduck
Super Rare

Fearow, Paras, Graveler, Slowbro, Magneton, Magmar, Wobbuffet, Linoone, Vigoroth, Lairon, Zangoose, Spheal, Bronzor

Fearow, Sandslash, Marowak, Lotad, Spinda, Vibrava, Cacturne, Hippopotas, Carnivine

Raticate, Abra, Ponyta, Girafarig, Houndoom, Stantler, Smeargle, Zigzagoon, Lotad, Surskit, Manectric, Zangoose, Shinx

Raticate, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Poliwhirl, Geodude, Chansey, Gyarados, Marill, Skiploom, Sunkern, Wooper, Nuzleaf, Masquerain, Nosepass, Riolu

Pidgey, Bellsprout, Haunter, Lickitung, Mr. Mime, Electabuzz, Misdreavus, Surskit, Shuppet, Beldum, Bidoof, Budew, Bronzong

Jigglypuff, Parasect, Weepinbell, Hypno, Voltorb, Seaking, Magikarp, Dragonair, Furret, Murkrow, Duskull, Chimecho, Bagon, Pachirisu, Floatzel

Arbok, Gloom, Diglett, Poliwhirl, Muk, Weezing, Jumpluff, Wooper, Magikarp, Quagsire, Shuckle, Roselia, Seviper, Barboach, Banette, Croagunk, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Floatzel

Raticate, Golbat, Magneton, Krabby, Lickitung, Larvitar, Meditite, Volbeat, Lunatone, Dusclops, Sealeo, Metang, Chingling

Zubat, Poliwhirl, Slowbro, Dodrio, Kingler, Seaking, Magikarp, Lapras, Mareep, Aron, Manectric, Corphish, Budew, Gible

Fearow, Golduck, Machoke, Bellsprout, Magnemite, Onix, Kingler, Kangaskhan, Breloom, Medicham, Manectric, Illumise, Solrock, Skorupi

Nidorina, Nidorino, Golbat, Rhydon, Tauros, Houndour, Zigzagoon, Shroomish, Azurill, Torkoal, Luxio

Spearow, Golduck, Poliwhirl, Farfetch’d, Doduo, Gyarados, Ditto, Furret, Quagsire, Lombre, Surskit, Torkoal, Cacturne, Corphish, Shelgon, Pachirisu, Buizel, Luxio

Are you ready to enter now?

So, one time fee of £1 to enter the Great Marsh, repeated entrances to the Marsh is free.
Then £10 to enter one of twelve wild areas, six balls only in each area, all Pokemon met considered as caught. However, the Wild Areas can only be entered after entering the Great Marsh.
Finally, the Yank The Lever is free and the Pelipper Post is only $10, if you are hoping for a rarer Pokemon.

Oh, and I use the official internet RNG to get you the Pokemon/items. Simple, just number all of them then the RNG gives me a number.
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Re: The Wild Areas

I think "a little" is an understatement. $100 for something that will mostly likely not be valuable at all (heck, if i paid 100 and all i got was a MAGIKARP, then there's a problem) is waaaaaaaay too much. (also uh shinies are waaay rarer so shiny gyarados isn't super rare, it's ultra super rare)

I think you need to reread the rules; average prices for an area are somewhere between $3 and $8 or something like that.
Re: The Wild Areas

Hey, if his commons are starters, I am totes cool with these prices. :B
Re: The Wild Areas

As Midnight Saboteur said, if commons are starters, the price is fine.

And I forgot to add that Commons have a 50% chance of appearing, Uncommons 25%, Rares 20% and Super Rares 5%.


But the prices are now cut and there are new areas so that much more common Pokemon appear and are cheap to find.

EDIT 2: Gamblers get ready to GAMBLE!
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Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino

So wait, we pay $1 to get in an another $10 to catch stuff?
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino


Also, the £1 is a ONE TIME fee.
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Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino

Use my new found ball to catch something.
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino

Using your PokeBall, the Warden of the Wild let you inside the Forest for free! You then caught a Female Shiny Bidoof!!!

o_O the RNG is really kind today. Shinies are 1/1000 in the Wild Areas.
Re: Great Marsh (one time fee of $1), Wild Areas (when payed for the Marsh $10) and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10)


Also, I hope that's correct and I don't see another shiny for at least two hundred goes. :)
Re: Great Marsh (one time fee of $1), Wild Areas (when payed for the Marsh $10) and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10)

Is it the title is too long?
Re: Great Marsh (one time fee of $1), Wild Areas (when payed for the Marsh $10) and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10)

Yes. Please shorten it.

I guess Ill go again
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10)


OMG! The RNG generated the rarest Pokemon in the Great Marsh, Arbok.

I'm sorry but if you want the Arbok you need to pay £10 EXTRA or else get an Ekans instead for free.

The RNG was too kind :(

And if you pay all £10, there are no more Arbok left.

You know, next time if you don't specify where you are going to, I will take it as the Great Marsh.
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10) FREE MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL

So I guess I'll part with $11 to go to a Wild Area. Miltank and Kangaskhan are neat.
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10) FREE MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL

I guess I'll pay the 10. And yeah I meant the marsh. I can has my Miltank and my Kangaskhan

Also what gender is Arbok?
Re: Great Marsh, Wild Areas and the Game Casino (Yank The Lever is free and Pelipper Post is $10) FREE MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL

Whoops. Maley Arbok.

Brock, you entered the Marsh - in the Wild Areas... You caught a male Shuckle, a male Wooper, a female Floatzel, a male Magikarp, a female Barboach and a male Banette.

Squorn B., you entered the Forest... You caught a male Bellsprout, a male Haunter, a female Shuppet, a female Lickitung, a female Electabuzz and a Beldum.

You also received the two rare Pokemon!
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