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ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

Snap out of it, Dysania, he's your enemy! Don't you realize he stole our chocolate cake strategy? I think I know what this thing's trying to do. I have an idea, though. First, go out to the water to take a drink, since it'll use Protect if you try to attack it anyway. Then, aim for it with Tackle -- that shouldn't use too much energy. And finally, to prepare for the next round, use Psychic!

Drink from the water ~ Tackle ~ Psychic

ParaBob-Omb (OOOO)

Kecleon (♂) <Color Change>
Health: 80%
Energy: 83%
Status: Shit. What have you gotten her into, ParaBob-Omb?

Darksong (OOOO)

Dysania (♀) <Early Bird>
Health: 93%
Energy: 77%
Status: "Mmm. MMMMMmmmmmmmm." Special Defense is raised two levels. Energy Ball has been forgotten. Attracted (strong). Light Screen has faded.


Dysania frisked around Kecleon, looking concerned about his coughing. She flicked her ears, hearing her trainer tell her to go get a drink from the nearby river. Dysania didn't want to leave now! She cooed to Kecleon that she would be right back, and she sauntered over to the river, ignoring the panicked chattering noise her tail was making. Feeling refreshed, she licked her lips and turned around just in time to see Kecleon spring at her face. Clinging to her nose with his back feet, he clawed furiously at her face, though he wasn't doing much damage.

Why was Kecleon hurting her!? Dysania shook Kecleon from her face and stared at him. She couldn't understand why he would do such a thing, after being so sweet before! She looked at her trainer with uncertainty about her next move. Attack Kecleon? Maybe Kecleon was just angry because she obeyed her trainer to leave him and go to the river... She would just apologize and everything would be fixed, right? The Girafarig opened her mouth to speak.

Before she could, Kecleon leaped for her again, claws ready. The lizard latched onto her side and slashed at her flank, creating much deeper wounds than before. He grinned cruelly, feeling empowered after attacking her twice in a row with no resistance.

Dysania was in tears now. Kecleon was definitely overreacting about this. Her trainer commanded her to use a Psychic attack, but she still couldn't bring herself to do it. She wanted to give him another chance. Trying to reason with him again, she was only met with another attack.

Kecleon was going at Dysania's throat this time, attacking in a frenzy. There was a bloodlust in his eyes, and even his tiny yellow claws were causing considerable damage to the Girafarig's flesh. Having done his work, he sprung away again. He could tell by Dysania's expression that she was very much hurt, in more ways than one, but he couldn't have cared less.


ParaBob-Omb (OOOO)

Kecleon (♂) <Color Change>
Health: 80%
Energy: 74%
Status: Very much enjoying the direction this battle is going.

Darksong (OOOO)

Dysania (♀) <Early Bird>
Health: 72%
Energy: 76%
Status: Upset that Kecleon has suddenly become hostile. Special Defense is raised two levels. Energy Ball has been forgotten. Attracted (moderate).

Referee's notes:
- Dysania got unlucky and rolled twice for being unable to attack.
- Kecleon's type is still Normal, as far as I know, since he was last damaged by Stomp
- Darksong attacks first next round.
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All righty, Dysania, we should turn this around. Use Wish on the first turn to prepare. Then, use Double-Edge, but if Wish failed, then just go with Flash. And then use Double-Edge again.

Wish ~ Double-Edge/Flash ~ Double-Edge
(well, it's been DQtiem and your ref still isn't back, so if you don't mind I'll take this one again.)


ParaBob-Omb (OOOO)

Kecleon (♂) <Color Change>
Health: 80%
Energy: 74%
Status: Very much enjoying the direction this battle is going.

Darksong (OOOO)

Dysania (♀) <Early Bird>
Health: 72%
Energy: 76%
Status: Upset that Kecleon has suddenly become hostile. Special Defense +2. Energy Ball has been forgotten. Attracted (moderate).


Satisfied that his opponent wasn't going to fight back, Kecleon planted all four claws into the ground and closed his eyes to concentrate. Drawing upon massive amounts of energy, he began to glow as all of the wounds he'd sustained began to fade away and into smooth, perfect skin. Fully recovered, Kecleon found himself feeling parched, so he got back up and decided he'd help himself to some water.

Dysania hiccuped, watching Kecleon as he nonchalantly walked over to the river to have himself a drink. She decided to leave him be for now and let him have his drink. Sniffing indignantly, she looked down at her gashed chest and flank. Those last two attacks hurt pretty badly... Dysania closed her eyes and wished for the wounds to heal like Kecleon's just had, hoping her plea would reach the great wish granter, Jirachi.

Kecleon, however, had his back to Dysania, as he crouched next to the river. He cupped his little claws to bring some water to his lips, but instead of sipping he lapped it all up at once with his thick tongue. Wiping his lips dry, he looked over his shoulder to see what Dysania was doing.

The Girafarig had turned to face her foe. She suddenly found within herself a new drive for the battle. Glowing white with pure energy, she scraped the ground with a hoof before making a frenzied charge for Kecleon, who seemed quite surprised by the sudden resistance. She caught the lizard between her knobby horns and jumped into the air, diving headfirst to ram the lizard into the ground. Both bodies crumpled in the crater that had been created. Kecleon's newly healed wounds had quickly been replaced with new fractures and bruises, and Dysania's front legs and neck were feeling a bit cramped.

Kecleon slowly opened his eyes to see Dysania blocking his vision. The Girafarig struggled back up onto her feet, but didn't give her opponent a chance to get up too. Blinded by the glow of the sun behind her and by her body itself, Kecleon was caught between her horns again. He struggled to get out from between them before she could ram him into something else, but it was to no avail. Dysania leaped high into the air, and with a sickening change of momentum drove him headfirst into the ground again.

As they both lay in the grass, Kecleon gripped onto Dysania's horns. He snapped his eyes open and stared deep into the Girafarig's eyes. Mesmerized, Dysania didn't move, and Kecleon used his psychic powers to swap their core energies. This left Kecleon feeling bright and awake, and Dysania feeling a bit... green in her hooves? She stared at the lizard, confused, not understanding what had just transgressed.


ParaBob-Omb (OOOO)

Kecleon (♂) <Early Bird>
Health: 72%
Energy: 65%
Status: Lying on the ground with Dysania's body over him.

Darksong (OOOO)

Dysania (♀) <Color Change>
Health: 64%
Energy: 62%
Status: Staring down at Kecleon, a bit confused. Special Defense +2. Energy Ball has been forgotten. Attracted (mild).

Referee's notes-
-Kecleon and Dysania's abilities have been temporarily switched.
-Somehow early on I misread Dysania as Dysalia. :B I'm gonna go back and fix that. Apologies.
-ParaBob-omb attacks first next round.
Kecleon, first use Rest. If Rest somehow fails, use it again. Once you are asleep use Sleep Talk. If you wake up, use Flamethrower.

Rest ~ Rest/Sleep Talk/Flamethrower ~ Rest/Sleep Talk/Flamethrower
Uh, I'm backed into a corner here. ^^' All right, Dysania, I think I have an idea. Use Substitute for 15% health, and then Headbutt, and hope for a flinch if it's possible. Finally, use Rain Dance and stop the Flamethrower from hurting you too much.

Substitute (15% Health) ~ Headbutt ~ Rain Dance
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