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Sage Noctowl vs. Blackthorne Steele vs. Full Metal Cookies vs. moon-panther

Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 8

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 66%
Energy: 44%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to a Weighted Companion Cube (Severe).
Condition: About to drool over the image planted on her head.
Commands: Dark Pulse ~ Zap Cannon ~ Zap Cannon

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 15%
Energy: 7%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Seeming to be close to powering off.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


Trump card or not trump card, GLaDOS was in dire straits. It was up for the mystical being that governs randomly picked numbers to declare who would rise victorious from this battle that grew tenser by the minute.

The Weighted Companion Cube in Rift's mind began to bother her. She felt as though she was being really, really bitchy to fall in love with a... Cube just right after her other lover left the scene. She wanted to get rid of these confused, unsure thoughts... And she did, by unleashing them as a nasty blast of negative ideas.

Upon being hit by the Dark Pulse, the Porygon started to let out an annoying beep -- one that announced a state of terribly low vitality. It could only hope that sweet talking through the image planted on the enemy's mind would keep it protected as it closed its eyes and recharged battery.

Fortunately for it, the trick went right. The Gastly was once more bound to the platonic attraction, giving time for recharging to take place until the referee gave the end of round signal.

Round 8 – End

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 66%
Energy: 37%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to a Weighted Companion Cube (Severe).
Condition: Apparently, no longer concerned about betraying her former object of attraction.

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 6%
Energy: 37%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Beeping aloud.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Rift was too attracted to attack for the second and third actions.
- Ironic health and energy values are ironic.
- Next round, Blackthorne Steele attacks first.
C'mon RNG gods! ;_; *Worships*


Dark Pulse x3
GLaDOS is a she :C *throws cake at Steele*


oooh, this looks fun. Okay GLaDOS, start the round with Psych Up! Then hit at her with Psychic, and, as always, if too tired to make an action, Chill.

Psych Up ~ Psychic/Chill ~ Psychic/Chill
Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 9

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 66%
Energy: 37%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to a Weighted Companion Cube (Severe).
Condition: Apparently, no longer concerned about betraying her former object of attraction.
Commands: Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 6%
Energy: 37%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Beeping aloud.
Commands: Psych Up ~ Psychic/Chill ~ Psychic/Chill

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


The commands being issued that round were probably going to be decisive. Fists were closed tight as luck was to be the decisive factor of the match.

Rift shook her head (by which I mean, her entire self). What was she doing? She had no time to waste mooning over anything, be it a jackal or be it a cube. Why should she bother with carnal things like love anyway? She was no longer one of these fully alive beings, after all. Her next attack was a wave of regret and self-spite.

... Emotions that would be turned right upside-down by the Dark Pulse's results. Upon being struck by the final attack, GLaDOS gave in, tumbling backwards.

The referee signaled for the end of the match, pointing the winner's flag at Blackthorne Steele's side. Under a storm of glares, the last remaining trainer made it clear for the other three that he was "the very best, like no one on this Island ever was."

Round 9 – End

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 66%
Energy: 30%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to a Weighted Companion Cube (Severe).
Condition: Elated by the sudden victory.

Full Metal Cookies (X)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 0%
Energy: 37%
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Failing to reboot.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- GLaDOS was knocked out on the first action.

Until the last few rounds, I don't think any of us was expecting this, but nonetheless, congratulations, Blackthorne Steele; you've managed to defeat all three of your foes. Well, of course, they didn't know you were their enemy.

Prizes are as follows:
- Blackthorne Steele gets $24 bucks.
- Sage Noctowl, Full Metal Cookies and moon-panther get $3 each. Oh the cruel world.
- I get $15 bucks.
- Halan gets 1 point of experience.
- Riolu gets 1 point of experience.
- GLaDOS gets 1 point of experience.
- Rift gets 4 points of experience.

I'm not sure whether the prizes are supposed to be like that, so, let me know if I should be making this a tad less unfair.
OOooooh so close. :C

I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!

Stop that, GLaDOS.


Anyway, awesome battle guys~ and many thanks to our wonderful ref~
I'm pretty sure that any KOs that took place while another Pokemon was on the field counts as experience; thus, Halan should have 1 exp, Riolu should have 2, GLaDOS should have 3, and Rifty the Nifty should have 4.
I'm pretty sure that any KOs that took place while another Pokemon was on the field counts as experience; thus, Halan should have 1 exp, Riolu should have 2, GLaDOS should have 3, and Rifty the Nifty should have 4.
I don't think having a teammate KO'd counts.

Good match, guys. I know I'm an annoying bastard who's too fond of sleep-inducing moves. :D




I WIN, I WI-*Shot*

Well, you were all honorable opponents, and I'm happy to have beat battled all of you.

Semi-lastly, thanks to MF for reffing.

Lastly, PEACE HOMIES! *Shot again*
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