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Kam vs. Sage Noctowl

Okay. Chill until Godot escapes his cavern. When he does, Blizzard him. If he wants to change the weather, Hail it back to him. If you fall below 10 Energy, Chill

Jump out of the hole and use Explosion. What with your humongous attack boosts and 250 base power (technically it's 500 since Defense if halved during the duration of the attack), I doubt he'll be able to survive it.

Jump out of hole and use Explosion x3

Keith [M]
Ability: Torrent
Health: 26%
Energy: 19%
Notes: Glad for the non-brightness but having trouble with the hailstones. Torrent in effect.


Godot [M]
Ability: Chlorophyll
Health: 24%
Energy: 64%
Notes: Surprisingly, not drowning. His head hurts. +2 Attack
Badly poisoned (3% next round)​

Keith relaxes as he enacts his Trainer's first order; he finally gets to relax. Of course, the Hail was a bit counterproductive... Oh well, don't look a gift Lapras in the mouth. Keith stretched out in some squishy mud and sighed contentedly, the aqua-colored miasma around him calming slightly.

Underneath the sandy beach, Godot isn't nearly so calm. He throws his weight sharply to the left, sending him spinning like an underwater drill and barreling towards the surface. This time, his attempts at escape are marginally more successful; he manages to punch a hole in the gritty ceiling before flipping back down.

Keith lifts his head from the sand. Hmm? There was now a small hole in the ground a few feet away. Did he have to do something now? No, he decides; Keith isn't out of his little cave yet, not technically, and this mud is so comfortable. He ignores the occasional hailstone pinging off of his skull and rests some more.

Godot flings himself through the water again, a green-and-grey torpedo. He slams past the hole, scattering sand, and lands feet away from the opening in the ground. He's congratulating himself when a hailstone bounces off of his cap.

Keith heaves himself to his feet, stretching after his nap and his Torrent-aura flickering back to life. He supposes this means he should do a Blizzard. He turns, mouth already cold, to find Godot. And he's glowing.

Keith only has a moment to think ooh, pretty before Godot erupts in white light, the concussive force flattening grass, small trees, and everyone on the island. The referee is flung out of his tree while both battlers are bowled over. When the bright light eventually recedes, Mudkip and Seedot both are lying on their backs, unconscious and scalded rather badly, not that they can feel it.

Keith [M]
Ability: Torrent
Notes: KO'd.

Godot [M]
Ability: Chlorophyll
Notes: KO'd. Currently meeting seventy-two Seedot virgins.


1. Surf washed away both substitutes and collapsed the Dig's entrance.
2. That meteorologist I mentioned before? Yeah, he's just hung himself.

Kam sends out, Sage sends out and attacks, Kam attacks.
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Hey Lexington, get back in the game. I understand you want to continue watching SpongeBob, but there are more important matters at hand.
Let's see. Out of the four I have left...
The fighting sensation! The Kind-hearted tyrant! Go, Riolu, I need your help!
Okay. Attract followed by Double Aura Sphere if she doesn't use any fancy (non-attacking) moves. If you are going to be statused, Magic Coat, and if she makes herself unattackable, Swords Dance
Attract/Magic Coat/Swords Dance~Aura Sphere/Magic Coat/Swords Dance~Aura Sphere/Magic Coat/Swords Dance
Start with a Toxic, use Super Fang afterwards, and finally Sucker Punch. Gogogo.

Toxic ~ Super Fang ~ Sucker Punch
3 vs. 3 single battle
Set battle
DQ: 6 days
Cap: 32%
Banned moves:OHKO moves
Battle Area: River
Not far from a bustling city is a quiet river, a perfect getaway for those who want to get away from the urban lifestyle for a few hours. The average speed of the river is about 7 km/hr. The river is split by an island in the middle. The island takes up about a quarter of the river width at its widest. The island is 50 meters long by 10 meters wide at its widest. Due to the size of the arena, Pokémon over 2 meters in height may not be used.
Shaking the dirt and miscellaneous shrapnel from their clothing and dodging pieces of ice, Sage and Kam both release their new Pokémon; from Sage Noctowl's end bursts an inquisitive-looking Riolu, and from Kam's the previously-seen Lexington, fur still ruffled from her earlier fighting. A hailstone promptly bonks her on the head.

The nameless Riolu looks puzzled; verily, should not his opponent be sprightly and fresh? Most confusing. Well, the good Riolu shan't question good luck.

Lexington sighs; she was fighting a fresh opponent? And what caused this crater? She swings up on her tail resignedly, thinking that maybe she had a chance.

Riolu [M]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Notes: Bright-eyed and aura-filled.

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 65%
Energy: 79%
Notes: Glad to be back, but wondering what happened to the Mudkip.

The nameless Riolu jumps gallantly onto a rock, getting down onto one knee. He beseeches the lovely Sentret not to attack, for he loves her dearly and thinks the world of her. And her fur...

Lex is somewhat confused by the Riolu's archaic Pokémon speech, but she is flattered all the same. She self-consciously flattens down her fur and blushes, saying a few compliments back. This was all very nice... She completely forgets her plans to poison her night in purple armor.

Riolu jumps back off of the rock, his paws held together and crackling slightly. It went against his chivalrous ways to attack a woman, especially one so enamored with him, but orders were orders. A purplish-white ball of pure life energy forms, and soon flies from his hands, spiraling unavoidably towards Lexington. It burns away into nothing in her fur, leaving an angry-looking scorch mark.

Lexington flips over backwards, hurt in more ways than one. How could her beloved do this to her? All those nice things ha had said... No, she must have done something wrong, it was all her fault somehow. Again she forgets her commands in her adoration.

Her love readies another Aura Sphere, and it reminds her of something: this is a battle. Kam will be awfully angry if she doesn't participate... She's meant to do a Sucker Punch. Seems a tad mean, but Kam was the boss. She leaps forward, tail coated in Dark energy, and slaps it across her lover's face and torso. Riolu reels back, the undercharged Aura Sphere launching and hitting Lex lightly on the forehead. She squeals, wondering why Riolu had attacked when she had tried her best to make the attack light... In other news, the hailstones stop falling, the last few rolling around the rim of the crater.

Riolu [M]
Health: 94%
Energy: 79%
Notes: Offended at his opponents lack of honor.

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 39%
Energy: 73%
Notes: Aching in both her body and heart.
♥~Attracted (Mild)~


* The second Aura Sphere did half damage due to the interruption, while Sucker Punch did slightly less damage due to Attract.
* Lex was fully enamored on actions one and two.
* There is a sizable crater in the ground.
* Hail ended on the last action.
* Gogogo Kam.
...alright. You're getting a bit low on health, aren't you?

Use Attract until it works. Then use Rest. Chill while you're sleeping (and try to look cute when you're doing so!) or if he protects when you would Attract.

Attract/Rest/Chill x3
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Um, Kam, Sleep Talk≠Chill. You say Sleep Talk in your final commands, but you don't give a conditional for it, but you give a conditional for Chill.
Aura Sphere until you're attracted. Then, show her your muscles with Bulk Up Chill on Action 3.
Aura Sphere/Bulk up~Aura Sphere/Bulk Up~Chill
3 vs. 3 single battle
Set battle
DQ: 6 days
Cap: 32%
Banned moves:OHKO moves
Battle Area: River
Not far from a bustling city is a quiet river, a perfect getaway for those who want to get away from the urban lifestyle for a few hours. The average speed of the river is about 7 km/hr. The river is split by an island in the middle. The island takes up about a quarter of the river width at its widest. The island is 50 meters long by 10 meters wide at its widest. Due to the size of the arena, Pokémon over 2 meters in height may not be used.
Riolu [M]
Health: 94%
Energy: 79%
Notes: Offended at his opponents lack of honor.

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 39%
Energy: 73%
Notes: Aching in both her body and heart.
♥~Attracted (Mild)~

Riolu snaps forward, his rear paws scrabbling for purchase on the wet and in some cases frozen ground. He lines up his sights, aura flickering invisibly to all but himself, and the purple glow around him coalesces into a very visible Aura Sphere. Riolu pitches the orb forward; is aim isn't perfect, but the ball of energy has enough of a tracking ability to hit Lexington dead in the chest, scorching her ring into oblivion.

The Sentret groans in pain, wondering exactly why her love continues his barrage of highly painful attacks. Maybe if she proved her love to him... Hopping tiredly onto her ringed tail, Lex proffers her feelings to the object of her affection. The Riolu's heart goes out to her; he already felt bad for beating up a lady, and now she was begging for his approval... and she was pretty attractive, under those auraburns. He gazes soppily at her, saying that it was only under orders from his monarch that he attacked her.

The chivalrous Riolu flexes his muscles, biceps and abdomen bulging as his body adds layers of muscular tissue to itself. He's left feeling pretty good, and a good deal buffer. Lexington gazes at him with a look of mild obsession, smiling. She yawns, as well. This show, with the buff Riolu sowing off for her, was nice and all, honestly; it was just that her feelings for him were fading, and she was feeling very beat up and tired. She snuggles up on the sandy ground, curling her tail around herself and using it as a pillow. She immediately feels, ironically, more tired, but at least she didn't ache anymore.

Riolu stares a tad creepily at his love; she was cute even asleep! Who woulda thunkit? But he himself was feeling a bit less chipper than he had before, and he shouldtake his chance to chill out, but... his lovely enemy-turned-love was just too pretty to look away from, and he ends up just staring at her as she herself begins restoring energy.

Riolu [M]
Health: 94%
Energy: 72%
Notes: Ahh, love~
+1 Attack, +1 Defense
♥~Attracted (Moderate)~

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 100%
Energy: 50%
Notes: Over Riolu and resting peacefully.


* Riolu failed the check on the last action, so he didn't attack.
* Those Aura Spheres are doing quite a lot of damage, not that you can tell through the Rest.

Go, Sage.
Well, according to my calculations, two Aura Spheres are enough to reach the cap. So get two in there, and if you have a third turn left, Chill
Aura Sphere~Aura Sphere~Aura Sphere/Chill
3 vs. 3 single battle
Set battle
DQ: 6 days
Cap: 32%
Banned moves:OHKO moves
Battle Area: River
Not far from a bustling city is a quiet river, a perfect getaway for those who want to get away from the urban lifestyle for a few hours. The average speed of the river is about 7 km/hr. The river is split by an island in the middle. The island takes up about a quarter of the river width at its widest. The island is 50 meters long by 10 meters wide at its widest. Due to the size of the arena, Pokémon over 2 meters in height may not be used.
Riolu [M]
Health: 94%
Energy: 72%
Notes: Ahh, love~
+1 Attack, +1 Defense
♥~Attracted (Moderate)~

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 100%
Energy: 50%
Notes: Over Riolu and resting peacefully

Riolu gazes regretfully at his beautiful snoozing opponent as he takes up his familiar stance. The Aura Sphere flutters in his hand and launches almost reluctantly towards its target, as if it can sense its creator's lack of conviction. Nevertheless, the attack hits home, leaving another purple burn on Lex's fur and damaging her rather a lot. She squeals in her sleep and shifts around, although she remains unconscious. She curls up once more, dreaming of sleeping somewhere nicer than this muddy wet sand.

The biped once again presses his palms together; when he opens them, a growing marble-sized speck of aura appears and quickly expands into the size of a grapefruit before springing from his paws; the Riolu had already done so much damage to Lexy, it seemed silly to care about any more, even though he still harbored some, erm, less than chivalrous thought about the lady. The ball of energy, as always, slams into Lex's chest, rolling her over onto her less-abused back. She mumbles something incoherent and continues to rest.

The Riolu puzzles over what to do next; what exactly was a damage cap? Was he meant to hit it? His orders implied that he should use Charm, but if he hadn't hit this 'damage cap', then... what?

Meanwhile, sleep lightened by relentless attacks, Lexington awakens groggily. Whaa...? Her chest hurt still, and it had scorches tattooed all over it... Maybe she could use it to her advantage, then. Her tail wraps coyly around her body as she examines Riolu closely. He seemed preoccupied with something or another, but this would still work, she hoped. She asked the big bad biped why she had attacked him so badly; she still loved him and couldn't they come up with a way to kiss and make up?

Riolu, although distracted by the very sexy Lexy standing not far from him, had finally figured it out; he was supposed to Chill now, probably. The purple canine sighed and calmed down, watching the show Lexington was putting on and resting up.

Riolu [M]
Health: 94%
Energy: 72%
Notes: Ohh, this is nice...
-1 Attack, +1 Defense
♥~Attracted (Mild)~

Lexington [F]
Keen Eye
Health: 68%
Energy: 67%
Notes: God, I feel like such a slut...


* Sorry this took so long.

* Riolu moved last on the third action because he confused on the concept of 'damage caps'. He's all good now, though, since you still told him to use a Chill on that last action.

* Kammington's pokemon are all whores in one form or another. XI

* Riolu's Attraction has been lengthened but not strengthened by the Charm. (That's what she said)

Go, Kam, order your little stripper rodent to do some more stripping.
Super Fang if he lovefails, Thunderbolt if he doesn't, Chill if he protects (or detects) successfully.

Super Fang/Thunderbolt/Chill x3
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