Not Meowth
Cat, are you drilling?
=^oƟo^= The Game Corner =^oƟo^=
In a small, shady corner of ASB Central, you spot a tiny, flashy building lit up with a plethora of neon signs, mostly of Meowth but nothing clealy identifying what the building is. Intrigued, you walk closer to the garish little shack and peer inside; the room is brightly lit, with a number of flashing machines grouped in the centre, but is quite empty save for a Meowth perched on the counter. As you are about to leave and walk away, a teenage boy pops his head above the counter. "Ah! Customers- right," he mutters, absent-mindedly stroking a poster on the wall behind him. "Hello! How can I help?" he says cheerfully, straightening his glasses and scooping the Meowth into his arms. "First time here? Very well, let me show you round our games!"...
A Game Corner classic, before Nintendo took it away. Anyway, the game's simple enough; slip your money in, pull the lever, and let the reels do their work. If they line up, you win a prize; if not, you lose your cash. Depending on what you line up, your prize will increase in value. You have a choice of three wagers; how much you choose alters your chances of winning!
Odds: 1/100 ($6 wager); 2/100 ($9 wager); 3/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Ditto, Porygon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Chimchar, Mudkip, Piplup, Squirtle, Torchic, Totodile, Treecko, Turtwig, Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Gible, Meowth, $(3x wager)
3 EEVEE - Rare Prize
Odds: 5/100 ($6 wager); 9/100 ($9 wager); 12/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Houndour, Rhyhorn, Skitty, Spiritomb, Zangoose, Seviper, Skorupi, Girafarig, Kecleon, Munchlax, Murkrow, Sneasel, Tyrogue, Meowth, a random evolution item, $(2x wager)
3 PIKACHU - Intermediate Prize
Odds: 10/100 ($6 wager); 15/100 ($9 wager); 20/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Buizel, Buneary, Cubone, Gastly, Glameow, Growlithe, Koffing, Magnemite, Pichu, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Togepi, Venonat, Vulpix, Azurill, Cleffa, Drifloon, Happiny, Igglybuff, Plusle, Minun, Wynaut, Meowth, $(wager), a random berry
3 RATTATA - Common Prize
Odds: 35/100 ($6 wager); 40/100 ($9 wager); 45/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Abra, Grimer, Krabby, Mareep, Ralts, Shinx, Staryu, Swinub, Bellsprout, Budew, Caterpie, Ekans, Magikarp, Meowth, Nincada, Oddish, Poliwag, Rattata, Sandshrew, Sentret, Slakoth, Spheal, Spinarak, Weedle, Wurmple,Zigzagoon, Zubat, random junk
Odds: 49/100 ($6 wager); 34/100 ($9 wager); 20/100 ($11 wager)
No prize; try again!
In the corner is a table of cards, each with a different colour and Pokémon on it- 1-3 and Pikachu, Meowth, Abra and Riolu. You ask the rules of this odd game - "ah, card flip!" the owner exclaims, stroking his Meowth as he walks over to the table. "You just pick a card, Pokémon, or number from this table and I draw a card from this deck- if it matches any you've chosen, you win! Of course there's a higher charge if you're picking more than one card, since the odds are better."
Column- $3
Odds: 1 in 3
Rules: choose a number from 1 to 3. If a card is drawn that features this number, you win!
Prizes: Meowth, Abra, Corphish, Horsea, Luvdisc, Mareep, Pachirisu, Ralts, Barboach, Cherubi, Chinchou, Drowzee, Duskull, Mankey, Natu, Stunky, Voltorb, Diglett, Wooper, Pidgey
Row - $6
Odds: 1 in 4
Rules: Choose a Pokémon out of Pikachu, Riolu, Abra or Meowth. If a card of any number featuring this Pokémon is drawn, you win!
Prizes: Ponyta, Pineco, Shellder, Hippopotas, Meditite, Mime Jr, Bonsly, Aron, Croagunk, Wailmer, Burmy, Combee, Chingling, Electrike, Exeggcute, Nosepass, Phanpy, Snover, Spinda, Teddiursa, Torkoal, Meowth, a random berry
Single card- $8
Odds: 1 in 12
Rules: pick ONE number AND ONE Pokémon. If that card is drawn, you win!
Prizes: Dunsparce, Gligar, Shuckle, Tropius, Tyrogue, Unown, Yanma, Aipom, Delibird, Dratini, Eevee, Elekid, Gible, Lapras, Lickitung, Magby, Miltank, Misdreavus, Onix, Scyther, Smeargle, Larvitar, Smoochum, Stantler, Tauros, Absol, Beldum, Castform, Ditto, Porygon, Rotom, Meowth, a random evolution item
(NOTE: all prizes are randomised and there's no guarantee you'll win what you want.)
As the boy is explaining the rules of each game, a sign on the wall catches your eye-
Just state your game and which bet you want, plus the card(s) you want if you're playing Card Flip, and leave the rest up to us. Good luck!
(And don't forget to get any Pokémon winnings approved at the Pokémon Registration Office.)
"Well, that's all the games we have at the moment", the boy says, walking back over to the counter and setting the Meowth back down. "Feel free to play as much as you want," he adds, stroking the poster again; "I'll just be under the counter getting something if you need me". He ducks down, and you survey the games thoughtfully, slowly realising you can't seem to see the boy under the counter any more...
=^oƟo^= The Game Corner =^oƟo^=
In a small, shady corner of ASB Central, you spot a tiny, flashy building lit up with a plethora of neon signs, mostly of Meowth but nothing clealy identifying what the building is. Intrigued, you walk closer to the garish little shack and peer inside; the room is brightly lit, with a number of flashing machines grouped in the centre, but is quite empty save for a Meowth perched on the counter. As you are about to leave and walk away, a teenage boy pops his head above the counter. "Ah! Customers- right," he mutters, absent-mindedly stroking a poster on the wall behind him. "Hello! How can I help?" he says cheerfully, straightening his glasses and scooping the Meowth into his arms. "First time here? Very well, let me show you round our games!"...
A Game Corner classic, before Nintendo took it away. Anyway, the game's simple enough; slip your money in, pull the lever, and let the reels do their work. If they line up, you win a prize; if not, you lose your cash. Depending on what you line up, your prize will increase in value. You have a choice of three wagers; how much you choose alters your chances of winning!
Odds: 1/100 ($6 wager); 2/100 ($9 wager); 3/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Ditto, Porygon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Chimchar, Mudkip, Piplup, Squirtle, Torchic, Totodile, Treecko, Turtwig, Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Gible, Meowth, $(3x wager)
3 EEVEE - Rare Prize
Odds: 5/100 ($6 wager); 9/100 ($9 wager); 12/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Houndour, Rhyhorn, Skitty, Spiritomb, Zangoose, Seviper, Skorupi, Girafarig, Kecleon, Munchlax, Murkrow, Sneasel, Tyrogue, Meowth, a random evolution item, $(2x wager)
3 PIKACHU - Intermediate Prize
Odds: 10/100 ($6 wager); 15/100 ($9 wager); 20/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Buizel, Buneary, Cubone, Gastly, Glameow, Growlithe, Koffing, Magnemite, Pichu, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Togepi, Venonat, Vulpix, Azurill, Cleffa, Drifloon, Happiny, Igglybuff, Plusle, Minun, Wynaut, Meowth, $(wager), a random berry
3 RATTATA - Common Prize
Odds: 35/100 ($6 wager); 40/100 ($9 wager); 45/100 ($11 wager)
Prizes: Abra, Grimer, Krabby, Mareep, Ralts, Shinx, Staryu, Swinub, Bellsprout, Budew, Caterpie, Ekans, Magikarp, Meowth, Nincada, Oddish, Poliwag, Rattata, Sandshrew, Sentret, Slakoth, Spheal, Spinarak, Weedle, Wurmple,Zigzagoon, Zubat, random junk
Odds: 49/100 ($6 wager); 34/100 ($9 wager); 20/100 ($11 wager)
No prize; try again!
In the corner is a table of cards, each with a different colour and Pokémon on it- 1-3 and Pikachu, Meowth, Abra and Riolu. You ask the rules of this odd game - "ah, card flip!" the owner exclaims, stroking his Meowth as he walks over to the table. "You just pick a card, Pokémon, or number from this table and I draw a card from this deck- if it matches any you've chosen, you win! Of course there's a higher charge if you're picking more than one card, since the odds are better."
Column- $3
Odds: 1 in 3
Rules: choose a number from 1 to 3. If a card is drawn that features this number, you win!
Prizes: Meowth, Abra, Corphish, Horsea, Luvdisc, Mareep, Pachirisu, Ralts, Barboach, Cherubi, Chinchou, Drowzee, Duskull, Mankey, Natu, Stunky, Voltorb, Diglett, Wooper, Pidgey
Row - $6
Odds: 1 in 4
Rules: Choose a Pokémon out of Pikachu, Riolu, Abra or Meowth. If a card of any number featuring this Pokémon is drawn, you win!
Prizes: Ponyta, Pineco, Shellder, Hippopotas, Meditite, Mime Jr, Bonsly, Aron, Croagunk, Wailmer, Burmy, Combee, Chingling, Electrike, Exeggcute, Nosepass, Phanpy, Snover, Spinda, Teddiursa, Torkoal, Meowth, a random berry
Single card- $8
Odds: 1 in 12
Rules: pick ONE number AND ONE Pokémon. If that card is drawn, you win!
Prizes: Dunsparce, Gligar, Shuckle, Tropius, Tyrogue, Unown, Yanma, Aipom, Delibird, Dratini, Eevee, Elekid, Gible, Lapras, Lickitung, Magby, Miltank, Misdreavus, Onix, Scyther, Smeargle, Larvitar, Smoochum, Stantler, Tauros, Absol, Beldum, Castform, Ditto, Porygon, Rotom, Meowth, a random evolution item
(NOTE: all prizes are randomised and there's no guarantee you'll win what you want.)
As the boy is explaining the rules of each game, a sign on the wall catches your eye-
Just state your game and which bet you want, plus the card(s) you want if you're playing Card Flip, and leave the rest up to us. Good luck!
(And don't forget to get any Pokémon winnings approved at the Pokémon Registration Office.)
"Well, that's all the games we have at the moment", the boy says, walking back over to the counter and setting the Meowth back down. "Feel free to play as much as you want," he adds, stroking the poster again; "I'll just be under the counter getting something if you need me". He ducks down, and you survey the games thoughtfully, slowly realising you can't seem to see the boy under the counter any more...
$6 slots: $3
$9 slots: $4
$11 slots: $6
$3 cards: $1
$6 cards: $3
$8 cards: $4
Metallica Fanboy------$11-----$6-----------$5
Blackthorne Steele---$9------$4----------$5
Grass King------------$17----$9-----------$8
Blackthorne Steele---$9------$4----------$5
L'il Dwagie------------$11----$6-----------$5
Squornshellous Beta-$6----$3------------$3
L'il Dwagie----------$8----$4-----------$4
----------TILL EMPTIED 18/9/2010-----------
Squornshellous Beta--$11-----$6------------$5
Squornshellous Beta--$6-------$3-----------$3
Crazy Linoone---------$6-------$3-----------$3
Squornshellous Beta--$22-----$12----------$10
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