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Blastoise vs sreservoir

shy ♡

whispers in gay
Format: 3-on-3
DQ: Ten Days
Damage Cap: 42%
Banned Moves: OHKOs
Arena: Gold Sea Bowl

In some undisclosed and unimportant location, a large, very deep bowl sits in the middle of an uninteresting plain. This bowl, made of a material of a consistency somewhere between gold and mud, is filled to over the brim with a pale, translucent gold liquid, much like water except in its coloration.

The bowl is home to a large amount of life, from kelp that draws nutrients from the odd 'soil' to the Lumineon and Starmie that light up the deeper parts. The local fauna are, on the whole, quite skittish and can be scared away with a simple show of aggression towards them, should you wish for darkness. The trainers and referee are equipped with high-tech rebreathers.

A final note: The liquid itself, which for lack of a better term is referred to as just 'water', has almost none of the drag or weight of water, feeling rather slippery and allowing for moving speeds similar to those achieved in open air. This grants Pokémon that spend significant time underwater in the wild a natural +1 speed boost, which can't be removed by moves like Mist.

Additional Restrictions: Fire pokémon are obviously not recommended, and your Pokémon should probably be able to survive underwater. Also electric moves might not work very well, but try them if you like. :P

sreservoir's active squad

[Vilya] Ralts (f) <Synchronize> Envy of Birds
[Nenya] Dratini (f) <Shed Skin> body mod
[Narya] Vulpix (f) <Flash Fire>
[Aua] Myrid (f) <Water Absorb>
[God] Porygon (x) <Download>
[Star] Cleffa (f) <Magic Guard>
[Pseudodino] Larvitar (f) <Guts>

Blastoise Active Squad

[Huskington] Shedinja [X]
Wonder Guard

[Codegrah] Chancey [F]
Serene Grace

[Hippocampus] Slowking [M]
Own Tempo

[Koutus] Electrike [F]

[Phoebe] Feebas [F]
Swift Swim

[Clairent] Shellder [F]
Skill Link

[Pinwheel] Growlithe [M]
Flash Fire

[King's English] Ralts [M]

[Pawawow] Snorunt [F]
Ice Body

[The Bard] Murkrow [M]
Super Luck

Blastoise sends out
sresvervoir sends out and attacks
Blastoise attacks
Phoebe will do well. Go on, save the day.


[Phoebe] Feebas [♀]
Swift Swim
Hails from the Frigid Northlands
I'll open with Nenya for the... what? third? time.

and while Penti generates the typing, we'll just do a buff/debuff routine, yes?

thunder wave the fish, then safeguard, because feebas have plenty of annoying status moves and that would make life hard. if you get hit with a sleep move, sleep talk through it all. otherwise, finish with a dragon dance.

thunder wave / sleep talk ~ safeguard / sleep talk ~ dragon dance / sleep talk
Start off with a Confuse Ray. Then spam Dragonbreath. Chill if you can't move, or attempt to Dragonbreath if you have already Chilled. (Although Thunder Wave might not work too well anyway...)

Confuse Ray/Chill ~ Dragonbreath/Chill ~ Dragonbreath/Chill
Gold Sea Bowl

In some undisclosed and unimportant location, a large, very deep bowl sits in the middle of an uninteresting plain. This bowl, made of a material of a consistency somewhere between gold and mud, is filled to over the brim with a pale, translucent gold liquid, much like water except in its coloration.

The bowl is home to a large amount of life, from kelp that draws nutrients from the odd 'soil' to the Lumineon and Starmie that light up the deeper parts. The local fauna are, on the whole, quite skittish and can be scared away with a simple show of aggression towards them, should you wish for darkness. The trainers and referee are equipped with high-tech rebreathers.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Calm and collected.
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Hey guys I'm excited are you excited let's get this battle started and then we can build a house for Habitat for Humanity!
- Speed +1​

Both pokemon are unusually at ease in their arena, so much so that they seem to be moving even faster than they would in normal water. They are also both ignoring the local wildlife, focusing their attention on their opponents. That is, until a bright, sparkling light appears. It glitters and shines, swirling around in the goopy orange liquid, quite fascinating to all pokemon who observe it but especially to Nenya. In fact the dratini is so mesmerized she loses all track of battle and instead chooses to follow the bright light around the fish bowl, trying to catch it like a very strange game of cat-and-mouse in which the cat is a worm-like dragon and the mouse is a small ball of light. The weirdest part is that the light has now actually disappeared to all but the dratini.

Phoebe smiles triumphantly at her distraction, but doesn't let this get to her ego. It's just the beginning of what will probably be a very long battle. Instead she closes her eyes and draws upon a deep, ancient power - one that would come more easily to her once she evolves, but she still finds it buried within. She opens her eyes, which are a bit more focused now, and belches out a stream of glowing blue flames that seem to withstand the golden water surrounding them. The flames race towards Nenya and engulf her, burning her equally blue skin, but the attack quickly dies out. The dratini blinks in confusion and glances at the feebas who had attacked her - but her focus is once again drawn to the small balls of light, so pretty, so precious... She must catch them! Her precious! She turns from the fish pokemon and races around the fish bowl, intent on catching the nonexistent precious.

One more time, Phoebe draws from that draconic power, letting loose another stream of blue flames. Same as before the fire halts Nenya in her tracks and alights on her sensitive skin, but just as quickly it dies out. This time, the dratini seems to have forgotten about the bright lights, and instead seems focused - for the moment - on the battle at hand. She focuses and begins to dance; not just a regular party-dance, obviously, but a dance that was passed down among generations of dragons. She felt her senses strengthen; the dance always got her in that mood. The mood to fight.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
- Still... calm.
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 86%
Energy: 93%
- :[
- Speed +2, attack +1. Confused (severe)

Arena Notes
- Pokemon who are comfortable in water gain +1 speed.

Final Notes
- Shed Skin fail.
- Nenya was confused on the first two actions.
- Anything else? Blastoise goes first.
Hmm. Let's keep up our Dragonbreath barrage, okay? If you can't hit her (Protect, can't see her...) just Chill. Any stat-boosting moves should be met with an Ice Beam. (If Ice Beam doesn't work after you first try it, just pretend she's attacking you and use Dragonbreath)

Dragonbreath/Chill/Ice Beam ~ Dragonbreath/Chill/Ice Beam ~ Dragonbreath/Chill/Ice Beam
Gold Sea Bowl

In some undisclosed and unimportant location, a large, very deep bowl sits in the middle of an uninteresting plain. This bowl, made of a material of a consistency somewhere between gold and mud, is filled to over the brim with a pale, translucent gold liquid, much like water except in its coloration.

The bowl is home to a large amount of life, from kelp that draws nutrients from the odd 'soil' to the Lumineon and Starmie that light up the deeper parts. The local fauna are, on the whole, quite skittish and can be scared away with a simple show of aggression towards them, should you wish for darkness. The trainers and referee are equipped with high-tech rebreathers.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
- Still... calm.
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 86%
Energy: 93%
- :[
- Speed +2, attack +1. Confused (severe)​

Phoebe eyes her opponent. So far, the dragon has put up little fight. None at all, to be more literal. She wonders if this is the way the rest of the battle will go, or if it's the calm before the storm. It's a waste of time to think about, though. petty distractions from the battle at hand. She focuses and brings forth the dragon energy she had used beforehand, spitting it out onto the dratini who knew it so well. The blue flames burnt at the small dragon's skin, but were extinguished quickly and left no visible mark. Still, the dratini seemed to be a bit more clear-headed now - after all these attacks, maybe the shock went to her head, cleared it up a bit.

Whatever it was, the little dragon turned her eyes onto her opponent; they seemed dark, brooding, solemn. Angry. She turned her gaze towards the top of the golden-water bowl and let out a chilling moan - a moan that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard it.

Several seconds passed and nothing seemed to happen.

Then something plummeted into the fish bowl. Several somethings. Several very large, very hot, very fast somethings - all moving towards Phoebe. They moved so fast that it was impossible to see them until they struck and fell to the floor of the bowl, the greenish flames surrounding them slowly burning out - they were meteorites. Large, heavy, formerly burning meteorites. And they had left Phoebe very, very shaken.

The two pokemon eyed eachother, clearly re-evaluating their opponents. Nenya seemed tired, or perhaps just a bit less excited than before, while Phoebe was certainly more cautious. Still, the show must go on.

The feebas, though hesitant, spat out another flaming stream of dragon flames towards Nenya; the dragonbreath crawled across the dratini and burnt out within a matter of seconds, but it seemed to have had its impact. Nenya's eyes glazed over as she stared out towards nothing at all; the shiny lights were back, and they were brilliant as ever. She swam off after them, forgetting completely about the feebas, her trainer and the battle at hand. Those shiny lights were way more interesting.

Phoebe seemed to sigh with relief as the dratini failed to attack. She collected herself for a moment, then let loose one more torrent of blue flames; they were monotonous but effective. Nenya squealed as the attack caught up with her, stinging her soft skin and, thankfully, grabbing her attention. Though she didn't seem very thankful.

No, she was quite the opposite. She was... mad. Very mad. A quiet growl could be heard coming from her as she glared down the stupid feebas that kept stupidly attacking her while she tried to catch those stupid lights - stupid. Fish. Arhg! She screamed with complete rage and dove towards the fish, a reddish energy flowing from her as she slammed into Phoebe. The two collided and were sent swirling from the impact; each ended up quite a distance from each other. Nenya shook her head to try and clear it; a red haze was beginning to cloud her vision. Phoebe, too, shook her head - or her body. This had not been a pleasant round for her. Not at all.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 65%
Energy: 71%
- That wasn't very nice...
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 65%
Energy: 74%
- >:[
- Speed +2, attack +1, sp. attack -2. Confused (moderate).

Arena Notes
- Pokemon who are comfortable in water gain +1 speed.
- There are several large meteorites on the bottom of the tank.

Final Notes
- Shed Skin fail (again).
- Nenya was confused on the second action.
- There's probably something else that I forgot to mention.
- sreservoir next.
light screen if you're not too busy trying to kill Phoebe. (id est, can do it under the effects of outrage.) then go right on trying to kill her.

light screen / outrage ~ outrage ~ outrage
Gold Sea Bowl

In some undisclosed and unimportant location, a large, very deep bowl sits in the middle of an uninteresting plain. This bowl, made of a material of a consistency somewhere between gold and mud, is filled to over the brim with a pale, translucent gold liquid, much like water except in its coloration.

The bowl is home to a large amount of life, from kelp that draws nutrients from the odd 'soil' to the Lumineon and Starmie that light up the deeper parts. The local fauna are, on the whole, quite skittish and can be scared away with a simple show of aggression towards them, should you wish for darkness. The trainers and referee are equipped with high-tech rebreathers.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 65%
Energy: 71%
- That wasn't very nice...
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 65%
Energy: 74%
- >:[
- Speed +2, attack +1, sp. attack -2. Confused (moderate).​

Glad to finally have some variation in her commands, Phoebe eyed Nenya while she swam circles around her; the feebas, though naturally fast, felt so at home in the golden water that she was even faster than normal. So fast it was hard for the dratini to keep up. Hard to even see the feebas. She was moving at unusual speeds - faster and faster and faster until - until there seemed to be more than one of her, she blurred into double images, Nenya couldn't keep up. It must be the confusion. But even as the feebas slowed down there were still doubles; exactly two of them, when Nenya could see straight enough to count them.

Blinking the confusion from her eyes, Nenya allowed the rage to take over once more. God, that damned fish was so cocky, running around like a maniac in the stupid urine tainted aquarium. Idiot. Someone... should teach her... a lesson. Nenya growled and dashed towards one of the feebas, phasing right through the double image as it blinked out of existence. The dratini swirled around in a complete rage, nearly screaming at the original feebas - goddamned thing tricked her!

Her anger was replaced with shock as burning blue flames burst onto her face. They were twice as hot and powerful as before, more than enough to halt her in her tracks. As soon as they died down she coughed and gasped for air; that was. A shock. Stupid fish.

Nenya immediately returned to anger mode, as if the attack took control of her body; she raged forwards, the red flames surrounding her as she slammed into Phoebe. The two collided and separated with the same force as before; when Nenya collected her senses, she was halfway across the tank. Phoebe had nearly crashed into the glass that held the water in. Fun times.

The feebas was quickly growing tired of this. The luck she'd had on that last dragonbreath was a fluke; she needed something to turn the tides, so to speak. But all she had so far were... the same thing. Sigh. She let loose another burst of bluish flames; this time, as opposed to previously, it seemed particularly weak. Perhaps her spirits were affecting it. Nenya certainly didn't care why. Probably didn't notice the difference either.

She found her rage had all but gone on that last attack. Her confusion, too, was nearly gone - no more flashing lights, though the red haze was rather worse now. It was a bit hard to see and everything seemed to look very angry. But she herself was not, not so much as before anyhow. Still, she dug down and found that inner hatred; the hatred soon grew to an outer one, a reddish flame the spread around her as she slammed into Phoebe.

While Phoebe was busy collecting her wits, Nenya found herself to be quite distracted by her skin. It was, for lack of better words, shedding. She swam down to the bottom of the tank and rubbed against the fallen meteorites, and within minutes her skin was completely off. And somehow, she found her headache and confusion had gone with it. Still, both pokemon found they were growing very tired, very fast; one of them was sure to go soon.​

Blastoise (Ooo)
Phoebe (f) <Swift Swim>
Health: 35%
Energy: 60%
- Buhhh... ow.
- Swift Swim is activated (speed x2). Speed +1

sreservoir (Ooo)
Nenya (f) <Shed Skin>
Health: 34%
Energy: 52%
- Rah... anger... yes.
- Speed +2, attack +1, sp. attack -2.

Arena Notes
- Pokemon who are comfortable in water gain +1 speed.
- There are several large meteorites on the bottom of the tank.

Final Notes
- Phoebe created one clone, which was promptly destroyed.
- Phoebe's first Dragonbreath was a critical hit.
- Repeated uses of attacks is boring to ref is boring to use.
- Outrage increased confusion, RNG decreased it. Shed Skin removed it.
- I swear I haven't forgotten about Dragonbreath's chance of paralysis. It just hasn't happened.
- Yes, Outrage does lock you into using it.
- Blastoise next.
Whoops, missed this update...

Fine then, I guess your awesome supereffective attack is boring everyone, even though it is a mass of blue sparkly flames. Let's try out a Whirlpool. Then use Ice Beam followed by Hidden Power. If she Protects, just Chill out, and if she escapes the Whirlpool or it misses just use it again.

Whirlpool/Chill ~ Ice Beam/Whirlpool/Chill ~ Hidden Power/Whirlpool/Chill

And also Shed Skin don't work on no confusion.

Shed Skin: This pokémon is accustomed to sluffing off old skin in order to grow, and it can by the same process slough off negative status conditions (excluding attraction and confusion). At the end of each round, there is a 30% chance that a pokémon with this ability will have succeeded in shedding whatever negative status condition(s) by which it might have been afflicted. In addition, a pokémon may be commanded to spend two actions actively working to shed its skin, which will cure all non-confusion, non-attraction status conditions at a cost of 5% energy.
Ending this in a draw as per request.
Both trainers had 1 pokemon used against them, so $4 goes to each person. Phoebe and Nenya each get 1 exp. I get $2.
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