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Blaziking vs ultraviolet (ref: Negrek)

Round Twelve

Blaziking (XOOO)
Carnage (F)
Health: 24%
Energy: 48%
Chills: 0/2
- Thinking that Deuce may not be right for her after all. Attracted to Deuce (mild). -2 Special Attack

ultraviolet (XOOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 85%
Energy: 70%
Chills: 0/2
- Annoyed with Carnage.

The fog remains thick over the arena as the sun sinks towards the horizon, bringing an extra chill to the sudden onset of evening. As the sunlight fades entirely, visibility is reduced even further. Deuce's flames continue to burn brightly, creating a faint beacon even through the dense haze, but the foggy island has a distinctly creepy aura about it: the thick, swirling, fog accentuated by chilly silence save for the constant hiss of waves against the sandy shore.

Carnage suppresses a shiver--who would imagine she could feel so cold so shortly after getting roasted by flamethrower?--and peers at her opponent. Deuce is on the move, jogging briskly back and forth through the fog. The ponyta doesn't have to work as hard as he ordinarily would to get his double team off; he only needs to produce two clones, which means a lot less running around for him. As he dashes back and forth over a relatively small strip of beach, his form blurs and stretches, breaking into what appear to be three identical ponyta that stand nearly shoulder to shoulder on the sand.

Carnage is surprised to see two new glowing shapes appear in the fog before her. Noxious goo fills her mouth as she prepares a toxic, but the bellsprout is a bit nervous, not knowing what exactly these apparitions are. There's also the fact that she doesn't really want to hit Deuce with her poisonous attack, either. When she spits the blob of toxic goop towards the flickering lights, therefore, she doesn't put a lot of energy behind it and it falls short, neither striking Deuce nor wiping out any of his clones.

Deuce's ears flick forward at the sound of the toxic splattering against the sand. Turning his nose in that direction, he unleashes a powerful flamethrower--no hesitation on his part. Carnage is once again engulfed in fire, her leaves shriveling and her stem singeing in the face of the furious attack.

After the flamethrower dies away, the bellsprout has some difficulty keeping herself upright. Her bell seems especially heavy now, and she sways unsteadily on her root feet, wanting little more than to rest... and get Deuce back for leading her on. Obviously he cares for her not a whit, or else he wouldn't keep on attacking even after she did her best not to hurt him. She prepares another toxic, glaring through the gloom at what she can only assume are three ponyta. Taking a guess at which one is Deuce, she spews the attack his way. This toxic has quite a bit more venom behind it than the last and actually manages to reach its target; by sheer luck, that target turns out to be the real Deuce.

Carnage smiles wearily to herself as Deuce's disgusted cry rings out over the island, and the other two lights, revealed as fakes, abruptly wink out of existence. The bellsprout is still smiling as another flamethrower cuts through the fog and plunges her into unconsciousness at last, knowing that she left Deuce something unpleasant to remember her by.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Carnage (F)
Health: 0%
Energy: 36%
Chills: 0/2
Knocked Out!

ultraviolet (XOOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 84%
Energy: 54%
Chills: 0/2
- Glad that Carnage is done for, but unfortunately also covered in toxic slime. Badly poisoned (3% next round).

Terrain Notes
It is a cold and foggy night.

Final Notes
- Blaziking sends out his next pokémon
- ultraviolet attacks
- Blaziking attacks
Okay you know what? Since you can't even learn electric-type moves let alone grass-type ones (other than Solarbeam, which is a no-go) let's just attack his status and then I guess we'll work from there.
If the fog clears for any part of the round, I want you to use Hypnosis, Toxic and Will-O-Wisp. If it doesn't clear or you can't see your opponent for some reason, or they use safeguard, use Swift.

Hypnosis/Swift ~ Toxic/Swift ~ Will-O-Wisp/Swift
Round Thirteen

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills: 0/2
- Enjoying a swim in the ocean.

ultraviolet (XOOO)
Deuce (M)
Health: 84%
Energy: 54%
Chills: 0/2
- Glad that Carnage is done for, but unfortunately also covered in toxic slime. Badly poisoned (3% next round).

The weather around the island is in flux once again as Blaziking recalls Carnage and toys idly with the pokéballs on his belt, deciding what to send out next. The clammy fog finally begins to retreat, though there is no sign of sunrise. Dark clouds overhead block out moon and stars, and the arena remains terribly dark and cold. The burst of light that accompanies the release of Blaziking's next pokémon is practically blinding. Swimmy the remoraid appears in the ocean, the shock of saltwater coming as a welcome surprise to the fish despite its chill. Deuce squints into the dark, trying to make out the small pokémon amidst the waves. Just his luck. Not only is his new opponent a water type, but it's going to be hard to hit as well. To make things even more unpleasant, hail starts falling on the arena even as the trainers begin to give their commands.

Deuce trots as close to ocean as he feels comfortable, grimacing as waves splash just inches away from his hooves. The flames in his mane and tail blaze tall, contorting into strange and fascinating shapes. The air around the ponyta ripples with subtle suggestion, strange apparitions appearing in his fire for any who are enticed to look closely. Swimmy isn't mesmerized, though. A thin bubble of energy blurs the air in front of her face, interfering with Deuce's spell.

The faint glow of the protect shield is enough to give Deuce some idea of where Swimmy is, as well as to inform him that his hypnosis is going nowhere. Breaking off the attack, he squints into the gloom, picking Swimmy out as a small, pale smudge against the dark waves. The ponyta lets out a hacking cough, dredging toxins from deep within his body. Mincing still closer to the water as a wave recedes, he spits a glob of foul poison at his opponent and, somewhat miraculously, strikes true. Swimmy lets out a distressed whistle as the toxic splatters him, then dives beneath the waves, trying to wash the poisons from his scales. The toxic is rapidly diluted by the seawater, but the fast-acting poison still manages to penetrate Swimmy's skin, leeching into her blood.

Swimmy eventually gives up trying to wash away her poisoned status and concentrates instead on her next attack. Submerged in the ocean, she can feel the power of water all around her, the pull of currents and even the moon, master of tides, overhead. Though just one small fish in an incredibly large pond, Swimmy nevertheless has some considerable power over the ocean, her affinity for water allowing her to turn its power to her own ends. As the remoraid lets out a series of chirps and whistles, inaudible to Deuce but echoing down through the depths, she conjures a huge wave that sends Deuce scurrying, albeit not fast enough, for higher ground. The surf attack washes over the ponyta, nearly knocking him off his feet as it slams into the island.

For a few seconds after the breaking of the wave, all is dark. Then, with a faint hiss, Deuce's flames start to burn again, recovering from the dousing the ponyta's taken. They soon flare back to their normal strength and the ponyta reluctantly turns his face back towards the water, inching warily closer as he gets into position to make another attack.

The ponyta's flames change to an entrancing shade of blue as Deuce imbues them with ghostly power. A ball of fire blows free of his mane, but rather than dissipating into thin air it drifts out across the water, flickering enticingly as it homes in on Swimmy. The remoraid easily sees the attack coming, though, and simply ducks underwater. The will-o-wisp hits the surface of the ocean and is immediately extinguished with a small fizz.

Deuce hardly has time for disappointment before another great wave surges out of the ocean, sending him on another mad dash to escape. The ponyta hurls himself forward with desperate speed and, somewhat miraculously, manages to outrun the attack. As the wave booms onto the sand behind him it sends water splashing up around his ankles, but ultimately Deuce is left unharmed.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 94%
Energy: 83%
Chills: 0/2
- Off to a decent start. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)
Deuce (M)
Health: 61%
Energy: 38%
Chills: 0/2
- Relieved to have escaped the second wave. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

Terrain Notes
The beach is cold and dark, with thick clouds overhead sprinkling hail over the arena.

Final Notes
- Deuce's toxic attack was diluted by the water, causing regular rather than severe poisoning.
- Both Deuce's will-o-wisp and Swimmy's second surf missed.
- Blaziking attacks first next round.
Um, well, I'm feeling uncreative. Use Water Pulse once, then use Surf the rest of the time. If you don't manage to confuse him, use Water Pulse a second time.

Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse / Surf ~ Surf
Make a 15% substitute and use Attract. If attract works, then use Captivate, but if it doesn't, do it again. If you can't see Swimmy, then use Double Team and make three clones.

15% sub ~ Attract/Double Team ~ Captivate/Attract/Double Team
Round Fourteen

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 94%
Energy: 83%
Chills: 0/2
- Off to a decent start. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 61%
Energy: 38%
Chills: 0/2
- Relieved to have escaped the second wave. Badly poisoned (4% next round).

The sun begins to rise at last after what seems like an age of night--though, of course, it's been far less than a nighttime since the battle started. As dawn sets fire to the eastern waters, the clouds overhead at last start to roll back, revealing the lightening sky. The pokémon only get a few seconds to admire the view before it is snatched away from them, however. Paradoxically, a thick fog rises with the sun, smothering the island in a dense white cloud that stubbornly refuses to burn away as the sun rises higher in the sky.

Although Deuce has better light now, he's still having difficulty seeing Swimmy; the dense fog cloaks the ocean as well as the land, and Swimmy is lost somewhere in the white-shrouded landscape. In return, the remoraid can't see Deuce well, either; his flames still glow a bit through the fog, but they're hardly the beacon they were at night.

Despite these handicaps, the pokémon get started on their respective attacks, with Deuce first breathing out a lively stream of fire that shapes itself into a rough approximation of a ponyta and stands between him and the ocean. Swimmy, on the other hand, takes aim at what he hopes is Deuce and fires off a spiraling burst of water. The water pulse hits the substitute squarely, and for a moment steam mingles with the fog as much of the substitute's fiery body is lost in the process of evaporating the water pulse.

Deuce looks nervously at his substitute, which is now little more than a set of free-standing legs, then squints out into the fog. He knows the general direction from which the water pulse flew, but search as he might, he can't discern any further clues as to Swimmy's location. Better safe than sorry, then; the ponyta sets out to make some decoys.

Deuce runs along the water's edge, his hooves kicking up sand and his flames streaming behind him as he flies across the beach. He doesn't really have to go very fast to produce three clones, but he'll milk the opportunity to run for all it's worth. A few seconds later, Deuce is trailed by three identical copies of himself.

Swimmy really has no idea if she managed to confuse Deuce with her last water pulse. it looked as though there were two ponyta on the beach before, and there seem to be more glowing through the fog now, so whatever Deuce is up to, he doesn't seem to be hindered. After some deliberation, Swimmy tilts her snout up and fires off another water pulse. Her aim this time is terrible, though--not only does the attack not strike the real Deuce, but it misses all his clones as well.

The miss is understandable, given the obscuring fog, and Deuce decides once again not to chance an attack directed at his opponent. Instead he sets off running again, clones now in tow, and presently doubles the number of illusions following him. Swimmy, on the other hand, is preparing something a bit more powerful than just a water pulse. With a whistle and a chirp, she calls upon the power of the ocean, conjuring up a huge wave that looms over the arena.

Deuce looks up apprehensively as a shadow falls over him, but the ponyta doesn't fully realize what is going on. If his substitute weren't there to shove him roughly away, he would have been caught by the surf attack as it roared down on the beach. As it is, Deuce is spared, but his substitute and all his clones are washed away by the mighty wave, leaving the ponyta to face Swimmy alone.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 91%
Energy: 73%
Chills: 0/2
- Still okay. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 42%
Energy: 25%
Chills: 0/2
- Definitely starting to feel tired. Badly poisoned (5% next round).

Terrain Notes
The sun shines overhead, but a dense fog smothers the arena nonetheless.

Final Notes
- ultraviolet attacks first next round.
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well this is going nowhere good :/
Use Reflect, and then Facade if you can see Swimmy. If you can't, use Swift.

Reflect ~ Facade/Swift ~ Facade/Swift
Try to use another Surf on him before he uses Reflect. If you can't do so, use a Waterfall attack instead. Follow up with another Waterfall. If any of those attacks miss, use Secret Power on your third turn. If all of the attacks that you used hit, then use another Waterfall.

Surf / Waterfall ~ Waterfall ~ Secret Power / Waterfall
Round Fifteen

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 91%
Energy: 73%
Chills: 0/2
- Still okay. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)
Deuce (M)
Health: 42%
Energy: 25%
Chills: 0/2
- Definitely starting to feel tired. Badly poisoned (5% next round).

The fog slithers away as swiftly as it had come, though even as it lifts clouds are crowding in overhead. The sun is blotted out and, much to Deuce's dismay, the overcast sky unleashes a downpour on the arena. The ponyta's mane pops and fizzes as raindrops patter into it, and he shivers unhappily. He doesn't have time to dwell on his discomfort, though, and quickly projects a glowing red shield of energy into the air in front of him, ready to block any physical attacks Swimmy might send his way.

The remoraid is not quite fast enough to conjure a wave before the shield goes up, but she doesn't dwell on this minor failing. Instead she turns so that her snout points downward and her tail is aligned with Deuce. Unleashing a powerful spray of water from her mouth, she propels herself out of the ocean, through the air, and finally through the new reflect in order to strike her opponent. Deuce is understandably put out when Swimmy smacks tail-first into his face, surrounded in a curtain of water that is only strengthened by the rain, but his reflect shield cuts much of the remoraid's momentum and at least renders the waterfall less dangerous than it otherwise might be.

Swimmy falls to the sand and immediately begins wriggling and flopping back to the ocean. Deuce has no intention of letting her get that far, though. With the remoraid at his mercy, he's going to strike.

Deuce focuses on the creeping ill feeling that is working its way through his body, thanks to the poison running in his veins, and lets it fuel his anger and lend extra oomph to his attack. The ponyta brings one diamond-hard hoof down hard on Swimmy, crushing the remoraid to the sand and stopping her bid to reach the water. A furious bout of stomping and kicking ensues--Swimmy is a small target and Deuce can do little but dance around on top of her--and it is not until one particularly vicious strike sends her sailing just to the edge of the ocean that Swimmy manages to escape.

The remoraid flops back into the surf and lets it drag her out to sea again, her whole body aching and the saltwater burning away at the cuts left by Deuce's facade. It is a few seconds before she collects herself enough to put herself in place for another waterfall attack--and even then she does so only reluctantly, knowing that after landing the attack she will be at Deuce's mercy again.

As before, Swimmy launches herself into Deuce, and as before, the ponyta takes the first opportunity to trample her into the sand. This time Deuce's facade seems a little less vicious, perhaps because unleashing the first took the edge off his anger, or perhaps because he is only barely conscious. Whatever the case, Swimmy is simply grateful when she manages to wriggle away from him and flounder back into the ocean. She's not sure how many of those powerful hits she can take.

Swimmy sets herself up for one more waterfall, but this time she misjudges her shot and goes sailing over Deuce's head, landing with a plop in the sand behind him. The ponyta hardly seems to notice, his head hanging and his flames stuttering fitfully as he fights weariness and the not-inconsiderable damage done by Swimmy's waterfall attacks.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 51%
Energy: 61%
Chills: 0/2
- Flopping unhappily in the sand. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)
Deuce (M)
Health: 2% (capped)
Energy: 10%
Chills: 0/2
- In danger of collapse. Protected by reflect (3 more actions). Badly poisoned (6% next round).

Terrain Notes
Dark clouds have hidden the sun from view, and a miserable downpour pummels the island.

Final Notes
- Deuce's first facade was a critical hit.
- Blaziking attacks first next round.
find somewhere comfy to get drowned, I guess. You did really well. c:

Chill ~ Chill ~ get comfy
Round Sixteen

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 51%
Energy: 61%
Chills: 0/2
- Flopping unhappily in the sand. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XOOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 2% (capped)
Energy: 10%
Chills: 0/2
- In danger of collapse. Protected by reflect (3 more actions). Badly poisoned (5% next round).

As if in mockery of Deuce's discomfort, the rain continues, pummeling the sodden and sullen ponyta with unabated fury. The horizon is briefly lit in beautiful reds and oranges, what portion of it is visible despite the rain clouds, before night descends upon the arena, plunging it into even deeper darkness.

Deuce feels too weak to do more than simply stay where he is, trying to remain calm and not collapse. Swimmy, meanwhile, is desperately trying to calm herself as well, shoving aside the awful rasp of the sand against her scales and the sensation of dry air all around her, rather than cool water, in order to concentrate on her next attack. The remoraid's entreaty of the sea is more emphatic than usual, and the ocean once more obliges her with a prodigious wave, which rushes down on Screwed Up Weather Island with unnatural fury. Deuce braces himself against the deluge of hated water, but he can't stand up to it in his condition and gives in to unconsciousness in the end. As ultraviolet recalls the ponyta, Swimmy is happy to ride the outbound wave back into the ocean, where she can feel comfortable and secure again at last.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 50%
Energy: 56%
Chills: 0/2
- Back in the water, feeling relieved. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XXOO)

Deuce (M)
Health: 0%
Energy: 20%
Chills: 1/2
Knocked Out!

Terrain Notes
The rain has continued on into the night, though it could stop at any moment.

Final Notes
- ultraviolet sends out
- Blaziking attacks
- ultraviolet attacks
User Supersonic as soon as you can see Swimmy on the surface of the water, and make sure she can hear you. Then I want you to use Disable against her psybeam, and end with Shock Wave. If you can't get Disable to work on the second action, try again on the third instead of Shock Wave.

Supersonic ~ Disable ~ Shock Wave/Disable
Round Seventeen

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 50%
Energy: 56%
Chills: 0/2
- Back in the water, feeling relieved. Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XXOO)

Gwenfair (F)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills: 0/2
- Impatient.

The rain peters out while ultraviolet ponders her next pokémon choice, but the calm doesn't last long. Merciless hail pummels the dark shore of Screwed Up Weather Island, and Swimmy and the trainers flinch and try to cover their heads as ice pelts them from on high. ultraviolet fumbles for a pokéball and releases Gwenfair onto the sand; the sooner this battle gets wrapped up, the sooner she can get off of this stupid island and back to someplace where the weather doesn't keep fluctuating from bad to worse.

Gwenfair is none too pleased to find herself in the middle of a hailstorm, but she's eager enough to battle that she doesn't linger long on her discomfort. Instead, she peers at the dark ocean until she spots her opponent, then lets out a keening whine of noise, focusing it in Swimmy's direction. Though the remoraid hears the shrill supersonic and is disoriented for a moment, the attack hits off-center, and she is spared the worst of the sound waves. It takes Swimmy a moment to recover, but she is not long in preparing her own attack, carefully insulating herself from her own electricity as she builds charge in her mouth.

Swimmy lets fly with a sparkling beam of condensed electricity, but her aim proves as poor as Gwenfair's. The charge beam sails harmlessly past the nidoran and dissipates into empty air.

Gwenfair watches Swimmy as the remoraid prepares a follow-up attack, this time drawing on psychic powers rather than electric. Swimmy releases a shimmering bolt of distortion, the air rippling with irridescence about its edges, and this time manages to catch Gwenfair with a direct hit. The nidoran's stubby claws dig into the sand as she stops herself from being pushed back, dazzled for a moment by the undulating psybeam attack. Once she recovers, though, she locks eyes with Swimmy, catching her with a glare so frightening that the remoraid lets out a squeak and backs away.

By the time Swimmy manages to tear her eyes away from Gwenfair's, she finds that she can't remember how to use psybeam at all. The remoraid's mouth opens and shuts uselessly as she struggles to start her attack, but it is hopeless; she is well and truly disabled. Meanwhile, Gwenfair sits back on her haunches and rubs her front paws together, gathering static electricity. She points them pads-out at Swimmy, unleashing a tangled burst of electricity at the fish. The shock wave spreads out in all directions, sending tendrils of lightning stabbing into the ocean and shocking Swimmy badly.

Blaziking (XXOO)
Swimmy (F)
Health: 38%
Energy: 46%
Chills: 0/2
- Scorched. Psybeam disabled (4 more actions). Poisoned (3%/round).

ultraviolet (XXOO)

Gwenfair (F)
Health: 87%
Energy: 88%
Chills: 0/2
- Feeling okay so far.

Final Notes
The rain has morphed into hail, and night continues to reign over the island.

Final Notes
- ultraviolet attacks first next round.
Use Supersonic until it hits, then Shock Wave. If you're taunted or something, just use Shock Wave.

Supersonic/Shock Wave ~ Shock Wave/Supersonic ~ Shock Wave/Supersonic
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