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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pal Park

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Capture: +45 Points
Cleffa Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Luxio (Female), Jigglypuff (Female), Lopunny (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 495
Partner Pokémon: None

Silcoon Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Mime Jr. (Female), Chatot (Female), Gulpin (Female), Dusknoir (Female), Murkrow (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1125
Partner Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Back~ And my Random Generator is up and running again, so um.

Bidoof Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 375
Partner Pokémon: Lanturn

Unnaccpetable. Confuse Ray so I don't hurt it but It hurts itself. And you must allow it because it isn't anywhere in the rules. I'm not bibing the RNG, nor am I hurting it. Loophole! It must be allowed.
Technically, Confusion is only a chance of hurting oneself.
Taillow Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 420
Partner Pokémon: Lanturn
What's with all the tildes?
Skorupi Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Mime Jr. (Female), Chatot (Female), Gulpin (Female), Dusknoir (Female), Murkrow (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1170
Partner Pokémon: Cyndaquil

Capture: +45 Points
Minun Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Luxio (Female), Jigglypuff (Female), Lopunny (Female), Cleffa (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 585
Partner Pokémon: None

No attacks are to be used on the Wild Pokémon. Let's go with that.
Mareep Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 465
Partner Pokémon: Lanturn

Skiploom Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Munchlax (Male), Jolteon (Male), Togepi (Male), Pidgey (Male), Burmy (Trash) (Male), Flaaffy (Female), Magnet, Porygon2
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2470
Partner Pokémon: None

Swinub Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 90
Partner Pokémon: Torchic
What's with all the tildes?
Skorupi Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Mime Jr. (Female), Chatot (Female), Gulpin (Female), Dusknoir (Female), Murkrow (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1170
Partner Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Matter of habit, actually. I'm just used to it.
But how did you get that way?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Mime Jr. (Female), Chatot (Female), Gulpin (Female), Dusknoir (Female), Murkrow (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1215
Partner Pokémon: Cyndaquil

Why the cut off expletive?
Wynaut Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Munchlax (Male), Jolteon (Male), Togepi (Male), Pidgey (Male), Burmy (Trash) (Male), Flaaffy (Female), Magnet, Porygon2
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2515
Partner Pokémon: None
Why the cut off expletive?
Wynaut Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Munchlax (Male), Jolteon (Male), Togepi (Male), Pidgey (Male), Burmy (Trash) (Male), Flaaffy (Female), Magnet, Porygon2
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2515
Partner Pokémon: None

Roselia Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Munchlax (Male), Jolteon (Male), Togepi (Male), Pidgey (Male), Burmy (Trash) (Male), Flaaffy (Female), Magnet, Porygon2
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2560
Partner Pokémon: None
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