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Mawile vs. Blazie


beep beep coming through
Mawile said:
Battle format: 2 vs 2 single
Style: Set
DQ time: 1 week
Damage cap: 45%
Banned moves: 1-hit KO's , weather moves, Perish Song
Arena: Boring Enclosed White Room
It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.
Notes: Feel free to destroy the place if you like. No one never used it.

Mawile's active squad: [Gold] Zigzagoon (M) <Gluttony> - [Crystal] Torchic (F) - [Silver] Drifloon (M) <Aftermath> - [Lyra] Togepi (F) <Serene Grace> - [Shadow] Shuppet (F) <Insomnia>

Blazie's active squad: [Kudo] Ralts (M) <Synchronize> - [Po] Aron (M) <Rock Head> - [Holly] Treecko (F) - [Rue] Budew (F) <Poison Point>

Blazie sends out
Mawile sends out and attacks
Blazie attacks
For my first battle, I choose Shadow.

First hit Holly with a Thunder Wave, then follow up with Confuse Ray, and finally Shadow Ball. If Holly tries to inflict any status condition, use Magic Coat.

Thunder Wave/Magic Coat ~ Confuse Ray/Magic Coat ~ Shadow Ball/Magic Coat
All right. Make a Substitute (10%) to avoid those nasty statuses. Then go all out with Seed Bomb for the rest of the round.

Substitute(10%)~Seed Bomb~Seed Bomb
Mawile vs. Blazie, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Gazing around at a whole lot of nothin'
Shadow's Commands: Thunder Wave/Magic Coat ~ Confuse Ray/Magic Coat ~ Shadow Ball/Magic Coat

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Why can't we be in an interesting enclosed white room? :/
Holly's Commands: Substitute 10% ~ Seed Bomb ~ Seed Bomb

Arena : Boring Enclosed White Room

It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.

Round One: Begin

The room is white. The room is enclosed. The room is boring. The room is so boring, in fact, that there is little sense in dwelling on its appearance or nature when the shuppet and treecko just released from their poké balls are infinitely more interesting, even when they just stand there and glare at one another while awaiting commands. Let's pay attention to them instead, shall we?

Just as eager to alleviate the monotony of the boring enclosed white room as anyone, Holly the treecko leaps into action. A sphere of greenish energy flickers into being between her hands and quickly grows, swelling out into a ball that is easily the size of the treecko herself. A few gentle pokes and prods from Holly cause the ball to change its shape gradually, a tail poking out here, a leg or two there, and in a few moments the collection of green energy bears a reasonably close resemblance to its creator. A few more prods transfer just a bit of Holly's vitality into the glowing construct; satisfied with her work, she gives the substitute a quick pat on the shoulder before taking a step back and vanishing into thin air.

Shadow is not completely unfamiliar with the concept of substitutes, but the sight of Holly disappearing when there is clearly nothing but boring around for hundreds of feet is still a little mind-boggling. Shrugging it off for now, the little ghost instead points her horn at her new companion. The substitute, its face blank and impassive, does not react when a thin spark sizzles through the air and strikes it; indeed, Shadow notes with some dismay, the thunder wave doesn't seem to have had any effect on it at all. That... kind of sucks.

Her mood improves slightly when she sees the air next to the substitute ripple, Holly poking her head and upper body out of the distortion and peering back into the room at her. Aha! There's the tricky little devil! Surely Shadow can get her next attack in before Holly ducks out again--

The tightly-packed cluster of seeds fired from Holly's mouth feels uncomfortably solid as it collides with Shadow's body, nearly knocking her out of the air. It feels even more uncomfortable when it explodes. Raw life energy and brilliant light rocket free of nut and shell, banging Shadow up something awful and momentarily blinding her. When her vision returns to normal after a few seconds of rigorous blinking, Shadow sees that Holly is gone again and only the substitute remains. Frustrated, Shadow attempts to distract the substitute by wafting several airborne lights in its direction. Were the substitute actually sentient, it probably would be entranced by the floating will-o-wisps, mesmerized by the way they shift through the whole spectrum of colors while circling lazily around its head... but it is not sentient, and so the shuppet's confuse ray fails to move it entirely.

Holly is rather enjoying herself now, feeling as though she could keep up this game of hit-and-run for a good while before finally tiring of it. Why fix what ain't broke, after all? She squirms out of her little interdimensional hiding place just long enough to spit another wad of volatile seeds in the miffed ghost's general direction, then retreats immediately to snicker in safety. As before the seed bomb explodes on contact with Shadow, very nearly stunning her and pushing her further from frustrated and toward irate. Enough of this pussyfooting around—that substitute needs to get the heck out of her way and it needs to get the heck out of her way now. It will get out of her way, and then Holly will be sorry.

The tiny dot of darkness that materializes in front of Shadow's horn stands out harshly against the stark whiteness of the boring enclosed white room, moreso when it begins to increase in size at an exponential rate. Shadow reins it in when it starts to grow bigger than she is—no sense letting it get out of control, this needs to be perfect—and then points her horn at the substitute again before firing. Shadow ball slams into substitute, and a violent hissing noise fills the room as they connect. The shadow ball dissipates a few seconds later, the hissing dies down, and the substitute... is still standing. Its original cheerful green glow is now alarmingly dull and faint, and it seems to be missing an arm and part of its face, but Holly's body double is still very much around and very much in Shadow's way.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 80%
Energy: 84%
Status: Rrrgh! No fair!

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 90%
Energy: 81%
Status: Amused

Holly's Substitue: 1% health remaining

Arena Status: A few bits of seed are scattered on the ground beneath Shadow; otherwise, nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Blazie attacks first next round.
Success! It survived! :D

Let's begin with Swagger. If Shadow uses Magic Coat or Protect, use Synthesis. From then on as long as your substitute is intact, Chill. If it is destroyed, use Crunch.

Destroy the sub with Astonish, Imprison Crunch and every other move Holly's used, and then let's pummel her with Icy Wind.

Astonish ~ Imprison ~ Icy Wind

edit: typos.
Mawile vs. Blazie, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 80%
Energy: 84%
Status: Rrrgh! No fair!
Shadow's Commands: Astonish ~ Imprison ~ Icy Wind

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 90%
Energy: 81%
Status: Amused
Holly's Commands: Swagger/Synthesis ~ Chill/Crunch ~ Chill/Crunch

Holly's Substitute: 1% health remaining

Arena : Boring Enclosed White Room

It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.

Round Two: Begin

Shadow's mood does not improve when Holly puts in another brief appearance, especially when she realizes that the sole purpose of this visit is to fling verbal abuse her way. You're pretty bad at this, you know? Holly taunts, being sure to poke her head in and out of view at annoyingly intermittent intervals. Can't hit me, can't even break a simple substitute... man, I am so owning you right now! Shadow's vision fills with red and angry energy rushes through her as rage all but takes her over; the shuppet is so furious by the time Holly puts in her last appearance that she can barely think straight, let alone remember exactly what it was her trainer wanted her to do at the moment. Instead she hovers above the seeds scattered on the ground, fuming.

Her work done for now, Holly closes her eyes in her secret space and settles down for a light nap. She was feeling fairly good before, but the rest fills her body with even more energy. One can never be too prepared for a battle, after all...

Shadow finds that she is of much the same mind, when she can think at all, at any rate. That conniving little lizard might be sitting pretty now, but oh, there is no way she should be allowed to call all the shots in this battle from this point on! Dark, snakelike tendrils wend their way out of the shuppet's body and slither into position, almost painful to look at against the stark white of the boring room; they attempt to wrap themselves around the failing substitute, but it ignores them as stubbornly as always. Shadow hisses and spits, barely able to restrain herself as she waits for Holly to come back out and get what's coming to her.

When Holly decides to continue her catnap, however, Shadow can't take waiting any longer. The temperature immediately around the little ghost drops sharply and a stiff breeze picks up from seemingly nowhere. With a shrill snarl Shadow opens her mouth and spits a barrage of snowflakes and icicles at the offending construct, all of which are carried along by the rushing wind before tearing what's left of the substitute to shreds. Her scapegoat thus destroyed, Holly is forced roughly out of her hiding place and deposited on the hard floor, where she can now see quite clearly just how livid Shadow is with her. For just a moment she is slightly unnerved, but when the shadowy tendrils snake their way over to her and wrap around her head she cannot help but giggle a little. Contact with the imprisoning specters doesn't really feel like much, creepy though they may look, and when they reach into her mind and pluck a few select memories from it it almost tickles. Besides, whatever it is they took--she can't remember at the moment--it was nothing Holly recalled ever being able to do in the first place. The tendrils slink away again with their meager pickings, leave Holly still laughing as she rubs at the side of her head.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 80%
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack +2; Confused (mild); furious

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 90%
Energy: 96%
Status: Giggling

Holly's Substitute: broken
Imprison: Blazie's pokémon cannot use thunder wave, confuse ray or shadow ball (2 rounds, 1 action remaining)

Arena Status: A few bits of seed are scattered on the ground beneath Shadow. Ghostly tendrils slink along the sides of the room, waiting for an opportunity to attack the mind of another pokémon.

Ref's Notes
-Shadow was fully confused on the first action, and so she did nothing.
-I'm afraid that's not how imprison works in ASB (or ingame, for that matter)--it notes the moves that the user has used and prevents the opponent from using them. It won't stop moves that the user of imprison hasn't tried yet/is incapable of using.
-Mawile attacks first next round.
That's what I get for not paying attention, I guess~

First Frustration, then Payback twice. If she tries to inflict a status, Magic Coat.

Frustration/Magic Coat ~ Payback/Magic Coat ~ Payback/Magic Coat
First throw a Leech Seed at Shadow, then use Crunch twice - wait until Shadow has attacked with Payback before attacking her, if you can.

Leech Seed~Crunch~Crunch
Mawile vs. Blazie, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 80%
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack +2; Confused (mild); furious
Shadow's Commands: Frustration/Magic Coat ~ Payback/Magic Coat ~ Payback/Magic Coat

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 90%
Energy: 96%
Status: Giggling
Holly's Commands: Leech Seed ~ Crunch ~ Crunch

Arena : Boring Enclosed White Room

It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.

Round Three: Begin

Holly coughs once in a vain effort to hide the last of her giggles; she doesn't have her substitute any longer, so it's probably time for her to get serious. Shadow is still glaring at her from across the stark white room, surrounded by a faint, pinkish veil but not moving otherwise. The treecko pays the aura no heed, instead more concerned with maintaining her current advantage. She narrows her eyes, takes careful aim and then spits a seed at the hovering shuppet. But Shadow, in a moment of calm and control, is already prepared--the pinkish glow around her becomes solid a split second before the seed hits it, and the tiny projectile bounces off of the barrier and hurtles back toward its point of origin. Holly flinches, startled, when the seed strikes her; it is unable to take root on her body, so she is in no danger, but she never expected it to be repelled so easily...

Her swagger is gone only for a moment, however. Holly's mouth opens again, revealing several small, needle-like teeth that drip viscous dark energy. She pauses at that point, however, simply allowing the energy to build rather than actually attempting to bite. Shadow bristles, her rage bubbling back to the surface along with some dark energy of her own--why isn't the lizard attacking her? The shuppet can only wait for so long--not very long at all, actually--and ends up loosing her attack before Holly can so much as take a step. Shadow lowers her horn and charges Holly, stabbing repeatedly at her chest; the assault stings, but Holly is content with the fact that it has brought Shadow comfortably within reach. The second the would-be payback stops, the treecko leans forward and sinks her little teeth into Shadow's incorporeal form. The darkness sears Shadow's skin much more noticeably than it did Holly's, and it only incenses her further.

Shadow breaks away at length, struggling to keep herself calm and collected. This, again, doesn't last for long. The sight of Holly mocking her with bared teeth is simply too much to bear. Shadow charges again, jabs again, and, predictably, is bitten again. The pain from this second crunch seems to sober her up, at least a little; Holly, interestingly, feels much the same way. Those paybacks actually kind of hurt...

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 56%
Energy: 55%
Status: Attack +1; starting to calm down

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 68%
Energy: 74%
Status: Not quite as giggly as before

Imprison: Blazie's pokémon cannot use thunder wave, confuse ray or shadow ball (1 round, 1 action remaining)

Arena Status: A few bits of seed are scattered on the ground beneath Shadow. Ghostly tendrils slink along the sides of the room, waiting for an opportunity to attack the mind of another pokémon.

Ref's Notes
-Technically "seeded" is a status and is affected by magic coat, so Shadow tried to reflect leech seed; grass-types can't be seeded, however, so the reflected leech seed failed.
-Shadow's confusion faded at the end of the round; the attack boost has started to fade and will go away at the end of the first action next round.
-Blazie attacks first next round.
OH. IT'S A STATUS. Well, dangit. =/

Make as many clones as you can, to start off. Then use Leech Seed (but if she protects/Magic Coats/cannot be hit use Crunch instead.) And then Chill because you need to rest. (Unless Shadow has gotten rid of your clones or realized which one is you; then Crunch her again.)

Double Team~Leech Seed/Crunch~Chill/Crunch

Uh I'm tired and this probably has a million holes but I'm too lazy to come up with something more...better? ^^;
Mawile vs. Blazie, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 56%
Energy: 55%
Status: Attack +1; starting to calm down
Shadow's Commands: Faint Attack ~ Faint Attack ~ Faint Attack

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 68%
Energy: 74%
Status: Not quite as giggly as before
Holly's Commands: Double Team ~ Leech Seed/Crunch ~ Chill/Crunch

Imprison: Blazie's pokémon cannot use thunder wave, confuse ray or shadow ball (1 round, 1 action remaining)

Arena : Boring Enclosed White Room

It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.

Round Four: Begin

Holly straightens out her faltering smile after taking a good, long look at her opponent. She's still on top of this, she reassures herself. An easily-frustrated ghost isn't going to get the better of her. Especially not if it can't find her! Actual hiding places are in short supply in the stark white room, however, so Holly decides to make do with a little... company. The treecko drops to all fours and takes off in a wide circle around Shadow, sprinting as quickly as her limbs will take her. Shadow forces her eyes closed, still too riled up to risk confusing herself by trying to follow Holly's movements. She finds that this plan has backfired somewhat when she ventures another look, however: she is now surrounded by six identical Hollys and unable to tell which one is the original.

In the end, however, she doesn't have to be able to tell. The shuppet takes a deep breath and exudes a dark aura, her entire body going from purplish to black before fading away entirely. Holly and her clones, all panting slightly, are suddenly wary--where'd she go?

Holly's question is answered, and quite painfully at that, when Shadow erupts from the shadows in which she has concealed herself. The dark aura allows her to home in on the real Holly with ease, even though her eyes weren't enough to tell them apart, and she throws herself at the treecko. The decidedly solid smack knocks Holly to the ground, and the clones disappear just as suddenly as they arrived.

Watching Holly pick herself up from the floor, once again alone and completely exposed, finally seems to calm Shadow down. She floats back a ways, smiling contentedly. The return of her good mood means that she almost doesn't notice the second flying seed until it's too late. This time Holly's leech seed hits Shadow's side uninterrupted and sprouts without hesitation, thin roots snaking across the shuppet's body and digging in for purchase. Shadow shakes herself wildly in a bid to dislodge it, even continuing the struggling as she vanishes for another faint attack; by the time she barrels into Holly and backs off again, however, she is forced to admit that the seed is well and truly in there. As if it wishes to be absolutely certain Shadow won't forget about it, the seed begins its work and sucks a little bit of the ghost's energy away. The energy collects in little green orbs of light and drifts toward Holly, though the treecko still seems a bit too dazed to appreciate them at the moment.

She is able to get herself under control well enough to make another lunge at Shadow, though, and she sinks her teeth into her opponent's side (being careful not to bite through the leech seed's roots) as hard as she can--she's had enough of this faint attack nonsense and intends to give as good as she gets. Shadow screeches with pain and rushes to extricate herself from Holly's jaws, finally disappearing for a third time and leaving the treecko biting down on empty air. Shadow's next faint attack is a bit more tentative, her side now well and truly sore, but she gives Holly a good whack from behind all the same.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 42%
Energy: 40%
Status: Seeded (-1% health/action); uncomfortable, but glad she could vent her anger

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 44%
Energy: 54%
Status: Finally ready to take Shadow seriously, and not happy about it

Imprison: Blazie's pokémon cannot use thunder wave, confuse ray or shadow ball (1 action remaining)

Arena Status: A few bits of seed are scattered on the ground beneath Shadow. Ghostly tendrils slink along the sides of the room, waiting for an opportunity to attack the mind of another pokémon.

Ref's Notes
-Holly created five clones. Not that it mattered.
-Really sorry that it took a month to get to this. I'd say it won't happen again anytime soon, but with NaNo going on that's not likely. :/ I'll try and find time, though.
-The quality has probably suffered in my haste to get this done, for which I also apologize. Argh.
-Mawile attacks first next round.
Spite, then Icy Wind twice. If she tries to inflict a status, use Magic Coat. If she protects against the Spite, use Calm Mind.

Spite/Magic Coat/Calm Mind ~ Icy Wind/Magic Coat ~ Icy Wind/Magic Coat
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I assume you meant to say "icy wind twice" instead of magic coat, as per your command string?
Agh, double team < faint attack.

Screech, then Seed Bomb twice. 'Tis all.

Screech~Seed Bomb~Seed Bomb
Mawile vs. Blazie, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 42%
Energy: 40%
Status: Seeded (-1% health/action); uncomfortable, but glad she could vent her anger
Shadow's Commands: Spite/Magic Coat/Calm Mind ~ Icy Wind/Magic Coat ~ Icy Wind/Magic Coat

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 44%
Energy: 54%
Status: Finally ready to take Shadow seriously, and not happy about it
Holly's Commands: Screech ~ Seed Bomb ~ Seed Bomb

Imprison: Blazie's pokémon cannot use thunder wave, confuse ray or shadow ball (1 action remaining)

Arena : Boring Enclosed White Room

It's just as the title says-it's a plain white room that is big enough to hold about 5 Wailords.

Round Five: Begin

Being bludgeoned over the head repeatedly by a magical disappearing ghost is... not fun! Holly takes a few tentative steps back from where Shadow still hovers, eying the shuppet warily. At first, one might mistake the deep breath she takes in for nervousness; when she closes her eyes, puts her hands over her earholes and lets loose with a horrible, keening screech, however, the treecko's intentions become clear. The harsh noise rattles any unprotected eardrums in the vicinity with no remorse, sending Shadow in particular into a minor fit of extreme discomfort; even the inky tendrils of Shadow's earlier imprison seem to shy away from Holly, backing off toward one of the featureless walls before retreating into their own shadows and disappearing.

Shadow's ears continue to ring long after Holly finally quiets down, and she has to stop for a moment and try to clear her head before making her next move. Uncomfortable as she is already feeling, she'd really rather not have to continue to put up with more godawful screaming on top of that. Another dark mist, not entirely unlike the wispy imprison that dissolved mere moments ago, seeps its way outward from Shadow's body and creeps across the white expanse. The mist settles around Holly's head, and the treecko suddenly finds herself feeling a lot more uncomfortable than she had been before. It is almost as if tiny voices are whispering in her ears, nagging and tittering incessantly to themselves about her. The words are faint, broken, disjointed, but they get their message across with cruel efficiency—pathetic, really, that such a supposedly confident pokémon can't do any better than flail around and scream. Isn't screaming for people who are losing? Is she a loser? Probably she's a loser, then.

Holly wraps her arms around herself and whimpers a little, thoroughly unsettled even as the spiteful mist fades away. She's not a loser, she tells herself, she's not a loser, and she's going to prove it to those awful snickering voices starting by never ever screaming like that again. Probably never. She'd really rather not.

Besides, she reasons, shaking her head so as to get a grip on herself, she can prove herself a non-loser even more expeditiously by simply beating the tar out of her ghostly opponent. She knows the drill by now—she spits a cluster of volatile seeds across the room, smirking to herself as each tiny bundle of energy detonates upon contact with the shuppet's semi-corporeal body. Shadow is rocked right out of the air by the blast, and she remains on the grounds for a few moments; she is still somewhat frazzled by the screech.

Sore all over and now quite worried about her condition, Shadow decides to change tack. She's only going to be worse off if the treecko continues to get the jump on her all the time; she's got to find a way to slow Holly down and give herself more time to get the situation back under control. She hovers back into the air and shuts her eyes, exerting her ghostly influence on the air immediately around her. The temperature in her immediate vicinity falls off suddenly, and her tattered bottom flutters gently in the beginnings of a breeze. Within seconds the mild, chilly breeze is cranked up to a vicious, hissing wind, however, one that blasts its way across the featureless white room and batters Holly mercilessly. The treecko glances frantically to either side, hoping in vain for some sort of structure she might take shelter behind. None is available, unfortunately, and so she is forced to curl into a little ball so as to present as small a target to the icy gale as possible.

Shadow can only keep the assault up for so long, and after a moment or so she relaxes and allows the breeze to peter out. It takes a few seconds for Holly to uncurl herself after all that, and she winces as each movement cracks the paper-thin ice that is now coating much of her back and sides. The little grass-type, relatively comfortable only moments before, is now unpleasantly wet and cold. She has to fight to keep her shivering from throwing off her aim as she spits another volley of seeds, and indeed a few of them do in fact sail right by the hovering shuppet. Enough of them hit their mark for the resulting explosions to floor Shadow, however.

The air around Shadow is already painfully cold when she picks herself up from the ground; she can't afford to waste any more time taking Holly down, and with the heart of the leech seed still buried deep in her side, safe from the blasts, she is growing wearier and wearier by the second. Holly is once again battered by the fierce, icy wind, so cold and harsh that she dares not even keep her eyes open for fear of them icing over. Her back is almost whitish with frost when the attack finally stops, and she is feeling more miserable than she can remember being in a long, long while. A faint, greenish light surrounds Holly's body as her inner reserves of grass-type energy instinctively kick into overdrive, but she is far too cold to pay the rush of power any heed.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Mawile (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Shadow (F) [Insomnia]
Health: 11%
Energy: 23%
Status: Defense -2; Seeded (-1% health/action); aching all over and close to passing out

Blazie (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Holly (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 25%
Energy: 38%
Status: Overgrow active; Speed -2; Screech spited; uncomfortably cold and only slightly consoled by her opponent's sorry state

Arena Status: A few bits of seed are scattered on the ground beneath Shadow.

Ref's Notes
-Here, have a painfully-late reffing just in time for Christmas and too late for Hanukkah or... something.
-fyi, each level of speed reduction takes 10 points from a pokémon's base speed. Holly is currently still faster than Shadow by five points.
-Blazie attacks first next round.
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