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Lucas755 vs shadow_lugia

Diglett, use Sucker Punch on Nevra twice, then use... EARTHQUAKE. DUN DUN DUUUUUN.

Sucker Punch (Nevra) ~ Sucker Punch (Nevra) ~ EAAAAAARTHQUAAAAAAKE.

Ivysaur, you may have to be a martyr for the cause this round, but YOU WILL BE AVENGED.
Protect once, then two Strengths on Fern. If she Protects, use Swords Dance. If she protects in the last round, though, use Protect yourself.

Protect ~ Strength (Fern)/Swords Dance ~ Strength (Fern)/Protect

Venonat, use Zen Headbutt three times on Fern. If she protects, use Bug Bite on Pearl. If Pearl protects, use Agility. But in the last action, use Protect if Pearl uses Protect.

Zen Headbutt (Fern)/Bug Bite (Pearl)/Agility ~
Zen Headbutt (Fern)/Bug Bite (Pearl)/Agility ~
Zen Headbutt (Fern)/Protect

What an interesting game of Earthquake chicken this will be.
I am awfully sorry, I was going to post something, but my connection decided to be terribly horribly slow and then we went camping. Fortunately my mom and I went home early.

So, Nevra, I'll order you first. Let's completely and utterly protect you this round by not using damaging moves. First, use Calm Mind. Then use Confuse Ray on Diglett. Finally, try to kill Ivysaur with another Psychic.

Calm Mind ~ Confuse Ray [Diglett] ~ Psychic [Ivysaur]

Next, we'll do Fern. Venonat will try Zen Headbutt on you, but try to concentrate. We'll have Pearl take care of it. Just use Vine Whip on Diglett the first turn, and then use Sleep Powder on Ivysaur. Finally, another Vine Whip on Diglett.

Vine Whip [Diglett] ~ Sleep Powder [Ivysaur] ~ Vine Whip [Diglett]

Finally, we come to Pearl. Your main mission - to get rid of Venonat. First, use an Attract, which is always nice. Then use Psych Up on Nevra, to get the awesome stat changes. Finally, a Trick Room, so that we can go second again. It's always really convenient. Remember to act all concerned for Venonat after the Earthquake (unless Diglett faints whoo) to make the Attract all effective.

Attract [Venonat] ~ Psych Up [Nevra] ~ Trick Room

Narharhar I'm listening to Zelda music and it gives me ideas.
Round 6

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 24%
Energy: 53%
Status: “Bring. It. On. -1 Defense, -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 36%
Energy: 42%
Status: “**!*%@&*!!!@!” In rather excruciating pain.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 34%
Status: That can’t be good…

Team Shadow_lugia (XOOO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 36%
Energy: 41%
Status: Refreshed, but hesitant about the whole glowing thing… +1 Sp. Attack, +1 Sp. Defense.

Fern (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 25%
Energy: 54%
Status: Mentally exhausted, yet eager to release her newfound energy. -4 Defense. Overgrow active.

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 71%
Energy: 86%
Status: Injured, but pleased with herself now. -4 Defense​

While Ivysaur backs away reluctantly and brings up a protective sphere around herself again, Diglett, head still throbbing painfully, glares at the entire opposing team. This has been going on for far too long, he thinks, and begins gathering Dark energy around his underground claws, watching Nevra closely and preparing to attack the moment she shows any sign of aggression. The shuppet is just floating in one spot right now with her eyes closed, as if she’s concentrating on something and ignoring him completely, but he isn’t fooled - everyone knows that ghosts can’t be trusted! She’s just waiting for him to let his guard down, then she’ll strike! Of course, he’s much too smart for that - no, he’ll watch her as long as it takes, waiting for the opportune moment…

Pearl, seeing that her other two opponents seem to be otherwise engaged, turns her attention to Venonat. Squeaking to get his attention, she bounces over to the purple bug, trying to make her body language as endearing as possible. She smiles and bats her eyes at Venonat, complimenting him on his battling skills - even though she only joined the fight recently, it’s quite obvious that he’s the most skilled of his team - and oh, she’s just so impressed by how brave he is, taking on all three of them practically all by himself. Surprised by the sudden - but not entirely unwelcome - attention, Venonat averts his gaze bashfully, as if to say, Aw, I’m not that good… but her praise, while a little over-the-top, does make him feel rather warm inside, especially coming from such a cute…

…for the love of Arceus, will his trainer stop screaming at him? I get it, Zen Headbutt, I heard you the first time, jeez! Way to ruin the mood… Reluctantly turning away from Pearl (though he gives her a “see what I have to deal with?” shake of the head so she knows it’s not his decision, as her opinion is suddenly incredibly important to him), he lowers his head and takes careful aim at Fern. With great force of will he pushes aside thoughts of Pearl for now, meditating to build up psychic energy; Fern, trying to sneak up on Diglett with a vine extended, fails to hear Pearl’s warning in time, and is taken completely by surprise as Venonat rushes up and rams into her headfirst. Thrown off balance, the ivysaur stumbles to the side, using her vine to keep herself from falling over; in addition, the shock of the unexpected attack messes up her focus - she shakes her head irritably, trying to regain her composure, but her attack on Diglett seems to be a lost cause.

Ivysaur, realizing that no one’s going to attack her, drops her Protect shield with an annoyed grunt. She’s still overflowing with the energy her plant is pumping into her, and would much rather release some of it into her opponents than just defend herself right now. She spots a disoriented, beaten-up Fern, and smirks - Perfect. With a wild cry she charges at the other ivysaur, ready to unleash all her strength against her… Fern, however, quickly whirls around to focus on this new threat, shaking her leaves and flower to release a cloud of white spores in front of her. Ivysaur can’t slow down in time and rushes through the cloud, inhales some of the powder, and instantly feels herself growing drowsy. Still, she stumbles the rest of the way over to Fern, eyes full of determination even as she struggles to keep them open… and then collapses on her stomach not a foot away from her intended target, eyes closed and completely zonked out.

Fern listens to Ivysaur’s snoring with satisfaction, glad that at least that worked. She has little time to feel proud of herself, though, as a distressed squeal from Pearl draws her attention back to the little bug that just attacked her. Venonat has his compound eyes on her once again, though he seems to be hesitating, no doubt from Pearl bouncing beside him, imploring him not to hurt her teammate. Her pleas are in vain, however - while Venonat does throw an angry glare at his trainer for making him upset the spoink, loyalty ultimately wins out over infatuation (plus, he reasons with himself, maybe his trainer will finally shut up after this and he can admire Pearl in peace), and he charges at Fern a second time.

The ivysaur tries to dodge, but moving aggravates her injuries; unable to get out of his path quickly enough, she is slammed by another psychically-powered headbutt, sending her flying backward and tumbling end over end until she lands on her side. For a moment, Fern just lays there groaning, her entire body smarting from its injuries and her thoughts bleary and unfocused; she makes a halfhearted attempt to push herself back up and is overcome by a rush of pain and dizziness; her vines fall limp to the ground as she finally blacks out.

Diglett barely acknowledges that another one of his foes has fallen, though he does notice the beam of light that removes Fern from the field - he is still completely focused on Nevra, waiting for the attack that he knows is coming. He may have had to give up on his earlier sucker punch - turned out Nevra actually wasn’t attacking then - but he’s already got another one ready and waiting! No way that ghost’s getting anything by him… Wait, what’s that light on her horn? Oh, right, just a confuse ray, not a direct atta- Light suddenly flashes in his eyes, causing Diglett to squeak in discomfort; he blinks several times, but the afterimages won’t go away, and he soon stops trying, transfixed by shimmering globes of light that only he can see. Pretty colors…

Pearl, feeling rather down again - taking Fern’s knockout by Venonat as a failure on her part to prevent it - turns her attention to the snickering Nevra, her one remaining ally. Closing her eyes, she concentrates on the shuppet, allowing her body and mind to synch up with the other’s. Opening her eyes again, she instantly finds herself much more alert than before, her mental processes strengthened considerably.

At around the same time, Ivysaur’s snores transition into half-conscious mumbling, as the soporific effects of Fern‘s powder begin to wear off. Groggily, she gets back to her feet, stumbling a bit as she tries to get her bearings. As the field comes back into focus, she feels like something is missing… someone… wait… wasn’t there another… Aw, come on! She scowls at Diglett and Venonat; yeah, they’re on the same team, but she still can’t help feeling like they’re stealing her knockouts! Save one for me, guys, seriously! Without Fern, she doesn’t really have a clear course of action; noticing Nevra grinning evilly at her, she decides that the Protect option her trainer gave probably wouldn’t hurt, and quickly throws one up.

While Nevra tries fruitlessly to break through Ivysaur’s defense, Diglett and Venonat sit off in their own separate worlds, neither paying the others the slightest bit of attention. Diglett is still entranced by the lights bobbing around in his vision - somewhere in the back of his mind the instruction of EARTHQUAKE! lingers, but the only sign that he may be attempting this comes when he absently slams his face into the ground, accomplishing nothing like the earth-shattering tremor his trainer presumably had in mind, though it certainly compounds the mole pokemon’s headache. Venonat, meanwhile, has eyes only for Pearl now; he sits a little ways off from her, not yet daring to get too close (he’s sure she’s angry at him for knocking out her teammate, which he feels quite guilty over), admiring her from afar, and lost in contemplation of the numerous reasons why the two of them are absolutely perfect for each other.

The object of his affection, however, shows little interest in him right now; Pearl is deep in concentration, trying to pull off a distortion in the time-space continuum - surprisingly enough, a very difficult feat. Psychic energy swirls around her pearl as she twists and warps the lines of time around the entire football field. With a jolt, the other combatants are all suddenly overcome by the sense that something, something they usually take for granted about reality, is off, though they cannot for the life of them pinpoint just what it is. Pearl opens her eyes, pleased with her efforts; Venonat sighs happily, not entirely sure what she just did, but certain that it was amazingly powerful and impressive and perfect, just like her; and, on the sidelines, Lucas755 starts giving his pokemon their new commands, though with a nagging feeling that he was supposed to be letting shadow_lugia go first this time…

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 24%
Energy: 43%
Status: Ticked off at his teammates. -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 31%
Energy: 30%
Status: Completely out of it. Confused (severe)

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 22%
Status: …And she’s purple, just like me! …Well, purple-ish. Grayish-purple. Whatever. We’re totally similar. Attracted to Pearl (severe)

Team Shadow_lugia (XXOO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 36%
Energy: 28%
Status: Amused at Diglett’s antics. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense.

Fern (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 0%
Energy: 51%
Status: Knocked out!

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 71%
Energy: 74%
Status: Guilty over not stopping Venonat. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense​

Terrain notes:
A small, Diglett-sized tunnel leads down about eight feet underground, to a small, hastily-built cave big enough for two small pokemon.
Trick Room active (2 more rounds).

Battle notes:
Ivysaur’s defense penalty wore off in the first action.
Fern flinched on the first action.

Next round:
Due to Trick Room, Lucas755 attacks first.

Okay then. Diglett, chill until you're not confused anymore. Then use Shaodow Claw on Nevra.

Chill/Shadow Claw (Nevra) ~ Chill/Shadow Claw (Nevra) ~ Chill/Shadow Claw (Nevra)

Ivysaur, use Seed Bomb on Pearl three times. If they use an attacking move, Protect.

Seed Bomb (Pearl)/Protect ~ Seed Bomb (Pearl)/Protect ~ Seed Bomb (Pearl)/Protect

Venonat, use Signal Beam three times on Pearl.

Signal Beam (Pearl) ~ Signal Beam (Pearl) ~ Signal Beam (Pearl)
I am very tired but I guess I need to post these.

So, Nevra, Diglett is going to try screwing with you all round. He'll just chill until he stops being confused, but we'll just have to screw with him, now won't we? Use a Taunt, then a chill of your own, followed by a Sucker Punch.

Taunt [Diglett] ~ Chill ~ Sucker Punch [Diglett]

Pearl, everyone else will be attacking you, which sucks. I have an idea, though; jump down the hole to protect yourself for the round (hopefully) and use Calm Mind twice.

Jump down hole ~ Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind
Round 7

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 24%
Energy: 43%
Status: Ticked off at his teammates. -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 31%
Energy: 30%
Status: Completely out of it. Confused (severe)

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 22%
Status: …And she’s purple, just like me! …Well, purple-ish. Grayish-purple. Whatever. We’re totally similar. Attracted to Pearl (severe)

Team Shadow_lugia (XXOO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 36%
Energy: 28%
Status: Amused at Diglett’s antics. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense.

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 71%
Energy: 74%
Status: Guilty over not stopping Venonat. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense​

Giving up on breaking through Ivysaur’s defenses, Nevra drifts over to the addled Diglett, who is currently digging around in circles, eyes wide and crazed-looking. The ghost snickers, highly amused, and floats down to be face-to-face with him, giving a sharp “Hey!” to get his attention. Diglett turns in her general direction and starts trying, with considerable difficulty, to focus on her, but Nevra doesn’t wait - she begins taunting him in pokemon speech, snarking about the mole’s failure to successfully carry out his trainer’s orders, and how he must be absolutely terrified of her if he couldn’t even carry out a sucker punch against her… It’s not clear if Diglett comprehends much of Nevra’s speech, but he clearly doesn’t like her mocking tone; anger now mixes in with confusion in his eyes, and he squeaks indignantly, digging slowly forward to attack…

Venonat, meanwhile, isn’t paying attention: he’s still staring dreamily at Pearl, debating with himself over whether or not he should humor his trainer and make at least the appearance of attacking her. He really doesn’t want to, but the human is getting really unreasonable and annoying (maybe whatever Pearl did is messing with his brain?), and he wonders if it might be better to just pretend to attack and get it over with. Besides, he thinks, she’s faster than him, right? So by the time he attacks she’ll already be out of danger, and he’ll miss and his trainer will think he tried and everyone will be happy. Perfect!

Proud of his reasoning, Venonat aims his antennae at Pearl, which begin to shimmer with blue and red bug-type energy, producing a loud discordant droning like a massing swarm of beedrill; this energy twists together into a brilliant two-toned beam that bears down on Pearl. Smiling internally, Venonat begins preparing a faux-apologetic look to give to his trainer after he misses… then a pained squeal from a very familiar voice slashes at his heart with an absol’s cold blade.

Pearl, Venonat notes in horror, was apparently not as fast as he’d anticipated. A painful-looking red welt on her chest marks where the signal beam struck; the injured spoink gives Venonat such a pained look of betrayal that he just feels like curling up in a corner and dying. He hurriedly tries to stammer an apology - Though what paltry words could possibly make up for this? - when another attack comes Pearl’s way, this one with actual intent to harm. Ivysaur’s seed bomb, bloated with the added energy of her overgrowth, bursts apart in a tremendous explosion of greenery, throwing the unlucky spoink to the ground and eliciting more agonized buzzing from her devastated admirer.

Grimacing, Pearl pushes herself back to her tail and regains her bouncing rhythm. She can feel the power of her trick room pushing against her, slowing her down, but she eventually makes her way over to Diglett’s hole. She eyes it critically - it certainly doesn’t seem large enough for her - but she tries to hop in nevertheless… and winds up stuck in the ground, unable to fit into a tunnel meant for a tiny diglett. Only her tail is fully underground, leaving Pearl in the predicament of having nothing to bounce against, and she squirms frantically, trying to get herself out of the hole before her heart starts failing…

By this point, Diglett is finally ready to attack Nevra (which feels odd, as, were he in a more lucid frame of mind, he would have sworn he could move faster than this), who just floats in front of him grinning incorrigibly. He readies his claws… but completely forgets what attack he was supposed to use, charges at the ghost regardless in his rage, passes right through her, and winds up tripping over his own forelegs underground (something indeed possible but mortifyingly embarrassing for the diglett species). His head drops beneath the surface with a squeak, followed by the scuffling sounds of a diglett trying frantically to untangle its limbs, then pops back up, scuffed and bruised.

Stretching her tail out, Pearl manages to push against the wall of the tunnel and wriggle herself out of the hole. Without any time to lose - she can already feel her heartbeats becoming weaker - she sets herself bouncing again, trying to concentrate on calming her mind for her trainer, since she didn’t manage to get underground. She keeps an eye on Venonat, but quite unnecessarily: even if he was disposed to attack her again, it’s doubtful that he can even hear his trainer over his continuous ashamed, buzzing moans. It’s obvious that, if he possessed tear ducts, Venonat would be sobbing his compound eyes out; he keeps glancing at Pearl to make sure she’s all right, then quickly looking away, feeling unworthy of looking at her. His thoughts now are almost entirely a depressing litany of self-berating along the lines of: I’m the absolute worst venonat in the history of everything.

Ivysaur rolls her eyes at her teammate’s melodramatics, and decides to snap him out of his annoying love-induced paralysis… by means of a seed bomb to his beloved’s face! Venonat’s head jerks up at the explosion and accompanying squeal of pain, to see Pearl, bruised and battered, thrown almost a full yard line away by the force of the seed bomb. He cries out in anguish, then turns an awful, buggy glare on Ivysaur, who for her part just seems utterly stumped as to why violence didn’t solve this problem.

Meanwhile, Diglett’s little underground fall seems to have knocked him at least partially back to his senses - he’s still quite angry, and the bump on his head isn’t helping his headache any, but his gaze is sharp and focused again, undistracted by any illusory fairy lights. Turning around, he sees that Nevra seems to be resting and doing nothing to defend herself; taking the opportunity, he digs forward and strikes upward, his briefly-viewable claws flickering with ghostly energy that allows them to harm the shuppet, and neatly slices off a few wispy strips of ectoplasm from her body. Nevra cries out in shock and pain; she floats out of Diglett’s range, but keeps a wary eye on him, preparing to strike first should he try that again…

Paying little attention to this, the other three combatants continue on with their own dilemmas. Pearl concentrates to build up her mental strength even further, but can do nothing against the third seed bomb that Ivysaur sends her way; consequently, Venonat nearly explodes in outrage, buzzing furiously at his teammate, who responds with a weary “you’ve gotta be kidding me,” look. The insect looks about ready to attack Ivysaur himself in defense of Pearl, his inmost loyalty to their trainer just barely holding him back.

Again making his move after everyone else, Diglett makes to strike Nevra again with his shadow claw. Anticipating his attack, Nevra zooms in while his guard is down and delivers a vicious sucker punch before he can react. He yelps, but it does put the shuppet back in range of his claws, and he manages to cut off a few more strands of papery ghost-stuff before Nevra can get out of the way.

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 24%
Energy: 28%
Status: Dude, come on, enough with the soap opera… -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 19%
Energy: 20%
Status: Worn out and in pain.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 18%
Status: Conflicted by guilt and anger. Attracted to Pearl (severe)

Team Shadow_lugia (XXOO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 18%
Energy: 27%
Status: Not quite so amused anymore. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense.

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 41% (capped)
Energy: 68%
Status: As calm-minded as one can be after three direct hits with a seed bomb. +4 Sp. Attack, +4 Sp. Defense​

Terrain notes:
A small, Diglett-sized tunnel leads down about eight feet underground, to a small, hastily-built cave big enough for two small pokemon.
Trick Room active (1 more rounds).

Battle notes:
Diglett snapped out of confusion on the second action.
Diglett is no longer Taunted.

Next round:
Shadow_lugia attacks first.

Wow, I suck. I'm very sorry; I have no excuse for taking this long. I'm still committed to finishing this as long as you guys want to, so let's keep the chaos going!
Oh wow, between finals and D&D I totally didn't notice this update. Not sure if I already count as DQed, but here we go just in case:

So, Nevra, Diglett is being a huuuuuuuuge bastard to you right now. First, let's see what an Icy Wind does to him. You're running low on energy, so Chill, and then use a Psychic on Ivysaur.

Icy Wind [Diglett] ~ Chill ~ Psychic [Ivysaur]

Pearl, I think it would be appropriate to use a Zen Headbutt on Ivysaur for REVENGE. Next, a Light Screen would be really helpful, especially for Nevra, and finally, how about a Body Slam on Diglett.

Zen Headbutt [Ivysaur] ~ Light Screen ~ Body Slam [Diglett]
Ivysaur, pump yourself up even more with Swords Dance, then hit Nevra with a couple of Seed Bombs. If Nevra faints, switch it to Pearl. If you feel like you're going to pass out from exhaustion at any point, just chill.

Swords Dance/chill ~ Seed Bomb (Nevra/Pearl)/chill ~ Seed Bomb (Nevra/Pearl)/chill

Diglett, protect yourself from that icy wind. Next, use Shadow Claw twice on Nevra, or Pearl if Nevra faints. If you feel like you're going to pass out from exhaustion, just chill.

Protect/chill ~ Shadow Claw (Nevra/Pearl)/chill ~ Shadow Claw (Nevra/Pearl)/chill

Venonat, just chill out until you're not attracted anymore. Once that's over with, use two Signal Beams on Nevra, or Pearl if Nevra fainted. If you're still attracted in the third action and Nevra hasn't fainted somehow, try to hit her with a Signal Beam.

Chill/Signal Beam(Nevra/Pearl) ~ Chill/Signal Beam(Nevra/Pearl) ~ Chill/Signal Beam(Nevra/Pearl)
Round 8

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 24%
Energy: 28%
Status: Dude, come on, enough with the soap opera… -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 19%
Energy: 20%
Status: Worn out and in pain.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 18%
Status: Conflicted by guilt and anger. Attracted to Pearl (severe)

Team Shadow_lugia (XXOO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 18%
Energy: 27%
Status: Not quite so amused anymore. +2 Sp. Attack, +2 Sp. Defense.

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 41% (capped)
Energy: 68%
Status: As calm-minded as one can be after three direct hits with a seed bomb. +4 Sp. Attack, +4 Sp. Defense​

Still seething with rage, Venonat gives his trainer an incredulous look as he is ordered to do nothing and relax for now. Yeah right, he thinks accusingly, and then you’ll tell Ivysaur and Diglett to gang up on Pearl! Not on my watch. Defiantly, he trots over right between Ivysaur and Pearl, gives his teammate a gesture of I’m watching you, and sits himself down, chilling a bit like his trainer ordered, but staying alert and ready to intercept any attacks his evil teammates might send Pearl’s way.

Nevra, meanwhile, scowls at Diglett, the wounds from the mole’s shadow claws still stinging horribly. Hoping to slow him down a notch, she quickly exhales a light gust of freezing wind at him… but her attack only leaves a thin coating of frost over the spherical energy shield that suddenly springs into being around the tiny pokemon.

As this occurs, a purplish blur suddenly shoots past Venonat and slams hard into Ivysaur, sending her tumbling over onto her side with a pained yelp. Shakily, Ivysaur gets to her feet; through blurry vision, she sees Pearl hopping in front of her, the large pearl above her head shimmering like a crystal ball.

Aching all over, and psychic feedback from the spoink’s attack leaving her feeling woozy and uncoordinated, Ivysaur nevertheless forces herself into a fighting stance, whips out her vines, and throws herself into a rapid swords dance. Her body becomes a blur as she spins, cracking her vines and slashing the air with slightly crumpled leaves. The intensity of the dance extends even to her mind, clearing away her muddled thoughts and heightening her awareness of the battlefield. When she brings the dance to a close, retracting her vines with a final flourish, her eyes are focused and alert… and staring at the shuppet a ways over whose attention seems far too focused on Diglett…

Drawing once again on the overgrowth of energy flowing through her body, Ivysaur produces another hard-shelled seed and fires it from her blossom. The explosion catches Nevra in the back of the head, blasting her painfully into the ground, where she lays groaning, her wispy body spread out on the ground like a sheet of tissue paper.

Concerned for her partner, who doesn’t look like she can take much more, Pearl hops a little closer to the ghost (dodging around Venonat, who is still trying to stay between her and danger - the spoink can’t help but feel a little touched). Her pearl shimmers again with an inner light, then begins to glow in earnest, the light forming an aura in front of both Pearl and Nevra. This aura soon coalesces into two solid-looking spheres of light surrounding the two pokemon.

Nevra doesn’t acknowledge her teammate’s effort on her behalf - in fact, she’s in so much pain right now that she doesn’t really feel like doing much of anything. She just tries to relax, using as little energy as she can in the hopes that she can push herself to keep going for just a little longer… Unfortunately, this does nothing to stop Diglett from tunneling up next to her and slashing her once more with shadow-coated claws. She cries out weakly, but the cold pain of the shadow claw overwhelms her senses, and before she can do anything more she has flopped to the ground, unconscious.

Pearl watches with mounting concern as the ghost dissolves in a beam of red, leaving her alone… with three opponents… Heh…heh…

Quickly trying to make herself look calm and unconcerned, she takes stock of her enemies. Venonat remains standing uncertainly off to the side, his antennae twitching nervously as he keeps a compound eye on both her and Ivysaur; he looks the healthiest of the three, but she thinks she can count on him being on her side… for now. Diglett is battered and bruised and breathing raggedly, plus is still slowed down by her Trick Room. And Ivysaur… well, the same Trick Room effect causes Venonat’s warning cry to reach her just a bit too late…

Ivysaur grins fiercely as another seed bomb finds its mark. She looks even more beat up than Diglett at the moment and is steadily growing more and more fatigued, but now, with the combination of the swords dance and her body’s overgrowth, she’s never felt more pumped-up and alive in the entire battle. She just laughs in exhilaration as Venonat buzzes furiously at her, all thoughts of chilling having vanished from his mind, accepting her teammate’s emotional distress as a necessary cost of victory. Arceus, I love these triple battles!

Arceus, I hate these triple battles, Diglett thinks to himself. But, hey, at least he just took down the shuppet, so this should all be over for him soon, one way or the other… speaking of which, he sighs resignedly and braces himself for impact as Pearl, recovered from Ivysaur’s attack, sproings! high into the air and falls straight for him. Sixty-seven pounds of spoink slam into Diglett from above, smashing his head into the ground - literally.

As soon as Pearl gets back onto her tail, Diglett pops back out of his hole. Looking a little disoriented from yet another blow to the head, he nevertheless glares at Pearl before slashing her with the same shadow claw technique that proved so useful against Nevra. As the spoink hops away, grimacing at the bleeding claw marks on her chest, she briefly feels a strange twinge at the back of her mind… Her opponents, and the humans as well, all independently notice the same feeling, but before anyone can pinpoint it, it is gone - and with it the strange, indefinable sense of off-ness that had suffused the area for the past few minutes.

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 9%
Energy: 16%
Status: Best. Battle. EVER. +2 Attack, -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 9%
Energy: 5%
Status: About ready to drop, and not horribly averse to that possibility.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 28%
Status: “WHAT do you jerks think you’re DOING?!” Attracted to Pearl (severe)
Chills: 2/5

Team Shadow_lugia (XXXO)
Nevra (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 0%
Energy: 32%
Status: Knocked out!

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 15%
Energy: 55%
Status: Trying not to feel too overwhelmed. +4 Sp. Attack, +4 Sp. Defense. Light Screen active (3 more actions)​

Terrain notes:
A small, Diglett-sized tunnel leads down about eight feet underground, to a small, hastily-built cave big enough for two small pokemon.
Trick Room is no longer active.

Battle notes:
Venonat recovered less energy on the first two actions due to being distracted by attraction, and didn’t chill at all on the third.

Next round:
Shadow_lugia attacks first.
Fagh I'm sorry you have to keep giving me DQ warnings.

So, Pearl, you're on your own. Ivysaur and Diglett are pretty low on health, and Venonat is kind of just sticking up for you. Poor guy, he's such a little trooper <3 I don't want to attack him, he's too cuddly and lovable. Um, anyway, first use a Psychic on Ivysaur, hopefully knocking her out. Second, another Psychic, this time on Diglett, for the same purpose. On the last turn, if you didn't knock Ivysaur out, use Psybeam on her, and if you did, chill.

Psychic [Ivysaur] ~ Psychic [Diglett] ~ Psychic [Ivysaur]/Chill
Alright, let's try to manufacture a no-KO. Diglett, start out by chilling. Next, capitalize on her attacking attempts with a Sucker Punch. If she's not KOed by then, use Sucker Punch again.

Chill ~ Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch

Ivysaur, try to stay alive. Start off with Protect to block that nasty Psychic, then hit her hard with Seed Bomb. If she's not KOed, end it with another Seed Bomb.

Protect ~ Seed Bomb ~ Seed Bomb

Venonat, don't you want your lovely Pearl to look even lovelier? If you use String Shot on her, she'll love you for sure! And it won't even do damage to her! After that, you can just chill out! You can even go talk to Pearl, if you just obey me on that first command. :D

String Shot ~ Chill ~ Chill
Round 9

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 9%
Energy: 16%
Status: Best. Battle. EVER. +2 Attack, -1 Sp. Defense. Overgrow active.

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 9%
Energy: 5%
Status: About ready to drop, and not hugely averse to that possibility.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 28%
Status: “WHAT do you jerks think you’re DOING?!” Attracted to Pearl (severe)
Chills: 2/5

Team Shadow_lugia (XXXO)
Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 15%
Energy: 55%
Status: Trying not to feel too overwhelmed. +4 Sp. Attack, +4 Sp. Defense. Light Screen active (3 more actions)​

Still hurting from Diglett’s most recent attack, Pearl watches each of her three foes carefully, eyes darting between them, hoping rather desperately that they’ll give her a break - and for now, that appears to be what they’re doing. Venonat, still utterly smitten with her, is glaring death at both of his teammates; Diglett, ignoring him, is practically collapsed into his hole in exhaustion, taking the moment to rest up (though, if his muttering is any indication, he may have reached the point where he’d have done so anyway even if his trainer hadn’t told him to); and Ivysaur is standing uncharacteristically still, staring at Pearl intensely but otherwise taking no action.

Well, I can at least take out the most annoying one… The spoink gathers up energy, her pearl shimmering brightly, and strikes at Ivysaur with as much psychic power as she can muster. She grins triumphantly… then frowns as her mind seems to run into an impassable barrier. Her spirits drop as she sees a shimmering energy field surrounding Ivysaur, protecting her mind from psychic intrusion and ruining what Pearl is starting to think may have been her last chance. Ivysaur just smirks at her. That’s right, little spoink, battle’s over.

An immense sense of overwhelming descends upon Pearl as Ivysaur stalks leisurely towards her, while at the same time Diglett forces himself up and starts burrowing her way. His rest doesn’t seem to have done him much good - he looks as exhausted and irritable as ever - but his annoyed glare conveys a message to Pearl with almost psychic-like clarity: I have just enough energy to finish this, and that is what I intend to do. Just give up and make it easy on all of us so I can go back to my pokeball already.

For a second, Pearl almost feels like doing just that - but then she thinks of her trainer, still standing behind her even with impossible odds, and of Fern and Nevra and whoever she had replaced, and her resolve sharpens. She glares determinedly at her two foes and prepares to go down fighting, her pearl shimmering again as she readies herself for one last attack…

As he watches his teammates gang up on Pearl, Venonat buzzes miserably from his spot behind them. He should defend her, he should do something, but… what can he do at this point? Diglett’s too fast, Ivysaur’s too tough… nothing he could do would be enough to change the outcome for very long. Despondently, he plops himself on the ground and starts resting like his trainer ordered, resigning himself to just watching… Still, he does notice the determination in Pearl’s eyes, and his heart bursts with admiration for the spoink’s refusal to give up.

And in less than a minute, it’s all over. Diglett predicts Pearl’s psychic attack and socks her with a quick sucker punch, and before she can recover from that and complete her attack, another seed bomb courtesy of Ivysaur strikes the finishing blow. The explosion throws Pearl to the ground and, after a second of groaning and struggling to get up, her eyes close as she finally loses consciousness.

Team Lucas755 (OOOO)
Ivysaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 9%
Energy: 5%
Status: Oh yeah! Who’s the most awesome ivysaur in EVER?!

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 9%
Energy: 7%
Status: Woo. Pokeball now, please.

Venonat (M) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 46%
Energy: 38%
Status: *sigh* Even in defeat, she was perfect…
Chills: 3/5

Team Shadow_lugia (XXXX)
Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 0%
Energy: 49%
Status: Knocked out!​

And with that, the battle is over! The pokemon are all recalled, and Lucas755 and shadow_lugia share a handshake before the referee hands out their rewards.

Lucas755 earns $32; Venonat and Ivysaur each gain 2 experience points, and Diglett gains 3.
Shadow_lugia earns $9; Spectre, Fern, Nevra, and Pearl gain 1 experience point each.
And I earn $20.

Great battle, everyone!
I don't mean to bump this from the second page or anything, but I've been gone until now. Good battle, shadow_lugia.
Oh yeah good battle.

I find it kind of hilarious that Attract still hasn't worn off. Venonat is such a hopeless romantic.
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