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Mike the Foxhog vs. sreservoir

Eh, Mike, you have to select any two of these: paralysis, poison, confusion, sleep and burn.

Because, well, let's say Natural Gift may have different effects with certain users.
Oh yeah. Damn it D:

Well um go with sleep and burn I guess. May as well stop her doing anything and do some damage while I'm in this mess :p
Oh yeah. Damn it D:

Well um go with sleep and burn I guess. May as well stop her doing anything and do some damage while I'm in this mess :p

Natural Gift - Varies Varies 100%
Target: Single
Class: Projectile
Stat: Physical
Contest Type: Final-Action Bonus
Contest Score: +20 (+40)


If the signature move deals no damage whatsoever, then Natural Gift has 0 BP and has the effect "Select any two of paralysis, poison, confusion, sleep, and burn. Both the user and the target opponent gain these status conditions."

The performance of natural gift is similar to that of secret power--the user concentrates their natural power into a beam of pure energy that has the attack's appropriate attributes.

you need to read those descriptions!

(also would natural gift ignore evasion? hrml.)

(also maybe you need the other two commands?)
As far as I'm concerned, Natural Gift would not skip an evasion check, as the no-miss effect is specific of the non-signature move version.

Note also that, since Mike picked Sleep (and Burn but that matters less), he doesn't really need to clarify on the other two. If the first one misses I can assume the command is to try with these effects again (if Mike wants otherwise, though, do specify).
Yeah, I meant go with those effects for all three.

And yes, I do need to read the descriptions; I keep forgetting a handful of moves don't work as they do in the games. Sorry Dx
(now I think of it I'm sure Porygon learns Swift or some other move that can't miss, but I suppose it's too late to re-order now.)
Though Shock Wave would be ineffective against a Larvitar and Aerial Ace would be impossible with the lack of a bridge.
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 18

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 65%
Energy: 49%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense.
Condition: SUN DAMMIT
Commands: Natural Gift (Sleep, Burn) ~ Natural Gift (Sleep, Burn) ~ Natural Gift (Sleep, Burn)

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 25%
Energy: 43%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed.
Condition: SAND DAMMIT
Commands: Double Team ~ Taunt/Double Team ~ Sandstorm/Taunt/Double Team

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles. Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. Gumshoe and Godot have arrived at the scene and are fixing the bridge. A great ball of fire hangs above the battlefield (14 more actions).


The wires connecting the two ends of the chasm were up, and it was only a matter of time until the bridge was back to relative usability. Until then, one further round of projetile slinging was expected to take place.

Pseudodino, bathing in the "rays" of the fireball up on the night sky, felt more confident now, despite being severely damaged. A few minutes of not being whipped at her quadruple weakness was good -- a whole round of it, better. Trusting that the next orders would let her seize the lead, she put the extra vigor earned earlier with Dragon Dance to a use -- namely, to sprint around the snowfield, reaching speeds she would ordinarily fail to, produing a standard batch of five afterimages.

Exabyte was not so trusting about its commands (for a robot, that is). Earlier rounds had it actually taking precautions to minimize or plain and simply eliminate the odds that the attack would miss. But, this time around, there was no such a thing -- it was expected to just fire a barrage of blasts across a chasm, through a curtain of floating rocks and upon a single correct target, camouflaged between five doppelgangers.

It was no wonder that, when a straight and preditable blast of energy was shot toward the Larvitar, it hit little more than a rock wall behind her -- "little" meaning an illusion and maybe a pebble or two.

This left plenty of room to insult the Porygon. Even the twenty yards of distance could not stop the most part of the foul mockery that sreservoir's Pokémon spat from being captured by the programming code beast's artificial hearing sense, booting up a specific reaction. An overreaction, to be precise.

Wanting nothing less than to scientifially rip its enemy's throat out, yet with a tall cliff preventing that much from occouring, the Silph Co. manufacture was forced to endure its cybernetic rage quietly. Focusing on that task drained all attention that would otherwise be direted to things like following orders and battling properly.

The time bought by the accursed (perhaps literally so) Taunt was enough for the green armor clad creature to make it very clear who she intended to have dominating the match. In a move that showed deliberate disregard for struggles from both parties one round earlier, she summoned howling winds and arcane forces from the ground again. In no time, the great floating flames were obscured by a thick cloud of sand and debris, and eventually eaten away by it.

Just then, both of the men who had been fixing the bridge up to that point started bouncing and pumping fists. It was not the sandstorm that they were rejoicing over, but rather, that the bridge was, once again, ready to be stepped on for a few more spells.

Fortunately or not, the end of round was signaled before one still enraged Exabyte could race across the Eagle River to perform brutal murder.

Round 18 – End

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 63%
Energy: 45%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense. Taunted (1 more action).

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 25%
Energy: 32%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed. Four Double Team clones remain.
Condition: Hoping to turn the tables regardless of how much those Solarbeams hurt earlier.​

Arena status: Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. A sandstorm is raging (14 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again.

Additional notes:
- By the way, all that fuss about Natural Gift reminded me that I forgot to include Exabyte's signature move in its stat listings. It's in there now.
- The first Natural Gift missed, the two others were not performed due to Taunt. The lack of a bridge also stopped Struggle from being spammed.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
Allllllrightythen. Swift first to get rid of those clones. Then bring the sun back out and use Solarbeam. Use Agility if it protects but don't move on until you get a Swift in.

Swift/Agility ~ Sunny Day/Agility/Swift ~ Solarbeam/Agility/Swift
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 19

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 63%
Energy: 45%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense. Taunted (1 more action).
Commands: Swift/Agility ~ Sunny Day/Agility/Swift ~ Solarbeam/Agility/Swift

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 25%
Energy: 32%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed. Four Double Team clones remain.
Condition: Hoping to turn the tables regardless of how much those Solarbeams hurt earlier.
Commands: Chill ~ Taunt ~ Chill

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. A sandstorm is raging (14 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again.


The 3D origami crane and the battalion of green-armoured little beasts took positions, each at one side of the bridge, eager for the signal to arrive, as the ones who had once more fixed the bridge each went away to mind their own business.

The time to battle came along. The horde of afterimages had no intention of moving just yet; rather, they idly sat by, one of them clearing her mind from the thrill of the fight, the others merely following along.

There was no ignoring the maddened Porygon across the bridge, though. With a furious stomp that made the cliff-crossing construction shake, it blasted a wide-ranged flurry of thin, star-shaped beams. The attack moved swiftly, effortlessly swiping across the illusions and destroying all of them, leaving the original one to face the music -- no difficult task, as her tough hide provided decent protection.

Pretending to be completely unaffected, Pseudodino ridicularized Exabyte's performance, sending it into a blind rage once more.

The programming code critter had no mind to follow his trainer's commands. Its anger took its focus away from the annoying weather conditions; it surely had no mind to stop attacking in order to follow a couple of silly orders that would soon be counterpunched anyway. Instead, it elected to do a simple attack, spinning its torso and using the momentum to hurl its head at the enemy. A clear and powerful strike, but almost too powerful -- it has never been a good idea to bang one's head onto a rocky carapace.

Seeing its enemy settle down and rest again, Mike the Foxhog's Pokémon saw the chance to sneak an attack. Careful to avoid notice, hoping to bring forth grievous vengeance, he tried hard to gather energy from the air -- very difficult in the cold nighttime and in the sandstorm. Unfortunately, it could not unleash it before the round ended.

Round 19 – End

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 59%
Energy: 35%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense. Taunted (1 more action). Charging a SolarBeam.

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 13%
Energy: 50%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed.
Condition: Starting to feel the pain that she had neglected for a chance to win.​

Arena status: Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. A sandstorm is raging (11 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again.

Additional notes:
- Struggle was used at the second action.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
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Surely Exabyte should only have Struggled on the second action? Its default command for the third was Solarbeam.
Hm... I misread your conditionals. So, I'll update the reffing.

EDIT: Updated.
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:( I needs more struggle! although apparently, Pseudodino's hp is actually up, so I'm not complaining.

go hide behind a rock and just rest and chill a bit.

and thankfully, dream eater should only be able to deal 8%, drain 4%, and should cost 7%-8% energy to execute, because otherwise it would probably screw this over. although I might actually still be screwed depending on how you ref chills. eh, I'm probably spending way too much on the rest anyway. mm, should have 7% left? eh, I'm screwed.

rest ~ chill ~ chill
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Guess we've nothing to do first action but unleash Solarbeam. Then Chill and use Recover so we stand a chance against post-sleepytiems Pseudodino. Sure we'll end up energyfainting instead, but.

unleash Solarbeam ~ chill ~ Recover
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 20

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 59%
Energy: 35%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense. Taunted (1 more action). Charging a SolarBeam.
Commands: Solarbeam ~ Chill ~ Recover

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 13%
Energy: 50%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed.
Condition: Starting to feel the pain that she had neglected for a chance to win.
Commands: Rest ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. A sandstorm is raging (11 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again.


Numerous howls of bloody murder later, the signal to begin the round was dealt.

Already hearing her enemy yell "SHOOP DA WHOOP", Pseudodino knew there was no time to waste. As quickly as she could, she threw herself on the bridge, ignoring its vicious wiggles as a light blue aura engulfed her and all the grazes and burns on her hide. Just after Exabyte fired the Solarbeam, it could see that it was too late to finish her; nonetheless, the attack struck true, giving its target new injuries to worry about.

The Porygon was still seeing red, and plus, it was frustrated. But, it was coming to its robotic senses, and knew that it could not ignore the fact that the situation was starting to turn on it. So, awaiting for a better chance to nail the hostile, it sat a brief spell with an energy saving mode. Likewise, its opponent was peacefully restoring energy in her sleep upon the bridge.

While the Larvitar still rested, Mike the Foxhog's Pokémon perked up again and started to perform numerous procedures. Defragmentation, troubleshooting, antivirus scans, all that jazz. With far mroe efficiency than any Rest could grant, it completely healed itself. However, the multiple processes were rather tiresome to pull off all at once, and for such, the artificial animal was rather bushed by the time it was done.

The sandstorm tirelessly blew around the battlefield, the wild gale bringing with it stormclouds. The battlers could feel it; something bad was about to happen.

Round 20 – End

Mike the Foxhog (XOO)
Currently out: Exabyte
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signature Move: Download Freeware
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 98%
Energy: 19%
Status: 2+ Attack, 2+ Special Defense.
Condition: Feeling like going on sleep mode.
Performed: Solarbeam ~ Chill ~ Recover

sreservoir (XOO)
Currently out: Pseudodino
Female Larvitar
Ability: Guts
Health: 80%
Energy: 26%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1+ Speed. Asleep (Self-induced; 1 action left).
Condition: Having dreams of unsteady ground.
Performed: Rest ~ Chill ~ Chill​

Arena status: Pointed stones float around sreservoir's end of the bridge. A sandstorm is raging (8 more actions). The bridge has been fixed, and the battlers may attack from close range again.

Additional notes:
- This is going to be a long, long fight.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
Get in another Chill while she's still asleep. Then spam Icy Wind to conserve energy. Chill if she Protects.

Chill ~ Icy Wind/Chill ~ Icy Wind/Chill
chill, then spam dragon dance in the face of icy winds, because sand and way to much hp to care; the real problem is energy.

chill ~ dragon dance ~ dragon dance
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