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Dwagie vs Typh

ffffffffffuuuuuuuuu when did you ref this mike i was about to yell at you to ref this hnnnnn- ahem.




Yum Neck-Om Nom Nom-Crunch / Swords Dance x3
Round Twelve
Wuffles (XO)

Amaturasu (F) <Inner Focus>
Health: 74%
Energy: 31%
Status: "yum neck".
Crunch/Swords Dance ~ Crunch/Swords Dance ~ Crunch/Swords Dance

M'colleague (XO)
Shawn (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 70%
Energy: 46%
Status: feeling really poorly. Badly poisoned (3% damage this round; 4% next round)
Zen Headbutt/Zen Headbutt/Zen Headbutt

Beginning to run out of ideas for arenas, the referee thinks for a moment, shrugs and gets to work scribbling the next arena. A few spiky squiggle-ish shapes on the ground later and the arena comes to life; the floor remains blank and white, but oddly crunchy as the battlers' feet sink into it up to the knee. The arena is covered with snow, flakes of which billow down from the sky like grains from some cosmic salt shaker. The spiky shapes spring from the ground, forming pine trees, completing the snowy atmosphere.


Shawn shakes off the snow that is starting to build up on his body and cranes his neck round to rub his bite wounds with his muzzle. He looks at the half-buried Riolu who caused them and lets out a snarl, bent on revenge. Ducking his head, he charges toward Ammy, his head glowing blue as he concentrates his psychic energies into his head. Ammy pushes a lump of snow aside just in time to be greeted by Shawn galloping towards her, and in a split second he collides, slamming his skull into hers. The Riolu yelps as she is bowled over helplessly and sent skidding through the snow, her head spinning from the impact. The dazed Riolu staggers to her feet, reorientates herself, and flings herself furiously at her aggressor, her razor-sharp fangs wide open. She latches onto her target's neck ferociously and bites down hard, causing Shawn to rear back in agony. He shakes his head frantically, trying to dislodge the Riolu, but Ammy digs her teeth in deeper and hangs on tenaciously for quite a while before a final flick from Shawn frees her jaws and sends her careening into the air.

Gingerly, Shawn curves his body to allow his tail-head to lick clean the badly bleeding bite wounds covering his neck. The pain makes him even more determined, and with a vicious snort he ducks his head and again gallops full-tilt at his opponent, his scalp glowing with the same blue light as before. Ammy, beginning to get somewhat worn out by the exertions of battle, fails to react in time and again is smashed into full-force with the momentum of a galloping mini-giraffe. Ammy collapses with a squeak of pain into a lump of snow, and after a savage growl leaps back out and sinks her jaws into her opponent's neck. Shawn lets out another agonised moan, wishing his neck weren't such a goddamn huge target, as the third bite in a row begins to take its toll on the nerves in his throat. The pain build-up has become unbearable, and Shawn desperately tries to fling the little dog off of his neck, spraying blood all across the pure white snow. Finally his bucking succeeds in flinging Ammy away, and with a sigh of relief Shawn once more starts carefully tending to what remains of his neck.

The giraffe winces again as he recalls his final command; another head based attack?! How can he attack with an extremity that barely has anything securing it to his body any more?! With a pitiful sigh, Shawn carefully lowers his ragged, bleeding neck and charges half-heartedly towards Ammy. He half-hopes she'll jump out of the way; with his wounds he'll probably come off worse from any collision. However the Riolu is still too worn out to escape the path of even the lumbering Shawn, and a weak Zen Headbutt sends her crashing to the ground. She growls up at Shawn, and the Girafarig retreats hurriedly before she can get her jaws into him again. Ammy picks herself up, confused; even a headbutt that weak should have hurt more than it did. Shrugging it off, she gnashes her fangs and licks her blood-drenched muzzle, ready for another helping of neck. She then realised she's pretty darn pooped from all that straining to keep her hold on her opponent's neck, and weighing it up in her head she doesn't really feel like using all that much effort. She satisfies her bloodlust by performing a ritualistic fighting dance, summoning the strength deep inside her and warming up her muscles ready to finish off that silly giraffe. Her dance draws to a close as the snow melts and the trees shrink back into the ground, returning the stage to the usual blank slate rather than the fluffier blank stage with the trees. The venom in Shawn's bloodstream gets to work on setting up a nice infection in his streaming neck wounds, inflaming the pain even further.

Wuffles (XO)

Amaturasu (F) <Inner Focus>
Health: 34% (CAPPED)
Energy: 14%
Status: worn out mentally and physically. +2 Attack
Crunch ~ Crunch ~ Swords Dance

M'colleague (XO)
Shawn (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 42%
Energy: 31%
Status: wishing he was dead. Badly poisoned (4% damage this round; 5% next round), -1 Defense
Zen Headbutt/Zen Headbutt/Zen Headbutt

Terrain Notes
Arena for this round: Snowy Valley; sound-based attacks will cause an avalanche, inflicting 10% Ice-type damage to both Pokémon.

Final Notes
- I don't recall whether I've ever reffed Pokémon bleeding before or not. I must be in a really violent mood today, I guess.
- Crunch #2 lowered Shawn's defense.
- have some pity for the damn neck will you that's like picking on the kid with big ears except you keep trying to eat his ears it's childish and uncouth
- M'colleague go


(That's Crunch - Crunch - Protect to you, Mike)
((I appear to have become very lazy))
(((ITT I faint of energy loss)))
Round Thirteen

Wuffles (XO)

Amaturasu (F) <Inner Focus>
Health: 34% (CAPPED)
Energy: 14%
Status: worn out mentally and physically. +2 Attack
Crunch ~ Crunch ~ Protect

M'colleague (XO)
Shawn (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 42%
Energy: 31%
Status: wishing he was dead. Badly poisoned (4% damage this round; 5% next round), -1 Defense
Chill ~ Facade ~ Facade

The arena remains blank for several minutes as the referee wracks his creativity-devoid brain for another generic arena idea to draw. After a brief consultation with one of the battlers, he decides to scrawl something fitting for what's probably going to be the last round of this battle- a rectangle. Standing at his spot to one side of the huge quadrilateral, he pops the lid back onto the pen, causing the desert of emptiness to transform into a floating metallic platform in the middle of an empty, dark void. The Pokémon get ready to finish the battle, or at least get rather closer towards finishing it than they had been previously.

As always, Shawn is first to act, and though not feeling especially tired, he follows his trainer's directions and settles down on the platform to chillax for a short while. He'll need to get his strength up for two actions of serious asskicking. His opponent, meanwhile, has rather less peaceful intentions, fired up from her dance last round and having developed rather a taste for giraffe. She jets across the platform and leaps onto her foe, jaws wide open, and once again sinks them into Shawn's flesh. The Girafarig is as unappreciative as ever of this, especially when it becomes a rude interruption to his naptime; however it takes far less effort than usual to dislodge the ravenous puppydog, and Ammy is soon flung to the ground, panting and wheezing in exhaustion. However her jaws managed to leave another nasty wound on her opponent's flank, cranking up the pain factor even further.

Shawn snarls (or whatever giraffes do instead of snarling) at Ammy, determined to keep her teeth off him for good. He trots towards her, limping slightly from the pain, and suddenly gets the idea to milk his injuries for all they're worth. He begins to limp heavily, practically crawling towards his opponent, dragging his back leg and groaning in pain at the top of his voice. Only exhaustion and a sadistic fascination with her opponent's pain stops Ammy taking advantage and rushing in to attack first. As Shawn draws near, a tiny smirk cracks on his face; he's got Ammy right in the palm of his, uh, hoof. After a few more exaggeratedly painful, lumbering steps, he suddenly lifts his front hoof and brings it crashing down on Ammy's skull. The Riolu yelps in astonishment as her foe pulversises her entire body relentlessly, stomping on every available inch of her body over and over as she whimpers in terror and agony. Satisfied she's had the beating of a lifetime, Shawn deals her a final kick and struts away. Ammy, however, isn't putting up with that sort of treatment. Despite every cell in her body trying to convince her to just drop off to sleep right there, she struggles off the ground, struggling to catch her balance as a result of her disoriented, tired, and beaten-up state. Then, with a final snarl, she lunges at her opponent with her jaws open once more. Shawn knows what's coming but is too injured to get out of the way, and Ammy's teeth tear into him for the umpteenth time. He begins the routine flail-until-she-lets-go approach, but it takes rather less effort to fling her away this time. In fact almost as soon as Shawn begins to struggle, Ammy's jaws slide effortlessly out of him. He turns around and limps up to her body, which is lying on the surface of the platform lifeless apart from the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. In fact, she's not even breathing; she's snoring. The referee rules that Ammy is too exhausted to continue the battle, and declares RandomTyphoon the winner. Shawn gives a delighted whinny and gallops over to his trainer, while Dwagie wordlessly recalls her slumbering Riolu, hopefully feeling terrible, the heartless slave-driver. The arena returns to a blank white void once again, and as Typh finishes congratulating her Girafarig and returning him to his Pokéball, the trainers begin to wonder how exactly they're to fet home...


Amaturasu (F) <Inner Focus>
Health: 17%
Energy: 0%
Status: knocked out!
Crunch ~ Crunch

M'colleague (XO)
Shawn (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 9%
Energy: 38%
Status: celebrating his hard-earned victory. Badly poisoned (5% damage this round; 6% next round), -2 Defense
Chill ~ Facade

Terrain Notes
- Arena for this round: Pathetically Drawn Final Destination; no items, Fox only.

Final notes
- the first Crunch lowered Shawn's defense.
- Ammy ran out of energy at the end of the second action.
- I just noticed I used Snow Valley twice herp.

Congratulations, m'colleague, a winner is you. Typh gets $16 for winning, Dwagie gets $6 for losing and I get $10 for reffing. As for experience, Cheshire and Ammy get 1Exp, Alya gets 2 for knocking out Cheshire and Shawn gets three for knocking out Alya and Ammy. Ammy also gets two happiness points.
Good battle guys~
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