Squornshellous Beta
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Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Waiting for a cup, you see that there is a maleHey there coffee please
Grabbing yet another cup, you see a femaleAs much as I like this place, I should probably stop while I still have some money left.
...After one more go.
Waiting for a cup, you see that there is a male
perched atop the counter, drinking out of a cup. It clings to your face as you leave.
Blindly trying to grab a cup off the counter, a femalelol facehuggers
Blindly searching for your coffee, you feel that a malelol more facehuggers
Trying to get your precious coffee, you feel a maleMore.
Yes, actually. I think I'll up the odds to 1/199.Wait. 1/175 odds have given three shinies in... 48 posts? Something's not quite right here. Are you suuuuuure it's randomized?
When you get your cup, you find that a femaleBeing tired. Mocha, plz.
A femaleone go
A femaleCoffffeeeee~